Topic: When religion creates ignorance...
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 05/18/09 03:52 PM

I still think religion can produce ignorancelaugh laugh drinker

laugh just as non laugh ignorance isn't exclusive laugh

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 04:16 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 05/18/09 04:16 PM
One question not answered is where is the Attorney ad Leiden for the child? I believe in some states its the law with any child in the court system....When I went to court for paternity my kid was appoint one even though her mom had her own...

Should this be mandatory for all minors in the court system regardless whether the parents have counsel? IMO yes

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 05/18/09 04:19 PM

One question not answered is where is the Attorney ad Leiden for the child? I believe in some states its the law with any child in the court system....When I went to court for paternity my kid was appoint one even though her mom had her own...

Should this be mandatory for all minors in the court system regardless whether the parents have counsel? IMO yes

I agree....I am not sure if the child had an attorney or not. maybe he did???? I agree the child should have an indepandant attorney that works for the best interest of the child....not the parents or doctors

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 05:12 PM

again if it can not be proven they are not living by their religion that they are using as a basis for their objection to said treatment

then their religious freedom as given by the constitution out ranks any busy bodied person that is trying to but in

Nice to see you have the balls to actually answer a simple question with a simple answer. While I do have serious conflicted feelings on the issue I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death.

using your argument can strip every right protected by the bill of rights

if a gun could lead to death ban them

if speaking on the street corner a a group of people concur gate a motor vehicle could hit them thus possibly causing death

if an article in the news paper is upsetting to some one that then kills a person spoken of in the article then ban news

shall i go on

the rights in the bill of rights are there for a reason

you start playing with them then soon there will be nothing to play with

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 06:53 PM

One question not answered is where is the Attorney ad Leiden for the child? I believe in some states its the law with any child in the court system....When I went to court for paternity my kid was appoint one even though her mom had her own...

Should this be mandatory for all minors in the court system regardless whether the parents have counsel? IMO yes

i asked this same question way back in the beginning of this thread


after rereading the article more closely i did see this:

Daniel's court-appointed attorney, Philip Elbert, called the decision unfortunate.

i guess i read it to fast or thought daniels was the last name of those involved

either way obviously the judge is going against the boys wishes

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:27 PM

One question not answered is where is the Attorney ad Leiden for the child? I believe in some states its the law with any child in the court system....When I went to court for paternity my kid was appoint one even though her mom had her own...

Should this be mandatory for all minors in the court system regardless whether the parents have counsel? IMO yes

i asked this same question way back in the beginning of this thread


after rereading the article more closely i did see this:

Daniel's court-appointed attorney, Philip Elbert, called the decision unfortunate.

i guess i read it to fast or thought daniels was the last name of those involved

either way obviously the judge is going against the boys wishes
We set age limits on alot of things because we feel kids are not mature enough to make the right choices..What would be the age you would say the child should have that say???? What if the child was say 6 years old?

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:12 PM

I still think religion can produce ignorancelaugh laugh drinker

I agree, we need only look around to see examples of it.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:14 PM

One question not answered is where is the Attorney ad Leiden for the child? I believe in some states its the law with any child in the court system....When I went to court for paternity my kid was appoint one even though her mom had her own...

Should this be mandatory for all minors in the court system regardless whether the parents have counsel? IMO yes

i asked this same question way back in the beginning of this thread


after rereading the article more closely i did see this:

Daniel's court-appointed attorney, Philip Elbert, called the decision unfortunate.

i guess i read it to fast or thought daniels was the last name of those involved

either way obviously the judge is going against the boys wishes
We set age limits on alot of things because we feel kids are not mature enough to make the right choices..What would be the age you would say the child should have that say???? What if the child was say 6 years old?

if the child could be tried as an adult for murder then the child should have that choice

there have been children tried as adults for murder

why the double standard i wonder

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:15 PM

again if it can not be proven they are not living by their religion that they are using as a basis for their objection to said treatment

then their religious freedom as given by the constitution out ranks any busy bodied person that is trying to but in

Nice to see you have the balls to actually answer a simple question with a simple answer. While I do have serious conflicted feelings on the issue I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death.

Not all Christians are the proverbial sheep stereo-type as some people may think. Most have brains and would have to agree here...

"I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death."

I am not a sheep! *Baa Baa* (I have no idea where that sound came from). laugh Sorry.

I am also one of the most freedom loving people you'll ever meet. :banana:

I repeat...I have to agree there are instances where someone has to step in...all the facts to this can't really be presented in a few paragraphs either as in OP. ohwell indifferent

But first and foremost I ask myself is it my business how they choose to treat their son's illness? To read some posts you'd think the parents were refusing treatment for him altogether. Or they were torturing him or something horrible.

Too many facts missing to draw concrete conclusion or opinion really about this for me like...

How sane are the parents?
What stage is his cancer?
Is it an immediate threat to his life?
What is his understanding of his illness and treatment alternatives?
Is his alternative treatment helping?
What is cure rate VS side effects of each treatment?

Hopefully his parents have sense and will make the appropriate desicions at the right time to help their own child, whom I am sure they probably want the best treatment for since he is theirs.

It would take an extreme situation for me... like abuse or neglect before anyones rights should be infringed upon.

Not enough information for me in the OP for me to have an opinion really, sorry...But that is why we have laws and such.

Is this a case of neglect or abuse?

I need more info.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:18 PM

I still think religion can produce ignorancelaugh laugh drinker

I agree, we need only look around to see examples of it.

ignorance can ot be produced only destroyed

ignorance is the lack of knowledge of something

ignorance can only be destroyed (by gaining knowledge)

stupidity on the other hand is the inability or refusal to gain knowledge

religion can create stupidity for sure as can love or hate

or anything one truly believes in

but religion is a constitutionally protected right

(even if it creates stupidity)

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:18 PM

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:23 PM

again if it can not be proven they are not living by their religion that they are using as a basis for their objection to said treatment

then their religious freedom as given by the constitution out ranks any busy bodied person that is trying to but in

Nice to see you have the balls to actually answer a simple question with a simple answer. While I do have serious conflicted feelings on the issue I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death.

Not all Christians are the proverbial sheep stereo-type as some people may think. Most have brains and would have to agree here...

"I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death."

I am not a sheep! *Baa Baa* (I have no idea where that sound came from). laugh Sorry.

I am also one of the most freedom loving people you'll ever meet. :banana:

I repeat...I have to agree there are instances where someone has to step in...all the facts to this can't really be presented in a few paragraphs either as in OP. ohwell indifferent

But first and foremost I ask myself is it my business how they choose to treat their son's illness? To read some posts you'd think the parents were refusing treatment for him altogether. Or they were torturing him or something horrible.

Too many facts missing to draw concrete conclusion or opinion really about this for me like...

How sane are the parents?
What stage is his cancer?
Is it an immediate threat to his life?
What is his understanding of his illness and treatment alternatives?
Is his alternative treatment helping?
What is cure rate VS side effects of each treatment?

Hopefully his parents have sense and will make the appropriate desicions at the right time to help their own child, whom I am sure they probably want the best treatment for since he is theirs.

It would take an extreme situation for me... like abuse or neglect before anyones rights should be infringed upon.

Not enough information for me in the OP for me to have an opinion really, sorry...But that is why we have laws and such.

Is this a case of neglect or abuse?

I need more info.

i do not need more info unless the court can prove they are not living by the standard of their religious believes

if that can not be proven the 1st amendment out ranks any court

as the constitution is supposed to be the law of the land

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:32 PM

I still think religion can produce ignorancelaugh laugh drinker

I agree, we need only look around to see examples of it.

ignorance can ot be produced only destroyed

ignorance is the lack of knowledge of something

ignorance can only be destroyed (by gaining knowledge)

stupidity on the other hand is the inability or refusal to gain knowledge

religion can create stupidity for sure as can love or hate

or anything one truly believes in

but religion is a constitutionally protected right

(even if it creates stupidity)

drinker yes very truedrinker

Winx's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:34 PM

Saving the child over the parents rights is really what this is about. Forcing the boy to do conventional medecine over the other holistic treatment. With a judge setting a time frame. Hmmm! I guess it is a good demonstration of rights being revoked if conventional methods aren't inposed during a terminal illness.

It is a messed up situation at best. Reminds me of the woman's parents who fought over her feeding tube removal at the wishes of her remarried husband. Her parents desire for her to stay alive and to continue being kept alive on machines.

It is f@%ked up. I am just saying forced medical treatment seems wrong, while at the same time it seems crucial in this scenario. IWould it make a difference though if he had an infectious disease though instead of cancer?

What if he had AIDS or Tuberculosis? or Swine flu? Would that make a difference?

frown grumble huh grumble

What if the kid was a disabled adult?

What if he was 8 instead of 13?

What if he cut his arm off and his parents wanted the God's to heal him?

Just where is the line drawn? Should the government just sit back and say" Oh we don't want to infringe on their rights?"

frown indifferent grumble

It is a f&$ked up situation at best.

It is a messed up situation.

I do see the child as being the priority though.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:36 PM
i see the constitution as being the priority

DaveyB's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:43 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Mon 05/18/09 08:51 PM

"I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death."

I am not a sheep! *Baa Baa* (I have no idea where that sound came from). laugh Sorry.

I am also one of the most freedom loving people you'll ever meet. :banana:

I repeat...I have to agree there are instances where someone has to step in...all the facts to this can't really be presented in a few paragraphs either as in OP. ohwell indifferent

But first and foremost I ask myself is it my business how they choose to treat their son's illness? To read some posts you'd think the parents were refusing treatment for him altogether. Or they were torturing him or something horrible.

Too many facts missing to draw concrete conclusion or opinion really about this for me like...

How sane are the parents?
What stage is his cancer?
Is it an immediate threat to his life?
What is his understanding of his illness and treatment alternatives?
Is his alternative treatment helping?
What is cure rate VS side effects of each treatment?

Hopefully his parents have sense and will make the appropriate desicions at the right time to help their own child, whom I am sure they probably want the best treatment for since he is theirs.

It would take an extreme situation for me... like abuse or neglect before anyones rights should be infringed upon.

Not enough information for me in the OP for me to have an opinion really, sorry...But that is why we have laws and such.

Is this a case of neglect or abuse?

I need more info.

This case outlined in the OP is a little different than many that could and the current line of questions/answers is more about the general nature of things. In the case of the OP the courts are trying to determine whether or not the current line of treatment is working. If the treatment is working then there'd be no reason for any intervention. I have a big problem with the idea that the boy in question is not even aware that he is sick and therefore is not being given any say in the process.

DaveyB's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:48 PM

again if it can not be proven they are not living by their religion that they are using as a basis for their objection to said treatment

then their religious freedom as given by the constitution out ranks any busy bodied person that is trying to but in

Nice to see you have the balls to actually answer a simple question with a simple answer. While I do have serious conflicted feelings on the issue I'm still of a mind that there are times when a religious belief is going to cause death it may be appropriate to step in. IMO there should atleast be some allowance for the wishes of the child in cases of life and death.

using your argument can strip every right protected by the bill of rights

My arguement is that we should give a minor some say in determining his future or lack of a future in life or death cases. How would that erode our rights?

if a gun could lead to death ban them

if speaking on the street corner a a group of people concur gate a motor vehicle could hit them thus possibly causing death

if an article in the news paper is upsetting to some one that then kills a person spoken of in the article then ban news

shall i go on

definitely not suggesting that a childs life is even remotely like a possession that belongs to the parents it just totally disgusting.

the rights in the bill of rights are there for a reason

you start playing with them then soon there will be nothing to play with

Could not agree more and trying to change the intent of the authors as you have is a very dangerous step in that direction.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:48 PM
he has a court appointed attorney

and has a vague understanding of the situation

and his attorney finds the judges ruling a blow to family rights

DaveyB's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:50 PM

i see the constitution as being the priority

I do too.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:52 PM

Is that a question?

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Nope, wouldn't waste my time typing one.

That;s probably best since you fail to accept any answer that doesn't conform to your sensitivities!

You seem content with making these personal quibbles instead!

Not hardly. I asked you questions repeatedly yesterday and every time you subverted the question. I finally made a very simple yes or no question conforming to all your little BS excuses for not answering and you simply ignored the question. In the other thread where you requested that I send you a link via email to prove my point (since I felt the link could be me booted from the site if I posted it publically). I met that request and you refused to even open the email. Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall only the brick wall often makes more sense.
