Topic: Weird dude
longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:24 PM
There is nothing greater than 6 drunken swamp donkeys with missing teeth and one with loose fitting dentures screaming totally out of key the lyrics to 'my own worst enemy' song by the band 'Lit'. I swear I thought I was in a mental home.

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:27 PM
I laughed for the whole 2 hour ride home.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:27 PM

what'z a swamp donkey ??????laugh
...glad you asked! One night my band was playing a club and a group of very unsightly women came in. Scary would be an understatement. Trailer trash welfare chicks. Dressed completely out of taste and style. Most with missing or black teeth. People were totally confused by them. My bass player freind said "Whoa! WTF?!! What swamp did those donkeys come out of?!!!" Hence the nickname. Definitely fun to party with. I love getting drunk and listening to stories about one womans 7 children by 7 different fathers. Especially when she would get excited and her dentures would pop out and land in her drink! Great fun!
freak....your killing me !:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:43 PM
Our soundman took one of the swamp donkeys home and screwed her. Which one? Glad you asked. The one with the coke bottle glasses with the tape on the frames that went "SNORK! SNORK! SNORK! When she laughed. Yeah the one with the scars on her boob from the car accident that kept pulling it out of her bra to show it to everyone. We will never let our soundman live that down. "So lee, how are things going between you and SNORK! SNORK! SNORK!?" "F*ck you kyle".

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:48 PM
We seen lee waiting in line at a walmart. He hadn't seen us yet. So we walked into the store and found an intercom. I got on the intercom and yelled SNORK! SNORK! SNORK!!! And was evicted from the premises by angry walmart personel. It was worth it.

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:50 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:54 PM

We seen lee waiting in line at a walmart. He hadn't seen us yet. So we walked into the store and found an intercom. I got on the intercom and yelled SNORK! SNORK! SNORK!!! And was evicted from the premises by angry walmart personel. It was worth it.

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:56 PM
Tell him that the voices inside your head, are telling you that...

"he must die!!!!"...

That should get rid of him!

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:58 PM
Edited by 35TOO on Fri 12/19/08 12:59 PM

Tell him that the voices inside your head, are telling you that...

"he must die!!!!"...

That should get rid of him!

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:00 PM

Tell him that the voices inside your head, are telling you that...

"he must die!!!!"...

That should get rid of him!


no photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:21 PM

Tell him that the voices inside your head, are telling you that...

"he must die!!!!"...

That should get rid of him!

love love love love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Tj806's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:41 PM
lol Some guys are complete freeeeaaakksss!

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:01 PM
Hey ya'll, yeah damn I had to go to work this morning when I posted this. Sorry.

But no he doesn't work at wally world, and I really don't think I will go back either. I will drive 25 miles to go to target if I need things.

Luckily the guy is shorter than me, so I could probably kick his ass.smokin Unless he is some sort of midget wrestler.noway

Hardolin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:44 PM
I don't get it.

Some guy saw you at a store and recognized you from the site....then some time later you saw him at the store again.

What's the big deal?


...OMG! I went to 7-11 yesterday and I saw the same person in there that I saw last week .... and OMG!!! they talked to me again!!! WTF!!!! HELP!!!

...clearly there must be more to it then what you've said here, because if that's it ... I think you have issues. Maybe this guy finds you attractive and he's trying to talk to you.....hmmm, nope that can't be it, he's deffinitely a mass murderer.

Hardolin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:47 PM

what'z a swamp donkey ??????laugh
...glad you asked! One night my band was playing a club and a group of very unsightly women came in. Scary would be an understatement. Trailer trash welfare chicks. Dressed completely out of taste and style. Most with missing or black teeth. People were totally confused by them. My bass player freind said "Whoa! WTF?!! What swamp did those donkeys come out of?!!!" Hence the nickname. Definitely fun to party with. I love getting drunk and listening to stories about one womans 7 children by 7 different fathers. Especially when she would get excited and her dentures would pop out and land in her drink! Great fun!

Ah... the kind of woman that when you wake up next to her you gnaw your own arm off to get away without waking her up.

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:50 PM

I don't get it.

Some guy saw you at a store and recognized you from the site....then some time later you saw him at the store again.

What's the big deal?


...OMG! I went to 7-11 yesterday and I saw the same person in there that I saw last week .... and OMG!!! they talked to me again!!! WTF!!!! HELP!!!

...clearly there must be more to it then what you've said here, because if that's it ... I think you have issues. Maybe this guy finds you attractive and he's trying to talk to you.....hmmm, nope that can't be it, he's deffinitely a mass murderer.

Hmmm maybe you didn't quite get what she was saying.. He emailed her here, she told him she wasn't interested and she bumped into him a Wal-mart and he offered her help but he doesn't work at Wal-mart.. She doesn't have issues she was just a little creeped out like anyone else might get... At least that is how I understood what I read...

Hardolin's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:04 PM

Hmmm maybe you didn't quite get what she was saying.. He emailed her here, she told him she wasn't interested and she bumped into him a Wal-mart and he offered her help but he doesn't work at Wal-mart.. She doesn't have issues she was just a little creeped out like anyone else might get... At least that is how I understood what I read...

Yeah, I got that part, but I still don't see how anyone could consider that 'creepy' in any way shape or form.

Sounds to me like he was trying to be nice.
It is completely unreasonable to think anything else, unless there is more to this than what I'm reading here.

Now if the guy was there every time she went to wallyworld and followed her around the store, now that's different.

But if a guy's 'creepy' because he asked if he could help you with anything....issues.

Annet's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:30 PM
Had a recognizable few looks, too.

He's interested in you and as he freaks you out, no email, just block him. Does he know anything about you from the place he saw you? Go elsewhere for a while.

1)I wasn't interested in a guy and he saw me somewhere and growled at me. He would have been creepy, for sure. 2_Another one saw me in person after never contacting me again previously. Not a problem, I don't pursue. It was obvious he liked what he saw. I ignored him. Saw him again and he wanted an acknowledgement. Like WHAT you see, dude? Your not gettin it. He was a dorky type and I wouldn't have dated him if it worked out online for one date.

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:34 PM

Hmmm maybe you didn't quite get what she was saying.. He emailed her here, she told him she wasn't interested and she bumped into him a Wal-mart and he offered her help but he doesn't work at Wal-mart.. She doesn't have issues she was just a little creeped out like anyone else might get... At least that is how I understood what I read...

Yeah, I got that part, but I still don't see how anyone could consider that 'creepy' in any way shape or form.

Sounds to me like he was trying to be nice.
It is completely unreasonable to think anything else, unless there is more to this than what I'm reading here.

Now if the guy was there every time she went to wallyworld and followed her around the store, now that's different.

But if a guy's 'creepy' because he asked if he could help you with anything....issues.

did you read my post? Did you read the part where I had stated that i posted something about this a week or so ago? whoa

Yes the guy is a CREEP. And thats fine if you think I have issues, but when someone I told over a week ago I wasn't interested in keeps mailing me and "running" into me at the same freakin store then I think HE has the damn issues. You can TRY to argue with me about it, but really if you don't know what im talking about then its not really of your concern. Thank you and goodnight.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 05:35 AM