Topic: Twilight
egoodrich's photo
Tue 06/02/09 11:58 AM

Watch it with riff trax next time. It makes the movie funny as hell. Its by the same guys who did Mystery Science Theater drinker

And yes, I hated the movie too, I want my two hours back damnit! rant

glad to see i'm not the only one!

and where can i find this riff trax?!?!?! i LOVED MST3K!

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 06/02/09 12:02 PM

Watch it with riff trax next time. It makes the movie funny as hell. Its by the same guys who did Mystery Science Theater drinker

And yes, I hated the movie too, I want my two hours back damnit! rant

glad to see i'm not the only one!

and where can i find this riff trax?!?!?! i LOVED MST3K! They have alot of movies to choose from too. The Dare Devil one is my favorite one so far drinker

egoodrich's photo
Tue 06/02/09 12:15 PM
you sir, kick ass!drinker

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 12:28 PM
You guys REALLY like Twilight or did I just wake up to a bad episode of the Twilight Zone?


egoodrich's photo
Tue 06/02/09 12:47 PM
Edited by egoodrich on Tue 06/02/09 12:47 PM

You guys REALLY like Twilight or did I just wake up to a bad episode of the Twilight Zone?


dude, read my initial review on the previous page for my thoughts on the travesty called Twilight laugh

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:03 PM

You guys REALLY like Twilight or did I just wake up to a bad episode of the Twilight Zone?


dude, read my initial review on the previous page for my thoughts on the travesty called Twilight laugh



msmyka's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:14 PM
I agree that the movie blew big chunks but I LOVED the books :thumbsup:

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:15 PM
I loved the books...but the movie...

This is an unfortunate case of a combination of the book being better than the movie and the production company wanting to make money. Honestly, if they would have taken more time to do it we wouldn't be stuck with that AWFUL actress as Bella. I can't even remember her name, that's how bad she is. They knew girls would go nutty for Pattinson (I only know who he is because he was Cedric Diggory in HP). He's exactly what most teen girls find attractive anymore. He's a squibbly lil Englishman who (srsly) is so non-threatening it's disgusting. Definitely not a manly man sortlaugh And we all know young girls LOVE that. And production companies sometimes don't see passed that.
Look at the X-men movies. Sure they were great, but ANY comic fan knows that until Marvel started producing their movies (Iron Man!) they were not up to snuff at all.

Jacob is way more masculine than him, even if Pattinson wasn't a werewolf. devil

msmyka's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:37 PM
Kristin Stewart is an ok choice for Bella but the directing was pathetic. Cathrine Hardwicks other movies are more like indy flicks and not major productions like this movie SHOULD have been... VERY wrong choice for a director and the casting was pretty weak in general as the movie was incredibly low budget. Pattinson does nothing for me personally ohwell

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:39 PM

Kristin Stewart is an ok choice for Bella but the directing was pathetic. Cathrine Hardwicks other movies are more like indy flicks and not major productions like this movie SHOULD have been... VERY wrong choice for a director and the casting was pretty weak in general as the movie was incredibly low budget. Pattinson does nothing for me personally ohwell

I swear to goodness you are like my twin! (I dunno which of us would be evildevil ) That's EXACTLY all true. But I really don't like Kristen Stewart. I've seen her in other stuff...painful

PropheticServant's photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:01 PM
The first movie is seriously like beer--it takes an aquired taste to really enjoy it! laugh I LOVED the books. But the first movie was sooo low budget that even the actors agreed that they weren't happy with it because it was too much like an indie film. I know that had I NOT read the books first, I would have been very disappointed in the movie. I am still disappointed in the movie to some extent. It didn't follow the book as closely as it should have, too much was taken out or added for Hollywood liberties. Because I knew what was going on (as the books made it) I was able to appreciate the movie moreso than a lot of people who just saw the movie only. With Summit Entertainment having a new director, a significantly larger budget, and a better special FX team, I am hoping that New Moon (and the movies that follow) are drastically better. I have been 'Team Edward' all the way through the books. But they seriously could have picked someone better than "Robward" Pattinson to play him! The "Edward" in my mind blew the actor away! lol Actor-wise, IMO "Jacob" is wayyy hotter in the movie, and looks even better now for New Moon. (He spent everyday in the gym beefing up for the part.) He IS more masculine than 'Robward'.

But I still adore the books! There is just more of everything in them. More romance, more action/suspence, more humor, more information crucial to the plotline, and much better dialog! biggrin

MahanMahan: Cute pics btw...The Count was always my fave from back in the day! lol

msmyka's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:04 PM

Kristin Stewart is an ok choice for Bella but the directing was pathetic. Cathrine Hardwicks other movies are more like indy flicks and not major productions like this movie SHOULD have been... VERY wrong choice for a director and the casting was pretty weak in general as the movie was incredibly low budget. Pattinson does nothing for me personally ohwell

I swear to goodness you are like my twin! (I dunno which of us would be evildevil ) That's EXACTLY all true. But I really don't like Kristen Stewart. I've seen her in other stuff...painful


no photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:26 PM

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:35 PM

msmyka's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:54 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

egoodrich's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:29 PM


rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl nice!

egoodrich's photo
Wed 06/03/09 01:37 PM
Edited by egoodrich on Wed 06/03/09 01:40 PM
ladies and gentalmen, i give you: edward body shimmer.
if anything proves my point, its this....

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

tanyaann's photo
Wed 06/03/09 01:40 PM
Yay! I got Breaking Dawn in the mail today! :wink: I will be reading tonight!

PropheticServant's photo
Wed 06/03/09 04:18 PM
Yay! That's awesome Tanyaann! It's my favorite of them all... but its a toss up with Eclipse. What did you think of Eclipse, btw? Did you like pg 460?? biggrin Do you have a favorite part of Eclipse?

tanyaann's photo
Wed 06/03/09 04:20 PM

Yay! That's awesome Tanyaann! It's my favorite of them all... but its a toss up with Eclipse. What did you think of Eclipse, btw? Did you like pg 460?? biggrin Do you have a favorite part of Eclipse?

Yeah... well pg 460 was predictable. I wish that it would have progressed more to action on the part on pg 460.

I am kinda tired... I probably won't get much read tonight. I have a feeling breaking dawn will be my favorite!