Topic: No Religion is perfect
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Wed 12/17/08 07:26 AM
Edited by boo2u on Wed 12/17/08 07:27 AM

Religion is why were fighting the wars we fight, why should we be fighting for someone/thing that never shows his/her face to us?
because they are to important?

God's too big to fail, we must bail him out... I have no clue why that came to my mind, maybe I didn't sleep long enough. lol

Anyway I have thought the same thing many many times. War seems to me to be a complete contradiction to what Jesus actually taught.

splendidlife's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:57 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Wed 12/17/08 07:58 AM

And your creator is? spock

:drum roll:

.... and the envelope please?




The crowd is silent with anticipation:

:Abra step closer to the mic:

:tap tap tap:

:clears throat:




And the winner for the Creator of this Universe award goes to,...

:more drum rolls:

:people in the audience cough in the silence:












The Great Spirit!


happy :smile: :wink: drinker bigsmile glasses smokin

...of Christmasses yet to come.

SubzeroBandit's photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:00 PM

Religion is why were fighting the wars we fight, why should we be fighting for someone/thing that never shows his/her face to us?
because they are to important?

God's too big to fail, we must bail him out... I have no clue why that came to my mind, maybe I didn't sleep long enough. lol

Anyway I have thought the same thing many many times. War seems to me to be a complete contradiction to what Jesus actually taught.

Jesus never taught us not to fight wars, he just was a man that was made immortal by the tales of time just an average joe that happend to be a pacifist

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:02 PM
Arent those kind of conflicting ideas there? Generally pacifists dont advocate for killing people in the name of religion or for any other reason. huh

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:05 PM
My relgion is perfect. drinker

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:09 PM

My relgion is perfect. drinker

Nope I saw a tiny mistake in it.

Look here --------) . (--------------

sorry but don't worry it can be fixedlaugh

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:10 PM

My relgion is perfect. drinker

Nope I saw a tiny mistake in it.

Look here --------) . (--------------

sorry but don't worry it can be fixedlaugh

slaphead laugh

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:05 PM

No religion is perfect...

just as no human is perfect. - John

Wow I think I made up a new quote never said before. I feel so wise nowlaugh

Do you agree with this quote or do you think it is a bunch of hogwash? againlaugh

Well dogma is religiousity. I think there are pluses to that. If you follow certain paths it brings life & health & good living. Right? That's what the Bible refers to as our "reasonable" service. The "I'm a good person" thing alot of people use to fight off faith ideas. Right? :wink:

Then there is faith. The place where heaven meets earth. The "Thy will be done...on earth as it is in heaven" kind of reltionship with God, the Father, thru Jesus His Son. The nuances that that relationship brings is more than any one person will ever experience in this life...for sure.

The only thing that keeps us from all of God's best is our "old man" with the old fears, emotions, disappointments, doubts, mistrust & other assorted garbage we refuse to let go of. It gives no thought to the new man at all. Ponder that too for a bit. Funny thing is...the new man gives no thought to the old one...unless we let him that is.

That's probly a big reason why no one can expect perfection...just an honest relationship with the Father thru Jesus His Son, that we can live with the same death & resurrection life He did. The same hope of glory...above all.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:27 PM

The only thing that keeps us from all of God's best is our "old man" with the old fears, emotions, disappointments, doubts, mistrust & other assorted garbage we refuse to let go of. It gives no thought to the new man at all. Ponder that too for a bit. Funny thing is...the new man gives no thought to the old one...unless we let him that is.

Actually this is very much the philosophy of most Eastern Mystic religions, as well as many pagan religions as well. It's certainly at the heart of the religiousity that I'm currently studying.

However, how does this idea tied in with the Christian's constant mistrust of everything that doesn't hold to the tenets of Bible.

That's a very deep-seated mistrust within the orthodoxed Christian community. They even disown their own brothern for holding interpretations that disagree with the majority. As in the case of Bishop Carlton Pearson who believed to have had an epiphany from God himself that there is no such thing as Hell. Bishop Pearson was proclaimed a heretic by the Chrisitan clergy and shunned as such.

All because of mistrust. In this case, a mistrust of one of their own.

I will be the first to agree that there are a lot of philosophies in the Bible. Many of them can indeed be seen as being in alignment with the widsom of other religions such as Eastern Mysticism and pagan religions.

But underneath all of that, Christianity has instilled a distrust for anything that does not agree with the Bible 'verbatim'. And even Christians themselves argue about the interpretations of that so-called 'verbatim' word.

So from my point of view, for a Christian to speak about trust seems laughable in the face of the fact that they trust nothing outside of their own dogma, and in many cases they only trust a very limited and specific instance of their own interpretation at that.

My interpretation of the Christian Bible is quite simple:

1. The whole Old Testment was supersitious poppycoçk.

2. Jesus came along and denounce the violent methods that had been taught in the Old Testament.

3. Jesus was ruthlessly murder for his blaspheme against the Old Testament.

4. Rumors about Jesus rebellion against the violent religion spread and people began to turn to Jesus as their martyr.

5. The authorities were losing control so they wrote their own version of rumors of Jesus to support their original bigoted religion and called them the "Holy Gospels".

6. The authorities forced their version of the rumors down everyone's throat threatening death to anyone who constests their 'truth'.

That's where we're at today. The Christians are still supporting the rumors that had been violentlyshoved onto society.

They mistrust all other religions.

Where's the trust in Christianity?

Christians don't even trust that God can win souls on his own. They feel that they need to win souls for God's sake.

They don't trust God to be able to do anything on his own.

Where's the trust in that?

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:49 PM
I already know what you "think".

I go with what works & what I expereince & not from men & their "intellect." ehem... laugh

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:52 PM

I already know what you "think".

I go with what works & what I expereince & not from men & their "intellect." ehem... laugh

you don't go with intellect?

Now thats a true statement.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:54 PM
"Intellect" would not be my first word association but alright...happy

SubzeroBandit's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:26 PM
well you see the old testament was so violent because it was BEFORE jesus, there are new theories today that say that the god in christianity could have been one of the old gods that were unforgiving and gave you not one shot, but no shots at all. then came this jesus fellow who died for us and created the harry potter scenario, where god (or voldamort) cant hurt us because jesus (harry's perants) died for us creating a kind of sheild untill the supposed second coming of the messiah (voldamorts ressurection) and the apocolypse.

thats how i see it could be, but i dont believe in religion, i just like to look at it and how it could be the way it is.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:40 PM

well you see the old testament was so violent because it was BEFORE jesus, there are new theories today that say that the god in christianity could have been one of the old gods that were unforgiving and gave you not one shot, but no shots at all. then came this jesus fellow who died for us and created the harry potter scenario, where god (or voldamort) cant hurt us because jesus (harry's perants) died for us creating a kind of sheild untill the supposed second coming of the messiah (voldamorts ressurection) and the apocolypse.

thats how i see it could be, but i dont believe in religion, i just like to look at it and how it could be the way it is.

Except that Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.Look here:

Matthew 5

5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.huh

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:41 PM

just as no human is perfect. - John

Wow I think I made up a new quote never said before. I feel so wise nowlaugh

Do you agree with this quote or do you think it is a bunch of hogwash? againlaugh

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:10 PM

just as no human is perfect. - John

Wow I think I made up a new quote never said before. I feel so wise nowlaugh

Do you agree with this quote or do you think it is a bunch of hogwash? againlaugh

Hey long time no see! I hope you are doing well. I always enjoyed your posts. Good to see you back.

Well here I am thinking of quotes. It ends up being a slaughter house in here insteadlaugh

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:14 PM

I already know what you "think".

I go with what works & what I expereince & not from men & their "intellect." ehem... laugh

I believe they call what "works" dogma, tradition and blind "faith" in your religion.....ohwell

Maikuru's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:17 PM
My sensei told me once," Be careful faith must be balanced in accordance with reason, intellect, and evidence which has substance to support it. If this is not done then we only darken the world." Something to think about...spock

SubzeroBandit's photo
Thu 12/18/08 03:03 AM
Edited by SubzeroBandit on Thu 12/18/08 03:03 AM

well you see the old testament was so violent because it was BEFORE jesus, there are new theories today that say that the god in christianity could have been one of the old gods that were unforgiving and gave you not one shot, but no shots at all. then came this jesus fellow who died for us and created the harry potter scenario, where god (or voldamort) cant hurt us because jesus (harry's perants) died for us creating a kind of sheild untill the supposed second coming of the messiah (voldamorts ressurection) and the apocolypse.

thats how i see it could be, but i dont believe in religion, i just like to look at it and how it could be the way it is.

Except that Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.Look here:

Matthew 5

5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.huh

he does not fullfill untill after the second coming/apocolypse

Krimsa's photo
Thu 12/18/08 03:39 AM

well you see the old testament was so violent because it was BEFORE jesus, there are new theories today that say that the god in christianity could have been one of the old gods that were unforgiving and gave you not one shot, but no shots at all. then came this jesus fellow who died for us and created the harry potter scenario, where god (or voldamort) cant hurt us because jesus (harry's perants) died for us creating a kind of sheild untill the supposed second coming of the messiah (voldamorts ressurection) and the apocolypse.

thats how i see it could be, but i dont believe in religion, i just like to look at it and how it could be the way it is.

Except that Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.Look here:

Matthew 5

5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.huh

he does not fullfill untill after the second coming/apocolypse

So in other words, he wont actually stone all of the non-believers until he comes back? Okay, good. That will give me just enough time to install Jesus Proof Fencing.