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Topic: Something exists.
ArtGurl's photo
Thu 11/20/08 10:24 PM

I know nothing bigsmile

...but I am the ocean ... :wink:

And what a wonderful ocean you are. flowers

:heart: Sherrie :heart:

all the same ocean ... :wink:


no photo
Fri 11/21/08 04:37 AM

if the atmospheric pressure would rapidly change.

Could space and time be effected if it was severe enough that we all emplodedlaugh

I don't know, but maybe we will be sucked into a black hole.

Or maybe a frequency change will transform everything and we will enter a different dimension.

Or maybe someone will unplug this machine and we will just cease to exist until they plug us back in.

When God said "Let there be Light" this holographic universe appeared. Maybe God will turn off the light. bigsmile

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:42 AM
The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila is a very good book on how to find God within yourself. She was a great mystic, even if she was Catholic. :wink:

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:49 AM
your all crazy!!! theres a big mean ole god up there thats gonna get you one day and beat the livin P**s out of all of you if you dont change your ways!! Especially Abra!! :angry:


Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:54 AM
Yeah, Abra's definitely first on the hit list. laugh :wink:

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:00 AM

your all crazy!!! theres a big mean ole god up there thats gonna get you one day and beat the livin P**s out of all of you if you dont change your ways!! Especially Abra!! :angry:


"and he needs money"

sorry had a George Carlin flashback ... bigsmile

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:16 AM

Yeah, Abra's definitely first on the hit list. laugh :wink:

He mkes himself an easy target - tongue2

he ought to try to post under an assumed name - oh wait!!

he is doing that already - laugh

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:18 AM

your all crazy!!! theres a big mean ole god up there thats gonna get you one day and beat the livin P**s out of all of you if you dont change your ways!! Especially Abra!! :angry:


"and he needs money"

sorry had a George Carlin flashback ... bigsmile

Well if he does he can print it just like we do - and it will be just more worthless paper. tongue2

Im With JB on this i think -well illpost what iposted to funch in a bit and then you can tear it apart. - tongue2

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:21 AM

Yeah, Abra's definitely first on the hit list. laugh :wink:

He mkes himself an easy target - tongue2

he ought to try to post under an assumed name - oh wait!!

he is doing that already - laugh


I :heart: Abra.

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:21 AM
God does not have a need to create funch, he can't help but create - it is why he exist. at least my god. creation is the biggest part of his make up, he only does what he does because he is a creative force/source. Think of him as an infinite amoeba, that keeps dividing into more of himself - bringing more material into existence - or - as a vibrational entity that that brings forth an infinite number of vibrational frequencies of which some our senses are able to perceive. though most we are not.

In some of the universes we are now just becoming aware might exist outside our own, he is dormant - meaning no vibrations are taking place.

in those areas no thing exist, but here and others they do, though we cant see them as of yet. where there is vibration there are things.at some point this reality we experience will cease vibrating and other areas will begin to, and some type of reality will continue forever.
As to the biblical god - he is no more to me than a creation a vibrational being, but not THE SOURCE/FORCE. JMO

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:26 AM

God does not have a need to create funch, he can't help but create - it is why he exist. at least my god. creation is the biggest part of his make up, he only does what he does because he is a creative force/source. Think of him as an infinite amoeba, that keeps dividing into more of himself - bringing more material into existence - or - as a vibrational entity that that brings forth an infinite number of vibrational frequencies of which some our senses are able to perceive. though most we are not.

In some of the universes we are now just becoming aware might exist outside our own, he is dormant - meaning no vibrations are taking place.

in those areas no thing exist, but here and others they do, though we cant see them as of yet. where there is vibration there are things.at some point this reality we experience will cease vibrating and other areas will begin to, and some type of reality will continue forever.
As to the biblical god - he is no more to me than a creation a vibrational being, but not THE SOURCE/FORCE. JMO

Wow. That is one of the best explanations I have seen. I agree completely.

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:28 AM
Nah, i was created with a pair just like you - still in good working order. Just not as large as 2 chrome steel Jupiter's like yours funch.

The force/source is not chaotic, but is unemotional in that respect, as i said creative only, bringing into existence that material necessary for creation. [including the biblical god] It's not a matter of lack of control, control is not necessary, for source to do what it does. If you want to think of him as a deadbeat dad - be my guest.
source could care less what anyone thinks. This thought is past string theory i don't believe in string theory, it is about vibrations waves/particles. And yes it is something i put thought into - i am not a scientist. that's why i said JMO.

Yes time was there but has nothing to do with the process of creation. No thing can exist if you understand no thing to mean - no created substance, [objects as we are able to understand or perceive with our limited senses]

Source is always there/everywhere. Think of it like this funch, they say we only use 10% of our brain [whether that's really the case or not - so does that mean the other 90% does not exist? No it means we cant see at this point its possibly active in some way Were not able to detect yet.

But we have our sight and touch etc, to be able to detect this 90% exist. Source is similar to that concept, but still not actually like that per se'.

Source exist everywhere at all times but is not vibrating [bringing forth creative material] everywhere at all times, thus it would "seem" [if you were able to see infinity] that there was nothing going on is some areas of infinity.

but source is still there, just not active on a level of vibration that is creating anything new[things objects] there at present. Think of it as being on call for active duty, your their ready to go when necessary waiting to be called to create when the signal is given - what is the signal? I haven't the foggiest.

It remains a vibrational source at all times in all universes and dimensions whether it is actively creating new dimensional objects[things] or not.

If you find flaws withe concept then disreguard, im not pushing it on anyone , it satisfies my need to understand, whether you or others may think it's delusional or not. now go back to talking about the book god and have fun. I'm out of here -

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:32 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/21/08 10:34 AM
Tribo, why are you talking to funch? He has not even posted in this thread.huh

And you had me convinced that Source always vibrates and now you are saying that there are 'times' or 'universes' where it does not vibrate.

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:34 AM

this "no thing" people keep referring can only apply to unawareness and not to conscious or pantheist Gods

because once something notice that they exist in the realm of "no thing" they instantly become "A thing" or "that thing"

this is symbolized with the phrase "I AM" which represents awareness and in turn presses the fact that "no thing" no longer exist

Yes they do but not in the realm of perception as we know it - they exist but we are not able by our limited perception to know it. Neither you or i are capable of seeing, feeling, etc. all vibrations even though they exist. Therefore source exist whether were capable of being aware of its existance or not. This is not the traditional gods of men, this is the source of all matter and energy, and all else by means of vibrational occurence, it is source. No desires or emotions, no agenda's, no needs in the human terms of needs, it is simply that which brings forth creation.

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:44 AM

Tribo, why are you talking to funch? He has not even posted in this thread.huh

And you had me convinced that Source always vibrates and now you are saying that there are 'times' or 'universes' where it does not vibrate.

this is from his post on god having a need to create i suggested that my god - source had no needs thus my post.

yes source does vibrate at all times but there are infinite or various vibrations going on all the time and at some levels of vibration in my opinion nothing is being created. as i said to funch, its like on call but not producing at the time but always ready to do so.

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:49 AM

"Tribo" if it is unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses then explain how you know it's there ...if you can't ..then doesn't your description falls more into the realm of paranoid schizophrenia


Nope - it falls into the realm of paranormal insight.

sorry "tribo" but remember your words below


they exist but we are not able by our limited perception to know it. Neither you or i are capable of seeing, feeling, etc.

"Tribo"..that "etc".. means your paranormal insight equates to paranoid schizophrenia

that is what always happen when a person tries to make their God unseen unreachable and incomprehensible to the human senses ..they in fact disproves the existence of that God and enter delusion

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:54 AM


"Tribo" if it is unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses then explain how you know it's there ...if you can't ..then doesn't your description falls more into the realm of paranoid schizophrenia


Nope - it falls into the realm of paranormal insight.

sorry "tribo" but remember your words below


they exist but we are not able by our limited perception to know it. Neither you or i are capable of seeing, feeling, etc.

"Tribo"..that "etc".. means your paranormal insight equates to paranoid schizophrenia

that is what always happen when a person tries to make their God unseen unreachable and incomprehensible to the human senses ..they in fact disproves the existence of that God and enter delusion

you can read the rest on his post why does god have aneed to create if you want - its downhill from here - hahaha as is the usual case with funch.

Jess642's photo
Fri 11/21/08 12:57 PM

I know nothing bigsmile

...but I am the ocean ... :wink:

The tidal flow of nothingness...

the ebb....the flow....

darky and wild with white capped steeds...

soft and mirroresque...

all the tangents......

.....of nothingness.

:wink: :heart:

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 01:20 PM

Tribo, why are you talking to funch? He has not even posted in this thread.huh

And you had me convinced that Source always vibrates and now you are saying that there are 'times' or 'universes' where it does not vibrate.

when i say source doesn't vibrate I'm meaning it does not or is not producing something we can perceive with our normal senses as creative matter.[that was being directed at funch], that however does not mean it is NOT producing matter that we can not perceive. This came about from your challenging me to think past my previous held view that there could possibly be nothing somewhere in infinity. when i realized what you meant, then it became obvious that i was limiting my thinking to what i could perceive instead of what was possible to be perceived para normally or by other entities that had the ability to perceive different than us.

Even a dog or cat can perceive things i cant.

so with this in mind as i went over in my mind about nothing not existing i realized i meant nothing i or others could perceive normally - which lead to - BUT - "what if?"

THEN it all fell together that source was always vibrating and bringing forth creative material BUT it was not always possible for me or others to perceive it - just like the so called empty space between the stars etc., that we can perceive. Is there something there besides vacuum? of course there is - but we are not able to perceive it - its either to small, to far apart, or invisible or of other dimensional matter not sensed by our limited perceptions.

THEN finally i could see source as being in every dimension, universe, etc., acting just as i had always believed it acted. you removed my blinders to see past my own perceptional limitations i spoke of and put me into the paranormal state of rationalizing what source really was.

Now my new E=MC2 - is:

Source = infinite vibrations at all times at infinite levels, in all dimensions and all universes throughout all space and time whether we percieve it or not.


S = 0 [infinite creation]

tribo's photo
Fri 11/21/08 03:02 PM
Edited by tribo on Fri 11/21/08 03:13 PM

Tribo, why are you talking to funch? He has not even posted in this thread.

And you had me convinced that Source always vibrates and now you are saying that there are 'times' or 'universes' where it does not vibrate.

when i say source doesn't vibrate I'm meaning it does not or is not producing something we can perceive with our normal senses as creative matter.[that was being directed at funch], that however does not mean it is NOT producing matter that we can not perceive. This came about from your challenging me to think past my previous held view that there could possibly be nothing somewhere in infinity. when i realized what you meant, then it became obvious that i was limiting my thinking to what i could perceive instead of what was possible to be perceived para normally or by other entities that had the ability to perceive different than us.

Even a dog or cat can perceive things i cant.

so with this in mind as i went over in my mind about nothing not existing i realized i meant nothing i or others could perceive normally - which lead to - BUT - "what if?"

THEN it all fell together that source was always vibrating and bringing forth creative material BUT it was not always possible for me or others to perceive it - just like the so called empty space between the stars etc., that we can perceive. Is there something there besides vacuum? of course there is - but we are not able to perceive it - its either to small, to far apart, or invisible or of other dimensional matter not sensed by our limited perceptions.

THEN finally i could see source as being in every dimension, universe, etc., acting just as i had always believed it acted. you removed my blinders to see past my own perceptional limitations i spoke of and put me into the paranormal state of rationalizing what source really was.

Now my new E=MC2 - is:

Source = infinite vibrations at all times at infinite levels, in all dimensions and all universes throughout all space and time whether we percieve it or not.


S = [infinite creation]

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