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Topic: Nurse's Report
RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 05:50 AM
Jesus, what a night! They only come out at night.laugh Freakin
looneybirds, I reckon. Midnight resident census 24. I don't know how
many more full moons I can take. I thought that there was only suppose
to be one a month. So now not only does Beverly not need a walker. She
can dress herself when she wants. Just as soon second leaves they start.
I thought my charge nurse was going to go postal. She said just take her
I am going out for a smoke. Beverly wants cereal so we get her cereal.
Then its I want a coke. You can't have a coke, Beverly its midnight.
Then Beverly starts cussing and tells me to keep that old lady away from
her. My mind is trying to get around this for Beverly is 47 and the
charge nurse is 25. Mike and me haul her into bed and put the covers
over her fully dressed with her *****ing and screaming the whole time.
So we go to check on little Davy and Mike finds his Barney the purple
dinosaur and Bj hates Barney. Mike keeps calling BJ nurselady. I try to
tell Mike that BJ has a name but he just keeps calling all the nurses
nurselady. With Davy's child monitor in place so that we can hear when
Davy starts choking Mike squeezes the purple dinasaur so it is singing
to Davy which Davy likes but BJ doesn't think is funny. I just know BJ
are going to bump horns soon.laugh Then Beverly wants a hamburger. I
find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which satisfies her for a little
while but now she has Ellis woke up. Ellis who never uses a call light
is stringing his oxygen cord out into the hallway yelling I am hungry
come feed me. So I go fetch his tray and he says I am not eating this
**** get me some food. Then he wants me to dress him and orders me to do
it just perfect. Then the rest of the night until he passes out he just
keeps yelling Hey and then just laughs to himself. All I can say if I
was Ellis's wife I would either have shot him or myself.laugh

prussia's photo
Tue 04/10/07 05:56 AM
LMAO Roy .. I know it is not funny to you .... but OMG you made me
laugh histerically hahahahaha

Do you have a closet with weapons at the facilities?

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 05:59 AM
hey man, I have like a lot of your work, but I am cna trained (I let my
license lapse but I keep up on the training) and I have to say that this
was in poor taste. I dont know if you were trying to make a joke, or
just let off frustration (I know I have had to vent a few times int he
past myself over dementia residents), but that last line especially
about shooiting someone, was just not cool.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:00 AM
No weapons at the facility. laugh Good morning, Marina. My nerves are
still shaking. What nerves I got left.laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:02 AM
Yes, my post was in poor taste. I apologize for being completely honest.
I know honesty upsets some people. I an a certified nurse's aide.

prussia's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:02 AM
yeah ... but you please in a cold check the rest, Roy

Sorry hon ... can't stop laugh


adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:07 AM
yes Roy some ask for truth

but truth they can't handle the truth --in best jack nicohson vioce

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:09 AM
I'm not saying you werent being honest bro, and I prefer honesty over
anything else. It's just that it "seems" that you are havign a fairly
hard time coping with it, that last night (or whenever it was) was near
the edge for you. And if that is the case, maybe you should consider
taking a step back and catching a breather for a ocuple days. Am I
making sense? I am not trying to judge, or condemn, believe me I know
how hard it can be emotionally as well as physicall at times. It' just
that you came across (to me anywya) as someone who needs a vacation.
Ihope this does not offend you,cause thatis the LAST thing I would wnat
to do.

prussia's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:11 AM
oops again ... I missed "keep" in my last post

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:14 AM
I see your point of view and agree. Understaffed is what we are dealing
with now. People calling in sick and those that show up feel th effects
from the ones that don't come in. Yeah, I just needed to vent. I feel
better now.:smile:

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:24 AM
glad yo feel betetr bro, and I ma here whenever you need to vent happy
but as you said with being understaffed, that is why somethign likey our
thread catches my attention. I dont think there is a single nursing
home that is fully staffed, and due to this a lot of things happen that

And then, with the home already understaffed, a lot of us male
caregivers are discriminated against, and unjustly fired (I was accused
of leaving 20 beds soaking wet at and of shift, and leaving a
parapelegic hanging form her bed undressed and soaked in urine and feces
with no bed coverings or anything. There was no investigation of any
kind, just me called in at end of shift the next day and fired.) it
makes it even harder at the home for proper care to be given.

crazysillygirl's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:32 AM
bottom line is that what you said about the patients was totally
unethical and unprofessional especially in your line of work and im not
even a nurse yet and i know are not to talk about any
patients with anyone at any time that is a violation of it

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:36 AM
We just passed a weekly State evaluation and so many nerves are on end.
Yeah, I almost got canned for giving a diabetes resident a pair of nail
clippers. The college said don't cut them so I gave them to her. I spent
a hour with a ice pack trying to stop the bleeding. I was lucky it quit.
I thought I would be nice and I gave her an english danish the next day.
Then I found out she was not supposed to have any kind of wheat
products. We are supposed to have atleast one female aide for the female
residents that don't like males to take care of them. That is what is
supposd to happen but when they don't come in then I have to get a
female nurse to take care of it. It really works best to have both
female aides and male aides. I have had to go rescue female aides from
male residents who like to get frisky with them. One female aide who is
flat chested that works there told the male resident to find something
to grab hold of. Ha Ha. The look of surprise on his face was priceless.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:38 AM
Yes, that is why I do not give their full names. Confidentialty is very

crazysillygirl's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:42 AM
you shouldnt be talking about them period hun!!!! with anyone....

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:42 AM
True, you are right.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:47 AM
i suggest you change their names to patient a b c and so on roy

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:48 AM
That makes sense, Robin.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:06 AM
as far as hepa goes, you can discuss as long as you do nt say anythign
that can identify them to anyone at any time. Which means no specific
behavioral problems in the case of a dementia resident (as an example)
and no names. Especially here on the internet. Robin is right about
that. We can not garuntee who will see a posting on here so you have to
be very careful to keep things completely neutral.
and as I said, any time yo want to talk or vent bro I am here. I have
livede it and I have been the victim of some nasty discrimination
(hopefully you havent). Oh and when they fired me with no
investigation? Naturally I applied for unemployment. They told the
state I had been fired for intoxication (trying to cost me my license in
other words). They dropped those charges real fast though when I picked
up a lawyer :wink: Especially when I let it be known that iwas going to
sue for loss of average wages until I could find another job, and then
go back to school and finish my degree before I even looked for another
job, lol. The state got a letter real fast stating the intoxication
charge had been a typo, lol.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:28 AM
some typo

more like slander

and lies

the person that filed out the report should
have recieved disiplinary action

but hey what do i know

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