Topic: Free country, so do they have the right?
Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:44 PM
leave being an ass to me. when you are an ass I dont mind. go ahead make
my day!!!

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:51 PM

i love you man, are you going to be okay?

hey being able to say your piece no matter how it gets taken is what
that "colored cloth" represents. you know that more than most, lets both
breath, remember what its all about, and even though we're shaking our
heads about it, just move right on along.

drinker drinker

hey- we're double fisting here. hahahaha

daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:55 PM
Thank You army doc, I wasnt sure how to put that in public wiothout
sounding condescending...

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:59 PM
Yall are brothers, thanks again. and G-night...drinker drinker

lulu24's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:04 PM
several of my family have father was in the marine corps for
twenty-two years, served three tours of duty in vietnam. my brother was
in the army and spent thirteen months in bosnia, as well as a few other
places. my uncles served as well...three of them, anyway.

heck, even my husband did. i never said that i don't support our men
that are overseas, what i DID say is that i did NOTHING to be so lucky
as to be born in america. i love my country...and i am glad to be
here...but it's not something that i personally brought about, i just
happened to have parents that lived here.

and because there are people that DO care about said cloth...i would
never harm it. i just don't care for symbols. the men that gave their
lives...that's a different story. i'm very cognizant of their
sacrifice, and of the sacrifices of the families that have lost them.

MikeMontana's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:18 PM
It p1sses me off, I dont like it - it feels like opportunistic "shock
me" headline-grabbing. In other words, its done just to be annoying, not
cognizant of the real displeasure it causes to ordinary Americans.

But, I will say this, its entirely likely that all those students are US
citizens. Their parents may be illegals, but, since they are enrolled in
the public school system, they're likely US citizens. They choose an
ugly way to make their point, but, I take that as "yet another" sign of
our p1ss poor public education system.

davinci1952's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:23 PM
and of course the billions of dollars being sent back to mexico are
probably keeping their economy afloat...

we have been sold out folks...america in 20 yrs? ..imagine it...
gonna get uglier

daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:24 PM
I served as well, and am looking to go back in if I can make
requirements (inother words if I ma nt too FAT lol).
To me the flag is more than just a symbol. it represents every reason I
was out in the balkains, every reason I was away from home and every
reason why i was giving my life to serve. I will NOT go into what my
reaction was when I read those articles, and trust me it was just as
vehement as fanta was. That is why I am just now responding even though
I read them over five hours ago. I knew it was too likely that I would
blow up unintentionally as well. I personally feel it shuld still be a
crime to dishonor or damage the american flag (or any countrys flag for
that matter). To this day (almost tenyears after I left the army) I can
still tell you how to use the american flag in combat as far as sending
messages. the first way is to fly it upside down like these kids did.
It signals extreme distress, immediate assistance needed. The other
way, is if the post is over ran, the flag is taken down, the stars are
cut off as one piece, the red and white seperated, and it is then sent
to the nearest us army command signifying that the base has been over
run and that there are no survivors.
So yes, to me the American flag is more than just a piece of cloth.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:42 PM
danny if you want back in then do it, i did the same thing.
depending on your age, and i am sure of this you get a 24% on the tape
test, if youve been out more than 2 yrs tho youll have to go back thru
boot, one way around that little pleasure cruise is to.... well email
me, we can have a dialogue.

symbols.... got to love them.


daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:48 PM
oh yes gotta love the symbols...

adj4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 09:52 PM
well to fly the flag upside down is a major distress

to do this is like yelling fire in a theater

they should have been taken into custudy

their status checked

and dealt with accordingly

but hey what do i know

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:13 PM
dont want to be sued by some civil rights activist group robin.

adj4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:17 PM
has nothing to do with civil rights

it is an internationally known distress signal

it is unlawful to yell fire in a theater

if there is no fire

as it is unlawful to fly flag upside down

if there is no threat

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:17 PM
Ok so what is the issue here...the behaviour of the students?

The contempt for the flag?

Or the fact the kids are what from immigrant parents?

adj4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:21 PM
in my opinion the problem is

the misuse of an internationally known distress sign

if distress signals are not respected

then someday someone will need help

but h=they will be ignored

because of idoit things like this

catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 05/01/07 10:43 PM
The bad part is, most of those kids were born here, In county hosp.
When it came about that they were going to deport them then the question
was asked ..What about their kids that were born here.They all needed to
just pack up & go..

Belushi's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:00 PM
I love the idea that Redykeulous thinks that you are a free country ...
(or is she being humorous)

Your country is no more free than mine is.

You cannot find out the whole truth about anything, because your
politicians have their hand in the cookie jar, the slush fund and the
local secretary's knickers.

You have a large neighbouring population of people who have no hope and
are starving.

When you have no hope then you have nothing to lose.

So, when the Mexicans continually try to get into the States, its
because they are struggling to survive in their own country.

The US has a huge land mass. Not sharing it is being like a "dog in a

Dont start on me about "you have no idea" The UK has its own
immigration problems too. But we are a small country with a dense
population. With the advent of the EU adding more countries to its
already over-weight collective, we now have people who are coming to the
UK because we have a free-travel policy.

Land is not owned, it is leased.

Be grateful you are not being run out of your country because your govt
is so corrupt that its people are starving.

A friend told me recently that she hates the dentist. (After all, you
pay for huge amounts of pain) But she reluctantly goes. Because there
are people out there that would die for the luxury of feeding their
children and she has the luxury of a dental plan.

Think on that, when you next eat anything.

Mexicans are human beings too. just like you and I. Why dont they
deserve the right to live in peace, like you would like to?

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:17 PM
Jess, you asked a question that deserves an answer.

The Flag in this country stands for everything good that was ever
intended or desired by the first and only courtry ever to develope with
freedom, equality and justice for all. It is with so much passion that
we feel believe in the concept that it represents that we have fought a
civil war, with tens of thousands of deaths internally, to maintain it.
The develpment of this country as a major power in this world, in less
than 200 years, has proved to us that this is the best way of life. It
is this great pride, this great sense of good fortune that has allowed
this country to extend to those of other nations charity, relief, and
even the lives of our citizens where ever a fight for justice is needed.

Of all the things that we disagree on internally, there has always been
one rally point, the Flag.

There is a great influx of immigrant whose children were born in this
country. That makes that child native born, a citizen.
However, they and their families have not assimilated the passions of
most American for the flag. Yet, every country teaches respect for
their flag. If teenagers, and their parents, and other family members
have so little basic respect for the flag of nation they intent to be a
part of, then how can we ever expect them to have the same passion for
our freedoms, our government, or way of life?

It is the lack of simple respect that is alarming here, especially in
light of the millions that want to be here.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:53 PM
belushi- i hear in your words that because we have something and someone
doesnt then we should be or rather have to be the better person and give
it up to because someone who is not a citizen of this country either
needs it more or is in distress.

you mentioned our politicians and how screwed up our country is, better
check yours first. .........more bad things here........................
more bad things here...................more bad things
here...........okay well you get the idea, but i will keep my thoughts
of your knicker ripping guys to myself.

hmmm. with all the talk about how the americans are, whether it be rude
or selfish or fat and lazy, why should we have to GIVE away what is ours
to someone else who apparently has the right to it. forget about the
rights of who it belongs to.

its funny how we're seen as self righteous and igdignative but do you
hear how you telling who we should give our space to is equally self

we have nothing to do with the problems of the UK, i do rememeber that
when all of the eu stuff was just getting kicked off the thought process
over here was 'shouldnt do it' but we had no say in the matter.

a dog in the manger, whats that like a glutenous statement or something,
the fat cow so to speak? yeah sure i'll take that. you want to talk
about eating and feeding people, we share and support more than our own,
always have always will, you can do the research on that too, but what
about the remarks (albeit not by you) that 'whats america think it is
the be all and know all of the world, trying to solve everybodies
problems' world policeman and all. seems we cant please everybody all
the time huh? we give and give, mean while the problems in our own
country go unchecked for long periods just so we can do as the world
tells us to do, because we have an obligation to it for being somewhat
successful in our lives.

land mass- hell theres a lot of land on the world, but its easier to go
some place already developed rather than put blood and sweat into
developing some place new.

so while your having tea, think about whatelse we can do for you and the
rest of the world, now keep in mind though that if you drain the moat to
much then the fortress that was can easily be over ran and tore down,
but then we'd all be on a more even plain. yeah- two pints for

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:57 PM
Australia's got plenty of room, the more the merrier, BYO water