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Topic: I CAN - Written by your jester Smiless
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Thu 12/18/08 05:36 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 12/18/08 05:53 AM
Making Peace suggested by the sites Jester (smiless)

1. Can a man or woman who is not a Christian treat a Christian as a brother regardless if one doesn't believe in the Bible or the message of heartful faith of Jesus. For example: Can a non-religious or other religious affiliate still believe that he is still going to go to a great place when he dies even if he doesn't believe Christ as his savior? I say yes!

2. Can a non-religious person accept a Christian's decision in believing in Christ to be able to see light at the end of the tunnel, or to be saved, or accepted, or what have you? I say yes!

3. Can you as a human being regardless of what belief system teaches you, can accept people who are not of your religion or spiritual faith and love him or her as a equal regardless? I say yes!

My answer to all 3 questions as you see is "Yes". Now I am aware that some will say no to one of the three questions or even all of them. I accept your decision! Very good my brother and sister! Could you reread the questions and try to accept my answers somehow? Try again for me. I am not trying to change your mind, I just want you to think about it that is all.

We are all humans capable of love regardless of what book, belief system, feelings, or what have you on these upcoming holidays and can show gratitude that we are here on Earth for the same purpose as sisters and brothers.

Can you believe in the knowledge of a Atheist, or a dedicated Catholic follower? I can! Why can't you? Regardless if it doesn't make sense, can you still accept the person who has a heartbeat like yours, who has blood inside of his skin like yours, who has feelings and can cry and laugh just like you? I can!

What say you Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Wicca, Pagan, Indian Spirituality, Laws of Attraction follower, Atheist, Agnostic, Jesuist, and those I have missed? Can we as humans just be one of the equal. No higher and no lower, no smarter and no dumber, no worst and no better, and enjoy what is most important - Laughter and Happiness and Gratitude as a people as a human? I can!

I would like to see once from a Christian say to a non religous person. I think you are a splendid person regardless in what you believe in. Can you do this today? I can!

I would like to see a non-religous person say, I think you are a great Christian person and hope that what you seek in you heart and belief system makes you happy. Can you do this? I can!

Now let us pray, meditate, chant, or do nothing if you are a Atheist and think about how to make peace with one another. How to tolerate another belief system to bring peace amongst each other. Can you think about this? I can!

I watch as my daughter goes to school everyday. She goes to children of all nationalities and different religious backgrounds. They do not care what color or what religion they are. They only care about pleasing each other with sharing the toys, the food, and are looking for laughter.
Why can't you do this as an adult? Shame on you! Shame on you! Can you change your attitude? I can!

I shed a tear for those who look for debate trying to prove their point when it truly is a effortless attempt to change a mind that doesn't want their mind to be changed for they are HAPPY with their own discoverys. Can't you just accept that? I can!

I would shed another tear today, but I won't waste that effort on this article for the day is great as my belief system says. I will however say from my heart that you are a special person. Show it to others your kindness and you will go far in life. Can you do this? I can!

I bow to you with respect and may you have a great time on this planet seeking laughter and happiness and less arguements, disagreements, frustrations, or anything you experience in negativity on and off this computer.

Smiless your dedicated site jesterdrinker

tanyaann's photo
Thu 12/18/08 06:09 AM
Beautiful! flowerforyou

splendidlife's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:04 AM

Making Peace suggested by the sites Jester (smiless)

1. Can a man or woman who is not a Christian treat a Christian as a brother regardless if one doesn't believe in the Bible or the message of heartful faith of Jesus. For example: Can a non-religious or other religious affiliate still believe that he is still going to go to a great place when he dies even if he doesn't believe Christ as his savior? I say yes!

2. Can a non-religious person accept a Christian's decision in believing in Christ to be able to see light at the end of the tunnel, or to be saved, or accepted, or what have you? I say yes!

3. Can you as a human being regardless of what belief system teaches you, can accept people who are not of your religion or spiritual faith and love him or her as a equal regardless? I say yes!

My answer to all 3 questions as you see is "Yes". Now I am aware that some will say no to one of the three questions or even all of them. I accept your decision! Very good my brother and sister! Could you reread the questions and try to accept my answers somehow? Try again for me. I am not trying to change your mind, I just want you to think about it that is all.

We are all humans capable of love regardless of what book, belief system, feelings, or what have you on these upcoming holidays and can show gratitude that we are here on Earth for the same purpose as sisters and brothers.

Can you believe in the knowledge of a Atheist, or a dedicated Catholic follower? I can! Why can't you? Regardless if it doesn't make sense, can you still accept the person who has a heartbeat like yours, who has blood inside of his skin like yours, who has feelings and can cry and laugh just like you? I can!

What say you Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Wicca, Pagan, Indian Spirituality, Laws of Attraction follower, Atheist, Agnostic, Jesuist, and those I have missed? Can we as humans just be one of the equal. No higher and no lower, no smarter and no dumber, no worst and no better, and enjoy what is most important - Laughter and Happiness and Gratitude as a people as a human? I can!

I would like to see once from a Christian say to a non religous person. I think you are a splendid person regardless in what you believe in. Can you do this today? I can!

I would like to see a non-religous person say, I think you are a great Christian person and hope that what you seek in you heart and belief system makes you happy. Can you do this? I can!

Now let us pray, meditate, chant, or do nothing if you are a Atheist and think about how to make peace with one another. How to tolerate another belief system to bring peace amongst each other. Can you think about this? I can!

I watch as my daughter goes to school everyday. She goes to children of all nationalities and different religious backgrounds. They do not care what color or what religion they are. They only care about pleasing each other with sharing the toys, the food, and are looking for laughter.
Why can't you do this as an adult? Shame on you! Shame on you! Can you change your attitude? I can!

I shed a tear for those who look for debate trying to prove their point when it truly is a effortless attempt to change a mind that doesn't want their mind to be changed for they are HAPPY with their own discoverys. Can't you just accept that? I can!

I would shed another tear today, but I won't waste that effort on this article for the day is great as my belief system says. I will however say from my heart that you are a special person. Show it to others your kindness and you will go far in life. Can you do this? I can!

I bow to you with respect and may you have a great time on this planet seeking laughter and happiness and less arguements, disagreements, frustrations, or anything you experience in negativity on and off this computer.

Smiless your dedicated site jesterdrinker

1. I say yes too!

2. I also say yes!

3. Yes, indeed!

This "adult" can care about pleasing others with sharing and do so with laughter.

And now... I will do an interpretive dance in honor of tolerance of ALL belief systems to bring peace amongst All people.


Peace, Love and Equality!

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:12 AM
Hey you stole my dance! It is okay I can share my moves --------):banana:

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:20 AM
I can wholeheartedly say yes to all three.

Most of my friends here are Christians, and it has never played a part in our lives that I think totally different.

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:22 AM

I can wholeheartedly say yes to all three.

Most of my friends here are Christians, and it has never played a part in our lives that I think totally different.

Your heart is strong like a lion and as grand as a God. May you always shed the light to those who see no light at the end of the tunneldrinker

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 12/18/08 01:22 PM
"Yes I Can" (The title of Sammy Davis Jr.'s Autobiography.)

I can too! :smile:

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 02:24 PM

"Yes I Can" (The title of Sammy Davis Jr.'s Autobiography.)

I can too! :smile:

Sammy Davis Jr. such a swell guy and funny tolaugh

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/18/08 03:35 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 12/18/08 03:39 PM
I see no reason to be polite to people who proselytize a bigoted hateful religion.

We have freedom of speech just so we can speak out against such ignorance.

I'd rather speak out against it now, then to remain silent until it gains so much momentum that these religious bigots become angry mobs who are burning Gays at the stake.

They also push to preach their bigotry and religious intolerance and demented superstitions in public schools under the guise of "Intelligent Design".

If they had their way they'd be burning scientists at the stake as well for being "heretics" who work for the devil.

Let's face it. Christianity is a superstition that believes that there is a God who is at war with an evil fallen angel.

They take that notion very seriously.

They are taught to believe that all men are sinners!

In another thread a Christian gentleman just posted the following sentiments:

Nobody is a good person. I look at everybody as a sinner in need of a savior.

That's the kind of sick demented view that Christians are brainwashed into believe.

It's a superstition!

They start becoming paranoid that eveyrone is inherently evil and in need of being saved.

If you aren't saved, your evil.

It's a pretty straight-forward superstition.

And this is the kind of pathetic crap that they are proseltying to the young minds in our society!

Why should we stand by and let these idiots proselytize these horrid superstitious notions without challenging them?

Why should we stand by and let these people corrupt even more people into buying into these disgusting superstitious beliefs?

All in the name of being polite?

I don't buy into that.

When I see bigotry, and hatred, and fear, and ignorance, and religious intolerance being proselytized in the name of God, I'm going to step in and point out that it's a total farce that can't be true.

No divine being would support this kind of hatred, bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance.

I'm not going to standy by silently while people preach this crap in the name of a God.

It's clearly ungodly.

It's been shown to be ungodly all thoughtout history.

It's predjudice, bigotry, and ignorant superstition all being proselytized in the name of God.

It's pathethic and it needs to stop!

If I had my way, proselytizing would be illegal under the law taht forbids hate crimes.

Proselytizing Christianity is a hate crime IMHO.

Hey, I believe in religious freedom.

Don't get me wrong.

If christians want to have their own forums, their own churches, and so on and so forth. Fine. I have no problem with that.

But when they start proselyting their hateful bigoted religion to the general public then they have crossed the line.

At that point they are open game.

Open game for what?

To be shown why their doctrine is a total farce and can't possibly be the word of any divine being.

That's what they are open to, and that's what I point out to them.

The doctrine they are preaching is bigotry, hatred, and supersitious ignorance spread in the name of God.

That's what it is.

And I'd rather stand up against it here than to wait and try to stop mobs of angry Christians who are burning scientists and gay couples on stakes.

Their lies of these proselytizers need to be confronted. God is not on their side. The religion they proselytize is ungodly and there is nothing divine about it.

And this is why we have freedom of speech. To speak out agains ignorance before it gets out of control.

Chritianity is already a huge cancer to humanity. In fact, many Christians actually use that as an excuse to support it. They say, "So many people are Christians! It can't be wrong!"

Brainwash enough people to become superstitious bigots and the mere numbers cause even more people to join the cause.

More people need to stand up against this spiritual cancer of humanity.

Why allow such harmful superstition to grow just for the sake of being polite?

Why not stand up for sanity?

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 12/18/08 04:11 PM
Good points smiless, drinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 12/18/08 04:17 PM
Gee Abra, everyone on here knows you hate Christians. I hope you are very content and Happy with your choices in life, but bashing Christians seems to be your life goal. No problem, have a field day with it. But sometimes, the old saying, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" wouldn't hurt a bit, you should try it sometime.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/18/08 04:51 PM

Gee Abra, everyone on here knows you hate Christians. I hope you are very content and Happy with your choices in life, but bashing Christians seems to be your life goal. No problem, have a field day with it. But sometimes, the old saying, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" wouldn't hurt a bit, you should try it sometime.

Clearly you are totally blind to what I'm saying.

If you think that I bash Christians you haven't understood a thing.

Clearly Christains are not at fault. They are just victims of a horrid religion.

Unfortuantly when they become victims of it they spread it and cause other people to fall victim to it as well.

It has absolutely nothing to do with bashing Christians.

There's no such thing as a "Christian".

All that exists are people who have fallen victim to a bigoted superstitious religion.

The superstition continues.

I don't don't bash anyone.

I just try to save innocent people from falling prey to the ignorance of blind proselytization.

I don't hate anyone.

But I do hate the religion.

And rightfully so.

The religion itself is guilty as charged. Even within the Biblical story itself the God had people judging each other and stoning their neighbors to death.

It's a horridly violent religion.

There's no excuse for any decent intelligent person to support it.

It's archaic and clearly ungodly.

There is nothing divine about it at all.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:16 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 12/18/08 05:16 PM
Please allow me to apologize to all the innocent Christians who know not what they do.


It isn't my intent to 'bash' your personal beliefs.

The moral teachings of Jesus himself are great.

Jesus would be a Great God to worship if he hadn't be nailed to the Old Testament.

I worship Jesus myself as a man who stood against the violence of the Old Testament.

My apologies to those of you who do not understand where I'm coming from.

I mean, no personal harm. flowers

Beliving in Jesus is Great!

If there were only some way to take him down from the Old Testament that he's been nailed to. :cry:

Unfortunately that doesn't appear to be possible. frown

Krimsa's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:20 PM
I think I can get along with Christians. I certainly have no problems with them in my day to day life. My friend in college was a Roman Catholic. She was devout in fact and went to mass on Sundays. We never argued about religion once. I have a current friend here in New Hampshire who is a Jehovah Witness and we are great friends. No arguments there either and she simply understands not to proselytize. She is in fact making that sacrifice for me because she doesnt want to put me off.

I think here, in this setting, there is only argument because there is no buffer or emotional contact outside of constant badgering and debate about religion. If there was, Im certain there would be no problems or tension in the slightest.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:27 PM

I think I can get along with Christians. I certainly have no problems with them in my day to day life. My friend in college was a Roman Catholic. She was devout in fact and went to mass on Sundays. We never argued about religion once. I have a current friend here in New Hampshire who is a Jehovah Witness and we are great friends. No arguments there either and she simply understands not to proselytize. She is in fact making that sacrifice for me because she doesnt want to put me off.

I think here, in this setting, there is only argument because there is no buffer or emotional contact outside of constant badgering and debate about religion. If there was, Im certain there would be no problems or tension in the slightest.

This is truly the way I feel too.

I have no problem with Christians.

My problem is with the endless and relentless proselytizing of it.

Proselytize it in a public arena and I'll anti-proselytize it right back atcha.

I think that's perfectly fair game.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:36 PM
Thats true. If you proselytize than do we not have the right to question those proclamations? If that upsets you, then what can we do? If we make jokes and you take offense to those jokes, then how strong is your faith exactly? Is that our problem or yours?

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:55 PM

I think I can get along with Christians. I certainly have no problems with them in my day to day life. My friend in college was a Roman Catholic. She was devout in fact and went to mass on Sundays. We never argued about religion once. I have a current friend here in New Hampshire who is a Jehovah Witness and we are great friends. No arguments there either and she simply understands not to proselytize. She is in fact making that sacrifice for me because she doesnt want to put me off.

I think here, in this setting, there is only argument because there is no buffer or emotional contact outside of constant badgering and debate about religion. If there was, Im certain there would be no problems or tension in the slightest.

Catholics as individuals don't tend to proselytize the way non-Catholic Christians do.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 12/18/08 06:02 PM
Thats true they dont at all. They might at certain times of the years do like "missionary" type holiday festivals to try to introduce people to the church but I dont think in my entire life that I can ever recall a Catholic trying to convert me openly.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 12/18/08 06:05 PM
yes, at the parish I go to we have a missionary priest who does retreats every Advent season. They are kind of like classes and some people will bring friends who are interested in learning.

If you want to know about Catholicism you have to seek out the information.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 12/18/08 06:09 PM
Yeah thats because they are all closet Pagans. laugh

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