Topic: Are you willing to follow Obama into Socialism and the NWO?
think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:18 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:23 PM

winx you're being prejudiced of the truth.

Why do you say that to people that don't agree with you?

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:25 PM
Think2deep, are you absolutly sure you have the truth? And what you have researched has come from somwhere, no? It did'nt just enter your head one day right?

You are asking us to believe something that comes from somewhere else, and there are differing opinions on what you have come to believe. So why would you be so upset if we don't nessessarily agree with your research?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:25 PM

winx you're being prejudiced of the truth.

Why do you say that to people that don't agree with you?

if someone grabbed a jar of mayanaise that was sitting in my fridgerator since 1980 and i told them not to use it because it was no good, yet they used it anyway, i would call them haters of truth also. they would learn right away that i told them the truth, unfortunately, i'll have to wait for some time before you see that i'm telling the truth.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:26 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion.

Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life.

dantaylor28's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:31 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such
thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

so since when is you OPINION the truth ? just because you believe it . none of us know the "truth" about where the current administration is going to lead us . sounds like your watching fox news to much . all we can do is sit back and watch where this goes . maybe it will work maybe it wont . but we know one thing the way we used to do things does not work anymore . it was time for a change . only time will tell if this was the right change .

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:37 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion.

Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life.

my dear dragoness, i am only 5 years younger than you, yet, you still prefer to refer to me as a youngin. this is very disconcerting to me. if you had honestly gained wisdom in all of your 44 years on this earth, you would have come to the conclusion that it isn't the number in your age that matters at all, but the quality and quantity of information that you were able to process and pin together in what is known as epiphanies in that amount of time. truth is only subjective if you choose to believe that that is the case. just because you can recite some propaganda that has been distributed willy nilly through out the news paper, tv and radio through the enormous amounts of years that you have spent on this earth does not mean that you are living the truth. your opinions based on your emotional outlook of the world, lacks the substance of the realistic points of view. with all of that said and from what i've witnessed on this forum, i would have to conclude that your vision of the truth is merely conjecture at the most.

LadyHawkeByDay's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:39 PM
I've come to the realization that there is no such thing as truth. Each time we think we have truth, we find out that in fact, it was only theory-- subject to revisions in light of subsequent discoveries. I, therefore, believe that truth is not something which will ever be entirely within our grasp. We are, after all, inescapably biased by our sensory limitations and our view privileged by those moments which interconnect to create perspective.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:40 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 03/02/09 01:40 PM

all we can do is sit back and watch where this goes . maybe it will work maybe it wont . but we know one thing the way we used to do things does not work anymore . it was time for a change . only time will tell if this was the right change .

That is so true.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:41 PM

With the daily progression of compounding oppression of Americans,I see it coming and would like to know.
Will you follow him there and why?

:thumbsup: Im certainly ready to follow him:thumbsup:

Winx's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:41 PM

winx you're being prejudiced of the truth.

Why do you say that to people that don't agree with you?

if someone grabbed a jar of mayanaise that was sitting in my fridgerator since 1980 and i told them not to use it because it was no good, yet they used it anyway, i would call them haters of truth also. they would learn right away that i told them the truth, unfortunately, i'll have to wait for some time before you see that i'm telling the truth.

Interesting concept that you have there. If someone doesn't believe you or agree with you, they are truth haters.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:45 PM
:banana: :banana: Go Socialism:banana: :banana:

:banana: :banana: Go NWO:banana: :banana:

dantaylor28's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:45 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion.

Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life.

my dear dragoness, i am only 5 years younger than you, yet, you still prefer to refer to me as a youngin. this is very disconcerting to me. if you had honestly gained wisdom in all of your 44 years on this earth, you would have come to the conclusion that it isn't the number in your age that matters at all, but the quality and quantity of information that you were able to process and pin together in what is known as epiphanies in that amount of time. truth is only subjective if you choose to believe that that is the case. just because you can recite some propaganda that has been distributed willy nilly through out the news paper, tv and radio through the enormous amounts of years that you have spent on this earth does not mean that you are living the truth. your opinions based on your emotional outlook of the world, lacks the substance of the realistic points of view. with all of that said and from what i've witnessed on this forum, i would have to conclude that your vision of the truth is merely conjecture at the most.

hey think2deep if her vision of the truth is merely conjecture , what is yours????? absolute truth???? laugh :laughing: rofl :

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:45 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 03/02/09 01:46 PM

oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater.

Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree?

first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH.

No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion.

Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life.

my dear dragoness, i am only 5 years younger than you, yet, you still prefer to refer to me as a youngin. this is very disconcerting to me. if you had honestly gained wisdom in all of your 44 years on this earth, you would have come to the conclusion that it isn't the number in your age that matters at all, but the quality and quantity of information that you were able to process and pin together in what is known as epiphanies in that amount of time. truth is only subjective if you choose to believe that that is the case. just because you can recite some propaganda that has been distributed willy nilly through out the news paper, tv and radio through the enormous amounts of years that you have spent on this earth does not mean that you are living the truth. your opinions based on your emotional outlook of the world, lacks the substance of the realistic points of view. with all of that said and from what i've witnessed on this forum, i would have to conclude that your vision of the truth is merely conjecture at the most.

I have been properly psycoanalyzed by a youngster. Very cute. I am amused.

Hopefully one day you will reach the wisdom of my short 44 years. And you are right some do wisen up earlier than others.

As for the truth it is subjective always. There is no way around it. The truth for you will not be the truth for another and neither of them are wrong.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:46 PM

the old world order kinda sucked

I'm ready for a new one

:banana: I :heart: NWO:banana:

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:50 PM

the old world order kinda sucked

I'm ready for a new one

:banana: I :heart: NWO:banana:

Mirror you are so crazy, do you even know what it is??flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:52 PM

I've come to the realization that there is no such thing as truth. Each time we think we have truth, we find out that in fact, it was only theory-- subject to revisions in light of subsequent discoveries. I, therefore, believe that truth is not something which will ever be entirely within our grasp. We are, after all, inescapably biased by our sensory limitations and our view privileged by those moments which interconnect to create perspective.


I am 59 years of age, and I learned quite a while back that I absolutly did not know everything, and the more I learned what I missed the more things changed and also changed what I had learned already. So Think2Deep, I get the feeling that you do care about things and want so see change yourself, but believe me nothing is ever what it appears to be. And there are groups out there that would like nothing better than for you to believe what you do, though it maybe only be half truth.

I can't convince you of that and I am not going to try, but I can tell you that whatever you obsess on will become your reality, and not nessessarily the reality of others. Your are still young and let me tell you, it's going to blow you away how fast you get from where you are to where I am, so try enjoying what is, instead of spending so much time with what might be. You will be much happier while your aging like crazy... lol

I can only live my life to the best of my ability not matter who is president, I will wait to see how this goes just as I did with Bush whom I had little respect for right from the beginning, but I didn't spend my time obesssing with him or trying to convince others that he was not good for our country and I didn't do the I told you so, because many many americans thought he was good for this country and hell some still think he was. I don't agree but I won't spend all my time trying to prove otherwise unless I like having a nervous breakdown.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:53 PM

the old world order kinda sucked

I'm ready for a new one

:banana: I :heart: NWO:banana:

Mirror you are so crazy, do you even know what it is??flowerforyou
bigsmile Yes I know what it is.flowerforyou A silly conspiracy theory/myth.:smile: I am tired of arguing with right wingers who say stuff like that so now I am just going to play along with it.:tongue: These people are always wrong and they dont actually believe what they are saying.flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:56 PM

the old world order kinda sucked

I'm ready for a new one

:banana: I :heart: NWO:banana:

Mirror you are so crazy, do you even know what it is??flowerforyou
bigsmile Yes I know what it is.flowerforyou A silly conspiracy theory/myth.:smile: I am tired of arguing with right wingers who say stuff like that so now I am just going to play along with it.:tongue: These people are always wrong and they dont actually believe what they are saying.flowerforyou

Oh..okay then, well you gave me a chuckle for the day anyway.flowerforyou

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:58 PM

I've come to the realization that there is no such thing as truth. Each time we think we have truth, we find out that in fact, it was only theory-- subject to revisions in light of subsequent discoveries. I, therefore, believe that truth is not something which will ever be entirely within our grasp. We are, after all, inescapably biased by our sensory limitations and our view privileged by those moments which interconnect to create perspective.

if you can go back in time and review as many factors in the political equations as is available to you at the time, determine which factors had the most significant effects on the developments of the outcomes of each situation, compare them to the timeline of events, you can see a pattern developing based on each outcome of each event by taking the equation as a whole and observing which way the waves are being distributed. once you have determined the pattern and it's direction, you can look for similar factors in the recent political policies to determine whether or not the pattern is maintaining it's course. i would have to say that, the pattern itself and it's diretion would be more likely to contain the truth, however you want to view the truth, which can be used to foresee future events.