Topic: Guys Help!
NtheWind's photo
Fri 04/10/09 02:02 PM
I still remember the ctrl-alt-del prank!!

Loved it

It was hilarious!!!


Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 04/10/09 02:04 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

that is a good one, laugh laugh laugh

NtheWind's photo
Fri 04/10/09 02:08 PM
So what do you think of Keina'a situation?

She's loyal and true!

Although we don't know the whole situation.
It doesn't sound good.

I say that if they both agree to work it out
they should try, but it has to be a mutual
responsibilty. Both sides have to want to do it.

what does the rest of the peanut gallery think?

tngxl65's photo
Fri 04/10/09 02:11 PM
I think it's time to move on. If wanted to work things out he wouldn't be shrugging off your attempts to connect.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 04/10/09 02:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

your silly flowerforyou

i feel bad for her frown

Winx's photo
Fri 04/10/09 04:24 PM

counseling is a waste of time and money, such a silly suggestion.

I disagree 110%. Counseling is good when people need it.

SEXYLATINA666's photo
Fri 04/10/09 05:03 PM
drama i'm glad i'm divorced laugh laugh laugh laugh :wink:

tomohawk's photo
Fri 04/10/09 05:19 PM
Are you going to keep hanging around and putting your life on hold,hoping this guy starts treating you with some respect.If he wants to be all moody,fine,leave him to it.Take your life off the backburner and live again,he will soon come out of his mood when he sees your having a life without him.Go back to college or you will have regrets later in life.It sounds like he's controlling you emotionally and he knows it. Live your life he needs to grow up.

Lauren8785's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:02 AM
Have you tried asking him whats up? Maybe you should just tell him how he makes you feel when he reacts that way to you. Not sure what he's depressed about but if you tried talking to him then I would just let him have his space and give him time to think about whatever he's dealing with over for a while. Can't make him do anything, he has to come to you!

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/11/09 12:12 AM
You know what I hear, reading all her posts?


The guy maybe be depressed, but boy has he hooked her a beauty...she thinks she is less, the house the bills everything in her name?

he is a roofer and works way harder than me I am just a cashier???? WTF???

I wonder who told her that??

If she was a bout, I would suggest she gets some therapy, and when she is strong enough, kick his arse to the curb, stop feeding this guy his victim status and beligerant attitude.

Kick his arse out the door, and get a boarder in to split the rent.

krupa's photo
Sat 04/11/09 09:09 AM

yeah....I do about everything around the house cuz he's a roofer and works way harder than I do, since I am just a cashier at walmart....

You ain't "Just"....

Don't down play yourself like that honey.

A job does not make someone better than or less than....

Kiena's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:23 PM

You know what I hear, reading all her posts?


The guy maybe be depressed, but boy has he hooked her a beauty...she thinks she is less, the house the bills everything in her name?

he is a roofer and works way harder than me I am just a cashier???? WTF???

I wonder who told her that??

If she was a bout, I would suggest she gets some therapy, and when she is strong enough, kick his arse to the curb, stop feeding this guy his victim status and beligerant attitude.

Kick his arse out the door, and get a boarder in to split the rent.

The reason I say his job is way harder is because I did a roofing job with him. We lifted twenty tons of gravel off of a roof with wheel barrows over a four foot ledge... It was killer, so I appreciate the hard work he does...

DTHRomeo's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:36 PM
My advice Get him some counseling

And if that does not work

Probably it'd be best for you to leave him

It sucks i know but It's not your fault

You seem to be doing everything you can

He is just not cooperating

"You just can't have a 3 legged table to stay up"

Good luck to you

Winx's photo
Sat 04/11/09 11:42 PM

You know what I hear, reading all her posts?


The guy maybe be depressed, but boy has he hooked her a beauty...she thinks she is less, the house the bills everything in her name?

he is a roofer and works way harder than me I am just a cashier???? WTF???

I wonder who told her that??

If she was a bout, I would suggest she gets some therapy, and when she is strong enough, kick his arse to the curb, stop feeding this guy his victim status and beligerant attitude.

Kick his arse out the door, and get a boarder in to split the rent.

The reason I say his job is way harder is because I did a roofing job with him. We lifted twenty tons of gravel off of a roof with wheel barrows over a four foot ledge... It was killer, so I appreciate the hard work he does...

He's a man that's used to roofing. You're a woman that's not used to it. I know a couple of roofers. One owns the company. They're muscles get strong from that work and they can handle it.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Sun 04/12/09 10:48 AM

I think my fiance is depressed....I have been trying really hard to cheer him up by fixing nice dinners, renting his favorite movies, trying to cuddle...nothing is working. He usually just snaps at me or tells me to go find something to do. If I cry about it, he gets frustrated and says that it's all I ever do. I don't know what to do....He doesn't even want to have sex with me. I try holding him in bed and he shrugs me off....he says he is too old...I am twenty and he's twenty nine...I hardly think that that is an explanation....

Any suggestions? Any thing I can do to help him out?

Just tell him you're either giving him a Clinton or someone else one. If it doesn't perk him up, nothing will. The last girl I dated was 19, and you're right, age isn't the issue. You either caught him in an early case of 30's cynicism, or he's not telling you something, and the relationship's already over.

Winx's photo
Sun 04/12/09 10:59 AM

You know what I hear, reading all her posts?


The guy maybe be depressed, but boy has he hooked her a beauty...she thinks she is less, the house the bills everything in her name?

he is a roofer and works way harder than me I am just a cashier???? WTF???

I wonder who told her that??

If she was a bout, I would suggest she gets some therapy, and when she is strong enough, kick his arse to the curb, stop feeding this guy his victim status and beligerant attitude.

Kick his arse out the door, and get a boarder in to split the rent.

The reason I say his job is way harder is because I did a roofing job with him. We lifted twenty tons of gravel off of a roof with wheel barrows over a four foot ledge... It was killer, so I appreciate the hard work he does...

He's a man that's used to roofing. You're a woman that's not used to it. I know a couple of roofers. One owns the company. They're muscles get strong from that work and they can handle it.

Oops. Meant to say "their muscles".slaphead

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:03 AM

counseling is a waste of time and money, such a silly suggestion.

I disagree 110%. Counseling is good when people need it.

I agree with Winx.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 04/12/09 11:06 AM

I think my fiance is depressed....I have been trying really hard to cheer him up by fixing nice dinners, renting his favorite movies, trying to cuddle...nothing is working. He usually just snaps at me or tells me to go find something to do. If I cry about it, he gets frustrated and says that it's all I ever do. I don't know what to do....He doesn't even want to have sex with me. I try holding him in bed and he shrugs me off....he says he is too old...I am twenty and he's twenty nine...I hardly think that that is an explanation....

Any suggestions? Any thing I can do to help him out?

It sounds like he might have some issues with getting older based on what you wrote. IF this is what it is, counseling could help him.

Kiena's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:08 AM
We're trying again....I told him I was leaving, had everything in the car and had made plans. I went to work that night and then stayed with a friend. I don't think he took my leaving seriously until I didn't come home that night. Anyways, the next day we kind of worked through some **** and now we're trying again, but we aren't engaged anymore... : (

I told him the minute I get even a hint of what used to be, I was going to leave for sure...

Kiena's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:10 AM

laugh laugh laugh laugh

your silly flowerforyou

i feel bad for her frown

Thanks, but I don't want sympathy....that just means that I am being pathetic...but then again, I might be a little...