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Topic: Nurse's Report
daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:32 AM
lol get it right ad it waqs not slander; it was lible (lible being
written slander being spoken lol). But I agree with you.
I still had a case even after they retracted it, but it was only 50/50
at best that I would win. And with the general discrimination over male
nurses and aides I did not want to risk losing the case. I had already
been hired on elsewhere, and it was not going to affect my licensing if
I chose to keep it. Plus I have the written discharge papers and
everything accusing me of the twenty beds, which was twice the number of
beds we actually were allowed to cover per person. SO I just let it go
for peace of mind and sanity.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:36 AM
good for you danniel



daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:39 AM
thanks ad, yo just gotta know when to stewp up and when to step down...
or in the more famous mouth of Kenny Rogers: "ya gotta know when to
hold em, ya gotta know when to fold them"

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:42 AM
you got that right

i know the feeling

i guess i should of held them recently

but hey sometimes ya do the wrong thing (in somes eyes)

for the right reason

but hey what do i know

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