Topic: Iowa Legallizes Gay Marriage
Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 09:46 PM

I think it is a compromise. It will allow citizens equal rights, without another protracted legal and legislative battle. It wont appease those that want the amendment, but as far as the legislature goes, they seem content to accept it.

Marriage is now nor has it ever been a right.All this talk about people losing their rights is nonsense.Check your constitution there is nothing in there that says you have a right to get marriage now or ever.You also can not lose rights that you never had.Arguing that the gay people are somehow losing their rights or not getting the same rights as straight people is stupid.You may want the same rights as straight people but as we already know there is millions of laws that millions of people are never going to have the rights for.I can say that whites don't have the same rights as blacks when it comes to affirmative action.

Should we have the same rights as Native americans?If you are wanting everything to be equal why should they have special rights?

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 09:58 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Sun 04/05/09 09:58 PM

Lynann's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:23 PM and your posts are a predictable mess.

Do married people have legal rights that are bestowed on them by virtue of marriage?


So...if marriage is not a right as you state...let's ban heterosexual marriage.

Pretty amusing that the republicans...who used to say they were states rights people are appeasing the small minded hateful bigots that want a Constitutional Amendment against gay marriage on the federal level when they are the same people who employ the states rights argument when seeking to limit peoples access to abortion. In abortion the federal government is wrong I guess in being the law of the land but they are more than ready to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage.

Funny stuff eh?

Please...pick a position?

Haven't you neocons figured it out yet?

The republicans are having their way with you hysterical sheeple.

They secured power in the legislator and the executive branch and was there any legislation to ban abortion or gay marriage? Nope..just that badly written in defense of marriage act...the author of the bill even says it was badly written.

Your votes are secured by your prejudice and fear.

The same fears that must make you neocons think if gay marriage is made legal you might have to marry someone of the same sex. If abortion is legal you will have to have one. If porn is on the internet you have to watch it. If guns are legal you have to own like that...

Grow have been had.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:36 PM and your posts are a predictable mess.

Do married people have legal rights that are bestowed on them by virtue of marriage?


So...if marriage is not a right as you state...let's ban heterosexual marriage.

Pretty amusing that the republicans...who used to say they were states rights people are appeasing the small minded hateful bigots that want a Constitutional Amendment against gay marriage on the federal level when they are the same people who employ the states rights argument when seeking to limit peoples access to abortion. In abortion the federal government is wrong I guess in being the law of the land but they are more than ready to amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage.

Funny stuff eh?

Please...pick a position?

Haven't you neocons figured it out yet?

The republicans are having their way with you hysterical sheeple.

They secured power in the legislator and the executive branch and was there any legislation to ban abortion or gay marriage? Nope..just that badly written in defense of marriage act...the author of the bill even says it was badly written.

Your votes are secured by your prejudice and fear.

The same fears that must make you neocons think if gay marriage is made legal you might have to marry someone of the same sex. If abortion is legal you will have to have one. If porn is on the internet you have to watch it. If guns are legal you have to own like that...

Grow have been had.

Do you ever bother to read what you post?Marriage is not a right for straight people either.Every American has rights under the constitution and marriage is not one of them.The concept of marriage has been around as long as this country has,and it did not involve homosexuals.What the gays are doing is trying to wipe out the meaning of a tradition and re write it to fit their agenda.Since marriage is defined as a man and a woman the only way the gays will get their way is to totally re write the definition of marriage.It's understandable that the majority of the people do not want something they think is very sacred and special to be re written by a bunch of homosexuals.The people of America simply want what they have already had for hundreds of years.You should not take that away from them especially after they voted for it?

If you re write marriage do you think men or woman should be allowed to marry animals.What about brother and sisters that want to get married.Where does it stop?

Your other issues such as abortion and porn serve no purpose other than to get off the subject.

Do you think the votes of the American people should not count anymore?

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 10:40 PM
While you are slamming racist republicans you might be interested to know Obama is against gay marriage also!

Obama Says He Is Against Same-Sex Marriage But Also Against Ending Its Practice In Calif.
November 02, 2008 6:36 PM

ABC News' Teddy Davis, Sunlen Miller, Tahman Bradley, and Rigel Anderson report: Barack Obama's nuanced position on same-sex marriage is on full display in an MTV interview which is set to air on Monday.

Obama told MTV he believes marriage is "between a man and a woman" and that he is "not in favor of gay marriage."

At the same time, Obama reiterated his opposition to Proposition 8, the California ballot measure which would eliminate a right to same-sex marriage that the state's Supreme Court recently recognized.

"I've stated my opposition to this. I think it's unnecessary," Obama told MTV. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that's not what America's about."

"Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don't contract them," he added.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:04 PM

You skeered?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:14 PM
come on guys...let's play nice flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:18 PM
I want to say(thinking of the movie Deliverance)...

You shore gotta perty mah-yulth!!!


In actuality...

The gays want the benefits that come along with marriage(the rights)... the definition is a Christian one, they could care less how you define marriage. If the government gives these benefits to those who fit only under that definition, then it is descriminating against those who are not of that religion.


Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:24 PM

I want to say(thinking of the movie Deliverance)...

You shore gotta perty mah-yulth!!!


In actuality...

The gays want the benefits that come along with marriage(the rights)... the definition is a Christian one, they could care less how you define marriage. If the government gives these benefits to those who fit only under that definition, then it is descriminating against those who are not of that religion.


So if I am reading this right only Christians can get married?Aethist can not get married in America???For your info,gays already have the same benefits that married people under civil unions.

Once again marriage has no rights.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:27 PM
Where - in the US Constitution - is marriage defined?

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:40 PM
It isn't defined in the constitution because it isn't a part of government.Marriage is a tradition that would go back hundreds of years and is defined by a man and a woman because that is how it original started and was always meant to be.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:44 PM

Nowhere in the US Constitution is it defined.

It is a Christian definition and the concept has revolved around that definition, which entitles the marriage participants to obtain the right to numerous benefits. These benefits come only after a legal marriage.

There are rights, and you, my good man, are mis-informed.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:54 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Sun 04/05/09 11:55 PM


Nowhere in the US Constitution is it defined.

It is a Christian definition and the concept has revolved around that definition, which entitles the marriage participants to obtain the right to numerous benefits. These benefits come only after a legal marriage.

There are rights, and you, my good man, are mis-informed.

Maybe you need glasses because if you would have read what I said...I just said it is not in the constitution!It is defined by the people and not the government.Despite where it came from the people can vote on what the definition of marriage is.The whole reason we are debating this is because gays say it is their rights(which it is not)and the public have already voted many times on what the definition of marriage is and they have voted that it is between a man and a woman.Go check the voting records!The only reason the government steps in is because it might be infringing on someone's right to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.

I am not going to go to some anti religious website to check
facts.Even posting that link makes you look bias and will get you no where.

Also what rights do you have when you get married?

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:00 AM
Read the link dude...


Thomas3474's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:06 AM

Read the link dude...


You read the link.I got better things to do then waste time debating a bunch of liberals who want this country run like a dictatorship who ignores the votes of the people.I have made many valid points backed up by facts.All I have heard on here is a bunch of name calling,whining,and useless information.I'm done debating this issue. bigsmile

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:11 AM
Close the door quietly on the way out or the dog will bite you before you get off the porch...

Tip toe...

In the face of the facts you run...

Just as I suspected.

Lynann's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:21 AM
Yeah that's right..."What's next!?"

Dogs marrying cats?

"bunch of liberals who want this country run like a dictatorship"

Are you really as simple as that?

Don't you realize that if you respect the rights of others they will respect your rights? When the tide turns...if you are at the helm you and all of us will drown.

People who support gay marriage do not want to limit your ability to marry.

How are they dictating anything to you?

Many churches believe divorce is wrong. Should divorce be illegal?

Oh and if you want to haul out that tired argument about the biblical description of marriage then you better pony up and get ready to legalize plural marriages because there were many examples of plural marriage in the Bible. Oh, and be ready to marry your brothers wife too cause the Bible speaks to that too.

Know what liberal means? Some who is open to alternate points or view. Someone who is broad minded. Someone who is tolerant of others. Someone who favors political reform and the protection of civil liberties.

Are there idiot liberals who are every bit as objectionable as idiot conservatives?


You didn't read but that didn't stop you from posting.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:26 AM
He read it...


creativesoul's photo
Mon 04/06/09 12:36 AM
Those rights and benefits come only from the union of a legal marriage. So then, if the government does not define marriage, but does reward it, then why should gays be left out of those benefits?


Lynann's photo
Mon 04/06/09 02:23 AM

If all else fails...shelter yourself in feigned ignorance?


Stunning...just stunning...

The tyranny of the majority...

Go ahead and let the mob rule and call it justice.

When the wind blows the other way beware!