Topic: Ancient Astronaught theory | |
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Sat 04/18/09 08:42 PM
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Re: Y O U _ H A V E _ E X C E E D E D _ Y O U R _ Q U O T A _ O F _ Q U E S T I O N _ M A R K S ? ? ? LOL ![]() I think he makes a statement and then questions it (???) in order to get others to THINK and all the while implying that nobody is really right or wrong. Sorry, Jeanie, for not responding promptly – I just got home… (and then it's taken awhile to read everything -- not to mention composing, typing, and editing this response simultaneously, and then repeating the cycle cuz I accidentally deleted everything..!) However, if your explanation of the ??? phenomenon is correct, then David overlooks the main purpose of this thread: A free exchange of ideas, without the fear of being labeled a “mindless idiot” (i.e. ignorant) – although some people tend to deviate from it (i.e. they DO deserve to be labeled as such – I hope you know who I’m referring to…) As for David, I simply found his manner of expression a bit hard to swallow – although I always enjoy his philosophical posts: When I joined this thread, I was overwhelmed by the fact of such a learned person is a part of it, although sometimes I have a difficulty of following the train of his thoughts – at times, it is moving much too fast! Judge for yourself: QUOTE: each little tittle of all things that jittle, of earth so brittle and oh so little, runner be batter up in the procession that mask the impression of time, but the miniscule that create the grand illusions of the cosmos, that divide magnanimous realms of streched out time, that hide lying still and waiting behind the blind???” “ “ “ “ “ “ Oh, I get it: (but do not get me wrong, please – that’s what I’ve heard) when Jesus spoke, not many people could comprehend him, because he often expressed himself in riddles -- that’s why he was often misinterpreted… (and we all know how he ended up! LOL) **** TO DAVID: by all means, darling, continue entertaining us with your beautiful vision of the world! Just take into account the fact that not everybody are as sophisticated as you – why bother posting a reply, if it might (and, most probably, will) NOT be comprehended? ? ? {I’m referring to a certain manner of your expression.) Perhaps, you aughtta be more considerate of such ignorant people as me, for exaple… Thank you! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Peace… P.S. …According to David: /QUOTE: can one "imagine" ANYTHING now, in it's present mind, WITHOUT HAVING "SOMETHING" TO "FIRST" BASE IMAGININATION ON??? NOTHING IS IN THE "SUBCONSCIOUS", EXCEPT WHAT WAS ONCE, OR IS, OR HAS BEEN "SEEN OR HEARD "FIRST", NO MATTER HOW IS IT DEFINED OR CONSTRUED BY THE PRESENT REALITY ALONE???”””” --- Another words, everything is just a great PLAGIARIZM??? Oh, but you seem to overlook the greatest “magic” of Science, i.e. DEDUCTION: -TAKE A FEW OF THE KNOWN FACTS, -COMBINE THEM TOGETHER, AND… -DERIVE A NEW (UNHEARD OF) CONCEPT! (which often require a sheer ingenuity!) Otherwise, any fool could come up with the “trivial idea” – such as, for example, E = mcc ! ! ! {sorry, the superscript does’t ************************************************************************ . . . .work to express “c squared”} |
Edited by
Sun 04/19/09 06:21 AM
Yes I believe David over thinks a lot of trivial things, while it has always been my policy not to sweat the small stuff. When I read his posts it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them but I have never found them unreasonable or untrue.
me brain is me brain???
i declare it as but dirt??? as but ignorance??? if one turn me words into ignorance, then they be ignorance and to such??? the hearer be the definer of all words, which create the reality of the hearer, as all are not all things effected by all words in some way??? there is change, by all things taken into self??? if self is a cirle, then all data entered into the circle, either denied or accpeted, still change the essence of the circle of self??? all words create all that exist, so to some many things are trivial, but to anything that know and see in advance, how and what all things create, if self know itself is creating, then words are indeed as precise, so spoken then differently, and from a different perception, or from a different "energy", he energy that see all things as equal, not dividing them into good or bad??? confusion as equal to no confusion??? unkind as useful and profitable as kind??? understanding as profitable and equal as no understanding??? to garner one's words for approval to the "outside", being outside is "billions of ear's", does not allow oneself to connect itself to the universe itself, which is but itself??? the most honest that exist, so then the most truth that exist, is all oneself is, not trying to distort this for approval to the outside environment??? but at the same time, deeming all "outside feedback", as perfect, as telling self a positive instead of "either negative or positive"??? this be divided thought stream, first created with the "human itself"??? anything beyond this realm, does not use such, and speak as thru ONE spectrum, of all words as useful and good, or, if not, theorecically speaking, half of all things, being the things 'defined thru negative', by the self, proclude aquiring the wisdom these could provide and give??? the same as if you get mad at me, it is good, if i prove to myself, you ahve GOOD REASON TO??? if i deem you as just 'sensitive', or short tempered, or arrogant, or any label at all, then i aquire not your brains data??? anything self take in, forcing self to prove it as meaningful, and as positive, and not thru the "EMOTIONS", which incline to "good or bad alone", based on self alone, which is really what self decided in inception from all emotions thru life as good and bad??? did not one NEED to fall off the bike, to learn to be an excellent rider??? so was the fall of the bike a "negative"??? but, it is emotionally electrically marked on the brain as a negative memory, unless self has seen to change that impression??? this same first way, of basing all value and worth of human life, as good if feel positive, and bad if feel negative, over and over, ultimately require a "strong will with excellent first source data", to reset, or reboot, to allow the brain to roam free again, with no "logic" based on simply emotions, which in incpetion create all the first "definitions" of all things human into good and bad piles, or good or evil, or night and day, or winter and summer, THE EMOTION DEEMING ONE OF THEM AS BETTER THAN THE OTHER??? impartial perception??? partison thinking??? the reverse, or undoing of this fateful human characteristic, is truely only a scientific "refiring"of the synapse of the brain, unto a new thought pattern, or a new logic, which no longer base then all things thru emotion, which actually then allow, all self emotion to no longer tell about self at all, but about all things outside of self??? ok, me shut up... just "one reality", which is not deemed to be any better reality, or any more significant reality, just one "different reality", as each is only a "different reality" spoken forth, and only the brain place them in first inclination, into less good reality, or better reality??? of course not missed, that the brain naturally will be attracted to other realities that are like itself most??? would this way lend to MORE KNOWING???? would this way INCREASE THE PERCEPTION UNTO MORE??? would this way allow more diverse thought??? ok... said i was shutting up... and, OFF TOPIC!!! well, that in itself, would be subject to the beholder of all data alone??? certainly, the root mechanism, of programming the self, to hear from it's own angel, or et, or god, allow then the self to prepare in advance for moving to the next higher realm??? as this realm, is just one behind??? and all thought, coming into the brain, in first thought, is coming from the realm ahead, BUT ONLY DEFINED THEU SELF PRESERVATION MOST, since here, all each see is beginning and ending of all things, or life and death, so cannot first know, that all thought defined thru self preservation, or want to hear only good alone, them make the thoughts defined as such, so what the self create??? the next realm has already been here, so it give all thought from the infinite realm, preparing all for the move into, and at the end of each cycle, all things move into the next realm without death??? ok... just idiotic ideas, lol... peace out no edit, so if it sucks, or doesn't make sense, too bad, out of energy, lol... grill me, scrutinize me, rebuke me, criticize me, trust me not, ruff me up, question me, disagree with me, but please, don't ever pacify me, as this would not be the most true accurate feedback, but one shallow one, so would only provide surface knowing, and surface knowing is but for swimming on the surface, and to swim with the sharks, one need the natural shark response!!!??? peace again... |
Yes I believe David over thinks a lot of trivial things, while it has always been my policy not to sweat the small stuff. When I read his posts it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them but I have never found them unreasonable or untrue. ![]() ![]() |
Yes I believe David over thinks a lot of trivial things, while it has always been my policy not to sweat the small stuff. When I read his posts it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them but I have never found them unreasonable or untrue. ![]() ![]() lol... then the infinite dollar question be??? does this make one more or less smart??? each perception unto definition either, add more good to self, or take away more good??? which have ye chosen tonight??? the question to ask yourself, do you feel LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKY TONIGHT, LOL??? mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all??? why all say the mirror mirror on the wall??? wise answer mirror mirror on the wall, now procede forward down wisdoms hall, into infinity where there is no fall... peace |
Yes I believe David over thinks a lot of trivial things, while it has always been my policy not to sweat the small stuff. When I read his posts it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them but I have never found them unreasonable or untrue. ![]() ![]() lol... then the infinite dollar question be??? does this make one more or less smart??? each perception unto definition either, add more good to self, or take away more good??? which have ye chosen tonight??? the question to ask yourself, do you feel LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKY TONIGHT, LOL??? mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all??? why all say the mirror mirror on the wall??? wise answer mirror mirror on the wall, now procede forward down wisdoms hall, into infinity where there is no fall... peace ![]() ![]() |
David, darling, do not misundestand me, please:
if I ever were to find your messages as boring or uninteresting (or incomprehensible, God forbid), then I would've never argue with you (as at the end of my previous post, i.e. P.S.)??? Its just that I do not always have the luxury of devoting much time to this endeavor -- as JB phrased it, regarding your messages: "it takes a lot of brain energy to decipher them..." * * * And Time is the most valuable commodity nowadays???! Thus, if I can't spend enough time perceiving your frame of mind, I feel robbed of the pleasure of getting in touch with the superior being (as yourself)???! And that's a shame! Perhaps, we come from the different reals of imagination: your's, obviously, is based on the philosophy??? mine is based on the computer programming -- the most concise way of expressing the ideas??? ..................................................______________________ Nevertheless, I will always follow your advice -- WHENEVER TIME PERMITS, OF COURSE -- namely: "grill me, scrutinize me, rebuke me, criticize me, trust me not, ruff me up, question me, disagree with me..." (I suspect you enjoy that, eh??? Then you'd have to a bit more considerate of my lack of the certain luxury (i.e. Time) too???) Anyways, peace to piece to peace! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I would say this: Sometimes things happen on our fiction programs that make you wonder "What did they know and when did they know it?" Like the episode of the Lone Gunmen when a cabal of evil men conspire to fly planes in the World Trade Center as a pretext for war. |
The plan to fly planes into the world trade center had been in the works long before 9-11 believe this or not. There are devious minds at work to "take over the world" and keep war going in order to steal the real wealth. It is strange how we create our own reality with our thoughts and visions. Movies play a role in this. Before the near nuclear catastrophe at three mile island there was a movie out staring Jane Fonda and Jack Lemon that had a line in it that stated: "An accident like this could render the state of Pennsylvania uninhabitable." In the movie, the near accident did not happen in Pennsylvania but I found it very odd that the movie mentioned Pennsylvania. What we imagine we create. There are many old science fiction movies that mention and describe pretty accurately, technology that did not exist then, but does now. |
. Yeah, that must've been a very wise person who's proclaimed: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR (THINK OF, DREAM ABOUT...)! ! ! **************************************************** ... Sometimes, they come true!!!????????????????????????????? |
. . Yeah, that must've been a very wise person who's proclaimed: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR (THINK OF, DREAM ABOUT...)! ! ! **************************************************** ... Sometimes, they come true!!!????????????????????????????? nay, this reality say nay, let all dreams and thoughts pass thru with a yea, or the one's resisted will control you??? the brain is a ticker tape of infinite pre-thought, so stop a thought on the infinite reel for fear, the ticker tape jam and create a scam??? the center of you, is the one with no fear, since it came from infinities gate, where human death does not mate, so the thoughts tie the brain as an ambilical cord, so to stop a thought for fear, will block the thoughts gate, stop the flow of livid life into you, create a dragon of fear, that shall but devour you??? to unstop the flow of first infinite life livid energy and thought, is to allow all thoughts to pass thru with a yea, as even amoungst all on the outside, to agree with thy enemy quickly lead to solutions between all things, but still simply always doing what one most wish to do??? just one livid and thought... peace and unpeace both create solutions thoughts are like left right steps, and the thought create all outside in the entire universe, and are as like night and day's hue, one for unpeace, the next for peace, and with no resistence, self but ride the infinite passion and peace and no fear train??? chug lug, chug lug, the train roar down the track of the brain all around town, but unpeace chug, peace lug, unpeace chug, peace lug, so to add to peace after the chug, speed up the train to infinite speed, lightening fast register the infinite colors and hue, surmizings and figurings be but for slowed trains on the tracks??? |
How about recent astronauts speaking on the existance of the ancient ones?
Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms. Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said. "Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so. But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story." Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told. An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process." The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story. "I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time." A NASA spokesman denied any cover-up. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday. Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project. Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive. "There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said. |
How about recent astronauts speaking on the existance of the ancient ones? Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms. Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said. "Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so. But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story." Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told. An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process." The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story. "I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time." A NASA spokesman denied any cover-up. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday. Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project. Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive. "There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said. |
How about recent astronauts speaking on the existance of the ancient ones? Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms. Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said. "Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so. But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story." Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told. An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process." The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story. "I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time." A NASA spokesman denied any cover-up. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday. Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project. Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive. "There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said. it cannot be missed the great guy you are B... but how much does it take from within to deem another as ignorant??? how much does it take to deem as other's as stupid but self??? how much fortitude does it take to deem all other's that do not think as self as "credulous"??? how can it come, that two eye's, so "one eye" of insight, that has lived but one life, can erase all outside data by saying it does not match what one learned and seen in it's own life??? if all seek to prove what itself first believe, will not all things but prove what itself already know??? who is the smartest then in the world??? who is reliable??? who is all knowing??? who seen all things all man learned each one living out a long life of discovery??? would not then, one that deemed all other's as giving self, what it would have needed to live "their life" to know, but ADDING WISDOM OR KNOWING TO SELF??? would this not but make self as then living out TWO LIVES, FOR EACH LIFE IT BELIEVED AS TRUE, AS REAL??? WHAT IF SELF DID THAT FOR ALL??? THEN, HOW MUCH KNOWING WOULD SELF KNOW??? WOULD IT AND COULD IT NOT, GAIN THE INSIGHT OF ALL LIVES, IF IT JUST BELIEVED OTHER'S WORDS??? just because some of the words be false, does that mean they are not true??? each thing speak, basing it on SOMETHING??? DO ALL SPEAK BUT LIES??? IF SELF DEEM THE ONLY "NOT LIES" AS WHAT ITSELF KNOW, IN TIME, THIS MAKE ALL SEEM AS LIES??? but then, if self use this, IT ONLY PROVE WHAT ITSELF KNOW??? damn man, open the heart and mind to more, as you are way to smart to fall for such as the total possible??? did not the guy that said, the earth is not flat, hear all kinds of naysaying from all no dount???? each speak with bias, no dount, i agree, but if self prove what all say as true, and how it COULD BE TRUE, THEN IT SEE WHAT PART IS NOT THE MAXIMUM TRUE??? like, each thing has an agenda, to PROVE IT'S OWN DATA AS TRUE??? but, each is doing this??? SO, PROVE IT ALL AS TRUE, SELF GET THE FACTS FROM ALL, AND THE BIAS FALLS OFF FROM HEARING AND ACCEPTING THE NEXT GUY AS TRUE, AS THIS NEXT GUY HAS BIAS TOO, AND WISH TO PROVE HIS POINT, SO PROVE THEM ALL AS TRUE, AND EACH NEXT PERSON, ONLY SHOW WHAT WAS BIAS PACKAGED WITH TRUTH FROM THE LAST??? ok, lots of rant, lol... peace man no edit |
David, I sincerely beg your pardon (since I don't know what your last post to Billy was about), but I feel you're waisting your energy... (or may be it is important to you that Every single entity and all of the unsophysticated folks of this thread shared your point of view?..) But why? Let them rot in their ignorance! After all, you ain't gonna convince them anyway -- STUBBORNESS's a pain! Besides, there are much more important things to worry about:
*************************************************************** *_______________A FRIGHTENING REALIZATION_____________________* * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* *************************************************************** If you remember, recently, JeanieB posted a message about aliens already being here and controling everything -- what I called a "Conspiracy Theory" -- a prepostorous idea which nobody took seriously... (though, I finished my rebutal^ with a frightening suspicion of her might be right! -- for some unknown reason!!!) And today it occurred to me Why: ** Contrary to our expectations, aliens may represent any shape/form of being -- including Amorphous (i.e. aparitions)* -- in which case they wouldn't have any problem in roaming around unnoticed (especially at night), or getting confused with the ghosts, or even taking possession of human bodies without the hosts' awareness... I closed my pseudo-rebutal^ with the phrase: God, help us! ! ! I'm curious about what you (and JB) think about this conjecture... P.S. If you don't mind, could you limit your sentences only to one subject (2 atmost) and as many objects? ? ? |
I am a draconian 2500 years old
![]() (----------------------- but no one believes me ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 04/22/09 05:07 PM
David, I sincerely beg your pardon (since I don't know what your last post to Billy was about), but I feel you're waisting your energy... (or may be it is important to you that Every single entity and all of the unsophysticated folks of this thread shared your point of view?..) But why? Let them rot in their ignorance! After all, you ain't gonna convince them anyway -- STUBBORNESS's a pain! Besides, there are much more important things to worry about: *************************************************************** *_______________A FRIGHTENING REALIZATION_____________________* * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..* *************************************************************** If you remember, recently, JeanieB posted a message about aliens already being here and controling everything -- what I called a "Conspiracy Theory" -- a prepostorous idea which nobody took seriously... (though, I finished my rebutal^ with a frightening suspicion of her might be right! -- for some unknown reason!!!) And today it occurred to me Why: ** Contrary to our expectations, aliens may represent any shape/form of being -- including Amorphous (i.e. aparitions)* -- in which case they wouldn't have any problem in roaming around unnoticed (especially at night), or getting confused with the ghosts, or even taking possession of human bodies without the hosts' awareness... I closed my pseudo-rebutal^ with the phrase: God, help us! ! ! I'm curious about what you (and JB) think about this conjecture... P.S. If you don't mind, could you limit your sentences only to one subject (2 atmost) and as many objects? ? ? everything that was the last second in time is bit ignorance, so none exist in the perception i see thru, or write thru??? stubborness is but resistence to preserve until hearing what is more true, so again, stubborness is not any perception i see thru nor write thru??? some words are but written for the past, present, and future, laying down a framework for reality itself, and this is the reason for all words written in these posts. it is a sad but understood good thing, known from this perception, that the most truth about alien's cannot be understood, nor even begun to be taken into the mind, less the past, and present, and future is first passed away within the brain itself??? this phenomenon, nothing can give unto another, only caress will all words towards "each" it's own darkness, which is the light??? the universe itself control who believe what it believe, and when it can be believed, and waiting on all such things only create patience needed to know that each movement of the human body, each breath, each word, each sigh, is not controlled by self at all as self think, which indeed, is the very essence of alien's, as man itself is the alien??? see, told ya, speaking it would not matter, lol... there is no outside alien life that is not man itself, and the cabal to prommote this come first from a true essence of truth, but not actually believed, and turned into a power maintenance scheme??? one need not ever be afraid of any alien hostile life form but man itself??? but, did that make one bit of difference??? words have no meaning, can't have meaning, contrary to what human thinking percieve, except SELF FIRST KNEW IT??? so outside words, in reality, only "match up" to what self already knew, just didn't know that it knew it, nor to believe it??? an awakening so to speak, to all new data as it walk along the path of finite time for a spell, as indeed, it is as a "spell", or "force field" created by man itself, by all human contact amoung the species, first only creating a total 'mimiced' civilization, as the only learned experience, all human things being "plagerized" just as you so spoke, and this held over human man, blocking the brain, cannot be removed except by indeed "good" 'alien' intervention, and without it, humanness itself cannot see such nor recognize it. half of all your written words would be truth of the universe itself, the other half, or the definition you give to them, would be what your personal "one life" attribute to them, and these things, i ADDED TO, only to not misguide as to what this one perception actually see, and not to mix that with what you see??? THE HUMAN CONDITION CANNOT SEE IT IS "GUESSING" WHAT OTHER'S ARE, BASING IT ON ITSELF, which is no true understanding of other's at all??? this create no words from the outside believed, simply refuted, and self defending what itself is, based on each response??? this in itself, keep mortal man from all infinity, but, the time and days of infinity are as already as the now??? i will add this??? you WILL see alien life form by 09-09-09. but then you have been seeing 'alien' life form all along, so there will not be any notice unless there is a 'awakeing first', to understand the "energy", as this will be the only sign such is what it is, as no sign is ever given IN ADVANCE, only words, perhaps slightly "different" sounding words, for many good infinite reasons. there will be a "real", and there will be a "fake", but the fake has no idea there really is a real, and will be easily overcome, quite to the dismay of all who planned such long perpetrated scheme's, lol... peace out space invaders of the human kind |
How about recent astronauts speaking on the existance of the ancient ones? Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms. Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said. "Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so. But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story." Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told. An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process." The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story. "I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time." A NASA spokesman denied any cover-up. "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday. Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project. Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive. "There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said. ![]() ![]() |
Thank you, MM, for reminding me of that report. HOWEVER...
******************************************************************** * I WOULD BE VERY SKEPTICAL OF ANY REPORT THAT'S MADE PUBLIC! ! ! * ******************************************************************** |