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Topic: witches vs. other sinners
Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/22/08 08:43 AM

I don't believe in witches.They are something that I see during Halloween.If someone says they are a witch I don't take them seriously.

What does that have to do with the topic?

He can't see you as a sinner if he doesn't believe in you, now, can he?:wink:

Yes. Well, I don't believe in the Devil. bigsmile

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:08 AM

I don't believe in witches.They are something that I see during Halloween.If someone says they are a witch I don't take them seriously.

What does that have to do with the topic?

He can't see you as a sinner if he doesn't believe in you, now, can he?:wink:

Yes. Well, I don't believe in the Devil. bigsmile

Look its Pan! I think the Christians have some copyright infringement issues here. laugh

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:18 AM
some other Gods mentioned in the Bible

Adrammelech II Kings 17:31
Ashima II Kings 17:30
Ashtoreth I Kings 11:05
Baal I Kings 18:19
Baal-berith Judges 8:33
Baal-peor Numbers 25:03
Baal-zebub Luke 11:19
Baalim I Kings 18:18
Bel Isiah 46:01
Chemosh I Kings 11:07
Dagon I Samuel 05:02
Diana of the Ephesians Acts 19:35
Jehovah Exodus 6:03
Jupiter Acts 14:12
Lucifer Isiah 14:12
Mercurius Acts 14:12
Milcom I Kings 11:05
Molech I Kings 11:07
Nebo Isiah 46:01
Nergal II Kings 17:30
Nibhaz II Kings 17:31
Nisroch II Kings 19:37
Rimmon II Kings 05:18
Succoth-benoth II Kings 17:30
Tammuz Ezekial 8:14
Tartak II Kings 17:31

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:22 AM
Why list all of that? Im sorry if Im missing the point you are making?

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:28 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 12/22/08 09:29 AM
just that you were talking about the Hebrews being polytheistic and I was suprised at how many other Gods are in the Bible

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:32 AM
Yes there are many. One that jumped out at me on your list was Molech. That is listed in the bible as a offense punishable by stoning. In fact any worship of "false Gods" was.

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 09:49 AM
For worshipping other gods

If there be found among you ... that ... hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them ... Then shalt thou ... tone them with stones, till they die. Deuteronomy 17:2-5

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ... thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:5-10

For witches and wizards

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:33 AM
Many Christians will not agree with what history actually tells us.

The Apostles & Jesus lived in accordance with the Essene way of life.

The Essenes practiced astrology, card readings and prophacy. They led a very strick life, but it WAS very inclusive of mysticism.

Therefor, when some modern Christians rebuke the arts of witchery, they are rebuking the things that Jesus held in great esteem.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:34 AM
and isnt it funny that the Hebrews invented the Tarot?

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:40 AM
Did they? I didnt even know that. Ive heard a few different stories about the exact origin of the Tarot. Ive also heard the Italians but it probably varied a bit from culture to culture.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:41 AM

Many Christians will not agree with what history actually tells us.

The Apostles & Jesus lived in accordance with the Essene way of life.

The Essenes practiced astrology, card readings and prophacy. They led a very strick life, but it WAS very inclusive of mysticism.

Therefor, when some modern Christians rebuke the arts of witchery, they are rebuking the things that Jesus held in great esteem.

I am reading Elaine pagels books on the other gospels and am just learning about this. It is fascinating. I have never been able to give up my attachment to catholic spirituality and mysticism.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:42 AM
Molech. Where have I heard that name before?

wadsfun's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:48 AM
id like say why are Christian always compared to others and people expect us to be perfect .we are all sinners saved by JESUS

and to all you who celebrate Christmas
you cann't have it without Christ

Christians NEVER used cards and astrology it cleary states that in the bible
prophacy yes

as for witches and warlocks that's a bunch of bull
i've never heard of anything magial they have ever done EXCEPT DRAG people closer to HELL

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:48 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Mon 12/22/08 10:50 AM

Molech. Where have I heard that name before?

Im looking that up now.

Leviticus 20

20:5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people huh

Kill anyone who gives his seed to Molech or God will cut you off from among your people. He's another god I think. A false one. laugh

Whosoever ... giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. Leviticus 20:2

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:49 AM

Did they? I didnt even know that. Ive heard a few different stories about the exact origin of the Tarot. Ive also heard the Italians but it probably varied a bit from culture to culture.

well the first actual cards are Italian but most of the symbology is based on Hebrew (at about the time they were slaves in Egypt I believe)

and the positions of the Major coorelate to the stations of the qaballastic Tree of Life

and there is the tetragramation of the cards that I don't really understand and makes my head hurt. but it has to do with the 4 letters (IHVH) of the name of God. but like I said I don't really understand that part

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:52 AM
I dont do Tarot myself. Ive never learned how. Ruth can.

wadsfun's photo
Mon 12/22/08 10:54 AM
from the movie that the rock band KISS made

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/22/08 11:02 AM

from the movie that the rock band KISS made

I remember that movie. Thats old school. KISS should have been stoned for that piece of crapola on general principles. :tongue:

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