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Topic: can science prove GOD?
no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:14 PM
isn't the movie religious a satire making fun of peoples' beliefs.

goldenknight22's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:15 PM
That's a whole seperate issues mostly religion is just a business and complete bull ****. I mean i dont want to offend any church goers here but you can look through history how man has used religion as a tool to hold people down or control them to do what they want.

abcautorepair's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:15 PM
Let's assume for a minute that God is indeed a real being, angels truly exist, there are beings that exist in another state, or dimension, or what have you..."heaven" or "hell" for lack of better terms.

Now let's take what we know for fact about ancient man. The way he understood the world around him. The way he documented his experiences, and the way he understood things, and the way he explained things he didn't understand.

With these things in mind, isn't it probable that God, along with the other "supernatural" beings of the bible are real? Simply misunderstood by ancient man. A being that has the ability, for example, to predict based on experience, might seem to have the ability to "see the future". A being that might be able to demonstrate chemical reactions not yet understood by humans might be said to be "magical". And, I'll just say it - a being that can "fly" from another planet and land on earth might just be explained as "coming down from the heavens".

I'm just saying - God is most definitly real. Science will most definitly prove his existence sooner or later. It's just a matter of whether his true state of being is what you understand it to be, and what "history" has recorded it to be.

Do I make sense?

GuitarManager's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:16 PM

ah but is there infinity or is that just a concept devised by man to explain what they can't explain themselves.

If there is not infinity then what is beyond the stopping point?

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:18 PM
ok ..how about the concept(by some peoples)that god is nothing but a being who came here,was found by an ancient civilization-who didn't understand that he/she/it wasn't from here. made up the concept of god to explain what they couldn't.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:19 PM
who says there is a stopping point...what if it is just a repeat of the beginning.

andrewzooms's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:22 PM
"Without God everything is possible"

GuitarManager's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:28 PM

who says there is a stopping point...what if it is just a repeat of the beginning.

Then we would be trapped inside the dimensions we understand. The universe would be akin to a sphere with us traveling around the inside surface of it. There is still something outside even if the something is nothing. What would it mean if the universe were an infinite loop? Visualize it. There has to be more. What's beyond those 13.6 billion light years?

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:40 PM
No, because scientists don't deal with the supernatural or imaginary creatures. Their methods only apply to the natural world.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:42 PM
what if we were inside a giant snowglobe(your circle) and there was not a thing but a snow-like substance that covers us in protection...also how do we know the mileage if there is an infinity...meaning if we know the mileage then there is a finite.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:43 PM
maybe they deal with natural things only because they cannot grasp that beyond their ken.

GuitarManager's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:58 PM

what if we were inside a giant snowglobe(your circle) and there was not a thing but a snow-like substance that covers us in protection...also how do we know the mileage if there is an infinity...meaning if we know the mileage then there is a finite.

How would a snow covering make the universe finite? Because there are finite values such as mileage there is a definition for infinite. Finite measurements are merely created by man anyway. Miles, feet, inches, meters, kilometers, hours, years did not exist before we created them. That is how we know the mileage; we created it. We can see light from 13.6 billion light years away and no further; that does not mean that there is not something a trillion light years away that we have not seen yet.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 08:10 PM

maybe they deal with natural things only because they cannot grasp that beyond their ken.

It's of no interest because scientific method is based on the observation of repeatable and measurable events.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 08:32 PM
the snow was reference to the snow globe concept. when you shake the globe you can still se thru it. just not clearly such as a concept..not everybody sees as another does.

Eljay's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:34 AM

lol the argument that there is no God.

In philosophy of religion it is... God is susposed to be all powerful able to do anything. So if God can do anything can God create a rock huge enough that god can not lift? The answer is no because if god made a rock big enough he couldnt lift than god is not real because god is not all powerful. If god could lift any rock than he could not make one big enough that he couldn't lift so once again he is not all powerful so once again he is not real.

However this argument has no basis by which to argue it, because God is not confined by a material existance and a rock is. In order to prove that God cannot lift the rock - the premise has to be established that God is confined to the material world - as a rock is. Think of it like an Escher. You can see that Escher can draw the impossible, but it cannot be trnslated into the material world - yet our mind can comprehend that he has drawn it. By your logic - we would be staring at an Escher drawing that we can prove cannot exist.

Lol its kinda of confusing it took me a while to get but basically its saying that there is no way anything can be all powerful because of the way everything is balanced so there can not be an all powerful being

Ah ha - but you're wrong. There can be an all powererful being, because you cannot prove here isn't one, unless you're omniscient.

Another topic was why if god is real is the earth such a cold dark place. It makes no sense because he is susposed to be a god of happiness so why make people go through so much pain to endure its stupid...

Because people reject God. The worlds unhappiness is not due to any lack on God's part - but that of man.

those are 2 arguments we learned

I want to know like if people wrote the bible than how can u beleive the bull**** even came from god if there is a god that is???

What we have learned is that you do not know the rules of logic that support an argument - which states that for a conclusion to be accepted, the premises must first be established to be acceptable, else the conclusion is fallacious. Two examples of which you've demonstrated.

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 03:22 AM
alas more philosophy for a concept that defies logic. it is illogical to logically think of fallacies that prove/disprove any given concept.
since the logic/philosophy is flawed.

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