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Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 03:41 AM
why does everyone constantly think pointing out how big my check will be is going to make me happy?
especially when i dont think i will have the energy to enjoy it?

why do i want to quit my job so badly?

galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:14 AM

what is the purpose of sunglasses (on the top of your head) at 3 in the morning?

Oh, I know this one! When I go into the building in the daylight and prop them up there so I don't lose them...then work until it's dark...at least I still know where they are :)

galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:21 AM

why does everyone constantly think pointing out how big my check will be is going to make me happy?
especially when i dont think i will have the energy to enjoy it?

why do i want to quit my job so badly?

I get ya...
I worked about 65 hours last week with a 14 hour day on Thursday - after which I got to sleep in a hotel room, get up and work early and then drive 3.5 hours home on a Friday night. I'm exhausted and money doesn't fix that.

My base salary is good, I've pretty much got guaranteed employment for 3 years and people think I'm crazy because I'm looking so hard for a change...it's not even the hours cuz I used to be able to do those cheerfully when necessary to a project. It's the blatent disrespect for my work & self over the past few months (guaranteed to continue once my "new boss" is officially my new boss in 30 days) that have taken the joy right out of the job. A happy heart is worth the risk of making a change, IMO. I just wish I knew which of about 4 currently brewing options were going to come to fruition first and what will be the right decision going forward! Oh for a crystal ball!

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:25 PM

why does everyone constantly think pointing out how big my check will be is going to make me happy?
especially when i dont think i will have the energy to enjoy it?

why do i want to quit my job so badly?

I get ya...
I worked about 65 hours last week with a 14 hour day on Thursday - after which I got to sleep in a hotel room, get up and work early and then drive 3.5 hours home on a Friday night. I'm exhausted and money doesn't fix that.

My base salary is good, I've pretty much got guaranteed employment for 3 years and people think I'm crazy because I'm looking so hard for a change...it's not even the hours cuz I used to be able to do those cheerfully when necessary to a project. It's the blatent disrespect for my work & self over the past few months (guaranteed to continue once my "new boss" is officially my new boss in 30 days) that have taken the joy right out of the job. A happy heart is worth the risk of making a change, IMO. I just wish I knew which of about 4 currently brewing options were going to come to fruition first and what will be the right decision going forward! Oh for a crystal ball!

I think what irritates me the most is the fact that I am constantly feel as though because my kids are all grown and gone & that I am single I wont mind. I have waited the better part of 22 years to have one, had to raise 3 wonderful kids first, now I want one gosh darn it (you all know what I wanted to say there)

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:27 PM
Why is it that good memories drop in on you when you really dont want them to and then you are sitting on a bus with a cheesy grin bawling your eyes out?

7z3r05's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:28 PM
what is a smooth and casual way to ask a friend of yours (who is a girl) if her cute friend is single?

is this a dangerous move? am i gonna look like a major creeper?


galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:11 PM

what is a smooth and casual way to ask a friend of yours (who is a girl) if her cute friend is single?

is this a dangerous move? am i gonna look like a major creeper?


From a woman's point of view...it's okay. I've had guys ask me this. No creeper issue IMO.

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:34 PM

what is a smooth and casual way to ask a friend of yours (who is a girl) if her cute friend is single?

is this a dangerous move? am i gonna look like a major creeper?


From a woman's point of view...it's okay. I've had guys ask me this. No creeper issue IMO.

I would have to agree, especially if you both have agreed you are friends.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:47 PM
Hi KymmieSue! How ya holdin' up girl?

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:53 PM

Hi KymmieSue! How ya holdin' up girl?

I'm feeling better. Was talking to this old man on the bus, and he brought up some wonderful old memories. By the time he got off I was bawling like a baby with a cheesy grin on my face. I felt wonderful. Funny how people who have passed can still affect you years later.

Still looking for a new job though

galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:56 PM

Hi KymmieSue! How ya holdin' up girl?

I'm feeling better. Was talking to this old man on the bus, and he brought up some wonderful old memories. By the time he got off I was bawling like a baby with a cheesy grin on my face. I felt wonderful. Funny how people who have passed can still affect you years later.

Still looking for a new job though

Yeah...great how people you meet in passing also can have that impact. Life sure is interesting!

We can be job-hunting soul-sista's...

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 12/21/08 04:59 PM

Hi KymmieSue! How ya holdin' up girl?

I'm feeling better. Was talking to this old man on the bus, and he brought up some wonderful old memories. By the time he got off I was bawling like a baby with a cheesy grin on my face. I felt wonderful. Funny how people who have passed can still affect you years later.

Still looking for a new job though

Yeah...great how people you meet in passing also can have that impact. Life sure is interesting!

We can be job-hunting soul-sista's...

It was my father-in-law, the closest thing I have ever had to a father, he always had this way of knowing when I felt bad and he would say or do something (usually with the help of my oldest daughter) to make everything feel better. It was WONDERFUL!

We can definately be job-hunting soul-sista's

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:13 PM

Come hang out on the site a bit. Most of us are from America, but we have a few Australians ( including the Co Founder of the team ) and several from England. One from South Africa, although he hasn't been posting lately.

Can I really??? I wouldn't want to be an interloper...

Our site is open to the public. Unless you happen to be a spam bot or a troll, there is no such thing as an interloper...lol

You are more than welcome to join in there. :-)

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:14 PM

what is the purpose of sunglasses (on the top of your head) at 3 in the morning?

They got stuck in the 80's and have that whole Corey ' I Wear My Sunglasses At Night ' Hart groove happening. lol

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:15 PM

what does "please pay inside" mean?

It means that stupid people will stand there and try to figure out why the pump won't work. lol

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:16 PM

why wont my headache go away? i've taken some aleve for it

Stress. Remember the insomnia beating trick I posted???

That works well for headaches too.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:16 PM

coffee or energy drink? which should i have?

I am probably VERY late on all of these, but my vote would be for neither of them. Neither one is any good for you.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:19 PM

why does everyone constantly think pointing out how big my check will be is going to make me happy?
especially when i dont think i will have the energy to enjoy it?

why do i want to quit my job so badly?

Feeling unappreciated will do that every time.

romeo1975's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:19 PM
here i am your special project

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:19 PM

Why is it that good memories drop in on you when you really dont want them to and then you are sitting on a bus with a cheesy grin bawling your eyes out?

How could you not want a good memory??? I think it's much better than the alternative.

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