Topic: Would you defend them?
luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:04 PM
I would everytime.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:06 PM
absolutely, have several times.

no photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:09 PM

sorry to say i'm not as brave and noble as all the other folks here... ohwell

to be perfectly honest, confrontation isn't really my style. i'd try to help out by going and talking to the alleged homosexual dude or dudette and try to make a new friend. then i'd try to get them to walk away from the situation with me. if they're upset, i offer a listening ear and some advice on the fact that idiots exist everywhere and you gotta keep your head up and pity the fools who will never amount to anything beyond putting down others to make themselves feel big.

That certainly counts as brave & noble. Escalating the drama isn't always helpful. I would probably take this approach as well.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:10 PM

sorry to say i'm not as brave and noble as all the other folks here... ohwell

to be perfectly honest, confrontation isn't really my style. i'd try to help out by going and talking to the alleged homosexual dude or dudette and try to make a new friend. then i'd try to get them to walk away from the situation with me. if they're upset, i offer a listening ear and some advice on the fact that idiots exist everywhere and you gotta keep your head up and pity the fools who will never amount to anything beyond putting down others to make themselves feel big.

Sometimes taking up for them doesn't have to mean being violent. If you get there in time you can do what you say. If someone IS hurting someone physically though, standing back and doing nothing is how things happen like the Matthew Sheppard incident. Of course if you can call the cops and they get there soon enough maybe you can save them, but what if they take an hour? You have to speak up and let it be known that you won't tolerate or stand back and watch them hurt someone for beind different. Sometimes just knowing that someone else has that person's back is enough to shut them up.

Ashcoveredsoul's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:14 PM

All due respect, you don't NEED to question my logic. It's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.

So you want to post an opinion but not have it questioned? You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But it's a public forum. People post. People respond. It's the way these things work.
Nobody NEEDS to question anybody's logic, but he has just as much right to question your logic as you have to state your opinion!

izzie's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:37 PM
i have before and i would again..
harassing anyone for ANY belief they have..
its just not right..

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:44 PM

i have before and i would again..
harassing anyone for ANY belief they have..
its just not right..

grumble grumble grumble tell me about itgrumble grumble grumble

the Jews are going to be hated BIG time for what happened Saturday in Gaza.

Even I am ashamed.embarassed embarassed embarassed

squonk's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:48 PM

flowerforyouIf you saw someone being publicly harassed for being homosexual would you stand up for and or defend them?flowerforyou


JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sat 12/27/08 10:57 PM

No. It's the choice they made. They sure as hell wouldn't stand up for me for being straight.

When's the last time you were harassed for being straight?

noway I was thinking the same thing.
so because someone is gay, they asked to be harassed and beat up for it? You're the kind of person who also believes that if you're not a straight white male you have no real claim to freedom period.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:16 PM
Since in many cases you don't know the whole story of a situation I tend to mind my own bussiness. Regardless of someones sexual orintation if they shoot their mouth off and asked for trouble and someone starts dogging on them I don't have a lot of sympathy.

If it is juvinile harrassment is verbal and not threatening I tend to let people handle their own fights. Most people can do a better job for themselves than being infantilized by someone chimeing in. Often stepping into a person being a fool only encourages them to keep going or escalate.

However if I see the situation as menaceing I know my limits and will probably try to create a distraction or bluff.

Since I don't have a lot of confidence in the police seeing sexual orientation harrassment as a something to hurry too I would probably not risk the person being harrassed ending up hurt before they get there and or arrested with everyone else so I probably wouldn't go to them for help.

Since I go to a reconcileing church where attending is enough to get you harrassed (cars and houses vandelized, hate mail, even being harrassed by phone) I tend to be pretty aware of where I go and how any of the gay people I know are being treated. I don't usually wait until something gets to the "harrassment" stage. I feel avoiding dangerous situations are better than trying to fight your way out of them.

no photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:27 PM
I would stand up for them just as I would for anyone else.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:30 PM
Edited by Riding_Dubz on Sat 12/27/08 11:37 PM
as my boy weezy f baby would say

No homo,

ya diggggggggggggggggggg

Ashcoveredsoul's photo
Sun 12/28/08 12:00 AM

as my boy weezy f baby would say

No homo,

ya diggggggggggggggggggg

So exactly what are you trying to say??? huh

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 12/28/08 03:30 AM
Some of you people seem to think it's perfectly acceptable for you to jump all over me for stating my opinion and stance. You're accusing me of being close-minded, yet you complain because I don't conform to your allegedly wolrdly views. You expect me to tolerate and accept you as you are, but you have the nerve to chastise me.

I guess that really makes you no better than me, doesn't it?

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/28/08 03:46 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/28/08 04:03 AM
People get harassed all the time for their sexual orientation. I used to live in Oakland, CA and you would think that would be a safer area for gays and minorities in general because its the sister city to San Francisco yet still they are attacked, sodomized, beaten, robbed, the list goes on. Usually it is just a lot of heckling but its not limited to that. Lesbians also encounter the same dangers.

I have to admit I saw it happen often and unless I actually witnessed them being physically touched or surrounded in a mob-like fashion, I stayed out of it. It was something I witnessed at least once a week. You just have to hope it does not escalate to the point of actual physical confrontation. Normally the people that perpetrate hate crimes of this nature are cowardly types. grumble . .

onceuponatijm's photo
Sun 12/28/08 03:52 AM

i have before and i would again..
harassing anyone for ANY belief they have..
its just not right..

grumble grumble grumble tell me about itgrumble grumble grumble

the Jews are going to be hated BIG time for what happened Saturday in Gaza.

Even I am ashamed.embarassed embarassed embarassed

you should be

transientmind's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:15 AM
Personal opinions, ways of life... wouldn't the world be a better place if we'd all mind our own business?

...And yeah; have, would, do.

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:22 AM

flowerforyouIf you saw someone being publicly harassed for being homosexual would you stand up for and or defend them?flowerforyou

Actually if I saw someone being harassed it wouldn't matter what the reason was. I would be there or call 911 if I thought my life or theirs was in danger.
Homosexuality doesn't enter into it.

what she said ^

plk1966's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:23 AM
Edited by plk1966 on Sun 12/28/08 06:24 AM

Some of you people seem to think it's perfectly acceptable for you to jump all over me for stating my opinion and stance. You're accusing me of being close-minded, yet you complain because I don't conform to your allegedly wolrdly views. You expect me to tolerate and accept you as you are, but you have the nerve to chastise me.

I guess that really makes you no better than me, doesn't it?

I agree that you are entitled to your opinion and that no one has the right to chastise your for it but I would like to put another question to you.

If you saw a group of people beating the crap out of someone, not knowing the reason why, would you try and stop the fight, stand by and watch or just walk away?

Ashcoveredsoul's photo
Sun 12/28/08 09:00 AM

Some of you people seem to think it's perfectly acceptable for you to jump all over me for stating my opinion and stance. You're accusing me of being close-minded, yet you complain because I don't conform to your allegedly wolrdly views. You expect me to tolerate and accept you as you are, but you have the nerve to chastise me.

I guess that really makes you no better than me, doesn't it?

Define "jump all over." Now you get a snippet of what is similar to feeling harassed because you are different. Although it seems to me that most on here are just stating their opinion in return. It is far from being attacked.