Topic: Why Men Cheat ?????? | |
I've never cheated on anyone I've been in a relationship with. But I have been cheated on. I don't tolerate it. I don't put up with it. There are no second chances. Its over. NOW. GOODBYE. Now where are those women who cheated on me today? Well #1 is back with her ex husband and cheating on him after she anchored him with another child and many legal costs for all the warrants for her arrest that I didn't know about caught up to her in a traffic stop. And #2 cheater ex has 3 kids from 3 relationships of which she cheated on all of them claiming "Oh I thought we were in an open relationship" only after caught. She's married to a great big chaindrive wallet wearing, mullethead bulldyke that barks at her all the time. They had their marriage ceremony in a rest area where they first met and is a known queer hangout. Cheater #3 decided she was going to cheat on her new boyfreind with some "hottie" she picked up at a bar. He beat her up, raped her, and threw her in a ditch 40 miles from the bar. They eventually caught the rapist 6 months later. He was a roving construction worker with a lot of lies and a mile long rap sheet. And cheater #4 married my neighbor whose on disability which now pays for her drug habit 26 days after I threw her out for cheating. What have I discovered about cheaters in the last 10 years. Well they are f*cked up to begin with in their thinking. And their stupidity and direction usually catch up with them in all cases. They normally get what's coming to them. There are some people out there that were just born to hurt others.
Why do men cheat? Couldn't tell ya. I've never cheated. Couldn't do it. I have too much conceince.
Maybe that's the answer that lies within. People cheat because belief in entitlement or enticement therein overrules conceince and better judgement.
Maybe that's the answer that lies within. People cheat because belief in entitlement or enticement therein overrules conceince and better judgement. Well said Biker! |
I cheated on my ex-wife once. We were playing Parchesi and I moved her pieces when she wasn't looking
People cheat because usually the are insecure, they are angry, they want revenge, or they are selfish. No one is blaming the gender, but the braekdown of the relationship and usually both sexes are at fault within the relationship, whether it is the man cheating or the woman cheating. I, also, believe that is what the originator of this forum meant.
I cheat for more poon!
Cheater Cheater, peter, Pumkin Eater
One of my best friends is a cheater. I think she has cheated on all of her boyfriends. I asked her once why she cheated and she said.....she felt something missing emotionally with her bfs. Lack of closeness? communication?
I cheated on my ex-wife once. We were playing Parchesi and I moved her pieces when she wasn't looking Poor Quiet, she wasn't paying enough attention, so it was her own fault! I hope you won, because otherwise the insecurity she caused may lead to more cheating. |
No I don't believe so. I had nothing to do with why my girlfreinds cheated on me. I even asked them. They all said the SAME thing. "Sorry, I f*cked up. Sorry I hurt you". There was no catalyst or revenge involved. Again, some people are just born to hurt others.
Am I alone or has anyone else dated someone new and after a few dates realized through communication and the way they talk and express themselves that they are a person with poor judgement, dishonest, blameless in every situation (ITS THEIR FAULT! ITS HER FAULT! ITS HIS FAULT! ITS THE PHONE COMPANIES FAULT! ITS MY PARENTS FAULT! ITS MY EXs FAULT! ITS THE GAS STATION ATTENDANTS FAULT!) And after a few dates you realize this person thinks they are so above blame and personal responsibility that you just know that they would cheat on you? And you break it off and tell them goodbye?
I cheated on my ex-wife once. We were playing Parchesi and I moved her pieces when she wasn't looking Poor Quiet, she wasn't paying enough attention, so it was her own fault! I hope you won, because otherwise the insecurity she caused may lead to more cheating. we were playing to see who would do the dishes. I hate dishes so I cheated and she had to |
I cheated on my ex-wife once. We were playing Parchesi and I moved her pieces when she wasn't looking Poor Quiet, she wasn't paying enough attention, so it was her own fault! I hope you won, because otherwise the insecurity she caused may lead to more cheating. we were playing to see who would do the dishes. I hate dishes so I cheated and she had to |
Am I alone or has anyone else dated someone new and after a few dates realized through communication and the way they talk and express themselves that they are a person with poor judgement, dishonest, blameless in every situation (ITS THEIR FAULT! ITS HER FAULT! ITS HIS FAULT! ITS THE PHONE COMPANIES FAULT! ITS MY PARENTS FAULT! ITS MY EXs FAULT! ITS THE GAS STATION ATTENDANTS FAULT!) And after a few dates you realize this person thinks they are so above blame and personal responsibility that you just know that they would cheat on you? And you break it off and tell them goodbye? Oh Yes, sometimes it's obvious. |
I remember. There's a sh!tload of cheaters on this site that have admitted too much information. I used to put all the cheaters who admitted cheating in open forums on my favorites list. They would email me and ask why I put them on my favorites list. And I told them to remind me never to date you because you're an admitted cheater. I got a lot of "f*ck you" replies. Which I kindly replied "No because I don't f*ck cheaters and if it happened I'd just lie there".
I remember. There's a sh!tload of cheaters on this site that have admitted too much information. I used to put all the cheaters who admitted cheating in open forums on my favorites list. They would email me and ask why I put them on my favorites list. And I told them to remind me never to date you because you're an admitted cheater. I got a lot of "f*ck you" replies. Which I kindly replied "No because I don't f*ck cheaters and if it happened I'd just lie there". |
The tv show 'cheaters' just blows my mind. Sneaky f*ckin asses. Just pathetic. The episode where the IT guy finds out his girl is cheating and goes ballistic and throws all her sh!t out the balcony of the highrise. The expression on her face as everything is smashing on the ground. Makeup case, tv, dvd, boombox, clothes flying thru the air. Or the episode where the big black guy gets caught cheating and his big black babies mamma kicks his ass. Beats the living crap outta him. Lotta emotions. Trust broken brings out those emotions.
Getting cheated on hurts. I didn't like it.
I'd cheat on Gypsy with Gypsy.