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Topic: Biblical Violence is the Real Porn
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 12/31/08 11:23 AM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Then MR. Lonely Walker... are you "lonely" because you want to be?

This is your opportunity to spin what you read not to read what you read, k?

COGITO ERGO SUM, my friend.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 12:03 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 12/31/08 12:18 PM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.
I think something as important as how to live your life needs to be clear and in as much as it can be literal.

If this is the attempt of an all powerful god he has fallen amazing short and 38,000+ denominations are plenty proof of that.

The only answer is that god did not write or even help in the writing of the bible, and that he does not endorse religion.

Otherwise all of the hatefulness is his fault. Just as we would blame a parent for failing to properly teach his children we should blame god if the bible is true, for all the ways his sloppy work has altered the perceptions of people and its metaphor has tendrils that lead down violent paths.

Let me ask this . . . . for anyone brave enough to try to give a reason that is . . .

Assume the bible is from god . . .

What if he never sent down Jesus, never spoke to anyone, never got involved.

Would more or less people be alive today, and would more or less people be in a better living condition today?

Please explain your answer, if you just say more or less, or yes or no, then you have said nothing.

IMNSHO religion and EVEN spirituality is/can be the problem. The moment anyone thinks truth of a creator can be obtained is the moment they feel elevated for having that knowledge, the word enlightenment, look it up, think about that feeling, think about how that alters your actions.

Think how that fogs up the glasses of a brick and mortar reality, and adds a rose coloring . . . . That is just the start once a single truth is believed to be available then there is no end to how many facets of life COULD be deemed from god, regardless of the truth, as long as thinking this idea creates that feeling of enlightenment . . .

Next thing every thing in your life you deem right and gives you a sense of righteousness now MUST be from god. This parallels your state of mind to gods, and allows you to feel affronted for god as god when someone goes against this system you have created.

Tragedy is not far off from this path. I think most believers realize that the truth of god is elusive and do not set up this parallel (right away), but the very fact that you believe even the first truth is from god, has opened the door of these feelings of GODLY enlightenment and righteousness.

skypoetone's photo
Wed 12/31/08 12:04 PM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Then MR. Lonely Walker... are you "lonely" because you want to be?

This is your opportunity to spin what you read not to read what you read, k?

COGITO ERGO SUM, my friend.

‘I think, therefore I am’… what exactly?

More to the point, how does this address the point I was making?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 12/31/08 12:58 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Wed 12/31/08 01:01 PM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Then MR. Lonely Walker... are you "lonely" because you want to be?

This is your opportunity to spin what you read not to read what you read, k?

COGITO ERGO SUM, my friend.

‘I think, therefore I am’… what exactly?

More to the point, how does this address the point I was making?

It addresses the point you are trying to make in the sense is that you are choosing certain passages in the Bible which are there (no doubt), and probably for the untrained eye me be some sort of bloody pornography, yet when an individuals takes out one part from a whole to make a point that individual falls in what is know as a logical fallacy.
I read your assertions, and they are not other thing than one of millions of attempts to distort something which is and stands by itself.
Individual like you and others exist in the world since christianity is christianity, and as a matter of fact you are good, you are fulfilling a God's mission.
That mission is to question things, so we (the ones who believe) are forced to study and increase our faith and knowledge of that faith.
Thank you for fulfilling God's command in your life.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 08:56 PM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Oh for pete's sake.How many times are we going to hear the "its not what you think" excuse or "you arent reading the additional 20 page extended exegesis required to properly understand the passage:"

"stone the heathens with stones until their blood is upon them and then stone them some more.":

That is part of what leads to arguments on these forums. Just acknowledge what they are blatantly saying. Its your own holly book yet there is a considerable lack of accountability being taken. huh

AllenAqua's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:08 PM
Edited by AllenAqua on Wed 12/31/08 09:16 PM

"It addresses the point you are trying to make in the sense is that you are choosing certain passages in the Bible which are there (no doubt), and probably for the untrained eye me be some sort of bloody pornography, yet when an individuals takes out one part from a whole to make a point that individual falls in what is know as a logical fallacy.
I read your assertions, and they are not other thing than one of millions of attempts to distort something which is and stands by itself.
Individual like you and others exist in the world since christianity is christianity, and as a matter of fact you are good, you are fulfilling a God's mission.
That mission is to question things, so we (the ones who believe) are forced to study and increase our faith and knowledge of that faith.
Thank you for fulfilling God's command in your life."

:thumbsup: Well said!

Inkracer's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:14 PM
Edited by Inkracer on Wed 12/31/08 09:14 PM

"It addresses the point you are trying to make in the sense is that you are choosing certain passages in the Bible which are there (no doubt), and probably for the untrained eye me be some sort of bloody pornography, yet when an individuals takes out one part from a whole to make a point that individual falls in what is know as a logical fallacy.
I read your assertions, and they are not other thing than one of millions of attempts to distort something which is and stands by itself.
Individual like you and others exist in the world since christianity is christianity, and as a matter of fact you are good, you are fulfilling a God's mission.
That mission is to question things, so we (the ones who believe) are forced to study and increase our faith and knowledge of that faith.
Thank you for fulfilling God's command in your life."


Way to dance around the issue, Senator.

skypoetone's photo
Thu 01/01/09 05:23 AM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Oh for pete's sake.How many times are we going to hear the "its not what you think" excuse or "you arent reading the additional 20 page extended exegesis required to properly understand the passage:"

"stone the heathens with stones until their blood is upon them and then stone them some more.":

That is part of what leads to arguments on these forums. Just acknowledge what they are blatantly saying. Its your own holly book yet there is a considerable lack of accountability being taken. huh

Nicely said Krimsa! ;)

It is just the type of political claptrap I would have expected. The many ways to avoid answering the charges of a pitiful bible. It seems their God has them by the short and curly’s for fear of questioning the appalling accounts of gross mass slaughter directed by “Him”.

Mr. Lonely, you are right about one thing... MY God WILL thank me for fulfilling It’s command. Happy New Year. :)

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:26 PM

each one reads and understands what each one wants.
the individual who reads something as the Bible and stays just with the literal meaning of the Bible, is like the one who cannot see farther than his/her nose.
Those who argue about violence in the Bible are the same as the christian fundies, the only difference is that the former argue the other way around from the christian fundies, but the end both of them are the very same thing. LITERALISTS.

Oh for pete's sake.How many times are we going to hear the "its not what you think" excuse or "you arent reading the additional 20 page extended exegesis required to properly understand the passage:"

"stone the heathens with stones until their blood is upon them and then stone them some more.":

That is part of what leads to arguments on these forums. Just acknowledge what they are blatantly saying. Its your own holly book yet there is a considerable lack of accountability being taken. huh

as i have said previusly, one understands whatever one wants to understand.
usually one understands whatever one is full of.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:32 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Fri 01/02/09 09:34 PM
The funny thing about these atheists, is that somehow the hatred against religions or christianity to be more specific (because it seems only christianity is the chaos of the world) does not allow them see things with clarity.
Such hate is a very amusing thing because as i have said so many time: If I have reached such a point of enlightment in which i have realized that religion, christianity, and God are bunch of crap, for pete's sake i would not even take the time to be making all the research they do to try to disprove christianity, the Bible, and everything else. For me christians and believers of all sorts would something like circus monkeys, and nothing else.
Yet, some nonbelievers put so much effort to attack christianity that it even becomes very amusing and interesting as those monkeys in the circus.

skypoetone's photo
Mon 01/05/09 11:56 AM
The funny thing about these atheists, is that somehow the hatred against religions or christianity to be more specific (because it seems only christianity is the chaos of the world) does not allow them see things with clarity.

And being “christian” (strange how you afford it with a lower case) identifies with no one other than themselves? I wouldn't know what atheists think/feel. How selective of you and why do you feel that those with an open mind, i.e. agnostics, as myself are full of hate? Is it because we question the Christian authority?

Such hate is a very amusing thing because as i have said so many time: If I have reached such a point of enlightment in which i have realized that religion, christianity, and God are bunch of crap, for pete's sake i would not even take the time to be making all the research they do to try to disprove christianity, the Bible, and everything else. For me christians and believers of all sorts would something like circus monkeys, and nothing else.

No, not “circus monkeys” so much as sheeple.

Yet, some nonbelievers put so much effort to attack christianity that it even becomes very amusing and interesting as those monkeys in the circus.

Or maybe you are trying to hide your dissatisfaction/bigotry… I suspect, behind a painted smile?

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:23 PM
you can pretty much prove any assertion you please if you carefully cherry pick through the verses

Krimsa's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:27 PM
That is true however the versus themselves are questionable, especially the OT. Just to be fair here. Even the NT in some cases. I dont need to remind you of Saul Paul do I? noway

Krimsa's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:42 PM

God appoints Judah to succeed Joshua. The Lord delivers his foes into his hands and another 10,000 are slain. In the process, they capture Adonibezek and "cut off his thumbs and great toes." Nice guys.

1:2 And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.

1:3 And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him.

1:4 And Judah went up; and the LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand: and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.

1:5 And they found Adonibezek in Bezek: and they fought against him, and they slew the Canaanites and the Perizzites.

1:6 But Adonibezek fled; and they pursued after him, and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes.

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