Topic: Sanguinarians and Psychic vampires.
no photo
Sat 02/14/09 08:03 PM

bigsmile I think I may be a psychic vampireflowerforyou
I think we all are depending on how you define things.

Perhaps the reason I decided to participate. I been trying to do that more.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/14/09 09:49 PM
glasses What if there was some kind of war between sanguinarians and psychic vampires?glasses That would be terrifyingscared

PhasmatisDiligo's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:15 PM
again... as with most of my posts, i have something to say, yet do so without know whether or not i might be repeating things... i have neither the time nor the patients to sit and read everyone's blogs. i wish i did, but alas it is not within me.

ok ok... let's see... where to begin?

yes the comunity is real. it exists... as for the validity of some of thier claims i am still skeptical at times. Yet,the existence of energy manipulation, transfer(or feeding), and such is real. science has identified various falsifiable proofs for this. Theories for such are being written, tested, and studied for this even as i sit here and type away. The subject of engery connections and it's inherrant transfer falls within the new hot science of metaphysics. (it's really not all that new either.)

This field(metaphysics) has been faced with a long and brutal bombardment of skepticism for some of it's "outrageous" claims, as labeled by some. Yet their claims are not really all that outrageous, considering the physicists working on this field has in fact come across much hard evidence for the existance of a deeper connection of sub atomic and atomic particles and the energy associated with these connections.

for example... it is know that two separate particles that originated from a single large partile can change the dirrection of rotation. yet when they do they do it at the exact same instant even when miles apart. there is no delay whatso ever in the change of the two. it has been meassured and calculated. now what does this have to do with energy manipulation or energy transfer?

Well that's easy. that particle experiment shows that everything is connected on a sub-atomic level that we don't fully understand yet. When two things are connected by any means it makes the transfer, manipulation, and even the consumption of energy possible.

We all know... or should, that the world is made up of matter and energy. The brain is a combination of both. Our thoughts, feelings, and soul are in essense energy. When the mind... or the wavelength that makes up our individual minds... reaches a high state it radiates energy to a minimal degree for most people. This can be measured and registered from cat scans and even electromagnetic devices, which thier names slip my memory at this given time, yet it is there. the energy exists. Through meditation or even just focused though you can channel that energy from the brain. This has been measured and tested as well.

Now when dealing with energy and such from the pathways of the brain there lies a problem. They law of science that states what ever you observe you alter the outcome. The simple act of trying to measure or test the effects and outcomes of projecting one's energy interferes and makes it difficult for the subject. Metaphysicists have indeed been able to produce results, but they noticed that they were weaker when dirrectly observed, yet when passively tested, they showed stronger, yet less detailed results. less detailed because the nature of the passive tests was more limited, yet what was measure was the stregth of radiating energy, electromagnetic fields, and thier wavelengths.

These are just a very small fraction of some examples of which i can give.

With this said... those who video tape themselves with the goofy cap that registeres brain activity and they hieghten themselves and try to move a spoon and can't doe not disprove what i've said. the inherrant problem with this comes in that someone with even the slightest inclination to disprove something has doubts, therefore does not have the required capacity to understand how to even acomplish something as imense as moving an outside physical object as a spoon.

The simple act of doing so would require an imense amount of brain activity and personally i highly doubt that there is even anyone alive at this point in time that can truely do so.

ouch i was side tracked something fierce... but it's valid in some respects.

SanguivoreLuu's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:16 PM

glasses What if there was some kind of war between sanguinarians and psychic vampires?glasses That would be terrifyingscared

That would never happen. From my experience, most psy vamps are sanguinarians too.

They can just attain it through blood AND psychically.

Even though blood is better.

Therefore, psy vamps dont get as sick as sanguivores if they dont feed off blood as they can get energy from others chakras and emotions

PhasmatisDiligo's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:44 PM
Ok now that the science behind it is out of the way...

I have many friends in the psychic vampire community. They are very good friends of mine, yet i am not one of them. I say this with respect for them and not at all in regret. I don't wish to be one. In fact i wish i could help them. why do i say this? well because i am close to high members of the comunity and interact with them frequently to help them, and also to grow myself.

Personally i dislike the term "vampire" or "vampyre" or w/e you wish to use. Sadly it has become a hollywood term with which has been attached many negative and false stereo types. such as silver, garlic, sunlight, blood drinking, etc...(and yes silver is one of them just check your version of the stories. they all differ)

some "vampires can have an allergy to garlic, but that is simply what it is. others may be sensitive to sunlight. I am. but i am not a vampire. It is even possible to have an allergy to silver, ut this does nt mean that what is written in novels or is shown on tv is true or even believed by the comunity.

What does it mean to be a "psychic vampire"?

Well simply put, this is coming from what they have told and shown me, but... A phsycic vampire is someone who's natural biological, psychic, or brain energy is not enough to sustain them without feeling adverse effects. It isn't neccsarrily fatal, as far as we know, but it can be dangerous to deny the consumption of energy. Just as it can be dangerous to deny the consumption of real food like bread and such.

As a result the "psychic vampire" is actually dependant upon outside sources of energy more so than others. You might think of this as a weakness. but not exactly. It actually is a simple deficiency that results in the developement of a stronger trait. A trait that causes the mind to opperate on a higher wavelength and/or the body to become more effcient in the transfer of enrgies. Thier biological energy needs to be fed, the the body and mind adapt to do just that. This in turn causes it to grow to a higher state.

Blood consumption IS a way some use to "feed". Yet this is not the most efficient way, and the blood simply acts as a catalyst for the transfer of energy. Any "vampire" who tells you cold and lifeless blood works just as well is lying through thier teeth, and probably just seeking attention. It simply isn't true. the cells have to be active. The engery contained within the live cells are the catalyst for the energy transfer. the body will do this naturally upon consumption, yet as i said before it is much less efficient as simple "psychic" (again another term i disslike due to the stereotypical labeling such as palm reading and fortue telling psychics. psychic simply means mental or through the mind.) energy transfer.

An example of psychic energy transfer can be found in many places. at a football game. a rock concert. whatever. A place where a mass of people generate large amounts of energy, transfer it amongst themselves frequently without even realizing it. If you've ever been to a rock concert and felt the level of energy you'd understand.

Anyone can train themselves, yet with help it is easier, to be able to transfer and manipulate energy.

This is where i relatively fit in to the community. They call me and others like me a "Black Swan". It's just a name. but it is a name to label those who are sensitive to energies and are knowledgable and/or slightly or as skilled as the psychic vampires.

This by no means, means that i am psychic or able to bend spoons or rain down hellfire and brimstone. NO. It means i am aware of energy, how it works and how to use it, yet i am not dependant upon it.

That is the key... Black swans are "like" a vampire, only they are not dependant, therefore it takes away that key trait which defines the "psychic vampire".

Dependant is a strong word to use for describing that... yet they generally refer to it as a need and a need is more or less a dependancy...

This doesn't make a Black swan a lesser being either. A black swan can be, and some are, stronger and more adept with the use and knowledge of energies than thier vampyric counterparts.

Now, i'd like to take a second and ask for forgiveness if any terms or labels i use are offensive or considered "wrong" by anyone. simple fact is that the names and labels are NOT wrong because they are not all the same, yet they describe the same thing. Some comunities may call black swans something different, yet the one i am aquainted with uses that term. This does not mean they are wrong or anything. It simply means that those are the terms they chose to use.

I am not going to sit here and type about the extend of my understanding, nor the extent of my abilities...

I don't consider myself lesser than any of my vampyric friends, nor do i consider myself above nor greater than them. On that note, they also don't considder me "food" either. They are people and most are very good people.

Ahhh and here is the topic of food... anyone can be a source of "food" or energy for a psychic vampire. It is 100% dependant upon the ability of the psychic vampire, thier intentions, and the ability of the person in question as "food".

To me though, the term "food" comes off as almost derogatory and demeaning. It implies that the person is lesser than you and is kinda mean, yet sometimes i know that the term isn't meant to come off that way.

I was at a gathering of some of my firends and there were a few others there who did not know me. They refered to me as food to some others, and my closest friend told them to try... they failed miserabley and offened me in thier methods and no longer use that term nor those methods, but they learned a valuable lesson. Don't consider yourself higher, nor mightier than another based on outside perception.

That is one of the dangers that lay in hiding with the use of energy manipulation and transfer, because you never know when you might come across someone stronger and not realize it.

Simply be careful of who you atempt to draw energy from. it's best to do so from those who are willing and know what's going on. And it is safer.

Trying to draw, or feed, from someone stronger is easily as dangerous as trying to light a stick of dynamite with the full fury of a flamethrower. Stick to the matches... ;)

My friend's friends got to know me and found out luckily i am forgiving, friendly, and understanding to a strong degree, but not everyone in this world is.

Don't be ashamed of who you are. Don't deny yourself of your potential... and never be affraid of that which you don't understand. Just be cautious. :)

I hope what i have said might be helpful for anyone and i truely hope i did not offend anyone with my liberal use of terms...

Also, please forgive any gramatical or spelling errors i am tired and it is late and the caffien is running strong though my viens tonight. >,<

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:56 PM
I was wondering where my brain cells have been going....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GIVE THEM BACK!

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 02/15/09 10:31 AM

glasses What if there was some kind of war between sanguinarians and psychic vampires?glasses That would be terrifyingscared

That would never happen. From my experience, most psy vamps are sanguinarians too.

They can just attain it through blood AND psychically.

Even though blood is better.

Therefore, psy vamps dont get as sick as sanguivores if they dont feed off blood as they can get energy from others chakras and emotions

bigsmile Very cool.bigsmile Thanks for telling me about that.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:36 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/15/09 06:39 PM
I am curious about this idea of psychic vampires. I understand that the universe is a constant exchange of energy and information on all levels, and I have heard and entertained the idea of psychic vampires but I don't know the specifics.

I have read about people who are terminal patients with some disease whose spirit or astral form resorts to leaving its body and finding someone to feed on in the form of life energy as a self preservation resort to stay alive, but these are diseased dieing people.

I have also experienced feeling drained after having been around certain people who may not know that they are draining. Perhaps they are unconscious psychic vampires.

It seems to me that this is more of a condition of ill health (rather spiritual or physical) than a state of just "being a vampire."

So if this is the case, I would not tell people to "accept what you are" because if you are ill or diseased, perhaps there is a cure.

There must be a reason a human being cannot draw upon the endless story of energy from their natural center within them. Is something blocking the flow of life energy? Have you tried meditation or deep breathing?

For people who do this consciously, I would ask them, how exactly do they do this? Aside from drinking blood, how do they drain energy from another person?

davidben1's photo
Sun 02/15/09 07:32 PM

If you guys hang around you will get used to David. Some times its tough he likes to reach out there, he is a big picture kinda guy :wink:


Back to the idea of Energy, and healing.

Well when you study science, there is much known about energy.

In fact the ways of energy are more apparent then the ways of matter. Energy is conserved, which means that what goes in comes out. You will never have energy that disappears without being accounted for.

Scientist give energy a very specific yet simple definition, this allows a very clear understanding of what energy can do, and what energy is good for.

In physics, energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity, operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working"[1]) is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by a force

Back to the idea of the system. Not all work is done with remote energy. Most work is done with local energy. Local energy is much more efficient then sending energy on a journey. You see this in our modern infrastructure, we house power plants locally to distribute power to provide electricity which is the energy of flowing electrons and disturbance of the EM Field.

However the beauty of communication is that two systems remote from one another can send a signal through whatever medium and elicit a response in the remote system.

a wink and smile, drive one a long mile, round and round until it become a green mile......

if one see the sight of all others as equal, then one hear the words of all others as equal, and if one hear the words of all others as equal, then one gather the words of all others eternal, and if one gather the words of all others, then one know what all others know, and if one know what all others know, then one know what all others knew, and if one know what all others knew, then one see what all others seen, and if one see what all others seen, then one see with a larger eye on high, and if one see from on high, then there be no more sky, and if there be no sky then there are no skies, and if no skies then the earth be as one, and if all be as one, then whole world sight has become, and if this be so one be lifted even higher with an eye is even larger, and if the eye become as larger and the view even higher, then one see all the planets as one, and if one see all the planets as one, then one see the worlds have been many, and if one see the worlds as many, then one see which one's were, and are, and will be, and if one see this, then one see the universe's as one, and if one see universe's as one, then one see what the universe's were, and are, and be come, and if one see this, then one see the galaxies as one, and if one see the galaxie's as one, then one see what the galaxie's were, and are, and be come, and if one see this, then one see the cosmos as one, and if one see the cosmos's as one, then one see what the cosmos's were, and are, and shall become, and if one see what cosmos's become, then one see what all shall be come, and if this be so, then one know that which was k new, and what t was, and what t is to be, and if this be so, one see time as back to front and front to back???

and if this be so, one has climbed the ladder to no sad, six degrees to connect and erase all bad, frequencies leashed connect from the dead, cicle the earth and grow the head, come from inside where all is alive, so don't hold back go go go, the wise ear hear and never say no, connect to the world as one and climb to the sun, see where all things came from where all begun, let the internal eye climb high in the sky, where there be no low no limit to hi, where there be no mis take no mis step to take, let the eye soar to where there be no roar, come hither up bigger no need to slither, get the red kiss recieve the red eye, the red flame that burn the red fire eternal, and all from sight that lie internal, all from the sight of all other's as equal...


no photo
Sun 02/15/09 08:14 PM
piece ?

Is there cake in here? I'll have a piece too. happy

davidben1's photo
Mon 02/16/09 05:23 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Mon 02/16/09 05:34 AM

piece ?

Is there cake in here? I'll have a piece too. happy


indeed there is cake, each human a slice, served up to any, the see all as nice, and the only peace that come is eating each piece, so that is why i wrote piece and not peace, lol...

a l l p i e c e s m a k e p e a c e o f a s p i e c i e s...


no photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:32 PM

piece ?

Is there cake in here? I'll have a piece too. happy


indeed there is cake, each human a slice, served up to any, the see all as nice, and the only peace that come is eating each piece, so that is why i wrote piece and not peace, lol...

a l l p i e c e s m a k e p e a c e o f a s p i e c i e s...


Cannibal? laugh

davidben1's photo
Tue 02/17/09 06:31 PM

piece ?

Is there cake in here? I'll have a piece too. happy


indeed there is cake, each human a slice, served up to any, the see all as nice, and the only peace that come is eating each piece, so that is why i wrote piece and not peace, lol...

a l l p i e c e s m a k e p e a c e o f a s p i e c i e s...


Cannibal? laugh


that was GOOD!!!

peace to the cannibals!!!

Strange's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:01 AM
Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this.

davidben1's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:06 AM

Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this.

indeed, you speak good wisdom, as for self to "first identify onself" with any belief "outside of itself", show self at first knew not what itself is was, so found a "belief" to descibe self, and once this is done, then self "stay as what the belief say itself is", so does not grow or move past this point of knowing more of itself, until "any constant definition of what self "is" be left behind"???

Strange's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:05 AM

Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this.

indeed, you speak good wisdom, as for self to "first identify onself" with any belief "outside of itself", show self at first knew not what itself is was, so found a "belief" to descibe self, and once this is done, then self "stay as what the belief say itself is", so does not grow or move past this point of knowing more of itself, until "any constant definition of what self "is" be left behind"???

Nice observation of what was implicitly stated, but I didnt go that far, good work. Self-definition in my view is a set of rules to follow to increase your knowledge of self and others. The self is not something to be maintained or glorified as any interpreation you conclude defend and adhere to becomes a point of non growth or learning. As the self contains far more infromation than conciousness is capable of or that can be attained in ideas, it is something that can only be experienced without any label or specific paradigm because ultimatley that paradigm is your limitation to self growth.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:08 AM
I admit I don't know anything about this subject (but i enjoy learning about others)

I happened to be a "vampire" not by choice though lol. my sis and i have porphyria and in the middle ages etc...people with this were thought to be vampires.

just throwing that in..sorry lol

Strange's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:14 AM

I admit I don't know anything about this subject (but i enjoy learning about others)

I happened to be a "vampire" not by choice though lol. my sis and i have porphyria and in the middle ages etc...people with this were thought to be vampires.

just throwing that in..sorry lol

What is porphyria?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:20 AM

I admit I don't know anything about this subject (but i enjoy learning about others)

I happened to be a "vampire" not by choice though lol. my sis and i have porphyria and in the middle ages etc...people with this were thought to be vampires.

just throwing that in..sorry lol

What is porphyria?

it's a blood disease (ours hereditary). my sis is worse and bed ridden. she has had to have transfusions (people used to drink blood), 10 minutes in the sun...blisters her, and is on the same meds they give 3rd degree burn victims

davidben1's photo
Wed 02/18/09 11:35 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Wed 02/18/09 11:51 AM

Interesting, however a more concret discription would nice as the title psychic vampire has many connotations that would be quickly regarded as metaphore or give rise to other perculair ideas about what it is you are saying you are. You need to drink blood to feel ok? I think thast actually unhealthy. Bizarre at best. I like to eat fries but i dont think im a psychic fryeater. Nor would I go arpund asserting this.

indeed, you speak good wisdom, as for self to "first identify onself" with any belief "outside of itself", show self at first knew not what itself is was, so found a "belief" to descibe self, and once this is done, then self "stay as what the belief say itself is", so does not grow or move past this point of knowing more of itself, until "any constant definition of what self "is" be left behind"???

Nice observation of what was implicitly stated, but I didnt go that far, good work. Self-definition in my view is a set of rules to follow to increase your knowledge of self and others. The self is not something to be maintained or glorified as any interpreation you conclude defend and adhere to becomes a point of non growth or learning. As the self contains far more infromation than conciousness is capable of or that can be attained in ideas, it is something that can only be experienced without any label or specific paradigm because ultimatley that paradigm is your limitation to self growth.


the paradox that IF SEEN FREE THE SPIRIT OF ANYTHING FROM THE GUILT AND INSECURITY THAT BRING ANYTHING TO THE FEAR OF LEARNING, which given time for this to grow, soon make all the despise of new or learning, as what is NOT NEW IF SELF IS LEARNING???

such insight you speak gives me the chills, as this shall carry mankind into a new era of greater learning and wisdom than ever witnessed by the world!!!