Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE? - part 2 | |
Lets not forget: -Jomon culture of Japan from 10000BC -Hoabinhian culture of North Vietnam from 8000 BC -Yangshao culutre of China from 5000-2000 BC -Longshan culture of China from 3000-2000 BC Where are you getting these dates from? USC library. Universities are full of information. Yes, I know - I went to one, and taught in a few others. Now - who is providing these dates, and where are they getting their information. And don't say - "a book" - because that isn't where the dates come from, there where they're recorded. |
Are you suggesting that the bible offers better, more empirical evidence that world is significantly younger? Are you implying creationism is a more plausible option? My post was about evolution. I don't see any more plausible evidence to Evolution than I do Creatioism. The "belief" in either as an explination of origins is totally based on faith. Any observation of mutational change or natural selection is as easily explained by Creationism as it is by evolutional theory. The beief of either one depends solely o one's world view and what they chose to put their faith in. Since neither evolution nor Creationism can be scientifically proven - neither is science. I understand your beliefs a little more now, thanks for sharing. Can I assume that you are familiar with the scientific process then? I don't see how you could suggest that there is not more empirical evidence for evolution than creationism. Evolution even according the scientists who study it on a full-time basis is not a complete science. No one claims that it is fully understood, but that does not take away from the science of it. We don't fully understand gravity, but you don't see any sane person religious or not questioning it. If you believe in neither creationism nor evolution, do you have an alternative hypothesis? Yes, I am quite familiar with the scientific process, and much like everyone else on these threads, believe that there is a deeper understanding of scientific theory, and a higher degree of accuracy now than there's ever been before. However, I think there is a necessity for a line to be drawn when it comes to conclusions of the past based on the observations of today. And - also, there as been, and will continue to be a great amount of deception and mis-information diseminated from the world of evolution - as much has there has been in the word of religion. Just as there are hundreds - if not thousands of "false prophets" in religion - using it as a means to their own ends, so too are there hundreds, if not thousands of scientists who's very livelyhood requires that evolution be "accepted" - despite whether it's true or not. This is where the subtlety of "conjecture" turns into "universal truth". Some prime examples of this are Haeckels Law, long proven to be a hoax, yet still included in every science book taught in schools, Lucy and the "imagined" models created from a torso of which only 40 % of it's parts were found, Piltdown man, Nebraska man (in reality, a tooth of a pig) - and the list goes on. I just don't see any emperical evidence for Evolution, and I don't find the premises for dating an old earth to be acceptable. Too many unanswered questions to believe that dating anything older than 5 or 6 thousand years is even possible. It's just "wishful thinking" that "given the premises to be true" of materials "believed" to be ancient were in fact what they are claimed to be when they were in their "original" (or parent) state, given the observation of the daughter status. My position on Creationism is from the mere perspective of observation (seeing the world outside my front door) and the complexity of life. Though I have never, and will never claim there is "evidence" for a creation - I see no reason to think it is disprovable. I do, however, think that many claims of evolution are disprovable. Due simply to the fact that the continued experiments to transform one species (or kind if you will) into another has a zero percent success rating. Also - despite the fact that we can observe mutation _within_ a species, it has yet to be shown, under any circumstance, that any DNA information has been ADDED within these mutations. It's only been demonstrated that information is lost. I don't think that any of the alternative theories (UFO's for example, or alien hosts) are any more plausable than either Evolution or Creationism, and need a great deal more "faith" to believe in them than either of the main two that are discussed. I think the option lies with Abiogenisis or Creationism, and either one is only true on a faith based level. Three's just no means to take it beyond that using either science - or empirical evidence. It centers largely on one's world view, and how they determine to interpret the facts. some see fossils and precieve them to be within the tree of evolution, and millions of years old, others see a fossil and believe it was created, and no more than 6,000 years old. Science can do nothing to prove either of them correct, as too much information is missing which can never be recreated, or accumulated to insure the accuracy of interpretation. And I don't think that belief in one - negates the other. Just because one erson has belief in one world view does nothing to discredit belief in the other. ![]() ![]() But evolution can't even explain the nature we see all around us. Ever examine the evolutionary account of how birds got their wings? Rediculoius, and the observable evidence contradicts the theory. There are numerous developments of animals that are not explained by evolution. "We're working on that" they say. My requirements for plausability are a bit higher than "We're working on that". ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What is the basis for the conclusion that wings are an environmental adaptation? Adapted from what? If this is the case - why have we as humans not grown wings? Surely our environmental requirements have demonstrated a need to learn how to fly. Else why the multi-trillion dollar aviation industry. As to the idea that most animals of the past were much larger, there's no basis for that statement. There's no evidence to demonstrate the statement the way you have presented it. I would agree that there were in fact - larger animals, such as the Dino's - but I don't think ants were ten feet long in the past, and I believe a minnow has always been a minnow. Thee's no evidence to support animals being larger due to environmental conditions, because those environmental conditions are unknown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's easy - provide acceptable facts that demonstrate the innaccuracies. That's the only polite way. Offering mere presumption and conjecture though - only demonstrates an arrogance to accure someone of innacuracies based on unsubstanciated opinions. So - just provide the facts. |
Edited by
Wed 04/08/09 08:22 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() Just come out and say it. Those that enter this thread to actually learn will be able to, and it's not like anything you say will actually change the persons mind. Just look at the mounds of irrefutable evidence that has been posted in the countless threads on this subject. Irrefutable evidence? What are you refering to. I've read this whole thread - and I'm not sure what you're talking about. |
When Jesus was asked what His proof to His claims were: that He was the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, that what Moses recorded was absolutely true truth, that He was God in the flesh and that through Him and Him alone could we be saved and go to Heaven, He said to his inquirers in response:
"No sign shall be given to it [our generation] but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the large-fish, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Matt 12:39-40) Jesus, in this passage, tells us that His Physical Resurrection from the dead is all the proof we need. Why? It proves, first, that there is life after death, a Heaven and a Hell. How do we know? Because Jesus came back from the dead to prove to us that it is true. Second, it proves that Jesus is God in the flesh, our Creator who holds the keys to Heaven or Hell. How do we know? Because He proved it by recreating His own human body Physically Alive! from the dead, thus proving that He is the Lord, Creator and sustainer of life. Note here also that He created life instantaneously, not over billions of years of time through the chance collision of molecules. Third, His Physical Resurrection from the dead proves that all that He said and all that Moses wrote is absolutely true truth and therefore that the book of Genesis is true truth. How do we know? Because He came back Physically from the dead to prove to us it is true. It is impossible for scientists to prove or demonstrate how the universe was created and came into existence through scientific investigation. This is because these are historical events man is not able to observe or reproduce in a laboratory. This is why God revealed it to us supernaturally and had Moses record it in the book of Genesis. It is also why God became a man Himself, to prove through His humanity, death and resurrection that we could without fear or wavering believe what He had his servant Moses record about Creation as being true. Jesus’ Physical Resurrection is the only proof we have and can have to prove that what the book of Genesis tells us is absolutely true. In the day of judgment, Jesus tells us that His Physical Resurrection is all the proof and evidence that will be presented to us. He will not give us any other sign or evidence. If this is true, then why do men spend their lives trying to prove it is false and support what even the true facts of science show us is not true: Naturalistic Evolution? They teach, support and close their hearts to the Bible and any evidence of science supporting Creation because to acknowledge it requires them to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. It is a Lordship issue, not a scientific issue. Because they do not want Jesus to reign over them as Lord, therefore they must come up with a naturalistic explanation of how the known universe and man came into existence which is also why they ignore evidence to the contrary though it stares them in the face. By doing so they can justify what they do with science and man. If the universe came into being through naturalistic processes and life through chance formation of atoms and molecules, then there are no moral absolutes by which man is accountable to, there is no right or wrong. If this is true then science may do what they want with science. What are the fruits and consequences of this kind of philosophy and thinking? If man is not created by God and in His image, the explanation of man’s existence is no more than the explanation of the existence of a rock and therefore man has no more importance or value than a rock. Not only that, but he is no more important than a plant or an animal or a machine. The end result is that man’s value as man as taught by the Bible, which is that he was created in God's image and therefore of highest value and of first importance over all of the rest of creation, disappears. This then means that making the life of a rat more important than the livelihood of a farmer, or the life of a whale more important than the life of a baby in the fetus is neither right nor wrong. This is why today we cannot bring restraint against Abortion and euthanasia because we have done away with that which made human life of greatest value, the teaching of Genesis, and as a result have no restraint against anything which man chooses to do for his own convenience. This is what happens to man when we do not subject ourselves to God’s revelation in the Book of Genesis: man’s value as man becomes no more valuable than the rock in your garden that you toss away. This is why taking the book of Genesis literally is not an option. Any other view leads to the devaluing of man and his eventual total destruction by man. Again when we say there is no alternative but to take Genesis literally, we do not mean this as a philosophical or theological convenience so we will have a higher value of ourselves. There is no alternative because Jesus gave us absolute proof that what Moses taught in the book of Genesis is absolutely true when He came back Physically Alive! from the dead. Why the teachings of Genesis and Evolution are not compatible: Genesis teaches that Jesus created the known universe instantly in six literal twenty-four hour solar days. Evolution teaches that all that exists came into being through the chance collision of atoms and molecules over billions of years of time. Genesis teaches that Jesus’ creation of the Universe is complete. Evolution teaches that the evolution of life is a continuous ongoing process. Genesis teaches that the oceans existed before dry land existed. Evolution teaches that the dry land existed before the oceans existed. Genesis teaches that Jesus first created life on the dry land and then created the life in the oceans. Evolution teaches that life started in the ocean and eventually evolved onto the dry land. Genesis teaches that plant life was created by Jesus first. Evolution teaches that marine life evolved first. Genesis teaches that Jesus first created the earth and that the sun and the universe were created later. Evolution teaches that the sun existed first and that the earth evolved later. Genesis teaches that fruit trees were created before the fish. Evolution teaches that fish evolved before fruit trees. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the fish and the birds at the same time. Evolution teaches that fish evolved millions of years before bird life evolved. Genesis teaches that Jesus created birds before insects. Evolution teaches that insects evolved before birds. Genesis teaches that Jesus created whales before reptiles. Evolution teaches that reptiles evolved before whales. Genesis teaches that Jesus created birds before reptiles. Evolution teaches that reptiles evolved before birds. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man before rain. Evolution teaches rain existed before man. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the male before the female. Evolution teaches that the female evolved before male. Genesis teaches that Jesus created light before the Sun. Evolution teaches that the sun evolved before any light. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the plants before the sun. Evolution teaches that the Sun evolved before plant life on earth evolved. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man a spirit soul and body, and his body instantly from the dust of the ground. Evolution teaches that man evolved from monkeys without a spirit or a soul. Genesis teaches that Jesus created all life after its kind meaning they are fixed within their species, they cannot cross over and do not cross over to other kinds of animal life. Evolution teaches that all life evolved from the simplest cell life. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man in His image and according to His likeness which means that man was created with the moral righteousness of God ruling over man through his spirit. It also means that Jesus gave man dominion over all the earth to rule over all of life. Evolution teaches that most life forms were extinct before man evolved as man. Evolution also teaches the survival of the fittest. Genesis teaches that man is superior to all other life forms. Genesis teaches that before the flood Jesus instructed man to eat plant life only. It was only after the flood that Jesus also instructed man to eat animal flesh as well. Evolution teaches that man started off as a meat eater. Finally, Genesis teaches that when Jesus created man and all other life forms on the earth it was that they were to live forever, that there was no death; that death came into the world as a result of man’s sin, not part of Jesus’ intended plan of Creation. Evolution teaches that death existed long before man existed, that death has always been a part of animal and plant life. Because of the flood of the so called facts of evolution in the various sciences and disciplines, this has led to an over sensitivity among Evangelical scholars who have sought to try and harmonize the teaching of Genesis with Evolution. This attempt of harmonization of Scripture with Evolution has led to many different theories about Creation. The most popular theory is the Old Earth-Young Adam theory. They teach the earth is old with its fossil evidence but that the evolution of man is a recent historical event. They teach that the human fossils that are dated earlier than the Neolithic (the New Stone age, starting at about 10,000 y.a.) represent "pre-Adamites" who may or may not have been human in the biblical sense of the term.375/234 No matter what theory of creation one has, if it is not based on Genesis as it stands and at face value, crumbles and falls to the ground in the light of the total context of Scripture. Problems which arise are the following: the Bible teaches that before Adam and Eve sinned there was no death in the world, that death came about as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin and rebellion against God. Paul the Apostle wrote, "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin" (Rom 5:12). The Old Earth-Young Adam theory teaches that death was a natural part of nature before Adam came into being and continued after Adam. This teaching also contradicts the Bible’s teaching that Eve is the mother of all living humans. It was because of Adam and Eve’s sin, that introduced death into the world, that God told them that through the seed of the woman, the virgin birth since the seed always comes from man, He would send Jesus Christ to die for man’s sin so that the enemy, death, would be abolished. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For the wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23), "But now. . . by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel" (2 Tim 1:10). The whole purpose of Jesus’ coming, death and resurrection were for the purpose of nullifying sin’s effect of death over man and creation, to reverse the process and bring creation back to its original place of immortality. This is absolutely incompatible with the teaching of Evolution which teaches that death has always been a part of nature, that death is normal. The Bible teaches that death is not normal and thus why God sent Jesus to reverse sin’s effect on the world. Concerning this Paul wrote, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this corruptible will have put on the incorruptible, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?' The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor 15:52-57) |
Edited by
Sun 04/19/09 12:01 PM
The works of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx had a major and lasting influence on Victorian Culture. Charles Robert Darwin was a naturalist who proposed that all living creatures are related by common ancestors.Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809 and died in 1882. Darwin was a member of the Royal Geographical Society.His Alma Mater was the Univerity of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge.His academic advisors were Adam Sedgwick and John Stevens Henslow. His best known works were the "Voyage of the Beagle","On The Origin Of Species" and his theory of Natural Selection.He won several major awards in his lifetime.The Royal Medal in 1853,the Wallaston Medal in 1859,and the Copley Medal in 1864.One of his major influences was Charles Lyell, and he in turned heavily influenced Thomas Henry Huxley and George John Romanes. He was a member of the Church of England although his family had a Unitarian background,and he is known to have embraced Agnosticism after 1851.
Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in 1853. He was a sociologist, historian, revolutionary, political theorist and economist, philosopher, and humanist. Karl Marx was intensely interested in economics,philosophy,politics, and the struggle between the classes. He was heavily influenced by Comte, Goethe, Fourier, Hegel, Sterner, Feurbach, Epicurus,and Kant.And in turn he heavily influenced the works of Michel Focault,Mao, Castro,Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Luxemburg,Bakunin,Simone De Bouvoir,and Che Guevara. Marx's most famous works are his "Communist Manifesto",and "Das Kapital". He cofounded "Marxism" with Engels,and he is notable for creating the materialist view of history,and speaking out against the exploitation of workers. |
When Jesus was asked what His proof to His claims were: that He was the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, that what Moses recorded was absolutely true truth, that He was God in the flesh and that through Him and Him alone could we be saved and go to Heaven, He said to his inquirers in response: "No sign shall be given to it [our generation] but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the large-fish, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Matt 12:39-40) Jesus, in this passage, tells us that His Physical Resurrection from the dead is all the proof we need. Why? It proves, first, that there is life after death, a Heaven and a Hell. How do we know? Because Jesus came back from the dead to prove to us that it is true. Second, it proves that Jesus is God in the flesh, our Creator who holds the keys to Heaven or Hell. How do we know? Because He proved it by recreating His own human body Physically Alive! from the dead, thus proving that He is the Lord, Creator and sustainer of life. Note here also that He created life instantaneously, not over billions of years of time through the chance collision of molecules. Third, His Physical Resurrection from the dead proves that all that He said and all that Moses wrote is absolutely true truth and therefore that the book of Genesis is true truth. How do we know? Because He came back Physically from the dead to prove to us it is true. It is impossible for scientists to prove or demonstrate how the universe was created and came into existence through scientific investigation. This is because these are historical events man is not able to observe or reproduce in a laboratory. This is why God revealed it to us supernaturally and had Moses record it in the book of Genesis. It is also why God became a man Himself, to prove through His humanity, death and resurrection that we could without fear or wavering believe what He had his servant Moses record about Creation as being true. Jesus’ Physical Resurrection is the only proof we have and can have to prove that what the book of Genesis tells us is absolutely true. In the day of judgment, Jesus tells us that His Physical Resurrection is all the proof and evidence that will be presented to us. He will not give us any other sign or evidence. If this is true, then why do men spend their lives trying to prove it is false and support what even the true facts of science show us is not true: Naturalistic Evolution? They teach, support and close their hearts to the Bible and any evidence of science supporting Creation because to acknowledge it requires them to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. It is a Lordship issue, not a scientific issue. Because they do not want Jesus to reign over them as Lord, therefore they must come up with a naturalistic explanation of how the known universe and man came into existence which is also why they ignore evidence to the contrary though it stares them in the face. By doing so they can justify what they do with science and man. If the universe came into being through naturalistic processes and life through chance formation of atoms and molecules, then there are no moral absolutes by which man is accountable to, there is no right or wrong. If this is true then science may do what they want with science. What are the fruits and consequences of this kind of philosophy and thinking? If man is not created by God and in His image, the explanation of man’s existence is no more than the explanation of the existence of a rock and therefore man has no more importance or value than a rock. Not only that, but he is no more important than a plant or an animal or a machine. The end result is that man’s value as man as taught by the Bible, which is that he was created in God's image and therefore of highest value and of first importance over all of the rest of creation, disappears. This then means that making the life of a rat more important than the livelihood of a farmer, or the life of a whale more important than the life of a baby in the fetus is neither right nor wrong. This is why today we cannot bring restraint against Abortion and euthanasia because we have done away with that which made human life of greatest value, the teaching of Genesis, and as a result have no restraint against anything which man chooses to do for his own convenience. This is what happens to man when we do not subject ourselves to God’s revelation in the Book of Genesis: man’s value as man becomes no more valuable than the rock in your garden that you toss away. This is why taking the book of Genesis literally is not an option. Any other view leads to the devaluing of man and his eventual total destruction by man. Again when we say there is no alternative but to take Genesis literally, we do not mean this as a philosophical or theological convenience so we will have a higher value of ourselves. There is no alternative because Jesus gave us absolute proof that what Moses taught in the book of Genesis is absolutely true when He came back Physically Alive! from the dead. Why the teachings of Genesis and Evolution are not compatible: Genesis teaches that Jesus created the known universe instantly in six literal twenty-four hour solar days. Evolution teaches that all that exists came into being through the chance collision of atoms and molecules over billions of years of time. Genesis teaches that Jesus’ creation of the Universe is complete. Evolution teaches that the evolution of life is a continuous ongoing process. Genesis teaches that the oceans existed before dry land existed. Evolution teaches that the dry land existed before the oceans existed. Genesis teaches that Jesus first created life on the dry land and then created the life in the oceans. Evolution teaches that life started in the ocean and eventually evolved onto the dry land. Genesis teaches that plant life was created by Jesus first. Evolution teaches that marine life evolved first. Genesis teaches that Jesus first created the earth and that the sun and the universe were created later. Evolution teaches that the sun existed first and that the earth evolved later. Genesis teaches that fruit trees were created before the fish. Evolution teaches that fish evolved before fruit trees. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the fish and the birds at the same time. Evolution teaches that fish evolved millions of years before bird life evolved. Genesis teaches that Jesus created birds before insects. Evolution teaches that insects evolved before birds. Genesis teaches that Jesus created whales before reptiles. Evolution teaches that reptiles evolved before whales. Genesis teaches that Jesus created birds before reptiles. Evolution teaches that reptiles evolved before birds. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man before rain. Evolution teaches rain existed before man. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the male before the female. Evolution teaches that the female evolved before male. Genesis teaches that Jesus created light before the Sun. Evolution teaches that the sun evolved before any light. Genesis teaches that Jesus created the plants before the sun. Evolution teaches that the Sun evolved before plant life on earth evolved. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man a spirit soul and body, and his body instantly from the dust of the ground. Evolution teaches that man evolved from monkeys without a spirit or a soul. Genesis teaches that Jesus created all life after its kind meaning they are fixed within their species, they cannot cross over and do not cross over to other kinds of animal life. Evolution teaches that all life evolved from the simplest cell life. Genesis teaches that Jesus created man in His image and according to His likeness which means that man was created with the moral righteousness of God ruling over man through his spirit. It also means that Jesus gave man dominion over all the earth to rule over all of life. Evolution teaches that most life forms were extinct before man evolved as man. Evolution also teaches the survival of the fittest. Genesis teaches that man is superior to all other life forms. Genesis teaches that before the flood Jesus instructed man to eat plant life only. It was only after the flood that Jesus also instructed man to eat animal flesh as well. Evolution teaches that man started off as a meat eater. Finally, Genesis teaches that when Jesus created man and all other life forms on the earth it was that they were to live forever, that there was no death; that death came into the world as a result of man’s sin, not part of Jesus’ intended plan of Creation. Evolution teaches that death existed long before man existed, that death has always been a part of animal and plant life. Because of the flood of the so called facts of evolution in the various sciences and disciplines, this has led to an over sensitivity among Evangelical scholars who have sought to try and harmonize the teaching of Genesis with Evolution. This attempt of harmonization of Scripture with Evolution has led to many different theories about Creation. The most popular theory is the Old Earth-Young Adam theory. They teach the earth is old with its fossil evidence but that the evolution of man is a recent historical event. They teach that the human fossils that are dated earlier than the Neolithic (the New Stone age, starting at about 10,000 y.a.) represent "pre-Adamites" who may or may not have been human in the biblical sense of the term.375/234 No matter what theory of creation one has, if it is not based on Genesis as it stands and at face value, crumbles and falls to the ground in the light of the total context of Scripture. Problems which arise are the following: the Bible teaches that before Adam and Eve sinned there was no death in the world, that death came about as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin and rebellion against God. Paul the Apostle wrote, "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin" (Rom 5:12). The Old Earth-Young Adam theory teaches that death was a natural part of nature before Adam came into being and continued after Adam. This teaching also contradicts the Bible’s teaching that Eve is the mother of all living humans. It was because of Adam and Eve’s sin, that introduced death into the world, that God told them that through the seed of the woman, the virgin birth since the seed always comes from man, He would send Jesus Christ to die for man’s sin so that the enemy, death, would be abolished. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For the wages of sin is death" (Rom 6:23), "But now. . . by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel" (2 Tim 1:10). The whole purpose of Jesus’ coming, death and resurrection were for the purpose of nullifying sin’s effect of death over man and creation, to reverse the process and bring creation back to its original place of immortality. This is absolutely incompatible with the teaching of Evolution which teaches that death has always been a part of nature, that death is normal. The Bible teaches that death is not normal and thus why God sent Jesus to reverse sin’s effect on the world. Concerning this Paul wrote, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this corruptible will have put on the incorruptible, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?' The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor 15:52-57) This is a classic example of taking something of context and twisting it to make your point. Nowhere in the chapter does Jesus speak of rather the genesis account of creation should be taken literally or figuratively. |
Edited by
Sun 04/19/09 01:27 PM
The works of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx had a major and lasting influence on Victorian Culture. Charles Robert Darwin was a naturalist who proposed that all living creatures are related by common ancestors.Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809 and died in 1882. Darwin was a member of the Royal Geographical Society.His Alma Mater was the Univerity of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge.His academic advisors were Adam Sedgwick and John Stevens Henslow. His best known works were the "Voyage of the Beagle","On The Origin Of Species" and his theory of Natural Selection.He won several major awards in his lifetime.The Royal Medal in 1853,the Wallaston Medal in 1859,and the Copley Medal in 1864.One of his major influences was Charles Lyell, and he in turned heavily influenced Thomas Henry Huxley and George John Romanes. He was a member of the Church of England although his family had a Unitarian background,and he is known to have embraced Agnosticism after 1851.
Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in 1853. He was a sociologist, historian, revolutionary, political theorist and economist, philosopher, and humanist. Karl Marx was intensely interested in economics,philosophy,politics, and the struggle between the classes. He was heavily influenced by Comte, Goethe, Fourier, Hegel, Sterner, Feurbach, Epicurus,and Kant.And in turn he heavily influenced the works of Michel Focault,Mao, Castro,Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Luxemburg,Bakunin,Simone De Bouvoir,and Che Guevara. Marx's most famous works are his "Communist Manifesto",and "Das Kapital". He cofounded "Marxism" with Engels,and he is notable for creating the materialist view of history,and speaking out against the exploitation of workers. Alfred Tennyson was born in Somersby ,Lincolnshire, England in 1809, and died in 1892 in Haslemere,Surrey, England in 1892. Tennyson's occupation was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom and he was influenced by John Milton,Geoffry Chaucer,John Keats, and William Shakespeare.In turn,he influenced virtually every poet that followed him. Robert Browning was born in Camberwell,London,England, in 1812, and died in Venice,Italy in 1889. Browning was one of the most famous Victorian poets and was best known for his dramatic verse and his dramatic monologues. Emily D1ckinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1830 and died in 1886. Her poetry is best known for its sentimentalism,unconventional syntax and structure,and morbidity.She greatly admired the works of Emerson and is generally regarded as being a Transcendentalist. The Victorian period was the time during the reign of Queen Victoria of England,which ran from 1837 to 1901.It is generally thought of as being an era of repression and "prudishness".Although the Victorians had a high regard for tradition, great advancements were made in the areas of philosophy and invention.The Victorian period was a time of contradictions.Long held religious beliefs were held up for scrutiny,especially due to the scientific, philosophical,and poetic works of notable men and women such as Charles Darwin,Karl Marx,Tennyson,Browning,and Emily D1ckinson. Many of the revolutionary ideas of the Victorian period such as socialism and feminism have shaped the world we live in today. |
. The works of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx had a major and lasting influence on Victorian Culture. Charles Robert Darwin was a naturalist who proposed that all living creatures are related by common ancestors.Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809 and died in 1882. Darwin was a member of the Royal Geographical Society.His Alma Mater was the Univerity of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge.His academic advisors were Adam Sedgwick and John Stevens Henslow. His best known works were the "Voyage of the Beagle","On The Origin Of Species" and his theory of Natural Selection.He won several major awards in his lifetime.The Royal Medal in 1853,the Wallaston Medal in 1859,and the Copley Medal in 1864.One of his major influences was Charles Lyell, and he in turned heavily influenced Thomas Henry Huxley and George John Romanes. He was a member of the Church of England although his family had a Unitarian background,and he is known to have embraced Agnosticism after 1851. . Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in 1853. He was a sociologist, historian, revolutionary, political theorist and economist, philosopher, and humanist. Karl Marx was intensely interested in economics,philosophy,politics, and the struggle between the classes. He was heavily influenced by Comte, Goethe, Fourier, Hegel, Sterner, Feurbach, Epicurus,and Kant.And in turn he heavily influenced the works of Michel Focault,Mao, Castro,Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Luxemburg,Bakunin,Simone De Bouvoir,and Che Guevara. Marx's most famous works are his "Communist Manifesto",and "Das Kapital". He cofounded "Marxism" with Engels,and he is notable for creating the materialist view of history,and speaking out against the exploitation of workers. . Alfred Tennyson was born in Somersby ,Lincolnshire, England in 1809, and died in 1892 in Haslemere,Surrey, England in 1892. Tennyson's occupation was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom and he was influenced by John Milton,Geoffry Chaucer,John Keats, and William Shakespeare.In turn,he influenced virtually every poet that followed him. . Robert Browning was born in Camberwell,London,England, in 1812, and died in Venice,Italy in 1889. Browning was one of the most famous Victorian poets and was best known for his dramatic verse and his dramatic monologues. . Emily D1ckinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1830 and died in 1886. Her poetry is best known for its sentimentalism,unconventional syntax and structure,and morbidity.She greatly admired the works of Emerson and is generally regarded as being a Transcendentalist. . The Victorian period was the time during the reign of Queen Victoria of England,which ran from 1837 to 1901.It is generally thought of as being an era of repression and "prudishness".Although the Victorians had a high regard for tradition, great advancements were made in the areas of philosophy and invention.The Victorian period was a time of contradictions.Long held religious beliefs were held up for scrutiny,especially due to the scientific, philosophical,and poetic works of notable men and women such as Charles Darwin,Karl Marx,Tennyson,Browning,and Emily D1ckinson. Many of the revolutionary ideas of the Victorian period such as socialism and feminism have shaped the world we live in today. |
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Sun 04/19/09 03:11 PM
Modernism is the term used to describe the tendencies,personality, and movements of the modern western culture.It implies a common frame of reference amongst ideas and philosophical thinkers of western society. It began in the nineteenth century and was preceded by decades of social strife (such as revolution and wars) throughout Europe and the other western nations. This caused a lot of people to turn away from traditional assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and viewing the world around them. Some of the most significant hallmarks of this transition in thinking were the works of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin.The ideas of these men served to undermine many of the cultural assumptions of Europe and the West,that had not been questioned (in a meaningful way) for many centuries.The literary works of T.S.Eliot,Yeats,Stevens,and Kafka showcase many of the ideas of Modernism.
Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St.Louis,Missouri,in the United States,and died in 1965 in London,England. He was a world famous poet and literary critic.He was a graduate of Harvard University and most of his works were written between 1915 and 1965.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.He was deeply influenced by the works of Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Pound,and many others. He had a major influence on Yeats, Stevens, Heaney, and many others.Eliot is a literary "giant" and is considered to be a major figure in the literary movement called Modernism. |
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Sun 04/19/09 03:43 PM
Modernism is the term used to describe the tendencies,personality, and movements of the modern western culture.It implies a common frame of reference amongst ideas and philosophical thinkers of western society. It began in the nineteenth century and was preceded by decades of social strife (such as revolution and wars) throughout Europe and the other western nations. This caused a lot of people to turn away from traditional assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and viewing the world around them. Some of the most significant hallmarks of this transition in thinking were the works of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin.The ideas of these men served to undermine many of the cultural assumptions of Europe and the West,that had not been questioned (in a meaningful way) for many centuries.The literary works of T.S.Eliot,Yeats,Stevens,and Kafka showcase many of the ideas of Modernism.
Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St.Louis,Missouri,in the United States,and died in 1965 in London,England. He was a world famous poet and literary critic.He was a graduate of Harvard University and most of his works were written between 1915 and 1965.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.He was deeply influenced by the works of Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Pound,and many others. He had a major influence on Yeats, Stevens, Heaney, and many others.Eliot is a literary "giant" and is considered to be a major figure in the literary movement called Modernism. Two of T.S. Eliots most famous poems are "The Wasteland" and "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock",and both of these are considered to be watershed moments in modernist literature."The Wasteland" is considered a unique and revolutionary poem due to its unique structure, and the sudden changes it makes in language and abrupt shifts in style."The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is another modernist poem by Eliot and it is best known for its unique literary technique and dramatic monologue. William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, born in 1865 and died in 1939.He is considered to be a seminal figure in modernist literature.In addition to being a poet he was a two term senator of Ireland.Yeats was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923 for his inspirational poetic style of writing.He is considered to be a modernist poet because of the directness of his style of writing.His most famous poetic works are "When You Are Old","Easter 1916","The Second Coming","Leda and the Swan","Sailing to Byzantium","Among School Children","Byzantium","Lapis Lazuli",and "The Circus Animals' Desertion". |
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Sun 04/19/09 04:57 PM
Modernism is the term used to describe the tendencies,personality, and movements of the modern western culture.It implies a common frame of reference amongst ideas and philosophical thinkers of western society. It began in the nineteenth century and was preceded by decades of social strife (such as revolution and wars) throughout Europe and the other western nations. This caused a lot of people to turn away from traditional assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and viewing the world around them. Some of the most significant hallmarks of this transition in thinking were the works of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin.The ideas of these men served to undermine many of the cultural assumptions of Europe and the West,that had not been questioned (in a meaningful way) for many centuries.The literary works of T.S.Eliot,Yeats,Stevens,and Kafka showcase many of the ideas of Modernism.
Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St.Louis,Missouri,in the United States,and died in 1965 in London,England. He was a world famous poet and literary critic.He was a graduate of Harvard University and most of his works were written between 1915 and 1965.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.He was deeply influenced by the works of Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Pound,and many others. He had a major influence on Yeats, Stevens, Heaney, and many others.Eliot is a literary "giant" and is considered to be a major figure in the literary movement called Modernism. Two of T.S. Eliots most famous poems are "The Wasteland" and "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock",and both of these are considered to be watershed moments in modernist literature."The Wasteland" is considered a unique and revolutionary poem due to its unique structure, and the sudden changes it makes in language and abrupt shifts in style."The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is another modernist poem by Eliot and it is best known for its unique literary technique and dramatic monologue. William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, born in 1865 and died in 1939.He is considered to be a seminal figure in modernist literature.In addition to being a poet he was a two term senator of Ireland.Yeats was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923 for his inspirational poetic style of writing.He is considered to be a modernist poet because of the directness of his style of writing.His most famous poetic works are "When You Are Old","Easter 1916","The Second Coming","Leda and the Swan","Sailing to Byzantium","Among School Children","Byzantium","Lapis Lazuli",and "The Circus Animals' Desertion". Wallace Stevens was born in Pennsylvania in 1879 and died in Connecticut in 1955.He was a modernist poet and an Insurance executive.His works were written between 1914 and 1955.Stevens was heavily influenced by Emerson,Wordsworth, and Shelly and he influenced the works of James Merril,John Ashberry,and Hart Crane.He was awarded with the National Book Award in 1951 and again in 1955.His works are notable for large doses of "imagination".His works are similar to other modernist poets due to the fact that he challenged traditional assumption about religion and conciousness.Some of his most famous works are "The Anecdote Of The Jar","The Emperor Of Ice Cream",and "Idea Of Order At Key West". Franz Kafka was born in Austria-Hungary in 1883 and died in 1924 near Vienna Austria.He had several different jobs over the course of his life including being a factory manager and insurance officer, as well as a writer.His works are considered to be modernist as well as an "ancestor" of magic realism. He was considered a modernist due to the subjects of his writings,often showcasing a character trapped in a nightmarish world of despair.In this way he was highlighting the ironys of modern life.His writing style was influenced by Nietzche,Goethe, and D1ckens ,and influenced the works of Fuentes,Vasquez, Lynch,and many others.Kafka's most famous literary works are "The Metamorphosis", "The Trial",and "The Castle". |
Modernism is the term used to describe the tendencies,personality, and movements of the modern western culture.It implies a common frame of reference amongst ideas and philosophical thinkers of western society. It began in the nineteenth century and was preceded by decades of social strife (such as revolution and wars) throughout Europe and the other western nations. This caused a lot of people to turn away from traditional assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and viewing the world around them. Some of the most significant hallmarks of this transition in thinking were the works of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin.The ideas of these men served to undermine many of the cultural assumptions of Europe and the West,that had not been questioned (in a meaningful way) for many centuries.The literary works of T.S.Eliot,Yeats,Stevens,and Kafka showcase many of the ideas of Modernism. Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St.Louis,Missouri,in the United States,and died in 1965 in London,England. He was a world famous poet and literary critic.He was a graduate of Harvard University and most of his works were written between 1915 and 1965.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.He was deeply influenced by the works of Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Pound,and many others. He had a major influence on Yeats, Stevens, Heaney, and many others.Eliot is a literary "giant" and is considered to be a major figure in the literary movement called Modernism. Two of T.S. Eliots most famous poems are "The Wasteland" and "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock",and both of these are considered to be watershed moments in modernist literature."The Wasteland" is considered a unique and revolutionary poem due to its unique structure, and the sudden changes it makes in language and abrupt shifts in style."The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is another modernist poem by Eliot and it is best known for its unique literary technique and dramatic monologue. William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, born in 1865 and died in 1939.He is considered to be a seminal figure in modernist literature.In addition to being a poet he was a two term senator of Ireland.Yeats was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923 for his inspirational poetic style of writing.He is considered to be a modernist poet because of the directness of his style of writing.His most famous poetic works are "When You Are Old","Easter 1916","The Second Coming","Leda and the Swan","Sailing to Byzantium","Among School Children","Byzantium","Lapis Lazuli",and "The Circus Animals' Desertion". Wallace Stevens was born in Pennsylvania in 1879 and died in Connecticut in 1955.He was a modernist poet and an Insurance executive.His works were written between 1914 and 1955.Stevens was heavily influenced by Emerson,Wordsworth, and Shelly and he influenced the works of James Merril,John Ashberry,and Hart Crane.He was awarded with the National Book Award in 1951 and again in 1955.His works are notable for large doses of "imagination".His works are similar to other modernist poets due to the fact that he challenged traditional assumption about religion and conciousness.Some of his most famous works are "The Anecdote Of The Jar","The Emperor Of Ice Cream",and "Idea Of Order At Key West". Franz Kafka was born in Austria-Hungary in 1883 and died in 1924 near Vienna Austria.He had several different jobs over the course of his life including being a factory manager and insurance officer, as well as a writer.His works are considered to be modernist as well as an "ancestor" of magic realism. He was considered a modernist due to the subjects of his writings,often showcasing a character trapped in a nightmarish world of despair.In this way he was highlighting the ironys of modern life.His writing style was influenced by Nietzche,Goethe, and D1ckens ,and influenced the works of Fuentes,Vasquez, Lynch,and many others.Kafka's most famous literary works are "The Metamorphosis", "The Trial",and "The Castle". Each of the writers were similar in that they were all modernists.Each of them were similar in that they all challenged the notions and prevailing wisdom of the times.Each of them are similar in that they are all accomplished and respected writers.Yet, each of them are different in the writing methods that they used to express themselves. |
. Modernism is the term used to describe the tendencies,personality, and movements of the modern western culture.It implies a common frame of reference amongst ideas and philosophical thinkers of western society. It began in the nineteenth century and was preceded by decades of social strife (such as revolution and wars) throughout Europe and the other western nations. This caused a lot of people to turn away from traditional assumptions and explore new ways of thinking and viewing the world around them. Some of the most significant hallmarks of this transition in thinking were the works of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin.The ideas of these men served to undermine many of the cultural assumptions of Europe and the West,that had not been questioned (in a meaningful way) for many centuries.The literary works of T.S.Eliot,Yeats,Stevens,and Kafka showcase many of the ideas of Modernism. . Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in 1888 in St.Louis,Missouri,in the United States,and died in 1965 in London,England. He was a world famous poet and literary critic.He was a graduate of Harvard University and most of his works were written between 1915 and 1965.He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.He was deeply influenced by the works of Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Pound,and many others. He had a major influence on Yeats, Stevens, Heaney, and many others.Eliot is a literary "giant" and is considered to be a major figure in the literary movement called Modernism. . Two of T.S. Eliots most famous poems are "The Wasteland" and "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock",and both of these are considered to be watershed moments in modernist literature."The Wasteland" is considered a unique and revolutionary poem due to its unique structure, and the sudden changes it makes in language and abrupt shifts in style."The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is another modernist poem by Eliot and it is best known for its unique literary technique and dramatic monologue. . William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, born in 1865 and died in 1939.He is considered to be a seminal figure in modernist literature.In addition to being a poet he was a two term senator of Ireland.Yeats was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923 for his inspirational poetic style of writing.He is considered to be a modernist poet because of the directness of his style of writing.His most famous poetic works are "When You Are Old","Easter 1916","The Second Coming","Leda and the Swan","Sailing to Byzantium","Among School Children","Byzantium","Lapis Lazuli",and "The Circus Animals' Desertion". . Wallace Stevens was born in Pennsylvania in 1879 and died in Connecticut in 1955.He was a modernist poet and an Insurance executive.His works were written between 1914 and 1955.Stevens was heavily influenced by Emerson,Wordsworth, and Shelly and he influenced the works of James Merril,John Ashberry,and Hart Crane.He was awarded with the National Book Award in 1951 and again in 1955.His works are notable for large doses of "imagination".His works are similar to other modernist poets due to the fact that he challenged traditional assumption about religion and conciousness.Some of his most famous works are "The Anecdote Of The Jar","The Emperor Of Ice Cream",and "Idea Of Order At Key West". . Franz Kafka was born in Austria-Hungary in 1883 and died in 1924 near Vienna Austria.He had several different jobs over the course of his life including being a factory manager and insurance officer, as well as a writer.His works are considered to be modernist as well as an "ancestor" of magic realism. He was considered a modernist due to the subjects of his writings,often showcasing a character trapped in a nightmarish world of despair.In this way he was highlighting the ironys of modern life.His writing style was influenced by Nietzche,Goethe, and D1ckens ,and influenced the works of Fuentes,Vasquez, Lynch,and many others.Kafka's most famous literary works are "The Metamorphosis", "The Trial",and "The Castle". . Each of these writers were similar in that they were all modernists.Each of them were similar in that they all challenged the notions and prevailing wisdom of the times.Each of them are similar in that they are all accomplished and respected writers.Yet, each of them are different in the writing methods that they used to express themselves. |
thanx for the history lesson and yes some of the evelution theory IS compatible with some of the my opinion.
Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get dirty but only the pig will enjoy it
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oink baby
oink baby Thats the first time I found a oink sexy ![]() |
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Thu 06/04/09 06:31 AM
I am not going to spend my time educating people on evolution. (after all I am not an educator in this field, but a lay person so . . .)
If you are truly interested in what supports this amazing theory then its easy enough to get all the information you may need for every question posed in this thread here >>> |
Just because a plant or animal evolves doesn't mean that it wasn't created to evolve. So what if we did start of as a one celled organizm. Take me for example something this awsome didn't happen by chance.
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