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Topic: highschool sweethearts
daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 05:46 PM
ok, you have an 18y/o and 16y/o highschool sweethearts. Parents hate
the 18 y/o. They find out that the two were having sex, and go to da
and charge statutory rape against the 18y/o. Should that 18 y/o have to
be labeled as a sex offender and be registered for the rest of their
lives? I have seen this happen several times adn I have seenboth boys
and girls take the older part, and be prosecuted. I have also seen
three of them get married afterwords and remain married fifteen years
down the road. Now, should the older teen have to be labeled and judged
for what was a consenting relationship, but inlaws did not like him/her
so pressed stat rape? right now htere are too many victims of this
issue to even count and they ALL have to register as sex offenders.

What do you think?

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:02 PM

Duffy's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:18 PM
they all need chasity belts, and the parents know what they are doing,
because they did it themselves, upside and backwards by the light of the
moon, in the back seat of a volkswagon. ask me how i know.noway

songbirrd's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:20 PM
I lost my virginity at 16 to an 18 year old. I NEVER even thought that
he could get charged, wow.

That is just wrong and then to be labled for life? Come onnn.

masterpiece2's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:21 PM
i dont think they should be labeled it almost happend to the guy that
got me pregnet when i was 17 .

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:32 PM
this is a very real and disgusting situation. Currently ( id ont know
the numebrs yet) several states have already switched over towhere the
parents have absolutely no say in the matter. Only the DA can press.
And by my understanding most of hte rest fo the states are trying to get
to that point as well (you know ho wpolotics are. You want this then
give me this this this and that. o oh btw dont forget this.) It's
This is why, when someone tells me they have looed at the sex offendors
list and found x number of people in their area, Ia sk them if they
looked up what theoffense was before anything else.
I personally do nt believe in a PUBLIC sex offender registry as it
causes to o much trouble and strife witht he american citizen. Yes I
agree the offenders need to registerm no doubt. yes I agree they need
to stay a certain distance, no question. but only the law enforcement
and those places that haveminors should have accesss to this list. Say
you are an offender and apply for a school teacher position (yeah I know
worst nightmare there, I agree) the school should have access to the
list so that they can sayno, and report to the police that you applied.
Lets say there was a rape/murder. The olice can look at the registry
and startw ith known offenders etc. But the generalpublic does not have
a need to know ths information. If we as parents do our jobs and walk
our younger children everywhere, and teachthe older children about the
realities of these things, then that would take care of the issue in

and on a side not, an offender found to be guilty again after having
been released fro te first one? Banishment to a deserted island
surrounded by hundreds of miles of ocean.
Bt wehave to give the offenders ONE chance to show they have been
"cured" (for a lack of better word) when they are released. And we
cannot do that by making them part of a witch hunt. BUt god above and
below, do not ever give a repeat offender a third chance!!!

SheNerd's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:37 PM
Personally, I don't believe in teenaged sex, (as it frequently leads to
too many adult problems that most teens can't handle), but then again,
if everyone's doing it, whatcha gonna do?

No, I don't believe in labeling someone for life just because they made
a youthful mistake or two. Almost everyone has done something in
his/her life that they're not especially proud of, but IMHO that doesn't
make most people criminals.

SheNerd :)

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:43 PM
there are a lot of laws that are outdated

i can't help but recall that high school student who got like 10 years
because he received oral in georgia

if they had actual intercourse he would just have been on probation (i'm
grossly paraphrasing the incident)

i think laws like that are absurd and i agree with daniel that an
objective DA should handle those matters

"I believe in making the world safe for our children. But not our
children's children. Because I don't think children should be having

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:50 PM
"I believe in making the world safe for our children. But not our
children's children. Because I don't think children should be having

I agree with you completely hun, but we both know our children are gonna
do what they want to at one point or another. So, beside teaching them
about safe sex and appropriate decision making, we need to stand by them
and support them whent hey do make a decision even if we dont agree with
it. There is a lady on here (no nmaes) whose teenage daughter handed
her a note on morning in order to tell her mom that she was pregnant.
her mom was extremeley supportive and backed her daughter up on the
daughters choice of acts towards the stuation, after discussing the
possible choices with her daughter. The daughter chose somethign I dont
think the mom agreed with, but she (the mom) still supported her
daughter the whole way. Now that is a very responsible mom, and one who
has all my respect. She did nto oncew lay blame or anything. She did
nto try to ruin the fathers life which she probably could have (I
believeher daughter was sixteen or so art the time)

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:50 PM
Well I do understand what your saying but... the laws are put there for
a reason. Now if they always work out the way we think they will are a
differnt story. My son was very wll warned about when it was coming the
time for him to turn 18 and the laws and what could happen. This is not
a law that has just been put in this law has been there for many years.
With those type of situations I don't think it is right but... they
can't make admends or change each law due to each case. Yeah I have
heard it happening to others I know but that is why we must educated our
kids on the laws and make them understand they are not beyond the laws
themselves and if they break the law they will have to pay for there
actions as well. Hummm if we all of a sudden make the law to change and
at 18 you were not considered an adult how far do you think that would
fly not far. Hell bet most of the protest you would hear from would be
those 18 year olds wanting it to be known that they are adults and want
it to remain that way. Well with being an adult now you must follow the
laws of an adult. No matter if it seems wrong or right that is a fine
line and it has to be in forced at some age since they are now
considered adults. They also get to weigh the same burdens as the rest.
Main thing is to teach your kids while they are young don't sugar coat
it for them just be honest if you do the crime you wil do the time and
it is not playtime anymore no more corner time it is serious now. But
like I said I dont' agree when it is a situation were two have dated and
both sets of parents knew it and let them. But when he girl ends up
pregnaunt now they want to throw the book at him. Sorry make him work
and pay child support instead and be in the childs life instead.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:52 PM
I was just shy of 17 when I got pregnant. My bf was 22. My mom was going
to hang him, but I talked her out of it. The SOB hasn't paid one dime of
child support in 31 years. Not one freaking penny, even.

Now I wish she would have had the deadbeat convicted.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:58 PM
thank you texas that is how I am raising my boys to the t. They are
gonna know that I will not say yay or nay on the subject of sex, only
they can. They will know my beliefs , and they WILL know everytihing I
can possibly teach them about safe sex and std's. They willknow how
toproperly use a condom and be comfortable with it if the time comes.
however, they will also know that if they help produce a child, They are
GOING to find a job (two if neccesary) and support that child and the
mother in raising the child. now, dont misunderstand me, I am not
takingresponsibility form the mother, i am just saying my kids will
share the price of parenthood no matter what. Andif the mothers family
anages ot find a way to block my kids form seeing their child (I will do
everything I can to prevent that trust me) my kids will still go out and
find work, etc, and put what they woud be giving into a savings aco****
for said child. Worst comes to wrost it is a college fund when they hit

but back to the original point: should the kids be forced to register
as a sex offender because they and their girlfriend/boyfriend chose to
have sex? HELL NO!!!

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:00 PM
why jean? he was not a rapist. he did not rape you. By my
understanding it was consentual right? I agree withhanging for
non-support. but do not punish a shplifter as a murderer if you
understand what I mean.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:14 PM

masterpiece2's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:16 PM
cheers danieldrinker

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:17 PM
thns masters!!!

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:26 PM
Daniel, did you completely miss the part about he has not paid one red
cent for child support in 31 YEARS???


daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:28 PM
sohe has nothelped support the child jean. THAT DOES NOT MAKE HIM A

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:28 PM
Because, Daniel, I filed a paternity suit against him and the system
failed me. He should have been arrested for statutory rape, if the son
of a ***** wouldn't pay child support.

And, no, legally speaking, it wasn't consensual. I was a minor; didn't
matter how much I wanted it.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:28 PM
if you anna go after him for back support and all that, then yes I agree
with you. But you will never get me to agree to condemn a man as a
rapist when he wasnt.

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