adj4u's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:58 PM
what is the penalty if someone is doing life for murder and they kill in prison if there is no upgrade in penalty why noy just kill whom ever they want

Dragoness's photo
Thu 01/15/09 09:00 PM

what is the penalty if someone is doing life for murder and they kill in prison if there is no upgrade in penalty why noy just kill whom ever they want

They have punishment for that. Segregation or the "hole" is hard on the inmates. In segregation they will not have the opportunity to kill again.

adj4u's photo
Thu 01/15/09 09:05 PM

what is the penalty if someone is doing life for murder and they kill in prison if there is no upgrade in penalty why noy just kill whom ever they want

They have punishment for that. Segregation or the "hole" is hard on the inmates. In segregation they will not have the opportunity to kill again.

to a point but laws pushed for by rights groups say they have to have so much exposure and exercise dont they who is to be the ones risked providing said things

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 01:54 AM
call me crazy but as a tax payer i dont feel obligated to pay for some unrepentant murderer/rapist/child molester to sit in prison watch tv go on the internet.. the death penalty is proven to drop murder rates each time it is implemented.. its a crime deterent and we should use it.. and dont give me this "inhumane" bs have some balls stand up for what is right

bad_girl's photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:55 AM
Edited by bad_girl on Fri 01/16/09 02:55 AM
If there is no evidence to prove their innocence, or if they have admitted it, then follow through with the death penalty. I believe in "an eye for an eye". Why should we pay for them if they are guilty?

deke's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:33 AM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

CSI lol well considering that tv is not anything like the real deal and they are still not always right, people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused, it happens. Check out the people who have been exonerated.
csi was an example of what modern technology can do
do you honestly think everyone is innocent and are in prison'd need to take off blinders and see that their are extremely bad people who should be torture tested

adj4u's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:37 AM

If there is no evidence to prove their innocence, or if they have admitted it, then follow through with the death penalty. I believe in "an eye for an eye". Why should we pay for them if they are guilty?

""""""""""prove their innocence""""""""""""""

should not have to prove innocence they should have to prove without a doubt they did it

prove their innocence-- what a wrong that is even tho it is coming to that

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:41 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 01/16/09 06:43 AM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

CSI lol well considering that tv is not anything like the real deal and they are still not always right, people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused, it happens. Check out the people who have been exonerated.
csi was an example of what modern technology can do
do you honestly think everyone is innocent and are in prison'd need to take off blinders and see that their are extremely bad people who should be torture tested
Im for the death penalty but CSI and youtube is not the real world!!!!!rofl rofl

deke's photo
Fri 01/16/09 08:22 AM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

CSI lol well considering that tv is not anything like the real deal and they are still not always right, people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused, it happens. Check out the people who have been exonerated.
csi was an example of what modern technology can do
do you honestly think everyone is innocent and are in prison'd need to take off blinders and see that their are extremely bad people who should be torture tested
Im for the death penalty but CSI and youtube is not the real world!!!!!rofl rofl

again csi is an EXAMPLE OF TECH (hence physical evidence)
you tube don't put much stock in it but it there

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:42 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

CSI lol well considering that tv is not anything like the real deal and they are still not always right, people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused, it happens. Check out the people who have been exonerated.
csi was an example of what modern technology can do
do you honestly think everyone is innocent and are in prison'd need to take off blinders and see that their are extremely bad people who should be torture tested
Im for the death penalty but CSI and youtube is not the real world!!!!!rofl rofl

again csi is an EXAMPLE OF TECH (hence physical evidence)
you tube don't put much stock in it but it there
What does CSI show you? It shows a crime happening and all the forensics is done the next day. In the "REAL" world it would take many months. I like it though but prefer NCIS being ex navy!!!!

Delsoldamien's photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:51 PM
You are right temp..those shows are not the real world, but forensics is a facinating field.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:57 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.
I agree. I think the idea of reasonable doubt depends far too much on the scientific knowledge of those doing the doubting (ie jurors and lawyers and judges) which is pathetic these days.

One of my best friends was murdered. There is no doubt who did it. The science is clean, I would endorse taking his life.

But the standards are just not there to have it acceptable across the board.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:59 PM

You are right temp..those shows are not the real world, but forensics is a facinating field.
Yes it is. My daughter is majoring CSI Forensics. Its amazing what they can do. I learn something new everyday just by asking her questions. She will be in school the rest of her career. I am really proud of her...Sorry for theofftopic

Delsoldamien's photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:04 PM
You have alot to be proud of, it is a facinating field.. I believe that the death penalty is a deterrent, but with modern science we can be more sure of those that deserve it's fate.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:08 PM

You have alot to be proud of, it is a facinating field.. I believe that the death penalty is a deterrent, but with modern science we can be more sure of those that deserve it's fate.
I agree and I believe the science is there. It comes down to access and accountability

Delsoldamien's photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:10 PM
See, we can agree on some things! hahahaha

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:16 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

This is a serious matter that could and should be thought about carefully.

I did a debate in my speech class on this and was surprised to find out that it costs something like 4 or 5 times more money to put someone on death row than it does to take care of them for 50 years or so. This is because of all the additional court hearings and trials required prior to execution. That is, of course, to prevent the wrongfully accused from being executed (which still doesn't always work).

In my opinion, there should be a death penalty. I would personally only want to see it being used if someone was still considered a threat. If they are continually violent towards the guards and keep attempting to escape.

But on top of this i would love to see some sort of prison labor force, kinda like the old chain gangs, that would be made to produce something for society. This would help pay for the taxpayer's expense of imprisoning them.

Delsoldamien's photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:20 PM
I think we should limit the appeals, trials and all the other excuses for delaying the process and give the victims family or the victim the change to do the deed.. I would gladly spend $1 to buy a bullet and put it into the head of the man that killed my wife and daughter..I do not seek revenge..but like a dog gone bad, needs to be put down.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:36 PM

See, we can agree on some things! hahahaha
Im not a bad guy. Just trying to understand. Sometimes you have to rock the boat to do so..

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:45 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 01/16/09 03:46 PM

You have alot to be proud of, it is a facinating field.. I believe that the death penalty is a deterrent, but with modern science we can be more sure of those that deserve it's fate.
I agree and I believe the science is there. It comes down to access and accountability
And education. If the ones doing the judging do not even know the science is there it will never be brought to bear.