Topic: Don't mess with Texas
Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/15/09 07:51 AM

This is a prefect example of how much in the dark Americans are about their government.

There is no such thing as the past in government. Laws and policies that W enacted will effect us and the government years into the future.

i do agree.

Problem is, Clinton started taking away our rights after the Oklahoma city bombings. Push continued with his patriot act. Now it seems Obama voted to reinstate this act, and his administration now wants to push for the "Fairness Doctrine" which overrides our first amendment, and he wants strict gun control (see HR 45) which overrides our second.

You are so right about there being no past in politics, as we are still living with consequences of Bush, Carter, Nixon, FDR, Wilson, etc. These things are really starting to add up...

I so disliked Clinton!
Almost as much as Bush! Almost,,,

I know bro...

You know what's funny? I used to like him. But all i had to go from was the television, and i was too young to understand a thing about his policies...

I too think Bush was more damaging though...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 04/15/09 07:53 AM

Obama sent people to the border to help fight the drug wars.

That's a positive thing.

I thought he offered but mexico told him to stay away???

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 07:53 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/15/09 07:57 AM

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


your point is

and why ask me

and did you read the constitution i provided the link

and maybe the bailouts were the turning point

I have read the Constitution, front to back, probably a thousand times! LOL At least!

You ask,
why ask me
It was your post I answered wasnt it? I figured you better than just a pawn to spread propaganda and fear mongering rumors.

Maybe, maybe, maybe,,,,,,,
Assume you are wrong! After all you have no proof.
Obviously nothing but assumptions, fear, and insecurity!
Why do you get so defensive?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 07:56 AM

Obama sent people to the border to help fight the drug wars.

That's a positive thing.

Yes and he also did this winx!

A new border czar!

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:09 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 04/15/09 08:25 AM

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


your point is

and why ask me

and did you read the constitution i provided the link

and maybe the bailouts were the turning point

I have read the Constitution, front to back, probably a thousand times! LOL At least!

You ask,
why ask me
It was your post I answered wasnt it? I figured you better than just a pawn to spread propaganda and fear mongering rumors.

Maybe, maybe, maybe,,,,,,,
Assume you are wrong! After all you have no proof.
Obviously nothing but assumptions, fear, and insecurity!
Why do you get so defensive?

what propaganda did i spread

i gave a link that has a list of states with bills in their congress to exercise objection to the abuse the federal govt is exercising against the 10th amendment

do you feel this is a lie?

i do not think that a site would be stupid enough to list a bunch of resolutions from various govt houses (which is a matter of public record) without them being accurate

where is it that i am on the defensive i provided the link there are identification numbers (which are live links) on each of the bills in question

now you can either prove them inaccurate or offer a public apology for you statement that it was a post to spread fear with the use of propaganda

here is the link again

there are live links with each state that takes you to that states written legislation

all i did was provide requested ligit information

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:10 AM

Obama sent people to the border to help fight the drug wars.

That's a positive thing.

Prove it.
I have been there a couple times since then and haven't seen troop one.

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:12 AM

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


Politics over the internet is a relatively new thing.
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.
Ya' think Amnesty will pass? Are you still Pro-Illegal?

You really dont know me do you?

You say,
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.

Obama has been a pioneer to informing Americans about Gov over the internet!
You really dont know much about this either. do ya? LOL

Your definition and mine are totally different.
Im about reality and humanity! You look at it from a I am better than they point, and dont use any rationality at all!

As far as Obama and illegal immigration.
You really need to open your eyes and look at what has been happening.
Obama has done more to address the problem than all the Republicans put together and oodles more than Bush did in all his 8 yrs of dictatorship!

Yep, his extremists are all over spreading the propaganda.
He sure has done more. He's wanting to give 'em Amnesty.
I am about not allowing Illegals taking jobs from Americans.

My stance on Illegal Invaders is;
No Amnesty, including the Dream Act.
Prosecute those who, aide, abet, transport, house or hire the Illegal.
Prosecute those who have knowledge of the above and fail to report it.
Report the Illegal
Deport the Illegal

Where do you stand?

You may have missed the question. It was at the bottom of the page.
Again, where do you stand on Illegals?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:13 AM

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


Politics over the internet is a relatively new thing.
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.
Ya' think Amnesty will pass? Are you still Pro-Illegal?

You really dont know me do you?

You say,
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.

Obama has been a pioneer to informing Americans about Gov over the internet!
You really dont know much about this either. do ya? LOL

Your definition and mine are totally different.
Im about reality and humanity! You look at it from a I am better than they point, and dont use any rationality at all!

As far as Obama and illegal immigration.
You really need to open your eyes and look at what has been happening.
Obama has done more to address the problem than all the Republicans put together and oodles more than Bush did in all his 8 yrs of dictatorship!

Yep, his extremists are all over spreading the propaganda.
He sure has done more. He's wanting to give 'em Amnesty.
I am about not allowing Illegals taking jobs from Americans.

My stance on Illegal Invaders is;
No Amnesty, including the Dream Act.
Prosecute those who, aide, abet, transport, house or hire the Illegal.
Prosecute those who have knowledge of the above and fail to report it.
Report the Illegal
Deport the Illegal

Where do you stand?

You may have missed the question. It was at the bottom of the page.
Again, where do you stand on Illegals?

Im not allowed to say!

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:19 AM

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


Politics over the internet is a relatively new thing.
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.
Ya' think Amnesty will pass? Are you still Pro-Illegal?

You really dont know me do you?

You say,
Never you mind, Obama is bound to wanna' touch that to.

Obama has been a pioneer to informing Americans about Gov over the internet!
You really dont know much about this either. do ya? LOL

Your definition and mine are totally different.
Im about reality and humanity! You look at it from a I am better than they point, and dont use any rationality at all!

As far as Obama and illegal immigration.
You really need to open your eyes and look at what has been happening.
Obama has done more to address the problem than all the Republicans put together and oodles more than Bush did in all his 8 yrs of dictatorship!

Yep, his extremists are all over spreading the propaganda.
He sure has done more. He's wanting to give 'em Amnesty.
I am about not allowing Illegals taking jobs from Americans.

My stance on Illegal Invaders is;
No Amnesty, including the Dream Act.
Prosecute those who, aide, abet, transport, house or hire the Illegal.
Prosecute those who have knowledge of the above and fail to report it.
Report the Illegal
Deport the Illegal

Where do you stand?

You may have missed the question. It was at the bottom of the page.
Again, where do you stand on Illegals?

Im not allowed to say!
Paid for by DNC^^

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
I never knew you to not speak up.
Gotta' wonder how many posters are Obama plants.

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:23 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 04/15/09 08:23 AM
the illegal immigration threads have lead to a lot of people being put in time out and many of them refuse to take the chance on that happening again

i will confirm fanta is not an illegal supporter

unless he changed his position

Lynann's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:29 AM
Cheap political ploys really appeal to a certain crowd don't they?

Funny stuff

Predictable stuff

Sad stuff

willing2's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:34 AM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 04/15/09 08:39 AM

the illegal immigration threads have lead to a lot of people being put in time out and many of them refuse to take the chance on that happening again

i will confirm fanta is not an illegal supporter

unless he changed his position

To believe it,I'd have to read it from the post of the questioned.
There are ways to express opinions without abusing/attacking other posters.

My stance on Illegal Invaders is;
No Amnesty, including the Dream Act.
Prosecute those who, aide, abet, transport, house or hire the Illegal.
Prosecute those who have knowledge of the above and fail to report it.
Report the Illegal
Deport the Illegal
Report the Illegal
Deport the Illegal

The only part that isn't stated in current law is,
Prosecute those who have knowledge of the above and fail to report it and that, if proven, could fall under aiding, abetting.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:38 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/15/09 08:39 AM

the illegal immigration threads have lead to a lot of people being put in time out and many of them refuse to take the chance on that happening again

i will confirm fanta is not an illegal supporter

unless he changed his position

No adj I haven't changed my position!

You know the history.
Discussions between me and Dragoness lead to a ban on all illegal immigration threads on Mingle for awhile. Remember?

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:04 AM

the illegal immigration threads have lead to a lot of people being put in time out and many of them refuse to take the chance on that happening again

i will confirm fanta is not an illegal supporter

unless he changed his position

No adj I haven't changed my position!

You know the history.
Discussions between me and Dragoness lead to a ban on all illegal immigration threads on Mingle for awhile. Remember?

that is what i said without names

names are not important in this instance

and you still have not addressed my post about the misinformation you posted about me

my post before the one on your position on illegals

still waiting

nogames39's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:22 AM
What are you people still talking about? This has been dragging on through 7 pages already.

The truth is, Texas is the best, and God bless Texas!

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:23 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 04/15/09 09:24 AM
an excerpt from ohio bill

WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Court ruled in New York v. United States, 505 U.S. 144 (1992), that Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the states; and


dated 1992

does not appear that this is a new issue

also in az, ark, ga, id and i will gander to guess that it is in most of the states bill as well

so you see this has been coming for years and it is not the is first time


still waiting

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:24 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/15/09 09:25 AM
I missed it!

You know adj.
That stuff has been going on for years, so why is it that all of a sudden is it projected on the Internet as something new and astounding?

It really means nothing.
A reaffirmation?
So what.
No one is taking away any more state sovereignty since Obama became President than at any other time in history.
Anyone who falls for the hype as if it is something new or has any real impact is being duped by the Republicans and Ron Paul, and riled into unnecessary fear.


your point is

and why ask me

and did you read the constitution i provided the link

and maybe the bailouts were the turning point

I have read the Constitution, front to back, probably a thousand times! LOL At least!

You ask,
why ask me
It was your post I answered wasnt it? I figured you better than just a pawn to spread propaganda and fear mongering rumors.

Maybe, maybe, maybe,,,,,,,
Assume you are wrong! After all you have no proof.
Obviously nothing but assumptions, fear, and insecurity!
Why do you get so defensive?

what propaganda did i spread

Unwittingly you brought up something that has been a point of conflict between the US Federal Gov and Individual State Govs for sometime. It is nothing new and has only recently been made into such a big deal by right wing groups who are frantically trying to retain power and having a hard time coming to grips with losing the election.

never thought you would stoop to such a low attack without substantiating your accusation (i am not sure what your issue is with me fanta but this is twice in two days you have tried to twist my post into something they are not) all i did was provide requested ligit information

Ligit or not,
You are being an unwitting participant in the dribble that has been spread across the internet ever since Obama won the election.

I have not twisted anything.
Maybe you should be more careful of what you say in print, or maybe the meaning of your posts are lost in print!

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:26 AM

What are you people still talking about? This has been dragging on through 7 pages already.

The truth is, Texas is the best, and God bless Texas!

IMO...if you don't like it...don't live here.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:28 AM
Do you really believe this stuff does not have a common source? (The Republican Party.)

Do you think the coincidences are just coincidences?

nogames39's photo
Wed 04/15/09 09:36 AM

What are you people still talking about? This has been dragging on through 7 pages already.

The truth is, Texas is the best, and God bless Texas!

IMO...if you don't like it...don't live here.

I can tell you, that I was surprised to find out that California and Texas are known to simple people in many countries, who couldn't even point to where US is on the map.

California is known as the state where Michael Jackson lives, and other crap.

Texas is not just known, it is loved. No one exactly sure what and where, but everyone heard that Texas is the state that denies authority. Everyone knows the only reason is part of the union, is cause Texas feels that way right now. As soon as Texas decides to reject yet another bureaucrat, all those people are going to dance and cheer.

They say: "Texas, is where my heart is". "Texas is where real men and real women live".