Topic: Question
Blaze1978's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:35 PM
To anyone living in a town, I can understand why it would be a deal breaker.

To anyone living in a city (as I've stated I do), it shouldn't make a bit of difference.

franshade's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:35 PM

You need a car to get around this town. The bus service sucks.

Do you not drive because of epilepsy???? If it was a medical problem, then no problem.

I simply don't like to drive. Let's just say, I don't trust myself behind the wheel.:smile:

Humm well if you can't trust yourself behind the wheel then there must be and underlying reason for that.

One that your not admitting I don't know anyone that loves to drive heck even some truck drivers don't love to. But we all do what we must do in order to survive in life.

I love to drive :heart: cars and people crazy not necessarily in that order, but I do love to drive :banana:

lilith401's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:36 PM

Let's just say I think that reason is selfish, and I pity the person you expect to drive you all over creation.

That's a load of crap. Selfish? How do you judge that? You just assume I'd have her drive me all over creation, which is untrue and unfair. Just because I don't drive doesn't mean I'd want or need her to be a damn taxi service.

Is taking the bus so damn socially unacceptable??

You must not have read MY POST. Selfish.. yes I proclaim.... egocentric would be more accurate.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:36 PM

You need a car to get around this town. The bus service sucks.

Do you not drive because of epilepsy???? If it was a medical problem, then no problem.

I simply don't like to drive. Let's just say, I don't trust myself behind the wheel.:smile:

I don't like to do dishes either

but they don't do themselves

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:39 PM

Let's just say I think that reason is selfish, and I pity the person you expect to drive you all over creation.

That's a load of crap. Selfish? How do you judge that? You just assume I'd have her drive me all over creation, which is untrue and unfair. Just because I don't drive doesn't mean I'd want or need her to be a damn taxi service.

Is taking the bus so damn socially unacceptable??

To be honest you want catch me hoping on a bus to go any where not on a regular basis anyway. Only if I had no other choice.

Besides to be honest if they can not afford a car or the gas to go in it then they can't afford a date as far as I see it. And no I'm not a material person I do have a car and Insurance on it and buy all my own gas as well as own my house.

Blaze1978's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:39 PM

You need a car to get around this town. The bus service sucks.

Do you not drive because of epilepsy???? If it was a medical problem, then no problem.

I simply don't like to drive. Let's just say, I don't trust myself behind the wheel.:smile:

Humm well if you can't trust yourself behind the wheel then there must be and underlying reason for that.

One that your not admitting I don't know anyone that loves to drive heck even some truck drivers don't love to. But we all do what we must do in order to survive in life.

Read some of my earlier posts. I totally admitted the reason as being poor concentration. In my little experience driving I tend to zone out. Concentration becomes difficult. Everything distracts me. As I zone out, I stop noticing things on the road. Important things, like traffic lights and other cars.

That doesn't take anything away from me as a person, although a couple of you seem to believe otherwise.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:40 PM
Even if I lived in a big city its a deal breaker....I dont want to feel "guy" in the relationship if that makes sense? I already am someones mommy lol.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:41 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 12/22/08 12:41 PM
I've ridden busses and trains all over the world

the best of em are noisy, chaotic, and crowded

the worst of em are nasty dirty and dangerous

no thanks. I'll drive

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:43 PM
I do not drive, and do just fine with the public transportation system. To me a car is a luxury item NOT a need.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:43 PM

To anyone living in a town, I can understand why it would be a deal breaker.

To anyone living in a city (as I've stated I do), it shouldn't make a bit of difference.

I do live in the City and it is a must to have someway around I mean how are you going to go on a date. Meet them at the bustop to pick them up at the closet one to their house? I guess in these day and times it is hard to see how anyone makes it with out a car. I know that some do and if it works for them great just not something that works for me.

lilith401's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:44 PM
If you can't pay attention to the road while driving... how are you going to pay attention to your date?

Just saying........

Blaze1978's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:44 PM

Let's just say I think that reason is selfish, and I pity the person you expect to drive you all over creation.

That's a load of crap. Selfish? How do you judge that? You just assume I'd have her drive me all over creation, which is untrue and unfair. Just because I don't drive doesn't mean I'd want or need her to be a damn taxi service.

Is taking the bus so damn socially unacceptable??

You must not have read MY POST. Selfish.. yes I proclaim.... egocentric would be more accurate.

Yes, I did read your post.

So I'm selfish...because I don't own a car and because you assume I'd want anyone to drive me all over the place.

Now I'm apparently egocentric too. I applaud you. I've written a handful posts, and you already know all there is to know about me!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:46 PM

You need a car to get around this town. The bus service sucks.

Do you not drive because of epilepsy???? If it was a medical problem, then no problem.

I simply don't like to drive. Let's just say, I don't trust myself behind the wheel.:smile:

Humm well if you can't trust yourself behind the wheel then there must be and underlying reason for that.

One that your not admitting I don't know anyone that loves to drive heck even some truck drivers don't love to. But we all do what we must do in order to survive in life.

Read some of my earlier posts. I totally admitted the reason as being poor concentration. In my little experience driving I tend to zone out. Concentration becomes difficult. Everything distracts me. As I zone out, I stop noticing things on the road. Important things, like traffic lights and other cars.

That doesn't take anything away from me as a person, although a couple of you seem to believe otherwise.

Okay so you have ADHD are you taking meds for this? I never said that it takes away from the person they are I just said that it would be the deal breaker for me as far as dating them. I understand you have a medical condition and due to that I commend you for not driving. Just that for me it would not work dating someone that did not drive.

lilith401's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:46 PM
I find it amusing my comments on your posts are taken as personal insults to YOU. They aren't... they are based on what you've said.


Blaze1978's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:46 PM

If you can't pay attention to the road while driving... how are you going to pay attention to your date?

Just saying........

Those are two completely different things.

Imagoodkisser's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:46 PM
Yea because someone who pays $1300+ a month for rent and doesn't feel the need to own a car when they can walk 1 block and be on the subway which depending on the time of day is faster than driving anyway needs someone to be their mommy. Good call.

izzie's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:47 PM
where i live.. a car is a must..
where i used to live.. it was not a must.. but to see my family it was a must..
so ether way i end up driving if i wanna see my family.. so to me it is. but that is just my personal opinion.

franshade's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:48 PM
guess it's all up to the individual, while I lived in NYC, cars were a luxury as I used public transportation quite often, however, when I moved to Florida cars are more of a necessity than a luxury. Public transportation stops running at a certain time, only runs in a select area and taxis, hella outrageous.

Hell, I wish most of the drivers here were as honest as you, not drive because of lack of concentration. Can't tell you how often people use stop signs as a parking spot.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:49 PM
I wouldnt give up the freedom of being able to just get in my car and go.Im not a patient person so if I had to wait for public trans. I would probably choke the person waiting next to me

Blaze1978's photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:49 PM

You need a car to get around this town. The bus service sucks.

Do you not drive because of epilepsy???? If it was a medical problem, then no problem.

I simply don't like to drive. Let's just say, I don't trust myself behind the wheel.:smile:

Humm well if you can't trust yourself behind the wheel then there must be and underlying reason for that.

One that your not admitting I don't know anyone that loves to drive heck even some truck drivers don't love to. But we all do what we must do in order to survive in life.

Read some of my earlier posts. I totally admitted the reason as being poor concentration. In my little experience driving I tend to zone out. Concentration becomes difficult. Everything distracts me. As I zone out, I stop noticing things on the road. Important things, like traffic lights and other cars.

That doesn't take anything away from me as a person, although a couple of you seem to believe otherwise.

Okay so you have ADHD are you taking meds for this? I never said that it takes away from the person they are I just said that it would be the deal breaker for me as far as dating them. I understand you have a medical condition and due to that I commend you for not driving. Just that for me it would not work dating someone that did not drive.

With that last paragraph, I wasn't referring to you.:smile: But there are others on here that apparently believe the inability to drive somehow makes one less of a person. Or a terrible person.huh