Topic: “Mandatory Volunteerism”… Is this a repeat of history?
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/29/09 03:38 PM
slaphead ty quiet. i googled ccc and different things came up. i had no idea which one you meant...ty again

willing2's photo
Sun 03/29/09 03:59 PM
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933-1941

The creation of the CCC

In 1932, when the American public voted President Herbert Hoover out of office, they were searching for an end to the economic chaos and unemployment that had gripped the nation for two years. They turned to a man promising a better life than the one they had known since the beginning of the Great Depression — Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When FDR took office, he immediately commenced a massive revitalization of the nation's economy. In response to the depression that hung over the nation in the early 1930s, President Roosevelt created many programs designed to put Americans back to work.

But, this thing Obama wants is close to a Nazi Regime. Those who aren't for us, are against us. Encouraging followers to report who is opposed to him, indoctrinating kids to not question their leaders.
I still have to swear, that Oath of Loyalty to Obama is a legal document and if they "ask" the volunteer to do a thing, I have a feeling, they had better not turn him down.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 04:10 PM
huh What is a "Nazi Regime"?huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 04:11 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 03/29/09 04:13 PM
"Those who aren't for us, are against us"

:smile: I remember when Bush said that.:smile:

huh What did he mean?huh

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:21 PM

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933-1941

The creation of the CCC

In 1932, when the American public voted President Herbert Hoover out of office, they were searching for an end to the economic chaos and unemployment that had gripped the nation for two years. They turned to a man promising a better life than the one they had known since the beginning of the Great Depression — Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When FDR took office, he immediately commenced a massive revitalization of the nation's economy. In response to the depression that hung over the nation in the early 1930s, President Roosevelt created many programs designed to put Americans back to work.

But, this thing Obama wants is close to a Nazi Regime. Those who aren't for us, are against us. Encouraging followers to report who is opposed to him, indoctrinating kids to not question their leaders.
I still have to swear, that Oath of Loyalty to Obama is a legal document and if they "ask" the volunteer to do a thing, I have a feeling, they had better not turn him down.

What you said is totally irresponsible, Willing but then I bet somewhere deep in side you know that don't you?

willing2's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:33 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 03/29/09 05:35 PM

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933-1941

The creation of the CCC

In 1932, when the American public voted President Herbert Hoover out of office, they were searching for an end to the economic chaos and unemployment that had gripped the nation for two years. They turned to a man promising a better life than the one they had known since the beginning of the Great Depression — Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When FDR took office, he immediately commenced a massive revitalization of the nation's economy. In response to the depression that hung over the nation in the early 1930s, President Roosevelt created many programs designed to put Americans back to work.

But, this thing Obama wants is close to a Nazi Regime. Those who aren't for us, are against us. Encouraging followers to report who is opposed to him, indoctrinating kids to not question their leaders.
I still have to swear, that Oath of Loyalty to Obama is a legal document and if they "ask" the volunteer to do a thing, I have a feeling, they had better not turn him down.

What you said is totally irresponsible, Willing but then I bet somewhere deep in side you know that don't you?

You have your opinion and I have mine. I may not be wrong.
Your stalking, name calling and attacking me will do no good at suppressing my view so, please, find someone else to attempt to admonish. Final warning.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:35 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:36 PM
<<<<<<<< :angel:

Winx's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:59 PM

The Obama youth = Hitler youth?
Wonder if they will undergo any indoctrination classes?

The environmental clean energy stuff worries me, since I believe Global Warming is an excuse for Gobal Government.
Will we have gangs of youth roaming neighborhoods handing out fines for every little infraction?
I know there are plans for the toll roads and taxing you for every mile you drive.
Just wait for all the new taxes we'll be seeing to "save" the environment.

My city has youth that clean our highways every summer. They also planted flower bulbs in the grass area. I think it's great. The kids are helping our city and learning about teamwork and responsibility while making money.

Winx's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:02 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/29/09 06:03 PM

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933-1941

The creation of the CCC

In 1932, when the American public voted President Herbert Hoover out of office, they were searching for an end to the economic chaos and unemployment that had gripped the nation for two years. They turned to a man promising a better life than the one they had known since the beginning of the Great Depression — Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When FDR took office, he immediately commenced a massive revitalization of the nation's economy. In response to the depression that hung over the nation in the early 1930s, President Roosevelt created many programs designed to put Americans back to work.

But, this thing Obama wants is close to a Nazi Regime. Those who aren't for us, are against us. Encouraging followers to report who is opposed to him, indoctrinating kids to not question their leaders.
I still have to swear, that Oath of Loyalty to Obama is a legal document and if they "ask" the volunteer to do a thing, I have a feeling, they had better not turn him down.


You're confused here. It was Bush that said, "Those who aren't for us, are against us."

Nobody is indoctrinating the kids to not question their leaders. Obama is the opposite of that. He has us ask questions of him.

"You have a feeling they had better not turn him down."? Come on now, let's get serious here.

willing2's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:03 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 03/29/09 06:04 PM
H.R. 1388: Obama’s Youth Brigade Conscripts Would Be Prohibited from Participating in Religious Activities

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:12 PM

H.R. 1388: Obama’s Youth Brigade Conscripts Would Be Prohibited from Participating in Religious Activities

spock What is a "Conscript" and what is a "Religious Activity"?spock

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:20 PM

spock What is a "Conscript" and what is a "Religious Activity"?spock

Are you asking in a rhetorical sense? lol

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:25 PM
Wow, i think some of this is getting blown out of proportion.

For starters almost every economist i can think of, to include those in charge of this administrations polices, agree that FDR's programs did more harm than good. When you understand economics, no government job they give you actually help with the economy. They all have to come from the private sector. They all have to contribute something to infastructure, or build capital.

That was off topic i know.

Now back on topic.

There is a very LARGE grey area when it comes to these "volunteer" programs. Becoming involvement, and donating labor is helpful for a community.

Being forced to do that is the definition of slavery.

I'm not saying this is the intentions of this administration. I believe they do want to do good. They may be panicking about funding for all these expensive ideas, or maybe they just want to do the right thing and get people involved. Maybe this administrations does plan to take divide and conquer the american people. We don't know.

It is important to never assume the worst, but prepare and be watchful for it. But don't lose hope for the best. This may be innocent.

The line i personally draw is forcing these programs. That is flat out criminal. But even if he wants to organize followers to do his bidding, THAT is only potential for a nazi-like uprising. It does not mean there will be, or that is the intended purpose.

Think critically not emotionally.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:26 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 03/29/09 06:26 PM

spock What is a "Conscript" and what is a "Religious Activity"?spock

Are you asking in a rhetorical sense? lol
flowerforyou Naw, I just want to know.flowerforyouI want to see the light, but no one will answer anything I ask them about what they say.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:29 PM

Wow, i think some of this is getting blown out of proportion.

For starters almost every economist i can think of, to include those in charge of this administrations polices, agree that FDR's programs did more harm than good. When you understand economics, no government job they give you actually help with the economy. They all have to come from the private sector. They all have to contribute something to infastructure, or build capital.

That was off topic i know.

Now back on topic.

There is a very LARGE grey area when it comes to these "volunteer" programs. Becoming involvement, and donating labor is helpful for a community.

Being forced to do that is the definition of slavery.

I'm not saying this is the intentions of this administration. I believe they do want to do good. They may be panicking about funding for all these expensive ideas, or maybe they just want to do the right thing and get people involved. Maybe this administrations does plan to take divide and conquer the american people. We don't know.

It is important to never assume the worst, but prepare and be watchful for it. But don't lose hope for the best. This may be innocent.

The line i personally draw is forcing these programs. That is flat out criminal. But even if he wants to organize followers to do his bidding, THAT is only potential for a nazi-like uprising. It does not mean there will be, or that is the intended purpose.

Think critically not emotionally.
:thumbsup: I bet you are right.smile2 I just didn't know it was slavery to be forced to do something.smile2 I thought that slavery was when someone owned you as a piece of property.smile2Thanks for explaining that to me.:thumbsup:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:32 PM
forced, unpaid labor.... that's pretty much being owned right?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:35 PM

forced, unpaid labor.... that's pretty much being owned right?
bigsmile Yeah,it certainly is exploitationbigsmileGood thing that the presidents program is voluntaryflowerforyou

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:49 PM

forced, unpaid labor.... that's pretty much being owned right?
bigsmile Yeah,it certainly is exploitationbigsmileGood thing that the presidents program is voluntaryflowerforyou

hopefully... either way we shall see...

ladywolf9653's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:57 PM

flowerforyou Naw, I just want to know.flowerforyouI want to see the light, but no one will answer anything I ask them about what they say.flowerforyou

Conscript: essentially, a draftee

Religious activity: much harder to define. I am not going to say I am 100% right, but I will say it is any activity that involves the worshiping of a higher power, whether it be God, Buddah, Allah, etc.

Does that help?