Topic: What is god? (positive Ontology) | |
GOD IS SPIRIT Namaste! |
Actually, Christopher Hitchens has a good essay, in G-d is not great, on the origins of religion. While not specifically on the origins of g-d, it is similar and related.
for anything to be a "god", surely this thing must qualify as such by having power or and exerting greater "power" OVER man???
in a essence, god only the same as "anything" dealt to self that only "greater than man" has control over??? sun??? moon??? earth??? others to a degree??? birth place??? birth personality??? birth induced restrictions??? mind limitations??? memory??? time??? there could be said to be many more, but these simply to create a "essence of thought"??? all these as GREATERT THAN SELF, as not being created by self, ALLOW THE BRAIN TO ALLOW IN MORE DATA, TO "SEE" WHICH ONLY BE TO "UNDERSTAND" MORE??? the cards DEALT to each from the infinite deck of environment, nature and cosmos??? so ANY of these things could be seen to have CONTROL OVER "man" by FORCING UNTO A ACTION??? the same as once many said the sun was god, and indeed it qualify, as it exert POWER OVER??? can man "create" a sun??? so "sun" indeed be GREATER than man, so how is one "wrong" that say the "sun is god"??? only "wrong" to another that have a "limited definition of god, but indeed, not missed god was said once to be of sight of "all things possible"??? did man in it's present form or mind request such things to have "control over self??? so in this way, man is as a child, subject to all such things??? it is no wonder the definitions of god then, could, would, or are debatable unto infinity, but, if love, or spirit, or compassion, or wisdom, be said to come and be of "god", THEN LIKEWISE, to see the OPPOSITE OF EACH ATTRIBUTE of PROPOSED GOOD, MUST HAVE "FIRST" EXISTED, for any human to access ANY OF THESE AS "POSITIVE" ATTRIBUTES of god, show more WHAT BALANCED BELIEF OF WISDOM OR GREATER SIGHT MUST BE??? does a human say unto itself, "ok, here to aquire good and bad to "create" points of reference in the "awareness", so what "bad" shall i create for myself today??? indeed, if the human brain walked out the door in the morning, and said to itself, i shall make for myself the worst day possible, and hate as much as possible, and despise as much as possible, it would find itself not able to do such things??? but the conscious mind try to "will" itself unto good, by "coaching itself", trying to make itself as a angel of light, which MAKE THE BAD GLARE LIKE A BLINDING ANGEL OF DEATH, so envoke the OPPOSITE THE MIND WISH??? the same as to say, TO LOVE, TRY TO HATE!!! at first, this will release the mind from a prison of enslavement of self to imposed self good, so the mind will be as a dog unleashed from a chain, jumping and even as manic, but THEN, self no longer DECIEVE SELF, and there is a calm "smelling" of only discovery of all others within the same spieces, lol??? in other words, what self actually want, is envoked by willing itself most to the opposite??? self wish to be smart??? so self will itself as dumb, or it has become as slave to the "pressure of smart, which does not allow self to be free to learn from all things, as it condem itself EACH TIME IT SEE ITSELF AS NOT SMART??? one hate to be an idiot, the mind will self create a idiot, so self free self by professing and looking for how it is an idiot, and it is now free??? one is afraid of fear of heights, and self is ashamed of this, so it master over, but if self envoke this as a destiny, as perfect, and for a great thing but just not known why yet, then self free itself, and soon, WISH AND WANT TO CLIMB A TALL BUILDING??? it is for the reason of such phenomenon that the conscious mind was even called as satan, or just WHAT RULE OVER SELF THAT CAUSE UNHAPPINESS AND ENSLAVMENT??? but for self to see how "everything is god", or just as perfect, self's own reaction as well as another's reaction, each thing leading only to more said, to create more understanding, increase the awareness unto greater each week, and day, until then in even seconds, where each thing the last second, is added to the next second??? constant incoming thought stream of forethought no longer being defined, just understood??? to a scientist, who believe "mother earth" is the only "one true god", then to the scientist the "belief" mother earth is god, as it "rules over" the scientist, making the "scientist" peer thru all data thru the "belief", which shape the motive, which shape the logic, which shape the definition of thoughts, which shape the definition of words, which shape the definition of actions, which shape the entire life experience??? so to have a nice neat little package called god, does come, and why many wish for it, but first, DATA MUST BE INCREASED UNTO INFINITE PROPORTIONS, "IF THERE IS A GOD, AND "IT" IS INFINITE??? can this come while the "conscious mind" is still trying to "define each sentence and word", if incoming thought stream from subconscious wish to explain all??? so a professed athiest or agnostic has indeed a god just as much as a professed believer in god, BEING IT'S BELIEF??? the BELIEF RULE OVER ALL WORDS HEARD, LOGIC DEVELOPED, UNDERSTANDING POSSIBLE, AND DECIDE FOR SELF IT'S FATE AND DESTINY??? so the "conscious mind" naturally seek to preserve itself with belief, and in doing so, actually move most towards destroying itself by closing it's eye's to most data??? so indeed, ONE IS STILL "RULED OVER" BY SOMETHING??? so any "constant unchanging definition" of what exist, or is possible to exist, BE MOST A LIMITED THING, SO LEAST AS GOD??? MANY things then indeed envoke a power over man as a god, by any belief of a "constant" or singular rule or "definition" of god or not god, is most then just "restricting understanding??? IF there is a god, MUST IT NOT BE MOST UNDERSTANDING OF THE MOST THIGNS POSSIBLE??? how can this be within a human then, that declare many things as "evil", as this tell self, FEAR, STAY AWAY, SHUN, BANISH, BE NOT THAT!!! so self is then MORE PRONE TO BECOMING THE EXACT SAME THING IN SOME ESSENCE, OF THE SAME PRINCIPLE, OF WHAT IT SEEN AND DESPISED, as it now has SUBCONSCIOUSLY WILLED ITSELF AS A "ENEMEY" TO THE PROPOSED EVIL IT "OBSERVED"??? well indeed, certainly not missed "attributes of man" were once called "never learning"??? so then HOW self MAKE ITSELF NEVER LEARNING, release from "never learning", and no commandment "BE THOU NOT NEVER LEARNING", can ever change it, lol??? to impose upon self a constant, is a COMFORT for a time, which self think protect self from "evil", but this only GARNER WHAT CAN BE TAKEN INTO THE CONSCIOUS MIND, AS THE MIND ONLY ALLOW "IN" WHAT IT DEEM "WORTHY", SO THEN THIS AMOUNT DECIDE "HOW MUCH" CAN BE UNDERSTOOD??? it seems to not see the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND BE A COMMON THING OF HUMANITY, and that there was also mentioned in days past "FORETHOUGHTS", and that mankind did not know "it's own", even saying the "heart" was as deceitfully wicked, match the crazy "big" thing called subconscious in all aspects of principle??? so it seems the "definition" that "DOES NOT" RULE OVER SELF, RESTRICTING POSSIBILITIES WITHIN THE MIND, be the most "TELL" of whether a belief is of less, or more, AS greater??? so if there is "belief" in god, then it "CANNOT RESTRICT" data intake!!! indeed what past days of interpretations seek to induce as god??? but such things most match the OPPOSITE OF GOD??? to say, "god does not like black people as well, so i am good, and of god, if i do not"??? to say, god does not like homosexuals as well, so i am of good belief, if i do not??? BUT HOW DOES ONE IS IS NOT BLACK, know how it feel to be black if it has never been black, so unless self first become as black, which come from embracing all the words of feelings as true from a black man??? and the same as from a homosexual??? how does one who has never had burning desire for the same sex, know what is, unless it embrace all words spoken from the other as true, THEN CREATE TRUE POINTS OF REFERENCE WITHIN THE BRAIN, THEREFORE CREATING UNDERSTANDING, and in reality of understanding, can as LITERALLY WALK IN OTHERS SHOES THIS WAY??? to not, only show self has shaped a "image of god" after "itself", which create only a less knowing possibilities??? WHICH "IF" THERE WAS A GOD, IT COULD NOT CONTAIN LESS KNOWING OR LESS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE THAN SELF??? the consicous mind just simply has no idea of the "elation of spirit" that come from laying down it's "restrictions of love placed on OTHERS"??? which in actuality self has no way of accomplishing for itself, as OPPOSITE IS CREATED FROM WHAT IS SAID TO BE BELIEVED, even witnessed in "what is up is down, and down is up", and "first is last and last is first"??? this most a telling of the OPERATING METHODS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN??? so all these things of self belief will not impose balance and peace unto self, BUT MOST BE USED AS A MEASURE OF OTHER HUMAN MERIT WHICH TELL MIND THE "VALUE OF"??? certainaly not missed this would be OPPOSITE OF ANY STATE CALLED AS GOD??? so to mire self with "one definition" of WHAT BE GREATER OR HAVE POWER OVER MAN, create the very essence of "man" unto man, PROPOGATING HUMAN LIMITATION OF UNDERSTANDING, LEAVING THE BRAIN WITH THE "TELL TAIL" SIGN OF MAN, ignorance, or just less knowing than WHAT IS POSSIBLE??? IF there is a god, then "IT" indeed would have to HAVE A LARGE PICTURE WINDOW THAT IT PEER THRU??? A ARK OF UNDERSTANDING LARGE ENOUGH TO ENCOMPASS THE WHOLE EARTH, so then each human person??? so for ANYTHING to have belief that "narrow the sight of itself", this in itself restrict enough data from entering the mind, to create a LARGER PICTURE OF WHAT "IT" COULD BE??? text say "agree with thine adversary quickly"??? but, text call the "devil" and adversary??? so "something is amiss in the doctrine and practice of the worship of small "definitions as god"??? if one need a moral code or spiritual law to coerce itself unto good, then the good is feigned anyhow, and these once spoken things actually convince self to believe that without a law of "murder" as wrong, self MIGHT DO IT??? PLEASE!!! whether a belief RULE OVER possibiltiy seems most to tell if it is of less, or more, or satan, or god, or ignorance or wisdom, or hate or love, or smart or dumb, and not missed, that it was also once said that any greater truth make one FREE, and enslavement to a feeling of "pressure to be good", is and force the mind to decieve itself, believing it is NOT GOOD, and create the OPPOSITE within self, and STOP THE FREE WILL FLOW OF ALL NATURAL TO FLOW FORTH??? which take more "faith", to FOLLOW A GUIDE OF GOOD, or belief all is good which come forth from others and self??? just ideas from a devil in flesh..... |
We know that God isn't material (or if your a Pantheist, he's all material) and we know that no one has seen God (with the exceptions of those using some really potent drugs). Eljay, Clearly you're idea of pantheism is truly warped. Abra; I wasn't actually attempting to define Pantheism with that post. Surely you know through our many posts in the past that I'm well aware that the God of Pantheism is more involved than "God is all - all is God", I was merely looking to have some boundries set. But I will say your post offers a concise response to the O.P. |
Also, Julian Jaynes, in the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bi-cameral mind, points out his belief that the first g-ds were the left hemisphere talking to the right side of our brains.
We know that God isn't material (or if your a Pantheist, he's all material) and we know that no one has seen God (with the exceptions of those using some really potent drugs). Eljay, Clearly you're idea of pantheism is truly warped. Abra; I wasn't actually attempting to define Pantheism with that post. Surely you know through our many posts in the past that I'm well aware that the God of Pantheism is more involved than "God is all - all is God", I was merely looking to have some boundries set. But I will say your post offers a concise response to the O.P. "The God of pantheism?" Pantheism does not have a deity. |
what "bad" shall I create for myself today??? I seem to be able to stumble my way into creating "bad" quite successfully without any forethought. ![]() The very idea/picture that it could actually almost be "fun" to create "bad" for self (almost like a game) sure seems like it could lift a lot of weight off of the heart. constant incoming thought stream of forethought no longer being defined, just understood?? To be free of constantly "having" to define every friggen thing that passes before my eyes seems as a dream-come-true. Much like when I dream at night... I'm free. so any "constant unchanging definition" of what exists, or is possible to exist, BE MOST A LIMITED THING, SO LEAST AS GOD??? No wonder I can't find God!!! ![]() so self is then MORE PRONE TO BECOMING THE EXACT SAME THING IN SOME ESSENCE, OF THE SAME PRINCIPLE, OF WHAT IT SEEN AND DESPISED, as it now has SUBCONSCIOUSLY WILLED ITSELF AS AN "ENEMEY" TO THE PROPOSED EVIL IT "OBSERVED"??? Hmmm... Had that experience of, in an instant, being thrust into a bottomless pit of misery, feeling completely lost, 10,000 leagues lower than the person I just condemned. Now, where to? so if there is belief in god, then it CANNOT RESTRICT" data intake!!! That certainly would seem to make actually "feeling" god... possible. the conscious mind just simply has no idea of the "elation of spirit" that come from laying down it's "restrictions of love placed on OTHERS"??? Fly... Be Free... |