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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
Giocamo's photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:27 PM

GOD is everywhere. We should not have to make new laws to accomadate anyone. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not a Adam and Adam. For some reason American has become a "let's please everyone" except the majority! Shame on you all.

:banana: :banana: :banana: ...

Why shouldn't everybody be treated equally?!

I think they are...equally treated...we just shouldn't be trying to guarantee an equal finish...:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:29 PM
opps !...I was kind of responding to SeaMonster...are you saying we should be treating gays as equals ?...

Winx's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:05 PM

opps !...I was kind of responding to SeaMonster...are you saying we should be treating gays as equals ?...

They're people, aren't they?

Giocamo's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:27 PM
the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:49 PM
Edited by Foliel on Sat 12/06/08 11:53 PM
Those laws you refer to are made with controlled behavior in mind.

Am I supposed to stop loving someone just because someone else thinks it is wrong?

Would straight people like it if laws were passed that forbade sex with someone of the opposite gender?

I have never and will never bow down to anyone as far as my personal and private life is concerned.
What I do in MY bedroom is my business just as what you do in YOUR bedroom is your business.

Gays should have the same rights as straights whether other people like it or not, after all straight people have the right to privacy in the bedroom.

*edited because I typed something incorrectly lol

Winx's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:50 PM

the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

Against the behavior?

They're just being themselves.

Lynann's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:51 PM
I heard an interesting statistic on the radio today.

The life expectancy of a pro football player is 55-56 years. The same report said American males live on average 75 years.

Since pro football players live fewer years than the average males I guess that makes football a godless and immoral activity?

After all why would God take them so early in their lives?

It must be a moral judgment?

"Does this mean god hates jocks only a little less than he hates gays?"*

After all someone posted a flawed study about the life expectancy of gay men.

*I don't hate anyone I am just asking a question.Please don't boot me for asking.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:55 PM

the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

Against the behavior?

They're just being themselves.

did you not read my response ?...this a land of laws...the discrimination is NOT against the person...it's against the behavior...another example would be...your driving 50 mph in a 25 mph zone...you get pulled over and ticketed...the disrcimination is not against the person...look...Gays marry all the time...I'm a straight male...and...I can't marry another male...thats not being discriminatory against me...it's being discriminatory against my behavior...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:57 PM

I heard an interesting statistic on the radio today.

The life expectancy of a pro football player is 55-56 years. The same report said American males live on average 75 years.

Since pro football players live fewer years than the average males I guess that makes football a godless and immoral activity?

After all why would God take them so early in their lives?

It must be a moral judgment?

"Does this mean god hates jocks only a little less than he hates gays?"*

After all someone posted a flawed study about the life expectancy of gay men.

*I don't hate anyone I am just asking a question.Please don't boot me for asking.

I see we're nipping the Scotch again...drinker ...lol

Foliel's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:57 PM
thank you but there is nothing wrong with my behavior. I am who I am and NOTHING is gonna change that.

The fact that I like men and well women do absolutely NOTHING for me, is part of who I am. Laws can be changed and many have been.

Sorry ladies you just don't have the organ I like lol

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:00 AM

Those laws you refer to are made with controlled behavior in mind.

Am I supposed to stop loving someone just because someone else thinks it is wrong?

Would straight people like it if laws were passed that forbade sex with someone of the opposite gender?

I have never and will never bow down to anyone as far as my personal and private life is concerned.
What I do in MY bedroom is my business just as what you do in YOUR bedroom is your business.

Gays should have the same rights as straights whether other people like it or not, after all straight people have the right to privacy in the bedroom.

*edited because I typed something incorrectly lol

I think you should and can love anyone you want...and...whatever you do in your bedroom is your business...thats not what we're debating...like I said...gays get married all the time...right ?...

Foliel's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:02 AM
in massachusetts and connecticut...

yeah they do

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:05 AM

thank you but there is nothing wrong with my behavior. I am who I am and NOTHING is gonna change that.

The fact that I like men and well women do absolutely NOTHING for me, is part of who I am. Laws can be changed and many have been.

Sorry ladies you just don't have the organ I like lol

I agree with you...I've said it many times on here...I believe that gay marriage will be legal in all 50 states...it takes time...as far as nothing being wrong with your behavior ?...well that's the reason gay marriage is still illegal...most Americans disagree with it...

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:06 AM

in massachusetts and connecticut...

yeah they do

there you go...only 48 more...lol

Winx's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:13 AM

the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

Against the behavior?

They're just being themselves.

did you not read my response ?...this a land of laws...the discrimination is NOT against the person...it's against the behavior...another example would be...your driving 50 mph in a 25 mph zone...you get pulled over and ticketed...the disrcimination is not against the person...look...Gays marry all the time...I'm a straight male...and...I can't marry another male...thats not being discriminatory against me...it's being discriminatory against my behavior...

I read your response. Riding a bike on the highway is not natural bike riding behavior. A homosexual person being with a homosexual person is natural behavior to them.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:14 AM
But no body has mentioned the offspring... The Jelly Babies........ Who will care for these unwanted products of Love.think

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

spock I know, I couldn't help itdrinks

Foliel's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:17 AM
drinker :banana:

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:22 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sun 12/07/08 12:25 AM

the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

Against the behavior?

They're just being themselves.

did you not read my response ?...this a land of laws...the discrimination is NOT against the person...it's against the behavior...another example would be...your driving 50 mph in a 25 mph zone...you get pulled over and ticketed...the disrcimination is not against the person...look...Gays marry all the time...I'm a straight male...and...I can't marry another male...thats not being discriminatory against me...it's being discriminatory against my behavior...

I read your response. Riding a bike on the highway is not natural bike riding behavior. A homosexual person being with a homosexual person is natural behavior to them.

riding a bike on the highway IS the behavior....thats being discriminated against...natural or not...and...the issue is marriage...not what you say " being with "...that's a whole different animal...like i said before...I'm a straight male and I can't marry another straight male...it's the behavior...:banana:

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:34 AM

Christ on crackers...

If you are going to make an argument please try and do better than that.

do you mean this analogy...

the discrimination isn't against the person...it's against the behavior...all laws discriminate against behavior...for instance...you can't ride a bike on the freeway...there's laws against that behavior...but...if that person gets into a car...he's no longer discriminated against...

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:43 AM
I think all marriage should be defined by your church only. The law should not recongnize any relationship except that of parent & minor child. Who you live with, have sex with, share finaces with, is no one else's business. You should be able to name any person you want as your heir & the recipient of any benifits you get. At age 18 everyone should name benificiaries & heirs,as well as who will have the right to make desisions for you if you are too ill to decide for yourself. This should be kept updated. Minor children should automatically take precedence over anyone else. Keep government out of your bedroom, hospital room & pockets.

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