Topic: Administration to Reveal Plans for Katrina Housing Transitio
yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:34 PM

it should be illegal to build below sea level.

I mean if one valued human WOULD be illegal to build below sea level

Considering most of our coastal cities are at risk all the time, it doesn't matter if they are below sea level anyway.

People have chosen to live in areas that are flood zones, earthquake zones, tornado zones, fire zones, mudslide zones, etc... for all this time. Land is at a premium too so we cannot necessarily move all the folks out of these areas.

People are going to live in high risk zones and it will not get better, it will get worse as the populations grows.

When mother nature strikes we will help those it strikes no matter how many times it happens, and that is as it should be.

"People have chosen to live in areas"

my point exactly

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:37 PM

it should be illegal to build below sea level.

I mean if one valued human WOULD be illegal to build below sea level

Considering most of our coastal cities are at risk all the time, it doesn't matter if they are below sea level anyway.

People have chosen to live in areas that are flood zones, earthquake zones, tornado zones, fire zones, mudslide zones, etc... for all this time. Land is at a premium too so we cannot necessarily move all the folks out of these areas.

People are going to live in high risk zones and it will not get better, it will get worse as the populations grows.

When mother nature strikes we will help those it strikes no matter how many times it happens, and that is as it should be.

"People have chosen to live in areas"

my point exactly

And there are members of this country like me will continue to "chose" to pay taxes and help those who are struck by mother nature as long as they need it.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:40 PM
and I pay taxes as well. They made the choice to move back there...Mother Nature didn't make that choice. so therefore...the people bear some of the responsibility.

and since I do pay taxes....I don't feel that we should keep paying for bad choices made when it's done over and over

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:46 PM

and I pay taxes as well. They made the choice to move back there...Mother Nature didn't make that choice. so therefore...the people bear some of the responsibility.

and since I do pay taxes....I don't feel that we should keep paying for bad choices made when it's done over and over

Because I am logical enough to realize that mother nature will strike again and again as long as we live on this planet, I will continue to support those leaders who are like me at this level and keep up the support these people will need every time it happens.

I know that it is never right to blame the victims in these situations and I will never do it. They need help and it will be there for them.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:49 PM
and I am logical in my opinion as well. I do know nature will continue to strike...but I logically know that people can take certain steps to protect themselves as well as their property. and to not do all they can is insane. to keep going back in front of a moving train is insane. to throw money at a situation that doesn't get fixed is insane.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:51 PM
I suspect their are those that would say you aren't logical dragoness...just as there are some that will say I'm not. But I can see there is a difference of opinion and how things should be done....that is logical

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:51 PM

and I am logical in my opinion as well. I do know nature will continue to strike...but I logically know that people can take certain steps to protect themselves as well as their property. and to not do all they can is insane. to keep going back in front of a moving train is insane. to throw money at a situation that doesn't get fixed is insane.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:59 PM

temp...I guess you are paying for nothing. But if you didn't have insurance and you knew it would happen again and again...would you stay?
There was such a down right criminal way the insurance companies did people after the hurricanes here!!!! DOWN RIGHT CRIMINAL!!!!!! These people had insurance only to get the end..So look at people who had insurance.

Would I????? As winx has said some people dont have that choice.

Didn't State Farm leave Florida because of the hurricanes?

We are in the New Madrid fault line. One day we'll get the "big one" earthquake. The insurances quit letting brick homes get earthquake insurance. It will cost them too much to replace them when the earthquake hits. The frame homes can get it though.

What's going to happen to the people in the brick homes when the earthquakes hit?

Will somebody answer my question?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:01 PM
yes winx...some insurance companies pulled out because they were paying over and over and too much money. that happens in high risk areas.

but it's a risk we all take in life.

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:04 PM

yes winx...some insurance companies pulled out because they were paying over and over and too much money. that happens in high risk areas.

but it's a risk we all take in life.

What's going to happen to the people in my area that have brick homes and no insurance will cover them for earthquakes? We have earthquakes and we're overdue for a real bad one.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:07 PM
it is like car insurances. rates go up for many people to compensate for numerous accidents. if someone has an accident...the insurance can drop you and you might have to pay more in premiums for coverage somewhere else whether the accident was your fault or not. But I have full coverage insurance because there are peole driving without insurance and I would have to pay. even if the accident was caused by slick have to have insurance or you will have to pay out of pocket.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:09 PM

yes winx...some insurance companies pulled out because they were paying over and over and too much money. that happens in high risk areas.

but it's a risk we all take in life.

What's going to happen to the people in my area that have brick homes and no insurance will cover them for earthquakes? We have earthquakes and we're overdue for a real bad one.

probably the tax payers. I have no problem helping those in need but I get a bad taste in my mouth when those people knowingly keep putting themselves in high risk areas.

I don't know how it is there but here mortgage companies require home owners insurance to protect their investments. if someone drops the coverage, they can default on the loan

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:13 PM
a good question would be winxie..if one was devastated by the loss of a brick home in a earthquake..

what kind of house would you rebuild???

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:15 PM

yes winx...some insurance companies pulled out because they were paying over and over and too much money. that happens in high risk areas.

but it's a risk we all take in life.

What's going to happen to the people in my area that have brick homes and no insurance will cover them for earthquakes? We have earthquakes and we're overdue for a real bad one.

probably the tax payers. I have no problem helping those in need but I get a bad taste in my mouth when those people knowingly keep putting themselves in high risk areas.

I don't know how it is there but here mortgage companies require home owners insurance to protect their investments. if someone drops the coverage, they can default on the loan

I honestly don't remember if we're required to have it. I do have it. Flood and earthquake insurance are extra riders on the policies.

Now the insurance companies here won't let people that own brick homes take out the earthquake insurance. Shame on them!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:15 PM
the key point is learning from life and not keep repeating the same things.

take the car analogy....if I was driving in a rain storm without insurance and hit a slick spot in the car gets totalled...who should bear the cost or at the very least the brunt of the cost? me. because I knowingly drove without insurance and took the risk

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:17 PM
Edited by Winx on Fri 06/05/09 11:18 PM

the key point is learning from life and not keep repeating the same things.

take the car analogy....if I was driving in a rain storm without insurance and hit a slick spot in the car gets totalled...who should bear the cost or at the very least the brunt of the cost? me. because I knowingly drove without insurance and took the risk

We've had earthquakes and tornadoes and floods. We're not moving.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:17 PM
i dated a guy (years ago) that worked in flood insurance...mainly for lakes etc but did evaluations on other parts of the country. a lot of mortgage companies hired them to see if the house being built was in a flood zone...if it was they required flood insurance. this way if it flooded they wouldn't be at a loss

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:19 PM

the key point is learning from life and not keep repeating the same things.

take the car analogy....if I was driving in a rain storm without insurance and hit a slick spot in the car gets totalled...who should bear the cost or at the very least the brunt of the cost? me. because I knowingly drove without insurance and took the risk

We've had earthquakes and tornadoes. We're not moving.

I'm in tornado alley. I have seen a tornado coming down I 20 here. I have also been in a typhoon. I made the choice to take the risk. I made the choice to have insurance (not just home owners that they required) but if I made the choice to live in a high risk area without insurance to help protect me, then that is my choice.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:19 PM
laugh I keep forgetting my main profile pictures and keep wondering who is posting laugh i need a nap lol

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 03:47 AM

Again I pay to live in pariadise and dont feel I have to defend doing it.

Watch what you wish for mother nature can strike anywhere.

I pay for flood insurance and this place has never flood. Dosnt seen fair with all floods up north....

Therre wasnt a hurricane here for 30years till charley...