Topic: Is my Motherboard on it's way
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Sat 02/07/09 01:30 PM
I think it is but i would like other peoples opinions.

I have an old P3 i would like to give to someone but it is not starting like it should, every time I start it the lights on the CD-Rom and Floppy and Power Light go on Fans and all but that is all that it does. I have to unplugged it from the wall and retry, it sometimes takes 4 to 10 times before it starts once it has started it works like a charm.

I have tried differentthings
Change the Power Supply
Change my memory Sticks
Change my Power Switch
Replace my battery

Nothing works every time I close the PC it does the same thing again but if I just do a restart it restarts no problem. It seems that when the computer is off for a certain amount of time (over 30 seconds) it has problem reinitializing the motherboard.

My system is like this

Pentium 3, 933mhz
Intel Desktop Board D815EEA
512 mo PC 133 memory stick
DVD & CD Player
40 Gig Hard Disk Maxtor
Windows XP Pro SP3 with all latest updates

My diagnostic is that the MB has problem initializing itself even if everything else does, the why I do not know and it's only a matter of time before it doesn't starts anymore.

Maybe I am missing something and your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Sat 02/07/09 01:44 PM
Replace the motherboard, hard drive and memory.

In other words, you are in the dark ages with a P3. Go to Fry's and get a "deal".

(This coming from a guy with a quad core processor and 4 Gigs of RAM)

My guess is your IDE Host controller channel is going out, or you need to re-image your machine. (Most likely)

If your image is as old as your P3 is, try that. (re-imaging) And if you are going to do that, you might as well try a 64-bit dual core processor. They are cheap and you seem to know a little, soooo.......:)

jgfran01's photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:31 PM
Here is how you fix it:

1. Unplug everything
2. Get the biggest hammer you can find
3. Use safety goggles (recommended)
4. Take hammer and bang the sh*t out of it.
5. Throw peices in garbage

This will fix it so that you will never have a problem with it again.

ThomasJB's photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:57 PM

I think it is but i would like other peoples opinions.

I have an old P3 i would like to give to someone but it is not starting like it should, every time I start it the lights on the CD-Rom and Floppy and Power Light go on Fans and all but that is all that it does. I have to unplugged it from the wall and retry, it sometimes takes 4 to 10 times before it starts once it has started it works like a charm.

I have tried differentthings
Change the Power Supply
Change my memory Sticks
Change my Power Switch
Replace my battery

Nothing works every time I close the PC it does the same thing again but if I just do a restart it restarts no problem. It seems that when the computer is off for a certain amount of time (over 30 seconds) it has problem reinitializing the motherboard.

My system is like this

Pentium 3, 933mhz
Intel Desktop Board D815EEA
512 mo PC 133 memory stick
DVD & CD Player
40 Gig Hard Disk Maxtor
Windows XP Pro SP3 with all latest updates

My diagnostic is that the MB has problem initializing itself even if everything else does, the why I do not know and it's only a matter of time before it doesn't starts anymore.

Maybe I am missing something and your help would be greatly appreciated.

At this point your best bet is to buy a new or newer PC. The old PC can be donated to your local Goodwill.

AndrewAV's photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:26 PM
Go to your DVD player for your TV and watch Office Space.

There's a scene with a fax machine, a bat, and an open field. That's the answer.

no photo
Tue 02/10/09 02:12 PM

Here is how you fix it:

1. Unplug everything
2. Get the biggest hammer you can find
3. Use safety goggles (recommended)
4. Take hammer and bang the sh*t out of it.
5. Throw peices in garbage

This will fix it so that you will never have a problem with it again.

If you have replaced the power supply, then its probably the mobo.

Hammer time.