Topic: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldier.............. | |
I get what you are saying. Maybe if we didn't meddle in other countries business, and let them fight their own battles, we wouldn't need the bases. They wouldn't have a reason to dislike us. the middle east would hate us regardless of meddling because of the way there religion views us unfortunately . they think we are the great satan . people like bin ladden will always want us dead , and we helped him kick russia out of his country . the middle east will also always hate us because we support israel . |
ok, so if i went outside everyday and got shot at by my neighbor would that make me a hero? wow...just spit on the graves of your friend and the other brave soldiers. you are minimizing what they sacrificed it's ok rose . he's ignorant to the fact of what being a soldier means . and what we feel is our duty . he has the right to feel how he feels does not make him right . maybe one of these days the soldiers wont be there and he will have to take up arms to defend this country against a foriegn agresser in his own back yard . because thats why we fight wars in other countrys to keep it from coming here . i hope that day never comes he has that right because of the soldiers....past, present and future i know but he does not realize that , and that is unfortunate . |
I get what you are saying. Maybe if we didn't meddle in other countries business, and let them fight their own battles, we wouldn't need the bases. They wouldn't have a reason to dislike us. they would dislike us for not "meddling" or defending them. it's a no win situation thats not true. the leaders of the nations that we are fighting are angry at israel not us. our government is made up as a majority of dual american/israeli citizens. israel pisses people off and israel uses us to fight them back. |
dantaylor... i respect all life, ENOUGH TO QUESTION, what hath POWER OVER LIFE??? nothing except what WISH FOR ALL IT'S DUE CONSEQUENCE OF IT'S OWN ACTIONS, will like being questioned??? do you not wish to be questioned??? all we have to do, is actually project self into ULTIMATE POWER, actually using the brain to picture all the logistic's of what would be available to self, and all the wants self could fulfll??? character does not grow on tree's, but is cultivated by the willing ness to be scrutinzed, especially when in power??? all firefighters feel a brotherhoof, all teachers, all fbi, all EACH GROUP, BUT WE ARE ALL ONE GROUP??? PEOPLE, EQUAL PEOPLE??? problem with this logic to you, is you only see equal as what is LIKE YOURSELF??? that is not equality??? if you were KING of the earth, would you want you subjects to question you??? dude what the heck are you talking about ? i never said anyone wasnt equal to me . of course you didn't, who would??? i never said you did!!! i asked questions, but you define them as attacks, against your personal self??? it is understandable for one having fought, to feel insulted, just from the hearing of quesioning of policies, but such things concern the welfare of nations, and worlds of equal peoples, and are not a personal attack against you, since you served in iraq!!! what if all teachers, get upset when teaching policies are questioned??? it is understandable, but INDEED NOT LOGICAL FOR GOVERNING, OR DECIDING WHAT SHOULD GUIDE US??? the point was my friend, to show such things ARE NOT AGAINST YOU, NOR ABOUT YOU PERSONALLY!!! there is not one here that thinks less of you, because of some feeling that soilder's should be relieved, or that voice opposition against other peoples being killed, or any other opinion put forth??? it is not about what a soilder should do in the field of battle, BUT WHAT BATTLE'S SHOULD EVEN BE FIRST ENVOKED??? about what CONSTITUTE'S THE RIGHTEOUSS BATTLE, this being collected from ALL PEOPLES IDEAS AND THOUGHTS??? as far as norslyman, he is not saying ANYTHING AGAINST ANY PERSON, ONLY POLICIES??? if our government was NOT TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO BEST DEFEND US, to the maximum of it's known ability, then it would not be doing it's job??? the technology he speak of, WE DO HAVE, AS WITNESSED EVEN IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR, AND TO NOT BRING OUT THESE THINGS, WOULD SHOW OUR OWN LEADERS DO NOT WISH TO BE SCURINIZED, WHICH WOULD INDEED SHOW A MOST INSIDEOUS ULTERIOR MOTIVE??? the PEOPLE ARE WHO THE GOVERNMENT ANSWER TO, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND??? if we do not question my friends, we are in grave danger, as not one here is immune corruption, and anything that think it is, infalte it's mind with only illusions of true self??? look at all that rise to power??? rock stars, movie stars, lotto winner's??? yes, if we see all these as bad, that go crazy with power and money, then we are hidden from seeing what is to be learned about ourself!!! the line between truth is narrow, a sliver, a razor's edge, between what logic create either tyranny or freedom??? to not allow all data from all people's to come forth, and be considered as all equal data, only use then partial logic, of some few or group, THAT OF COURSE ALL DEFEND WHO IS IN IT'S OWN GROUP!!!??? for self to see IT'S TWO EYE'S ARE NOT AS GOOD AS ALL EYE'S, and eye's that are in the "self group", are simply extensions of self eyes, and THESE MOST MUST BE SCRUTINIZED AND QUESTIONED, AS THEY NATURALLY HAVE THE MOST MOTIVE TO DEFEND JUST TO PRESERVE WHAT IS IN THEIR OWN GROUP??? to see these things allow for the sight of how and WHY, to allow gathering of all data, by embracing the speaking of all data, to be able to put together collectively, TO SEE, what is more truth??? look, even our soilder's are treated in ways of tyranny??? now this is one your perspective you could embrace, having fought in the military, but to embrace this same scrutiny and treatment of ALL PEOPLES, IS THE ONLY EQUAL??? of course, there is sadness over the many attrocities even committed against the defender's of peace, and easily understandable your feelings about the matter, as you speak of your buddies, and their plight, and dilema's, but what of the other peoples, besides you, and all that you know personally, and have developed comradery with??? this be the only essence of the rhetorical questions put forth. they are not as even questions to be answered, just to envoke thought, that is all, and i happen to think the world of ya man.... peace dude |
I get what you are saying. Maybe if we didn't meddle in other countries business, and let them fight their own battles, we wouldn't need the bases. They wouldn't have a reason to dislike us. they would dislike us for not "meddling" or defending them. it's a no win situation thats not true. the leaders of the nations that we are fighting are angry at israel not us. our government is made up as a majority of dual american/israeli citizens. israel pisses people off and israel uses us to fight them back. one side or another will always want someone to do their fighting. if we didn't meddle in anything other than our own business....someone will get mad somewhere |
I get what you are saying. Maybe if we didn't meddle in other countries business, and let them fight their own battles, we wouldn't need the bases. They wouldn't have a reason to dislike us. the middle east would hate us regardless of meddling because of the way there religion views us unfortunately . they think we are the great satan . people like bin ladden will always want us dead , and we helped him kick russia out of his country . the middle east will also always hate us because we support israel . please, bin laden helped us fight russia that is a well documented fact not even one that can be debated period. we employed him to fight russia not the other way around. |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war.
dantaylor... i respect all life, ENOUGH TO QUESTION, what hath POWER OVER LIFE??? nothing except what WISH FOR ALL IT'S DUE CONSEQUENCE OF IT'S OWN ACTIONS, will like being questioned??? do you not wish to be questioned??? all we have to do, is actually project self into ULTIMATE POWER, actually using the brain to picture all the logistic's of what would be available to self, and all the wants self could fulfll??? character does not grow on tree's, but is cultivated by the willing ness to be scrutinzed, especially when in power??? all firefighters feel a brotherhoof, all teachers, all fbi, all EACH GROUP, BUT WE ARE ALL ONE GROUP??? PEOPLE, EQUAL PEOPLE??? problem with this logic to you, is you only see equal as what is LIKE YOURSELF??? that is not equality??? if you were KING of the earth, would you want you subjects to question you??? dude what the heck are you talking about ? i never said anyone wasnt equal to me . of course you didn't, who would??? i never said you did!!! i asked questions, but you define them as attacks, against your personal self??? it is understandable for one having fought, to feel insulted, just from the hearing of quesioning of policies, but such things concern the welfare of nations, and worlds of equal peoples, and are not a personal attack against you, since you served in iraq!!! what if all teachers, get upset when teaching policies are questioned??? it is understandable, but INDEED NOT LOGICAL FOR GOVERNING, OR DECIDING WHAT SHOULD GUIDE US??? the point was my friend, to show such things ARE NOT AGAINST YOU, NOR ABOUT YOU PERSONALLY!!! there is not one here that thinks less of you, because of some feeling that soilder's should be relieved, or that voice opposition against other peoples being killed, or any other opinion put forth??? it is not about what a soilder should do in the field of battle, BUT WHAT BATTLE'S SHOULD EVEN BE FIRST ENVOKED??? about what CONSTITUTE'S THE RIGHTEOUSS BATTLE, this being collected from ALL PEOPLES IDEAS AND THOUGHTS??? as far as norslyman, he is not saying ANYTHING AGAINST ANY PERSON, ONLY POLICIES??? if our government was NOT TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO BEST DEFEND US, to the maximum of it's known ability, then it would not be doing it's job??? the technology he speak of, WE DO HAVE, AS WITNESSED EVEN IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR, AND TO NOT BRING OUT THESE THINGS, WOULD SHOW OUR OWN LEADERS DO NOT WISH TO BE SCURINIZED, WHICH WOULD INDEED SHOW A MOST INSIDEOUS ULTERIOR MOTIVE??? the PEOPLE ARE WHO THE GOVERNMENT ANSWER TO, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND??? if we do not question my friends, we are in grave danger, as not one here is immune corruption, and anything that think it is, infalte it's mind with only illusions of true self??? look at all that rise to power??? rock stars, movie stars, lotto winner's??? yes, if we see all these as bad, that go crazy with power and money, then we are hidden from seeing what is to be learned about ourself!!! the line between truth is narrow, a sliver, a razor's edge, between what logic create either tyranny or freedom??? to not allow all data from all people's to come forth, and be considered as all equal data, only use then partial logic, of some few or group, THAT OF COURSE ALL DEFEND WHO IS IN IT'S OWN GROUP!!!??? for self to see IT'S TWO EYE'S ARE NOT AS GOOD AS ALL EYE'S, and eye's that are in the "self group", are simply extensions of self eyes, and THESE MOST MUST BE SCRUTINIZED AND QUESTIONED, AS THEY NATURALLY HAVE THE MOST MOTIVE TO DEFEND JUST TO PRESERVE WHAT IS IN THEIR OWN GROUP??? to see these things allow for the sight of how and WHY, to allow gathering of all data, by embracing the speaking of all data, to be able to put together collectively, TO SEE, what is more truth??? look, even our soilder's are treated in ways of tyranny??? now this is one your perspective you could embrace, having fought in the military, but to embrace this same scrutiny and treatment of ALL PEOPLES, IS THE ONLY EQUAL??? of course, there is sadness over the many attrocities even committed against the defender's of peace, and easily understandable your feelings about the matter, as you speak of your buddies, and their plight, and dilema's, but what of the other peoples, besides you, and all that you know personally, and have developed comradery with??? this be the only essence of the rhetorical questions put forth. they are not as even questions to be answered, just to envoke thought, that is all, and i happen to think the world of ya man.... peace dude well thank you . i think????? |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. i would too. especially when they aren't respected. but i am proud that they will answer a call for help. |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. we all would invictus . i wish it were possible , but this country has been built on the blood of soldiers because we dont want the bad guys to get this far , and the average american citizen wont get hurt , i wish there was another way but there isnt . but i understand what you are saying . |
When I joined the Army I tested high enough for acceptance in any MOS, in any branch of the military I wanted.
I chose 11B10 for one reason. I wanted to kill Iranians! Truth! |
This I know!
![]() |
When I joined the Army I tested high enough for acceptance in any MOS, in any branch of the military I wanted. I chose 11B10 for one reason. I wanted to kill Iranians! Truth! thank you for your service . |
When I joined the Army I tested high enough for acceptance in any MOS, in any branch of the military I wanted. I chose 11B10 for one reason. I wanted to kill Iranians! Truth! thank you for your service . And you my brother. ![]() Follow Me! |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. we all would invictus . i wish it were possible , but this country has been built on the blood of soldiers because we dont want the bad guys to get this far , and the average american citizen wont get hurt , i wish there was another way but there isnt . but i understand what you are saying . we wouldn't have been in any wars if it weren't for israel's tight grip on us. realize that when we go fight, we are dying for israel not our country. |
When I joined the Army I tested high enough for acceptance in any MOS, in any branch of the military I wanted. I chose 11B10 for one reason. I wanted to kill Iranians! Truth! thank you for your service . And you my brother. ![]() Follow Me! ![]() lead the way |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. we all would invictus . i wish it were possible , but this country has been built on the blood of soldiers because we dont want the bad guys to get this far , and the average american citizen wont get hurt , i wish there was another way but there isnt . but i understand what you are saying . we wouldn't have been in any wars if it weren't for israel's tight grip on us. realize that when we go fight, we are dying for israel not our country. what does israel have to do with korea, vietnam, kosovo, the ww's???? |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. we all would invictus . i wish it were possible , but this country has been built on the blood of soldiers because we dont want the bad guys to get this far , and the average american citizen wont get hurt , i wish there was another way but there isnt . but i understand what you are saying . we wouldn't have been in any wars if it weren't for israel's tight grip on us. realize that when we go fight, we are dying for israel not our country. ![]() ![]() its very sad you feel that way . i am sorry for your ignorance . maybe we should stop sending our troops over seas . let the enemy come to us and let t2 take up arms to deffend his home . |
I know rose, but I would feel better ignoring the call, than sending off young men and woman to war. we all would invictus . i wish it were possible , but this country has been built on the blood of soldiers because we dont want the bad guys to get this far , and the average american citizen wont get hurt , i wish there was another way but there isnt . but i understand what you are saying . we wouldn't have been in any wars if it weren't for israel's tight grip on us. realize that when we go fight, we are dying for israel not our country. what does israel have to do with korea, vietnam, kosovo, the ww's???? it has nothing to do with it rose , he is spouting off about conspiracy theory crap . |
dan...i know.