Topic: Why do men always only want a skinny girl.
WolfSpirt's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:01 AM
In answer to Pinkys question, there are a lot of shallow men out there,
in stead of getting toknow the person, they have animage in their mind
about what the girl/guy needs to look like before they even get to know
the person first.I think some of it has to do with the way women or men
are portrayed in magazine or in movies. This goes far beyond the weight
of a person, but alsogoes into Race, Relegion, nationality. If we were
to do away with all that,just think how much better it woulkd be.I feel
sorry for the human race if this continues, why cantpeople of all this
just livetogeter (I dont mean physicaly, but in our every day lives, as
friends neighbors, countries)glasses

pl9864's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:10 AM
To be honest,sometimes skinny women are more high maintenance.I've never
dated a skinny woman and have always prefered a woman with "some meat on
her bones".I've never been attracted to small women.I love when a woman
is confident but not ****y,physical but not over bearing,sexy and not

no photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:11 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

bigsmile Just give the asss holes a big smile, and say KISS MY
ASSS,,,,,,,,bigsmile :wink: :heart:

mdl7070's photo
Sun 05/13/07 10:56 AM
i could tell you all. but it would be my opinion, then when feelings get
hurt. i would be the bad guy, so i will reserve that for the select few

buttons's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:03 AM
have ya ever stopped to think.... humm maybe a skinny gal can have
beauty on the inside too?

buttons's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:06 AM
not that i am skinny.... but i hear this stuff all the time.. i think
its a insecurity issue..

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:08 AM
I agree Buttons...It can work both ways...People who only see the
outside are shallow regardless if one is thin or not so thin!!!!!!!!!

Beauty of a person's spirit does not discriminate!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

buttons's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:09 AM
thank i think u said it better than melaugh laugh thats what i meant
..flowerforyou flowerforyou

Trizar's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:14 AM
I have seem overweight women with their men a lot... both seem happy.
But Im the guy that believes you have a soulmate somewhere. And you do
too... more than one.. you will find him, i know this.

mdl7070's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:19 AM
ok i will tell what my line of thinking is.

i myself do not want the barbie doll thin or model looking women, but in
the same sense i do not want someone that is obese. and my line of
thinking is this, i keep myself in decent shape but i am not fat by any
means. why should i get into a relationship with someone that doesnt
take care of them selves? yes there are people that are wonderful on
the inside but if your not attracted to a heavyset person then your not
attracted. i have more resons than what i have posted.

now if you all want to be mad and say i am shallow for saying this then
so be it. but there is alot that will secretly agree with what i am
saying also.

just remember this is my opinion you dont have to agree with it or like
it because it is mine.

no photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:22 AM
Whats really important is what is in your heart. How you feel towards
people and how you treat people.

buttons's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:26 AM
bigsmile bigsmile i call that good thinking mdlsmooched

SheNerd's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:36 AM
Kalispellbob, I couldn't agree more.

SheNerd :)

auburngirl's photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:44 AM
This thread reminds me of a bit that Ron White does. He's one of the
stand-up comedians in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. He talks about
getting older, tummy getting bigger, boobs sagging, eyesight and hearing
getting worse; all fixable things....then says "But let me tell you
something folks..You can't FIX Stupid!"

The outside stuff is just fluff. A brain, a heart, strength,
charcter...that is what matters. Hmmm I just realized this is sounding
a bit like the Wizard of OZ now! lol

no photo
Sun 05/13/07 11:47 AM
I can understand where you're coming from. I have always been
overweight, and I for one would really like to get down to where I would
look good in some wrangler jeans and all that, but it isn't really easy
to do on your own. I think I could do it if I had the inspiration, and
maybe if you got with a girl that had a weight problem, you could work
out with her and help her make her goal and she would feel much better
about herself. I know I would feel much better about myself. I now have
somebody I can do that for, but he isn't right here with me, so I will
have to try doing it on my own for now, but I know that he wants me for
me and what is on the inside, for my good heart and soul. That makes me
feel good, because believe me, when you think nobody cares, you begin to
not care either. The last guy I dated wanted me to get fit, so I
started trying to watch what I ate and all this, the good news is that I
have lost 13 pounds since then, but I need to lose some more, but he
told me that I have to do it for me because I want to not because he
wanted me to. Well, unless he was going to be there to give me
inspiration, I was going to give up, well, I almost have, but still am
trying to lose some weight, but a personality is there whether they are
big or small. Best wishes to these girls that are having trouble
finding a guy out there that will take the time to get to know them
before they say they wouldn't want them. There are different traits
you don't see right off the bat, it may take a little time. So do some
searching before you judge. Thanks, Happy Mothers Day to all you

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:00 AM
Pinky, girl, don't be messed up about it. I used to be 285 pounds and I
felt the exact same way. I'm still on the thick side.

I'll tell you what my mama always told me: Men don't know what they want
till they see it. Anyone worth your time will see you for who you are.
Hey, lots of men love thick women. I haven't been single for more then a
few months since I was 17 and I was quite a big girl then.

Just don't be so insecure, be happy in your own skin. YOU, baby girl,
are BEAUTIFUL. Just look in the mirror and tell yourself how gorgeous
you are. The more CONFIDENCE you have, the more men will react.

rivergirl301's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:11 AM
mdl7070: When you say, why should you (who "take care" of yourself) be
with someone who does not take care of themselves, I think you need to
specify physical fitness and not just the vague "take care of
themselves." I know thin men who have their teeth rotting out of their
mouths. That is not taking care of themselves! I just went to the
dentist last week. I take care of my oral hygeine. I am overweight, and
I am clean, wear nice clothes (go clothes shopping at least every few
weeks), nice jewelry and makeup, keep my hair really pretty. . .no,
physical fitness it not important to me personally or in a partner. If
that is a big part of what you are looking for, then there is not
anything wrong with saying that. But just because someone is overweight
does not mean they don't take care of themselves period, or in general.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:16 AM
flowerforyou :heart: yep! what they all said.

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 05:26 PM
MDL says it pretty well and I'll add that I tend to like women who are
close to my own size. I'm not so big anyway, and a woman substantially
larger than me would be a bad fit. Funny thing though height doesn't
seem to be the same as I like girls who are anywhere from 5 feet tall to
6 1/2 feet tall. I wonder why that is.

I don't smoke or drink either and I like girls who don't smoke or drink
or at least that don't do much of those. I guess it's just preference.

I had a friend who was very strong, muscular, Adonis kind of build. That
guy had a girlfriend that was 3 times his size and was completely in
love with her. I have a nephew who has a girlfriend who is twice his
size and swears she is the best thing that ever happened to him. He says
that larger girls will treat you better any day than thin girls and I've
never seen him date a thin girl.

So Pinky, Don't despair. You just have to meet the right guy. Remember
that huge numbers of people are going around without mates and with not
too much hope of finding one. Personally I've been pretty much alone for
years. I guess I've gone out on maybe three dates in the last 8 years,
two of which wound up going home with someone else. Oh well. One went
out with me to make someone else jealous and had me take her somewhere
her ex-boyfriend happened to be out with someone. That was interesting.

I'm OK with being alone mostly. Several of my friends are single too
with no prospects. I know one guy who says he won't have a girlfriend
who smokes or drinks or has tattoos or piercings or has ever been in
jail for anything. He thinks looks aren't so important and that
intelligence is much more important. He also never looks for a
girlfriend and has the opinion that sometime a friend or relative will
fix him up with the perfect mate. Man I need some of those rose colored

Pucks's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:48 PM
I dont want a skinny girl. i want a girl that is attractive to me, who
is intelligent, fun and interesting. She can have a little meat coz i
prefer a steak not a hot dog.
There are several things i look for....not just looks for me.