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Topic: On Knowing...
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Sat 04/25/09 04:18 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 04:20 PM

I was riding with a friend when we passed a terrible car accident. It was really gruesome.

He remarked: "That was a bad decision!"

I asked him, "What decision are you talking about, what do you mean?"

He said, "What ever decision he made that resulted in that happening."

He understood the law of attraction.spock Or at the very least the law of cause and effect. They are basically the same thing.

Its not that we attract "things" to us, but we are part of cause, always.

Maybe it wasn't due to the driver's decisions at all. Maybe something horrible randomly broke on the car.

By the way, if you demand a cause for everything aren't you denying the very randomness of Quantum Mechanics that you so often appeal to? huh

You remind me of one of those people who will always use whatever best supports the moment.

If you demand that everything must have a cause, then aren't you just reverting back to Newtonian Determinism? Where would the law of attraction come into play then?

How could you possibly ATTRACT anything to you, if everything must be PREDETERMINED by CAUSE?

You're not even being consistent.

This post PROVES without a doubt that you do not know about and have not read THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

I NEVER EVER have stated that everything is or must be PREDETERMINED BY CAUSE.

I assert that every event has cause.

And that we create and are responsible for our reality and experiences. Period.



As for the idea that the car just BROKE... then at some point he made the decision not to fix the car or to buy an inferior car, or not to put oil in the car, or WHAT EVER DECISION he made that put him in that car at that place at that time was a BAD DECISION.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:19 PM
You are clouding a clear picture.

Neither set of circumstances has any affect upon the other, they have no shared cause(s). They are closed systems.

Only time connects the two sets of events.

Time is not a cause.

Should the time change, nothing else would except the event of the interaction itself. All other things would unfold without difference. Remove either set of events and the other would unfold without difference as well, because they have nothing to do with each other until the interaction.

Change the time and you remove the interaction without changing anything else.

Clearly the only single thing affecting the event of the interaction itself is the timing of the other two events, which when combined (without cause) produced the event of the interaction.

Timing is not a cause.

Pure random chance.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 04:31 PM

Whatever Creative.

I will repeat this as you keep repeating the same old blah blah.

There is a law that states that no two objects can occupy the same place at the same time.

The man made a bad decision to go for a walk under the coconut tree at that time and place.

There is your cause. Space, time and a bad decision.


The overlapping of these events all each have cause. It does not matter if you think or believe that they are not connected or that they are closed systems. They are not closed systems because they exist in the same space time. That is my final conclusion. You can disagree if you wish but you have not disproved my assertion.

Even if they are closed systems, that does not change anything about my assertion that:

All events have cause.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:33 PM
How does one see the full picture from within a box with a few holes poked in it?

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:36 PM

How does one see the full picture from within a box with a few holes poked in it?

Exactly. One can never ever see the full picture of cause and effect, and to even imagine it is mind boggling.

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:52 PM
each step of the human reality is effected by the last???

each thought, word, and action, is "effected" by another???

to deny another's word, or agree with it, still take a "effort unto action", so not one decision of the infinity made, does not change the next of self and another???

self is a human vial, and all things things entered into the vial, effect the vial, and the total picture of reality???

self see infinity frames of data, and hear infinity words, so the one's self remember and retain, are indeed paromount unto the fate and perception of reality???

if all self know, is based upon the total amount self has seen and heard, than what is seen and heard "registered" within the mind, is as a ratio of ""infinity other options, to one""???


self is as a cup, and just as each drop of liguid into a cup, change the total in the cup, and the type of liguid put in the cup, change the "total recipe" of the cup, so do all things seen and heard effect and change the cup???

self is only all it is, being birthed into a pre-existing reality, of what itself think in each "nana second" of the pre-existing reality, presented to itself by all around itself???

a blade of grass in a field touching another, effect another blade of grass it touch, and if all in the entire field touch, each the other effect ALL the blades of grass, no matter how far removed they may be???

one sentence defined differently, change the entire course of mankind, to the eye that see what create all reality???


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:53 PM

How does one see the full picture from within a box with a few holes poked in it?

I agree.

Now whilst Sharpshooter gets ready to pick on his magickal music box owl pick on mine. bigsmile

Actually this is a recording I made a few months ago and it's pretty bad. I need to do it over.

But here it is anyway. The Bach Cello Prelude played on Classical Guilar.

Warning: Wear earplugs if you have any class at all. laugh

Bach Prelude really Crude
(3 MB mp3 file)


This really needs work I know. It has no rhythm at all. :cry:

I should go practice it instead of allowing Jeanniebean to attract me into these silly fruitless arguments with her. laugh

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:57 PM

To summarize this debate, Both Abra and Creative agree that randomness exists within this universe or reality. (At least I think that is what they believe.)

Both believe that there are true "victims" and "random accidents" or events that happen by pure chance.

I think that overlapping events can cause what appears to be "randomness" but that this is by design, therefore it is not truly "random." It is by design.

I do not disagree that there may be events (systems) that are separate and "closed" within the reality matrix. I understand that all events can effect all other events in unknown ways via unknown causes.

This is the domino effect. One event touches another and another and another. We have no way of knowing all of these causes.

But everything is by design, and all events have cause.

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 04:58 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 05:01 PM

How does one see the full picture from within a box with a few holes poked in it?

I should go practice it instead of allowing Jeanniebean to attract me into these silly fruitless arguments with her. laugh

They are only fruitless because you will not bend to my will.grumble hehehe pitchfork (insert evil laugh here.) buuuha ha ha ha! One day when the world is mine, your death will be long and painful if you refuse to submit.devil

And besides, I need to clean my house. Nice talking to you all. waving tongue2 :banana:

davidben1's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:08 PM
any "pre-design", is the question that is "outside" of cause and effect itself, begging to be answered no doubt, with finality for all mankind, but if such were known, it cannot be missed each jot and tittle that WAS CREATED, would have been changed???

there are written words of the universe itself unwinding this with precision, in the infinite perfect space of reality, all down thru ancient time???

what time is it???


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:09 PM

They are only fruitless because you will not bend to my will.grumble hehehe pitchfork (insert evil laugh here.) buuuha ha ha ha! One day when the world is mine, your death will be long and painful if you refuse to submit.devil

Oh no!

Not another deity that wants to rule the universe whilst torturing the non-believers! frustrated

We already have enough of those! laugh

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:11 PM

They are only fruitless because you will not bend to my will.grumble hehehe pitchfork (insert evil laugh here.) buuuha ha ha ha! One day when the world is mine, your death will be long and painful if you refuse to submit.devil

Oh no!

Not another deity that wants to rule the universe whilst torturing the non-believers! frustrated

We already have enough of those! laugh

laugh laugh Ain't that the truth. :wink: laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:12 PM

what time is it???


It's time for the Just Say Hi Dust Bunny Boogie!


ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:17 PM
Edited by ArtGurl on Sat 04/25/09 05:20 PM

what time is it???


It's time for the Just Say Hi Dust Bunny Boogie!


:banana: :banana: :banana:

now I have to go clean my house ... curse you JB for reminding me! I was doing quite well with the avoidance ... laugh

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 05:18 PM


no photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:21 PM

Well now that the party has deteriorated to dancing bunnies, I guess I can leave and get some work done. Damn.

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:22 PM

Well now that the party has deteriorated to dancing bunnies, I guess I can leave and get some work done. Damn.

Deteriorated? Now that's a matter of perspective! laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:28 PM

no photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/25/09 05:36 PM

Well now that the party has deteriorated to dancing bunnies, I guess I can leave and get some work done. Damn.

Deteriorated? Now that's a matter of perspective! laugh

laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

Yep, well the rolling David head is definitely a deterioration. laugh

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 04/25/09 05:38 PM

Well now that the party has deteriorated to dancing bunnies, I guess I can leave and get some work done. Damn.

Deteriorated? Now that's a matter of perspective! laugh

laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

Yep, well the rolling David head is definitely a deterioration. laugh

yes, on that we agree ... most definitely laugh

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