Topic: What is god? (positive Ontology) | |
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Wed 02/04/09 04:55 PM
What is god?
Davidben1: the subconscious mind...... I think you could be right David. ![]() Yep by george I think you've got it! ![]() ![]() Seriously. Unlock the knowledge and power of the subconscious mind and.... look out! |
What is god? Davidben1: the subconscious mind...... I think you could be right David. ![]() Yep by george I think you've got it! ![]() ![]() Seriously. Unlock the knowledge and power of the subconscious mind and.... look out! We've got some real Sigmund Freuds on our hands! Lol |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:28 PM
I am curious if anyone can form a positive coherent Ontology for god. What is god? I doubt very much that anyone can. Also, there are many "gods" out there. I could attempt to respond to this question, as could Abra - but you will get two completely different responses. Throw Jeannie, Smiless and Funches into the mix, and it's off to the races. It is a thread of futility. We know that God isn't material (or if your a Pantheist, he's all material) and we know that no one has seen God (with the exceptions of those using some really potent drugs). So - should we set some boundries here? Do you want the God of Christainity, The Pantheistic God, Satan (the God of Satanists) Allah, Zeus, Isis, the list goes on. Where would you like this to head? ANY positive definition will do. My point is that until a positive coherent definition can be established then its pointless to ever engage in a debate on the existence of something you cannot define using positive objective characteristics.
What is god? Davidben1: the subconscious mind...... I think you could be right David. ![]() Yep by george I think you've got it! ![]() ![]() Seriously. Unlock the knowledge and power of the subconscious mind and.... look out! I wonder if you meant that to be disparaging? ------------------------------------------- David please don't be mad at me, your definition is better then anyone else's. It is positive and can be characterized. However it flies in the face of what theists tend to call god. You then must add on every thing to subconsciousness that you want to attribute to god. Also why subconsciousness and not consciousness in general that included sub? Also defining a supreme being as a characteristic of brains seems self defeating. Personally I think eljay is right, if a god exists it is undefinable in context to our existence. Then if god is existence, or consciousness then all religion is kinda out the window huh? Time for everyone to become Buddhist materialists. |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:21 PM
ANY positive definition will do. My point is that until a positive coherent definition can be established then its pointless to ever engage in a debate on the existence of something you cannot define using positive objective characteristics.
You have two votes for "the subconscious mind" and we all agree that it exists, but do you even know what that is? I doubt it. Will any answer be sufficient to satisfy your inquiry? I think probably not. That is not your point. So, lets pretend that the answer IS the subconscious mind. You asked: "Who's mind?" (As if each individual own their own private subconscious mind which you believe exists trapped inside of a limited brain.) So for you, that answer is not sufficient and not acceptable. Probably never will be. For me, however, it is the answer I have been looking for. It is the "I AM THAT I AM." ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Read my edit.
all of history most show the conscious mind only deem others as less knowing, and itself as most knowing, which decrease the minds ability to see it's own insight and power, that come from seeing a larger picture of all things, most HOW all words are true, and HOW only all words TOGETHER, paint the exact portrait of WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED in all things???
if this is called sight of god, or satan, or buddha, or mohammad, what matter is it, as the greatest sight if the greatest sight??? for the conscious mind to increase it's awareness is really nothing more than not discounting all data that does not "match self"??? anything else simply "triggers" the mind to not allow incoming data unless it "validate" what is already known??? for self to absorb all as possibility, soon show what is "most real" by simply allowing the "brain" to handle more data, which hath the potential to see then what be real, and what shall become later as real from belief, and even in time, allow self to "view" reality before it is created in all things??? what is more real than what 6.7 billion see, versus what 1 see, which be the natrual inclination and force of the conscious mind to impose upon the self??? for man to make "god" something other than "others", simply shut down the amazing ability of the "brain" to absord data at an unprecedented rate, which only increase "knowing" of "unknowns" at an unprecedented rate??? in the realm of "opened subconscious minds", the term is "expidential" data intake, that the conscious mind cannot achieve, as it simply believe itself "knows too much"??? |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:36 PM
The problem is we cannot base logical deduction on negative or circular qualifiers.
I am that I am. This is wholly circular what does this tell us? All it tells us is that god exists. Only that God is extant. It is not a positive ontology. As almost nothing is that is attributed to god . . . . God is Existence is not a positive ontology now that I think of it, it is the same as I am that I am. So existence exists because we are hear asking the question; god exists because existence is god . . lol. Subconscious is actually a positive characteristic of mind. Where you go from there is a pretty slippery slope, but I will not begrudge you the distinction. IT DOES APPLY. Certainly not a positive ontology, a fun circular thought but ontology it is not. HAHA I rhyme lol. Cookie? ![]() |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:42 PM
I wonder if you meant that to be disparaging? ------------------------------------------- No, of course not. I am seriously giving this a great deal of thought and consideration. David please don't be mad at me, your definition is better then anyone else's. It is positive and can be characterized. However it flies in the face of what theists tend to call god. You then must add on every thing to subconsciousness that you want to attribute to god. Also why subconsciousness and not consciousness in general that included sub? Also defining a supreme being as a characteristic of brains seems self defeating. Personally I think eljay is right, if a god exists it is undefinable in context to our existence. Then if god is existence, or consciousness then all religion is kinda out the window huh? Time for everyone to become Buddhist materialists. If the answer flies in the face of what theists tend to call god, so what? We are looking for truth here, not what other people think. That is not a consideration as far as I am concerned. And a mind is not located inside of a brain. That is where you limit yourself Billy. You are stuck in the physical universe and can't get out. Yes, if God is existence or consciousness then there goes all religion out the window. I agree. Out the window it goes. ![]() Buddist materialist is not a bad idea. ![]() |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:45 PM
Well if you want something positive and verifiable then all I can give you is that I AM GOD.
That is all I have. I can't deny that I am God because I exist, and God is existence. In my current form (my body) I am a limited manifestation of God. But my subconscious mind, connected to all others is my higher self, and is (ultimately) God. We are GOD made flesh. |
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Wed 02/04/09 06:54 PM
I didn't mean you JB with that question on disparaging, wow have no idea where that quote went.
Have a new sax been too involved playing it and didn't reread my posts like I normally do. It was for the person comparing someone to Freud lol. Buddist materialist is not a bad idea. banana I agree! ![]() |
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Wed 02/04/09 08:30 PM
I am curious if anyone can form a positive coherent Ontology for god. What is god? I doubt very much that anyone can. Also, there are many "gods" out there. I could attempt to respond to this question, as could Abra - but you will get two completely different responses. Throw Jeannie, Smiless and Funches into the mix, and it's off to the races. It is a thread of futility. We know that God isn't material (or if your a Pantheist, he's all material) and we know that no one has seen God (with the exceptions of those using some really potent drugs). So - should we set some boundries here? Do you want the God of Christainity, The Pantheistic God, Satan (the God of Satanists) Allah, Zeus, Isis, the list goes on. Where would you like this to head? ANY positive definition will do. My point is that until a positive coherent definition can be established then its pointless to ever engage in a debate on the existence of something you cannot define using positive objective characteristics.
What is god? Davidben1: the subconscious mind...... I think you could be right David. ![]() Yep by george I think you've got it! ![]() ![]() Seriously. Unlock the knowledge and power of the subconscious mind and.... look out! I wonder if you meant that to be disparaging? ------------------------------------------- David please don't be mad at me, your definition is better then anyone else's. It is positive and can be characterized. However it flies in the face of what theists tend to call god. You then must add on every thing to subconsciousness that you want to attribute to god. Also why subconsciousness and not consciousness in general that included sub? Also defining a supreme being as a characteristic of brains seems self defeating. Personally I think eljay is right, if a god exists it is undefinable in context to our existence. Then if god is existence, or consciousness then all religion is kinda out the window huh? Time for everyone to become Buddhist materialists. mad is not bad to me, and i am not mad AT ALL, lol..... humans are the only supreme beings, either supremely blind or supremely aware??? subconscious mind said to be as "god" as THIS TOWER OVER THE CONSCIOUS MIND IN POWER, and is more as a "hidden" director of the mind itself??? what a "theist" deem to be "god", first come from what a theist FIRST believed, so then a theist sought to "produce a definition", to best describe what it ALREADY BELIEVED, TO JUSTIFY ITSELF AND LEND ITSELF CREEDENCE??? these are not the things that speak of greater process common to all living things??? what can be found that is CONSTANT OF ALL HUMANS, be the most tell of what is of greater understanding, that tie all humans together, and not seperate some as more knowing, and some as less knowing??? to speak the "whole mind" is treacherous, so only the constant knowing all others response is due to just cause, be the only thing that keep self in "true most reality", or out of self delusion??? to think all religions are not true, hide all the ways they are true, but perhaps just do not tell anymore than what is already known??? religions are but words, and the HEARER put them into order and determine the meaning??? this is OPPOSITE the way the conscious mind work naturally, as it access all data as true or not true, which this practice in itself, lead unto total deception or delusion??? it cause the brain to soon make decisions of what is true, based on "feelings" of negative or positive coming from data heard, and since all data not "already known" by self seems to tell self that self is "dumb", and that the "other" must think itself as "great", direct the brain to soon come to protect itself from only negative "feelings" most as guide of truth, and "positive words" as more true, which in NO WAY indicate what is most true??? reality is what is created, SO THE MORE HEARD AS TRUE, THE MORE SELF KNOW, SO THE GREATER THE REALITY THAT CAN BE CREATED BY SELF??? in many ways of "theory", or good prime directive of the mind to create an "open mind", the thought that "ALL NEGATIVE IS GOD", would serve MOST to allow the awareness to increase itself to maximum awareness??? opposite of what "religion" focus on with the conscious mind, as EACH RELIGION SEE IT'S OWN "TOTAL NEGATIVE DEFINITION" AS THE DEVIL OR EVIL??? as to say, TOTAL AWARENESS IS WHAT SELF IS, but, the "conscious mind" restrict itself, by staring at the OPPOSITE of what create more AWARENESS??? negative from other as GOD, DESTROY TWO SEPERATE ENTITIES OF CONSCIOUS MIND AND SUBCONSCIOUS MIND??? THIS THEN DESTROY THE "ILLUSION" THE CONSCIOUS MIND PERPETRATE, that "good" is what it create BY MAKING OBSERVATIONS AND WARRING AND FIGHTING AGAINST NEGATIVE??? you mention all religions out the window??? served as a "guide of good" hell yea!!! the sight of what founded all religions tell more than what all religions try to say by teaching "mimiced actions and words OF GOOD"??? if man believe in god, as infinite peoples have in all days past, then to not know "what it is" will create unrest unless assessments as "partial answers" are no longer accepted??? when they are but mere observations over and over and over again, the brain is led to believing there is NOT TRUE WHOLE ANSWER??? anything "unsolved" in the "brain" is delusion??? indeed, the "perception" of any other deemed as "inferior", create the very perception that cannot GAIN "SUBSONSCIOUS ACCESS" TO IT'S OWN "MOST KNOWING"??? which come to ANYTHING by just seeing first it's own natural human birth imposed limitations??? which show how to SURMOUNT THEM??? if "WHAT IS" be spoken, then it is recognized, IF IT THE MIND IS OPEN, SO LOOKING, BUT, TO LOOK WITH A PRE-CONCIEVED IDEA, "BIAS OUT" MOST DATA??? so the brain is caught in a "catch 22", as to "look" create motive of what is "good to find", and to "not look" create unaware??? so the "brain" has only one alternative??? "ALL" THINGS ARE TRUE!!! this be the only way the brain can allow itself to be open at ALL TIMES, allowing itself to assimilate much more data to "SEE and KNOW" what is more true??? this be "most important" when what is "reality" is being attempted to be defined by the "very thing creating it"??? the greatest "tell" the human brain is naturally unaware to the grand degree that itself is "unaware", is man attempting to predict the future, when mankind itself is creating it??? |
"To say there is no God is ludicrous since if the concept exists then there is a very good chance there is some kind of omniscient consciousness that exists in everything that we could call God."
This is not a true statement at all. So you lost the validity at this point. All throughout time deities have been suggested. Usually with a valid solid form to start the belief. Sun god, moon god, earth mother, wind gods, fairies or gods of the forest, ect.... The reason for these beliefs was usually caused by the amazement or wonderment of the power or life of these objects or things. As understanding of how life and the planet works came into play the "wonder" of these things became obsolete and so did the gods. Now if your going to "create" a god that is above this kind of disillusionment you must create a god that is above logic. So now you have a god that created everything and is placed in the heavens away from prying eyes of nay sayers. Does this make the "suggestion" of this god a cause to think that it is more factual than any who came before he/she/it? No. There is no more truth to this god than any before. |
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Wed 02/04/09 08:44 PM
so the "brain" has only one alternative???
"ALL" THINGS ARE TRUE!!! this be the only way the brain can allow itself to be open at ALL TIMES, allowing itself to assimilate much more data to "SEE and KNOW" what is more true??? this be "most important" when what is "reality" is being attempted to be defined by the "very thing creating it"??? the greatest "tell" the human brain is naturally unaware to the grand degree that itself is "unaware", is man attempting to predict the future, when mankind itself is creating it??? Awesome David! So true!! In asking for truth one must accept all as true or one might reject some information that is true thinking that it is false, closing itself off to some truth. The subconscious mind accepts all information as true, because truth is information regardless of opinion and manifestations. Information is information. Truth is truth. We do create the future. So any predictions of the future must be predictions of the whole of Will and to know the whole of Will, you must not reject any other's truth. |
so the "brain" has only one alternative???
"ALL" THINGS ARE TRUE!!! this be the only way the brain can allow itself to be open at ALL TIMES, allowing itself to assimilate much more data to "SEE and KNOW" what is more true??? this be "most important" when what is "reality" is being attempted to be defined by the "very thing creating it"??? the greatest "tell" the human brain is naturally unaware to the grand degree that itself is "unaware", is man attempting to predict the future, when mankind itself is creating it??? Awesome David! So true!! In asking for truth one must accept all as true or one might reject some information that is true thinking that it is false, closing itself off to some truth. The subconscious mind accepts all information as true, because truth is information regardless of opinion and manifestations. Information is information. Truth is truth. We do create the future. So any predictions of the future must be predictions of the whole of Will and to know the whole of Will, you must not reject any other's truth. yea, when the MIND SEE NEGATIVE OF SELF IS THE ONLY GOD, NEGATIVE SOON TURN TO BLISS??? |
Depends on whether you chose to answer philosophically or rationally. To say there is no God is ludicrous since if the concept exists then there is a very good chance there is some kind of omniscient consciousness that exists in everything that we could call God. Again it depends on what definition you are trying to present and also whether the concept is manifest based on belief or on concept. I choose to view God as a concept... See the next... OH, That and if you come up with the idea a flying spaghetti exists then it is possible something resembling it might just in deed exist. You are aware that many items of technology we use today were items of fiction years before. The inspiration had to come from somewhere. Think of it this way. Issac Asimov wrote Sci Fi and described a Lazer long before one was made. Jules Vern described a nuclear powered submarine LONG before we even made diesel powered subs! TA DA! Look at what menaces our oceans these days. So now the Empirical side of it. So far there has been nothing concrete to SHOW that God exists outside of some questionable acts and questionable circumstance. Most miracles have explanations. A rare few are still unexplainable but that is not enough to concretely prove the existence of a higher power. Look out there... I play devil's advocate also! If you want to argue a definition be ready to find a reason why NOT to define it at all as well. Disproving the existence of god argumentatively is as rational as proving or using a definition as proof of existence. If you want a dictionary definition there are plenty available... God in the bible was asked who he, she, it... whatever was and God replied 'I am.' Good enough for me to not need to pin a face on the Supreme being. If God is all things then God would be a presence you feel without form. Some things defy description. How can I describe a drug induced hallucination to you? There are times you have to accept ambiguity because there is not enough information to act otherwise. Tell ya what. Sticking your finger in an electric socket sure feels like getting struck by God. If you want to get down and dirty nuts and bolts... If god is everything and everything is of god then YES BUT BUT BUT you are misreading the statement... "sure feels like getting struck by God." I didn't see any mention of being shocked "being" god. it is an allusion to gods unseen nature..... That is allowed is it not or are allusions illegal too? If a man of any kind is standing in front of you telling you that they are God, Chances are good it is fake! With all of the fakes in this world you got to bring this one up? OK. With the right setup anyone can fake being Jesus. Heck, I wanted to fake being Jesus myself using a team of divers, some clear sheets of plastic with buoyancy assistance, and go have a little walk on the water at the beach near my house on the back side of the waves! how many IDOTS would assume I was Jesus if I had long hair and the goatee? Walk like a duck, Quack like a duck, you had better make damn sure you are looking at a duck. If you hear god and feel something there you cant see but a glass of water appeared hovering in front of you asking you to sit down and wet your throat because what it had to tell you was about to shake your world, and we are talking you don't see anyone but you sure know someone is there, then chances are VERY good you are either in the presence of a seriously powerful creature or you are in the presence of God. Then again a little skepticism goes a long way to making bad mistakes! I bet you and everyone else including me would not know God if he she or it hit us on the head and told us to our faces we were looking right at God! The thing is there is a fine line between Dementia and actually being addressed by something far greater than yourself. For instance, assume we are visited by extra terrestrials, what if (OH YEAH) they were huge and reptilian and although its lips are not moving but you can hear it talk? I assume I should also seek professional help especially if it is standing right in front of me and can smell its bad breath and feel cold scaly skin? Look, Elephants are not concerned with ants at all. If god is truly above existence as we understand it then you definitely are not going to see god. You might hear god but then again would you even understand? Does Ontology recapitulate Phylonology? Not mine... I say potatoe... |
"To say there is no God is ludicrous since if the concept exists then there is a very good chance there is some kind of omniscient consciousness that exists in everything that we could call God." This is not a true statement at all. So you lost the validity at this point. All throughout time deities have been suggested. Usually with a valid solid form to start the belief. Sun god, moon god, earth mother, wind gods, fairies or gods of the forest, ect.... The reason for these beliefs was usually caused by the amazement or wonderment of the power or life of these objects or things. As understanding of how life and the planet works came into play the "wonder" of these things became obsolete and so did the gods. Now if your going to "create" a god that is above this kind of disillusionment you must create a god that is above logic. So now you have a god that created everything and is placed in the heavens away from prying eyes of nay sayers. Does this make the "suggestion" of this god a cause to think that it is more factual than any who came before he/she/it? No. There is no more truth to this god than any before. Look, I took critical writing as a class myself in college and got my ass WORKED to earn a B by a super Critical Teacher who ripped me a new one here and there. My statement was very carefully worded to not be an abject and blatant mistruth as you would proclaim in your statement nor is it any less valid than any other argument god does not does not exist. I find your views wholly too narrow for the topic at hand and that is to define god but what we have here is a philosophical battle meeting the world of Empirical thinking. Here is a little concept I hope does not escape you, Reality made manifest by belief... Now I do know unto itself there is a hole waiting to be reached for in this thinking BUT it is Mankind (and women kind, got to be fair) who try to rationalize the world we live in and all of the things that affect it. How about I ask you to define Baal? More often then not God is related to in terms that fit "rational" human understanding. Man made God, man Defines God, God is cast in Man's image and not the other way around. Now I am going to get ugly with you. Here is a concept I have passed by some PH. D. Biologists. it is a term I call Parallel Evolution. As an example. Our little Gray Friends everyone is so entranced over.... They sure seem a LOT like us in many ways, Don't they? But they are supposed to be from another planet, right????????? Look around this world, ALL life conforms to some very basic rules. Our symmetry can be compared to that of a host of other life forms on this planet. All animal life outside of plants, insects, and certain other life forms have one head, four legs (and arms or wings are just a different leg adapted to perform manipulative functions) and a tail whether it is vestigial or not. All birds, lizards, mammals change and live on the same basic pattern. Granted there are exceptions to this rule like Star Fish which are Radial and not bi symmetrical like we are. It almost seems life is somehow preprogrammed to follow a distinct pattern that has yet to be fully understood but with the deciphering of the Human Genome we are beginning to see that there is a certain amount of Parallel codes to other non related life forms around us. Now if life is found on other worlds it will be different in a lot of ways and chemistry will most certainly be one of them but the chances are that the flora and fauna of such worlds will resemble ours a lot more closely than we may imagine. NOW if it is true that life does indeed operate on a pre determined set of encoded instructions and that all life goes through similar phases of evolution world for world then does that mean that life itself is what is God and that god is part of our programming? Again I have argued that god is of everything if god is truly omniscient. I almost want to say it does not matter one way or another but it is too fun using my brain sometimes.... |
"God is a concept by which we measure our pain."
-John Lennon |
Although I as a Christian must admit that there is no way to scientifically prove the existence of God, Atheism must admit that there is no way to disprove His existence either.!!!
Unfortunately, what Atheist and Agnostics fail to realize is that if we don't start with an infinite, un-caused God, then we must start with finite, un-caused matter! So, atheism must hold the absurd conclusion that something comes from nothing, that is, that non-being is the ground upon which being rests. This seems highly unreasonable and unlogical, for an atheist to assert dogmatically that there is no God, then he must be omniscient, and therefore God! Therefore, his assertion contradicts itself!!!!! Sally |
If the overwhelming complexity of the universe and life itself must be assigned a supernatural explanation, then leave me out of it. I choose to believe that as science and technology progresses, eventually all of man's questions will be answered.
By the way, Sally, you are an atheist too, with respect to all deities except your own. Meaning, you do not believe in Allah, Zoroastrian Sun God, Buddha, ... I'm just like you, except I believe in one less god than you. Have a lovely day! ![]() |