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Topic: When religion creates ignorance...
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Sun 05/17/09 11:46 AM
Edited by smiless on Sun 05/17/09 11:47 AM

<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant

Such a statement can only originate through hatred.

You have much to learn for such a statement can also be produced with no hatred.

I will dispute this!

Where do you want to start?

The only thing you are disputing is making yourself look silly.

There is nothing to dispute.

It is a matter of opinion that is all.

Because you assume to know all and have said so!
Have you seen into the light?
Can you see more than the most faithful?

Can you say without a doubt that God doesnt exist?

If you do say that then you are the one looking silly and are only fooling yor self.

Hatred, or spite!
Take your pick!

Chuckling at your remark.

I never mentioned I know all? Perhaps you are assuming. A very dangerous concept to assume. Look what atrocities have happened from assuming.

Did I ever mention I see more then the most faithful. I do have a opinion on it though.

Yes I could say without a doubt that God doesn't exist. Doesn't mean that it is right. It is a opinion that has nothing to do with intelligence.

"Hatred, Spite," is something that you started mentioning first. I never mentioned any of these words when I gave my opinion.

Comprehension starts with ones self!

You assumed it would be me who looks silly!

Im quite willing to show you in debate that it is not I who will look silly!

Well let us rewind a few posts.

First you mention such a remark can only be produced from hatred.

That is incorrect. There was no hatred created on the message I gave about religion. It is an opinion.

Second you mention that I believe I have all the answers and am all intelligent.

That is a incorrect assumption. I never mentioned in any of my posts that I am all intelligent and have answers for everything. I do have opinions.

So yes I find the replies silly, but what it is worth I will leave you geniuses to further elaborate on the topic "religion and ignorance".

Have fundrinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:47 AM

fanta...that was a direct reply to MY post...not what was before it. this is where we are arguing with you

If you cant keep up with a conversation in a string of posts rose
Dont participate!

I can more than keep up....maybe you should clarify better because YOUR post was a reply to MY post...if we misunderstood what you meant...MAKE IT CLEARER AND NOT ARGUE. YOU said my statement originated from hatred...not a post or 2 before me slaphead

Im not your damn translator.
That's your responsibility to follow along. I wont keep backing up.

Perhaps you should go gather a few more infatuated minions to back you up!

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:47 AM
in the case of the OP...murder is not accurate IMO

The precise definition of murder varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Under the Common Law, or law made by courts, murder was the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. The term malice aforethought did not necessarily mean that the killer planned or premeditated on the killing, or that he or she felt malice toward the victim. Generally, malice aforethought referred to a level of intent or reck-lessness that separated murder from other killings and warranted stiffer punishment.

The definition of murder has evolved over several centuries. Under most modern statutes in the United States, murder comes in four varieties: (1) intentional murder; (2) a killing that resulted from the intent to do serious bodily injury; (3) a killing that resulted from a depraved heart or extreme recklessness; and (4) murder committed by an Accomplice during the commission of, attempt of, or flight from certain felonies


yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:49 AM

fanta...that was a direct reply to MY post...not what was before it. this is where we are arguing with you

If you cant keep up with a conversation in a string of posts rose
Dont participate!

I can more than keep up....maybe you should clarify better because YOUR post was a reply to MY post...if we misunderstood what you meant...MAKE IT CLEARER AND NOT ARGUE. YOU said my statement originated from hatred...not a post or 2 before me slaphead

Im not your damn translator.
That's your responsibility to follow along. I wont keep backing up.

Perhaps you should go gather a few more infatuated minions to back you up!

again...when you post that to MY post....without being specific that it regards another post...then anyone with half a brain would think it was meant toward me.

THAT is the reason for the arguement...if you can't handle it...maybe you should be a little more clearer in your posts OR reply to the post you meant the comment for. not rocket science

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:51 AM

apparently Fanta..YOU are the one not keeping up. smiles agreed that it's not exclusive and there doesn't have to be hatred in the statements

Smiles probably came in here on your request. On your inability to follow along!

He wasnt in the conversation and only took up your defense without reading the thread!

Talk about looking silly!laugh laugh laugh laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:51 AM
oh...and I think I'm doing a fine job making my own point ty...don't need back up. But I can admit when I post to a wrong post...because I know people make mistakes

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:52 AM

apparently Fanta..YOU are the one not keeping up. smiles agreed that it's not exclusive and there doesn't have to be hatred in the statements

Smiles probably came in here on your request. On your inability to follow along!

He wasnt in the conversation and only took up your defense without reading the thread!

Talk about looking silly!laugh laugh laugh laugh

paranoid much???? geez...I don't think I've ever talked to him besides the forums laugh

wtf...he wasn't defending me and, in fact, i was countering his post

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:52 AM
Again Fanta assumes.

Yellowrose can answer on her own without anyones help.

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:53 AM

<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant

Such a statement can only originate through hatred.

this is where you said it Fanta slaphead how does my statement originate from hatred????


What statement preceded that remark!slaphead
laugh laugh laugh

logic would dictate the following order of this quote

first statement quoted:

""<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant""

which got the following response:

""Such a statement can only originate through hatred.""

which raised the question:

""this is where you said it Fanta slaphead how does my statement originate from hatred????""

which was side stepped by:

What statement preceded that remark!slaphead
laugh laugh laugh


if you were referring to the statement made before you should have quoted the statement made before

but hey

what do i know

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:53 AM

fanta...that was a direct reply to MY post...not what was before it. this is where we are arguing with you

If you cant keep up with a conversation in a string of posts rose
Dont participate!

I can more than keep up....maybe you should clarify better because YOUR post was a reply to MY post...if we misunderstood what you meant...MAKE IT CLEARER AND NOT ARGUE. YOU said my statement originated from hatred...not a post or 2 before me slaphead

Im not your damn translator.
That's your responsibility to follow along. I wont keep backing up.

Perhaps you should go gather a few more infatuated minions to back you up!

again...when you post that to MY post....without being specific that it regards another post...then anyone with half a brain would think it was meant toward me.

THAT is the reason for the arguement...if you can't handle it...maybe you should be a little more clearer in your posts OR reply to the post you meant the comment for. not rocket science

Comprehension is key in a conversation rose.

Since you obviously lost that I will discontinue conversing with you!

You seem apt at twisting things beyond anyones comprehension!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:56 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 05/17/09 11:58 AM
Fanta is saying,
it is a parents right to kill their child if what necessary to save them goes against their religious beliefs.

See this is the problem. You use the wording "to kill their child."
Who said that? I didnt, and I would never assume there is a guaranteed cure for a child with a terminal illness.
The parents didnt give the child the illness did they? NO!
So who would assume that the parents are killing the child?

When religion creates ignorance...
The title of this thread assumes a certain level of conceit, a certainty of conscience morality, and an assumption of knowing the end results. (God like?)

Who are we to judge?

Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 05/17/09 10:23 AM
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Joined Tue 12/11/07
Posts: 18103
Sun 05/17/09 10:27 AMok....call me silly (I know you guys will any way ) but what makes a crime in most crimes is intent
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Joined Wed 09/26/07
Posts: 9268
Sun 05/17/09 10:27 AMOne thing I know for sure is that religion can produce ignorance.
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Joined Sat 11/11/06
Posts: 24671
Sun 05/17/09 10:29 AMQUOTE:

One thing I know for sure is that religion can produce ignorance.

And being free of religion makes you highly intelligent?
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Joined Tue 12/11/07
Posts: 18103
Sun 05/17/09 10:30 AM<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant
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Joined Sat 11/11/06
Posts: 24671
Sun 05/17/09 10:34 AMQUOTE:

<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant

Such a statement can only originate through hatred.
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 05/17/09 10:34 AM

If your going to back up. Do it far enough to include the whole conversation!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:57 AM
Need I remind y'all to debate the topic and not the poster?

Y'all aren't that favored by moderation are you?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:58 AM
careful adj....or I'll be accused of running to you too :laughing:

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 11:59 AM

Need I remind y'all to debate the topic and not the poster?

Y'all aren't that favored by moderation are you?

same goes to you. we are debating what YOU said

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:00 PM

<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant

THIS is the statement I made

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:00 PM

Need I remind y'all to debate the topic and not the poster?

Y'all aren't that favored by moderation are you?

same goes to you. we are debating what YOU said

Out of context, biased, and without a care for comprehension!

Feel favored?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:01 PM

fanta...that was a direct reply to MY post...not what was before it. this is where we are arguing with you

If you cant keep up with a conversation in a string of posts rose
Dont participate!

I can more than keep up....maybe you should clarify better because YOUR post was a reply to MY post...if we misunderstood what you meant...MAKE IT CLEARER AND NOT ARGUE. YOU said my statement originated from hatred...not a post or 2 before me slaphead

Im not your damn translator.
That's your responsibility to follow along. I wont keep backing up.

Perhaps you should go gather a few more infatuated minions to back you up!

again...when you post that to MY post....without being specific that it regards another post...then anyone with half a brain would think it was meant toward me.

THAT is the reason for the arguement...if you can't handle it...maybe you should be a little more clearer in your posts OR reply to the post you meant the comment for. not rocket science

Comprehension is key in a conversation rose.

Since you obviously lost that I will discontinue conversing with you!

You seem apt at twisting things beyond anyones comprehension!

slaphead not sure how I am twisting when I quoted things. I was asking you how my comment was originated from hatred

adj4u's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:02 PM

Need I remind y'all to debate the topic and not the poster?

Y'all aren't that favored by moderation are you?

well then if you want to use that approach

lets back up a bit

<----knows some people that aren't religious but are ignorant

Such a statement can only originate through hatred.

"""Such a statement can only originate through hatred."""

this could be construed as an inflammatory baiting response

so who is favored by whom

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:02 PM

Need I remind y'all to debate the topic and not the poster?

Y'all aren't that favored by moderation are you?

same goes to you. we are debating what YOU said

Out of context, biased, and without a care for comprehension!

Feel favored?

hardly...I asked you how my statement (that YOU quoted) was orginiated from hatred. plain and simple. if you are going to make a comment like that...of course I'm going to defend myself

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:05 PM
the topic is about belief vs modern medicine whoa

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