no photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:03 PM
I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

SweetButSpoiled's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:08 PM

I am not for violence but for certain crimes (child molesting, rape, murder) I would agree to it. For murder if it's intentional yes if it's involuntary (like drunk driving) you get life with a small chance of parole.

If you check the statistics the countries that use the death penalty as a punishment are the counties that have the highest violent crime rate.

If you kill someone drunk driving, it is voluntary. You were sober before you got drunk and you knew you could be in an accident and possibly kill someone. Another statistic is that most drunk drivers survive their crashes, but their victims usually do not.

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:11 PM

I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

what they beat raped and killed your kids or a family member you rather see them in jail and pay for them to be kept alive

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:13 PM

I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

what they beat raped and killed your kids or a family member you rather see them in jail and pay for them to be kept alive

Yes because this murderer/rapist is someones child or family member. I do not believe in an eye for an eye. If I want this person to die am I any better than them?

TedDBear44's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:14 PM
I couldn't agree with you more on this one :smile:

TedDBear44's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:15 PM
The Bible teaches an eye for an eye. :smile:

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:27 PM

I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

what they beat raped and killed your kids or a family member you rather see them in jail and pay for them to be kept alive

Yes because this murderer/rapist is someones child or family member. I do not believe in an eye for an eye. If I want this person to die am I any better than them?

what does a murderers family have to do with it
you don't want them to feel bad because their little dirtbag killed someone so you'll let it go unpunished

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:45 PM

I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

what they beat raped and killed your kids or a family member you rather see them in jail and pay for them to be kept alive

Yes because this murderer/rapist is someones child or family member. I do not believe in an eye for an eye. If I want this person to die am I any better than them?

what does a murderers family have to do with it
you don't want them to feel bad because their little dirtbag killed someone so you'll let it go unpunished

Spending the rest of there lives in prison isn't punishment? Living everyday with the guilt of there crime isn't punishment?

Taking the life of the offender only hurts there innocent family. Why would you wish to inflict the same pain you feel on another innocent family?

I guess I am just not a spiteful, hateful person. I believe in forgiveness.

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 03:49 PM

I do not believe the death penalty should be used in any situation regardless of the crime.

what they beat raped and killed your kids or a family member you rather see them in jail and pay for them to be kept alive

Yes because this murderer/rapist is someones child or family member. I do not believe in an eye for an eye. If I want this person to die am I any better than them?

what does a murderers family have to do with it
you don't want them to feel bad because their little dirtbag killed someone so you'll let it go unpunished

Spending the rest of there lives in prison isn't punishment? Living everyday with the guilt of there crime isn't punishment?

Taking the life of the offender only hurts there innocent family. Why would you wish to inflict the same pain you feel on another innocent family?

I guess I am just not a spiteful, hateful person. I believe in forgiveness.

i believe in forgivness but not for malicious murder. why should we have to pay to house feed and bath a person that does such things

if we put all of them on an island somewhere and forgot about them then i might agree with you

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 05:11 PM
If murder is really wrong so is legalized murder. Another death is no solution. I think supporting capital punishment is supporting absolute political control at it's sickest extreme.

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/15/09 05:40 PM

If they are guilty beyond a reason of a doubt, and did a horrible horrible thing. Kill the SOB. I already think that people that abuse children should get the death penalty.


no photo
Thu 01/15/09 06:01 PM
I don't think it's right to kill someone for for comitting crimes like murder or rape or anything along those lines. I think they should be killed for being the type of person who would commit those crimes. Why wait for em to do it? Kill em first. Preferably as a fetus. That way the neocons AND the libs will support it

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 01/15/09 06:56 PM
Forget the death penalty. It cost us more to keep all those who are currently on death row than the rest of the prison population.

If an individual was sane enough to stand trial and do the time, they should be earning their keep.

If children can learn to work in sweat shops to provide Americans with 'stuff', let the prisoners provide all the 'stuff' that Americans want so cheap.

Make prisoners responsible for their own housekeeping and if they don't earn enough to cover their living expenses, take away the frills. Yes food can be a frill, people in poverty don't get three squares a day either.

Of course we have to realize that some international trade agreements might suffer, as prisoners would produce so many trivial types of goods. But just imagine how proudly Walmart would market that little sign that says
"Made in America".

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:20 PM

This thread and some of it's posters are unfortunately some of the reasons why your country feels a NEED to have the death penalty.

Sick societies create sick people... unbalanced societies create unbalanced people.... violent societies create violent people...

it isn't bloody rocket science.

Stop living in fear... start living in love.

Don't make us sound like we have a problem. Look at what the Taliban was doing to people in Afghanistan. they were killing people en masse over trivial bullsh*t. What are we supposed do do? Blow them kisses? We should kill EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM we catch!

If you pander to murderers they will continue to kill others. Human nature my friend! Until it changes there will be bad people in need of being put out of our misery!

Heck, I remember when the UK banned all guns and now who have them? The cops and criminals and everyone else is screwed. Tourists in London have a 60% chance of being mugged at gunpoint! We may be a little dysfunctional in America but we are definitely not as bad as say China or how about Saudi Arabia? In Saudi Arabia they execute you on the spot if you are caught driving drunk.

Yeah we have a Death Penalty but it is hard to get and harder to have it carried through. At least we don't abuse it so much! Have you ever been a victim of crime or had a friend die at the hands of a criminal? I have! I want blood for blood. Not sissy little slaps on the backs of these dirt bags hands and life sentences. they should be hung publicly as an example of what a ***** payback is! Love only carries so far and we only have two cheeks to turn!

Why is it every bleeding heart and liberal has to bash this country? Go to Russia and talk sh*t there and see what their criminal justice system is like then ***** about us!:angry:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:22 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:32 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

Dragoness's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:35 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?

catwoman96's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:37 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Thu 01/15/09 08:42 PM
Jeffrey Dahmer's death was just, quick, and fair.drinks drinks drinks

beaten to death.

what an awesome way for him to leave death row

deke's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:41 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

Dragoness's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:47 PM

should we use it more or keep people in prison paying for them to live off our money

in my opinion it's mor inhumain to keep them ina 8by 8 cell for 50 years than it is to go ahead and put them out our misery

Until our judicial system is more perfect than the humans who run it and can guarentee that no innocent will be killed by the government it should be abolished and something else done.

what about the one's you know are guilty

How do you really know? People lie, confessions are coerced, etc... So how do you really ever KNOW?
it's called physical evidence
don't you watch csi frustrated

CSI lol well considering that tv is not anything like the real deal and they are still not always right, people can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused, it happens. Check out the people who have been exonerated.