Topic: Why do you judge by looks?
JoeW99's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:25 PM

yeah been on that date once man. you lose your apitite pretty quick.

Think sushi, with someone that eats with their mouth open...

Yeah not calling that one back. Maybe i should of looked deeper and found the "nice girl" in her. noway

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:26 PM
Hmm, perhaps there should be threads about why people judge on race, sexual preference, socio-economic level, gender, single vs. married, childfree vs. parents, thin vs. overweight, college educated vs. high school diploma or dropout, the list could go on and on. And then we could all be politically correct and say "none of that matters," "it's what's on the inside, I don't judge on anything but personality and how they treat me," blah freaking blah.....

Bottom line- we all have preferences; if we didn't and all we wanted was a breathing human being, there'd be no need for dating sites. We'd all hook up with the first person who came along and that'd be it.

However, I don't want just ANY man, just to say I have a boyfriend, that's beyond desperate. I have a certain type of man that I'd want to date- if I was trying to date off this site at all. So perhaps, in the future, when someone says they want a "nice guy," understand they want someone who has other qualities they like besides YOUR perception of "niceness." Just a thought.

Btw, I'm not trying to be a b!tch about this, I'm just so freaking tired of people whining about why no one likes them. No one is obligated to like you or date you or answer your emails. I wrote to a guy on here just to ask him how he edited his myspace page and he read it and never answered. Did I throw a sh!t fit because he viewed my profile and didn't think enough of me as a person to answer a simple question? Nope, I figured fvck him, and figured it out myself.laugh

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:26 PM

well don't evernot look or youll never find her or him. ive been waiting for like 5 years and there;s only been like 3 girls.. i know i should have probly been with them longer but god i just could not stand to be around. i eithre felt dumb, smart, or too active lol.

meh, i haven't really looked...and i'm perfectly fine. happiness isn't all about finding your one true love...i mean, it'd be nice. but its not everything.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:28 PM

well don't evernot look or youll never find her or him. ive been waiting for like 5 years and there;s only been like 3 girls.. i know i should have probly been with them longer but god i just could not stand to be around. i eithre felt dumb, smart, or too active lol.

meh, i haven't really looked...and i'm perfectly fine. happiness isn't all about finding your one true love...i mean, it'd be nice. but its not everything.


no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:29 PM

yeah been on that date once man. you lose your apitite pretty quick.

Think sushi, with someone that eats with their mouth open...

Yeah not calling that one back. Maybe i should of looked deeper and found the "nice girl" in her. noway

LOL, yeah that would have totally qualified you for "nice guy" status.:wink:

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:31 PM

well don't evernot look or youll never find her or him. ive been waiting for like 5 years and there;s only been like 3 girls.. i know i should have probly been with them longer but god i just could not stand to be around. i eithre felt dumb, smart, or too active lol.

meh, i haven't really looked...and i'm perfectly fine. happiness isn't all about finding your one true love...i mean, it'd be nice. but its not everything.

drinker back to ya

niko1's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:31 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true...but tell me how many "hot" people you've met who were total jerks and seemed ugly afterwards?

It's all a matter of personal choice, I know, but why should people knock those who want to get to know others for what's on the inside? Beauty fades, personality lasts forever. :o)

Nicely put. :thumbsup:

B_Root's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:31 PM

yeah been on that date once man. you lose your apitite pretty quick.

Think sushi, with someone that eats with their mouth open...

Yeah not calling that one back. Maybe i should of looked deeper and found the "nice girl" in her. noway

oh god! yeah that definaltly would have brought the nice guy outta you if you did call her back lol.

B_Root's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:33 PM

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true...but tell me how many "hot" people you've met who were total jerks and seemed ugly afterwards?

It's all a matter of personal choice, I know, but why should people knock those who want to get to know others for what's on the inside? Beauty fades, personality lasts forever. :o)

Nicely put. :thumbsup:

i second that.. shades

Angelee's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:34 PM
It really comes down to "breedability". When we get to the root of things, I think we find that people want to hook up with people who they can make superior babies with. EVEN if they're not planning on breeding. We are too quick to forget that we are animals... simple as that. Which means that, we too, fall into the trap of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Ever noticed how younger generations, in general, seem to get prettier and prettier? There weren't this many "hot" boys and girls around when I was in school!

But, truly... "cute" only last for so long. I've dated some serious hotties in my day, but they were jerks, drunks, idiots... you get my drift. I'm NOT with them now.

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:36 PM

It really comes down to "breedability". When we get to the root of things, I think we find that people want to hook up with people who they can make superior babies with. EVEN if they're not planning on breeding. We are too quick to forget that we are animals... simple as that. Which means that, we too, fall into the trap of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Ever noticed how younger generations, in general, seem to get prettier and prettier? There weren't this many "hot" boys and girls around when I was in school!

But, truly... "cute" only last for so long. I've dated some serious hotties in my day, but they were jerks, drunks, idiots... you get my drift. I'm NOT with them now.

so now you only date ugly men?noway

B_Root's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:37 PM
i dont know about breedability i mean yeah i guess if someone is palnning on having children and want them to be fit or big, smart, blonde what ever then i can see why they would be that way. i thought it was all about companionship but then again...

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:38 PM

It really comes down to "breedability". When we get to the root of things, I think we find that people want to hook up with people who they can make superior babies with. EVEN if they're not planning on breeding. We are too quick to forget that we are animals... simple as that. Which means that, we too, fall into the trap of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Ever noticed how younger generations, in general, seem to get prettier and prettier? There weren't this many "hot" boys and girls around when I was in school!

But, truly... "cute" only last for so long. I've dated some serious hotties in my day, but they were jerks, drunks, idiots... you get my drift. I'm NOT with them now.

so now you only date ugly men?noway

you guys are trying to make this into some sort of science...and just stop. I've met, dated, and am friends wit some major hotttttttttties....and they are the sweetest people i know.

so saying "I've dated hotties....they were jerks not with them now" that is also considered judging. and to judge someone by how hot they are, and automatically assume they are a jerk, drunk,an idiot, etc....isn't very nice.

Angelee's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:39 PM

It really comes down to "breedability". When we get to the root of things, I think we find that people want to hook up with people who they can make superior babies with. EVEN if they're not planning on breeding. We are too quick to forget that we are animals... simple as that. Which means that, we too, fall into the trap of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Ever noticed how younger generations, in general, seem to get prettier and prettier? There weren't this many "hot" boys and girls around when I was in school!

But, truly... "cute" only last for so long. I've dated some serious hotties in my day, but they were jerks, drunks, idiots... you get my drift. I'm NOT with them now.

Lol... actually, I only date women who can kiss well enough to give me that special feeling... hehe. But, that doesn't mean that I don't understand breeding. Because, as I'm sure most of us who were honest with ourselves would admit... once a month, I WANT TO!!
so now you only date ugly men?noway

B_Root's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:42 PM
something that ticks me off sometimes though i mean i know every one has standards and what not.. why is it sometimes i might try to talk to girls who are like in shape well put together and they blow me off?? but then its like i walk away and there's some dude fatter and like unglier than me has like a girl who looks like a dallas cowboy cheerleader. sometimes that gets me ticked off becuase i just dont understand it...

transientmind's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:43 PM

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:44 PM

something that ticks me off sometimes though i mean i know every one has standards and what not.. why is it sometimes i might try to talk to girls who are like in shape well put together and they blow me off?? but then its like i walk away and there's some dude fatter and like unglier than me has like a girl who looks like a dallas cowboy cheerleader. sometimes that gets me ticked off becuase i just dont understand it...

dont let it tick you off. cause you never know if you'll get a girl like that. just consider that bastard lucky and let it give you hope. hahahahaha

B_Root's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:46 PM

something that ticks me off sometimes though i mean i know every one has standards and what not.. why is it sometimes i might try to talk to girls who are like in shape well put together and they blow me off?? but then its like i walk away and there's some dude fatter and like unglier than me has like a girl who looks like a dallas cowboy cheerleader. sometimes that gets me ticked off becuase i just dont understand it...

dont let it tick you off. cause you never know if you'll get a girl like that. just consider that bastard lucky and let it give you hope. hahahahaha

laugh laugh laugh ill remember that next time lol

Angelee's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:50 PM

It really comes down to "breedability". When we get to the root of things, I think we find that people want to hook up with people who they can make superior babies with. EVEN if they're not planning on breeding. We are too quick to forget that we are animals... simple as that. Which means that, we too, fall into the trap of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Ever noticed how younger generations, in general, seem to get prettier and prettier? There weren't this many "hot" boys and girls around when I was in school!

But, truly... "cute" only last for so long. I've dated some serious hotties in my day, but they were jerks, drunks, idiots... you get my drift. I'm NOT with them now.

so now you only date ugly men?noway

you guys are trying to make this into some sort of science...and just stop. I've met, dated, and am friends wit some major hotttttttttties....and they are the sweetest people i know.

so saying "I've dated hotties....they were jerks not with them now" that is also considered judging. and to judge someone by how hot they are, and automatically assume they are a jerk, drunk,an idiot, etc....isn't very nice.

I'm not judging anyone... I know plenty of gorgeous people who are gorgeous on the inside, as well. All I'm saying is that we can't forget that we, SCIENTIFICALLY, are animals, which means we really do care about breeding. Whatever that means to each of us is our own preference... but it's still the truth.

niko1's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:52 PM
Edited by niko1 on Sat 01/17/09 10:52 PM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true...but tell me how many "hot" people you've met who were total jerks and seemed ugly afterwards?

It's all a matter of personal choice, I know, but why should people knock those who want to get to know others for what's on the inside? Beauty fades, personality lasts forever. :o)

Well said