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Topic: Something exists.
no photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 11/17/08 04:47 PM
After 12 pages of bantering back and forth on the truth vs. bullsh*t thread, - I have concluded, (by all that was stated and debated) the following:

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

Embrace the Great Mystery!

Peace and love to all!


SkyHook5652's photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:09 PM
1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

That's bull****.


no photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:03 PM

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

That's bull****.


Probably. rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:25 AM
In contemplating "nothing" I have come to the conclusion that it cannot exist.

I had postulated that infinity was the closest thing to "nothing" I was ever going to get, but now, after having thought about it and talked about it with Tribo, I have been thinking that infinity is a boundary or door between two "somethings" and not "nothing" (nothing meaning the absence of vibration) at all.

I need to get back to work now. rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:34 AM
Perhaps this "nothing" is similar to the "nobody"

You know him, don't you?

It was nobody who took my umbrella in the restaurant,
nobody left the door of the fridge open, and nobody turned the heating off when it was freezing cold.

tongue2 waving

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:39 PM
I know that guy. laugh

When I come into my Mom's house she calls out "Who's there?"

I say: "Nobody."

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:33 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 11/18/08 11:38 PM

After 12 pages of bantering back and forth on the truth vs. bullsh*t thread, - I have concluded, (by all that was stated and debated) the following:

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

Embrace the Great Mystery!

Peace and love to all!



For YOU are lucky enough to "live" in the End Times when the Word of Jehovah's Prime Ordinance has been made known to "Man"kind by the Primanimal SubGenius, the High Epopt of the Church!
In the early Fifties an industrious young American drilling equipment salesman, while watching late-night TV, was abruptly Removed and transported astrally to the 'IDGE' of JEHOVAH 1 HIMSELF! In this seizure-like trance he took the brunt of the first brain-buffeting communionications of countless to come from the alien Jehovah: awesome pronouncements which form the sacred PRESCRIPTURES of the SubGenius (available for S19.98 at most bookstores!)

This milestone in Man's mined path to Slack was

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:45 PM

After 12 pages of bantering back and forth on the truth vs. bullsh*t thread, - I have concluded, (by all that was stated and debated) the following:

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

Embrace the Great Mystery!

Peace and love to all!



For YOU are lucky enough to "live" in the End Times when the Word of Jehovah's Prime Ordinance has been made known to "Man"kind by the Primanimal SubGenius, the High Epopt of the Church!
In the early Fifties an industrious young American drilling equipment salesman, while watching late-night TV, was abruptly Removed and transported astrally to the 'IDGE' of JEHOVAH 1 HIMSELF! In this seizure-like trance he took the brunt of the first brain-buffeting communionications of countless to come from the alien Jehovah: awesome pronouncements which form the sacred PRESCRIPTURES of the SubGenius (available for S19.98 at most bookstores!)

This milestone in Man's mined path to Slack was

Soon we will see stenciled pictures of Bob's grinning face (pipe and all) slapped all over the walls of our cities and eventually branching out into all rural areas.

I'm a slacker..
You're a slacker...
He's a slacker...
She's a slacker...
Wouldn't ya like to be a slacker too...

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:55 PM

After 12 pages of bantering back and forth on the truth vs. bullsh*t thread, - I have concluded, (by all that was stated and debated) the following:

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

Embrace the Great Mystery!

Peace and love to all!



For YOU are lucky enough to "live" in the End Times when the Word of Jehovah's Prime Ordinance has been made known to "Man"kind by the Primanimal SubGenius, the High Epopt of the Church!
In the early Fifties an industrious young American drilling equipment salesman, while watching late-night TV, was abruptly Removed and transported astrally to the 'IDGE' of JEHOVAH 1 HIMSELF! In this seizure-like trance he took the brunt of the first brain-buffeting communionications of countless to come from the alien Jehovah: awesome pronouncements which form the sacred PRESCRIPTURES of the SubGenius (available for S19.98 at most bookstores!)

This milestone in Man's mined path to Slack was

Soon we will see stenciled pictures of Bob's grinning face (pipe and all) slapped all over the walls of our cities and eventually branching out into all rural areas.

I'm a slacker..
You're a slacker...
He's a slacker...
She's a slacker...
Wouldn't ya like to be a slacker too...
flowerforyouIm pretty sure JB is a slacker too(she just may not know it yet).:tongue:

Jess642's photo
Thu 11/20/08 12:48 PM
'Nothing' exists.


no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 11/20/08 05:47 PM

'Nothing' exists.


I have concluded that for nothing to 'exist' is impossible. It is also a contradiction in terms.

Nothing = no things.

things exist.

This also brings clarity to the phrase: "Nothing is impossible."

Or: Anything is possible.

It really is.bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:34 PM
The Wizard's Way

I Am that I Am
Que Sara Sara
From Alpha to Omega
in all of its awe

I create my creation
with an attraction of law
For the things I desire
from the visions I saw

It's the power of psyche
I employ as I draw
To create on the fly
with nary a flaw



Blessed Be! drinker

Dan99's photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:50 PM

After 12 pages of bantering back and forth on the truth vs. bullsh*t thread, - I have concluded, (by all that was stated and debated) the following:

1. Something exists.

2. We can't be sure exactly what it is.

3. We don't know where it came from.

Embrace the Great Mystery!

Peace and love to all!


Something does exist after death, that is for certain, as everything else that is not dead is still alive and time is still moving on.

When people say nothing, they often mean 'not anything'.

I think it is perfectly plausible that 'not anything' happens after death, except the life that continues to exist without you...

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:12 PM

Something does exist after death, that is for certain, as everything else that is not dead is still alive and time is still moving on.

This view is based on the idea that time is something more than an illusion.

Thinking of time as a river that has a past and future in a long flowing river bed may very well be a fallacy.

I'm personally convinced that this concept of time is indeed a fallacy.

The past is no longer 'back there'. Time machines to travel into the past will never exist because there is no past to go back to.

The same holds true for the future. There is no preexisting future 'out there' in front of us.

All that exists is an everchanging 'now'.

This concept is paramount to understanding the nature of the spirit.

It is impossible to cease to exist, because there simply is no other time in which to not exist. laugh

If you exist 'now' then you have always existed and you always will exist because 'now' is all that exists.

All you can do is change form within the 'now'.

There was never a time when you were naught, and there shall never be a time when you will cease to exist.

There is no such thing as time to begin with.

Time is an illusion that has no reality.

This message has been brought to you by the primordial 'now'. bigsmile

Dan99's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:30 PM

Something does exist after death, that is for certain, as everything else that is not dead is still alive and time is still moving on.

This view is based on the idea that time is something more than an illusion.

Thinking of time as a river that has a past and future in a long flowing river bed may very well be a fallacy.

I'm personally convinced that this concept of time is indeed a fallacy.

The past is no longer 'back there'. Time machines to travel into the past will never exist because there is no past to go back to.

The same holds true for the future. There is no preexisting future 'out there' in front of us.

All that exists is an everchanging 'now'.

This concept is paramount to understanding the nature of the spirit.

It is impossible to cease to exist, because there simply is no other time in which to not exist. laugh

If you exist 'now' then you have always existed and you always will exist because 'now' is all that exists.

All you can do is change form within the 'now'.

There was never a time when you were naught, and there shall never be a time when you will cease to exist.

There is no such thing as time to begin with.

Time is an illusion that has no reality.

This message has been brought to you by the primordial 'now'. bigsmile

I'm not smart enough to argue with you Abra, and i like the way you put that, but i just cant buy it. I remember things that have happened, that arent happening now, so if time doesnt exist, when exactly did these things happen?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:44 PM

I'm not smart enough to argue with you Abra, and i like the way you put that, but i just cant buy it. I remember things that have happened, that arent happening now, so if time doesnt exist, when exactly did these things happen?

It's certainly not my intent to argue with you Dan.

I'm simply sharing another point of view.

The now changes. There's no question about that. So in that sense there is a form of 'time'.

I'm just saying that the past is not 'in the past'. It doesn't exist, "back there", in the past.

It was merely a different state of the 'now'.

Yes, the 'now' changes. And this is what we call time.

I'm just saying that time is now how we have conditioned ourselves to think of it. The past isn't 'back there'.

That's the important concept to grasp.

And in precisely the same way, the future is not 'out there' in front of us.

All that exists is an ever-changing now.

You can change form, but you can't cease to exist.

Of course, this brings up yet another philosophical debate:

Are we the form?

Or are we the thing that is taking the form?

If you believe that you are the form. Then perhaps you can imagine ceasing to exist when your form ceases to exist.

This is how atheists believe. They believe that they are sacks of atoms that can percieve their own existence.

When the sack of atoms quits working, they quit percieving and that's that.

Spiritualists believe that we are more than just a sack of atoms. Spiritualists believe that our true nature is spirit. The sack of atoms that is our body is merely a vessel that we occupy for the sake of experiencing physical sensations.

When that sack of atoms falls apart we continue to exist in pure spiritual form.

Think of it this way.

There are waves on the surface of an ocean.

Atheists believe that we are the waves (the form). When the ocean calms down, the waves are gone, and therefore so are we.

Spiritualists believe that we are the ocean (the thing that is taking the form). When the waves subside we still exist as the ocean. bigsmile

I'm a spiritualist. I believe I am the ocean.

Your nautical milage may vary. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:48 PM
Understanding 'time' is not an easy thing to do, but if you really think about how time is measured you will see that it requires the existence of matter which appears to be moving through empty space.

This is spacetime. It exists within its own unified field thus remains somewhat predictable to those who live in this same field. (Us)

Time and the three dimensions of space are coordinates within this spacetime field that can be used to locate (and map) the process of an event.

Events within this field that allow us to measure time are the unified movements of the planets and solar systems and stars in relation to each other.

Outside of this field, time is not the same and is probably extremely slower in another dimension, and even in your own human energy field in relation to your mind's ongoing unconscious processes.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:49 PM
I know nothing bigsmile

...but I am the ocean ... :wink:

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:54 PM
if the atmospheric pressure would rapidly change.

Could space and time be effected if it was severe enough that we all emplodedlaugh

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 10:15 PM

I know nothing bigsmile

...but I am the ocean ... :wink:

And what a wonderful ocean you are. flowers

:heart: Sherrie :heart:

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