Topic: Weird dude
no photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:45 AM
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry.....

I'll move ......tommorrow......




I checked.....

it aint ME!!!!!!!!!!!!



freeonthree's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:59 AM

Ok, so I posted a week or so ago about a guy that recognized me from here at the store. well yesterday I went into wal-mart and was in the boys toy section. It was packed back their so I ended up turning around to leave and this guy said, can i help you. I say no and walked away. Turns out it was the SAME guy. There is mail from him in my inbox. He is really gettin on my nerves. I told him I wasn't interested last week.:angry: grumble frustrated I'm about to block him, but it bothers me that he lives in my town and there isn't anyway to block him here.

Just block the turkey if he can't take a hint.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:04 AM
ok, i will stop ......flowerforyou

Ron1218's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:09 AM
I think, if I recognized someone from the site, I would probably not start the conversation off with, "HEY PRETTY LADY, I SAW YOU ON MINGLE". I'd probably not even mention it at all and just strike up a conversation and see where it led. If she hated me then so be it...if she didn't, then :banana:

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:15 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 12/19/08 11:15 AM

surprised I feel bad for males today. They get accused of stalking even when they just say hi!!!

Omg that should be a website!!
good point you see men chasing after a woman they're interested in in the movies and women are like"ah how sweet",but in real life they are called stalkers.

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:23 AM
I think its funny when you recognize someone from the site. Even funnier if you know their history. Even funnier if they're a freaking psycho skank who portrays herself as a dimure, gentle, kind person. It happened to me on here. Someone I knew well from my area who is banned from most bars and taverns for starting fights. I sent her an email saying "Hi, you lying swamp donkey!" And "POOF"!!! She was gone like a fart in the wind.

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:28 AM
But her profile said she was down to earth, grounded, responsible, loving, kind, and gentle. Funny, I didn't see that side of her when she was wasted in the bar, pulling my hair, thinking I was someone else. Complete whacko swamp donkey.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:30 AM

Ok, so I posted a week or so ago about a guy that recognized me from here at the store. well yesterday I went into wal-mart and was in the boys toy section. It was packed back their so I ended up turning around to leave and this guy said, can i help you. I say no and walked away. Turns out it was the SAME guy. There is mail from him in my inbox. He is really gettin on my nerves. I told him I wasn't interested last week.:angry: grumble frustrated I'm about to block him, but it bothers me that he lives in my town and there isn't anyway to block him here.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:33 AM

That sucks. Some guys just need to learn not interested means not interested.
True.....but some guys just wear you down. Like my ex, my son's father. I kept telling him I wasnt interested and he kept showing up everywhere I was.......finally I just went out with him since he tried so hard to date me!!noway This of course was before "stalking" was fashionable!!:wink: laugh

Yeah, that would make me even less interested in going out with them!

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:38 AM

Ok, so I posted a week or so ago about a guy that recognized me from here at the store. well yesterday I went into wal-mart and was in the boys toy section. It was packed back their so I ended up turning around to leave and this guy said, can i help you. I say no and walked away. Turns out it was the SAME guy. There is mail from him in my inbox. He is really gettin on my nerves. I told him I wasn't interested last week.:angry: grumble frustrated I'm about to block him, but it bothers me that he lives in my town and there isn't anyway to block him here.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:38 AM

That sucks. Some guys just need to learn not interested means not interested.
True.....but some guys just wear you down. Like my ex, my son's father. I kept telling him I wasnt interested and he kept showing up everywhere I was.......finally I just went out with him since he tried so hard to date me!!noway This of course was before "stalking" was fashionable!!:wink: laugh

Yeah, that would make me even less interested in going out with them!
He wore me down!!! He was so annoying that I just said "Ok I will go out with you"........explode

buttons's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:39 AM

I think its funny when you recognize someone from the site. Even funnier if you know their history. Even funnier if they're a freaking psycho skank who portrays herself as a dimure, gentle, kind person. It happened to me on here. Someone I knew well from my area who is banned from most bars and taverns for starting fights. I sent her an email saying "Hi, you lying swamp donkey!" And "POOF"!!! She was gone like a fart in the wind.
laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:41 AM
scared You know what is creepy???? I recognized this guy on this site. His nick is named after the street he frequents. I believe he is a street person.

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:44 AM

I think its funny when you recognize someone from the site. Even funnier if you know their history. Even funnier if they're a freaking psycho skank who portrays herself as a dimure, gentle, kind person. It happened to me on here. Someone I knew well from my area who is banned from most bars and taverns for starting fights. I sent her an email saying "Hi, you lying swamp donkey!" And "POOF"!!! She was gone like a fart in the wind.
laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou
...but I made sure everyone in town who truly knows her and her behavior seen her profile for a laugh before I contacted her. Good humor.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:46 AM
thats why i live where the hoot owl's rape the rooster's for their jolly's !laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:48 AM
It truly made me wonder about how many people are dishonest or extremely dillusional in their profiles on here after seeing swamp donkeys.

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:53 AM
what'z a swamp donkey ??????laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:07 PM

what'z a swamp donkey ??????laugh
...glad you asked! One night my band was playing a club and a group of very unsightly women came in. Scary would be an understatement. Trailer trash welfare chicks. Dressed completely out of taste and style. Most with missing or black teeth. People were totally confused by them. My bass player freind said "Whoa! WTF?!! What swamp did those donkeys come out of?!!!" Hence the nickname. Definitely fun to party with. I love getting drunk and listening to stories about one womans 7 children by 7 different fathers. Especially when she would get excited and her dentures would pop out and land in her drink! Great fun!

longhairbiker's photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:16 PM
"yooooor reaaally cute! We should go out on a date thumbtime!" "Uh, no thanks. And I do believe these dentures you just spit in my lap belong to you". My bandmates are behind the stage crying in laughter.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 12:18 PM

"yooooor reaaally cute! We should go out on a date thumbtime!" "Uh, no thanks. And I do believe these dentures you just spit in my lap belong to you". My bandmates are behind the stage crying in laughter.
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl