Topic: just 51 prophecies that did not come true in the bible
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Fri 11/14/08 04:23 PM

It is a metaphor only to say you start to die the day you are born. It is not quite that simple, and that is an inaccurate statement given our current understanding of biology.

When life begins, we are progressing towards death. I don't see how that statement is inaccurate.

Also, I strongly disagree that we will achieve biological immortality. I don't believe we will ever see immortality through science. But it is a nice goal and if we ever achieve that goal, I will thank God for allowing us that power.

Poor spider, does not understand biology.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 04:44 PM

It is a metaphor only to say you start to die the day you are born. It is not quite that simple, and that is an inaccurate statement given our current understanding of biology.

When life begins, we are progressing towards death. I don't see how that statement is inaccurate.

Also, I strongly disagree that we will achieve biological immortality. I don't believe we will ever see immortality through science. But it is a nice goal and if we ever achieve that goal, I will thank God for allowing us that power.

Poor spider, does not understand biology.

It has nothing to do with biology. We aren't discussing biology, we are discussing what God said to Adam. What God said was that the process that would lead to Adam's death would start if Adam ate the fruit. God explained this by saying "you will start dying". With many processes, the process itself is described by the end result. Wash your car and you end up with a washed car. Cleaning your house until your house is clean. It's not biology, it's the grammatical way that God explained to Adam the results of eating the fruit. Before the fruit, endless life. After the fruit, a life leading to an inevitable death. It's really not about biology but rather semantics.

In a narrow view of biology, it seems that life will continue forever. But that's ignoring Chaos theory and entropy. No system in our universe is perfect. Random events and entropy will destroy anything given time and opportunity. (Every open system will eventually become a closed system and result in a rise in the entropy count.) In a broader view of biology, every organism will experience death. Death being the end result of the existence of every organism, it is grammatically and semantically correct to say that from conception, every creature is dying.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 04:52 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 11/14/08 04:55 PM
Does the bible talk about DNA sequencing? Does the bible talk about cellular regeneration? If we can clone a mouse, why not me? Why not if I have a failing heart re clone it? Or perhaps stop the failing heart by having a proper DNA/RNA sequence rebuild it from within with helper proteins?

Biology is on the front door of these concepts spider, that is reality.

The topic of immortality came up . . . I posed a way that could be achieved . . . that is all.

I thought how interesting, that there could be a god, that would in some infantile way strip humanity of immortality for wanting to understand this thing that was forbidden, just to learn it later on . .. LAWL

laugh laugh laugh

What a great joke.


You show your ignorance of entropy by stating such things. Entropy says nothing about life or death only about heat flow within closed systems. Does not surprise me however.

Seamonster's photo
Fri 11/14/08 05:41 PM

And yet he did not die on the day he ate the friut.

Like god said he would.

Actually, God said Adam would start dying on that day and Adam did. From the moment we are conceived, we are dying. Death is the end of every life. Until Adam ate the fruit, Adam's life had no end, it would have been eternal. Once Adam's life had an end, even though it was 930 years in the future, Adam was dying.

Actuly that is not true.

We regenerate cells and our bodies are actuly living until around the age of 10 or 11 then we start our dieing cycle.
So you have actuly proven the bible false.

Thank You.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 11/14/08 06:04 PM

# 1.. Is Adam Still alive? Can you tell me where i can get a hold him at? Thanks SeaMonster

it says he lived another 930 yrs.

And yet he did not die on the day he ate the friut.

Like god said he would.

Where does it say Today you will die if you eat the fruit? What does surely mean?

If i say surely we all die. Do I mean will be die this instant?

Josh_P_Rad88's photo
Fri 11/14/08 06:11 PM
ok the firt one about adam
Guess what
Adam was supposed to live forever, so seeing how he died...yeah god was right ur wrong

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 07:39 PM

And yet he did not die on the day he ate the friut.

Like god said he would.

Actually, God said Adam would start dying on that day and Adam did. From the moment we are conceived, we are dying. Death is the end of every life. Until Adam ate the fruit, Adam's life had no end, it would have been eternal. Once Adam's life had an end, even though it was 930 years in the future, Adam was dying.

Actuly that is not true.

We regenerate cells and our bodies are actuly living until around the age of 10 or 11 then we start our dieing cycle.
So you have actuly proven the bible false.

Thank You.

Did Adam die? Yes / No

If Yes, then didn't all of Adam's life precede his death? Yes / No

If Yes, then I'm right. As I've said already, I'm not talking about biological life, I'm talking about the fact that Adam's life, which had been eternal was now finite.

But if I was talking about Adam's life, I would have to point out that human cells are dying every day. Death can be used to describe the moment when an organism passing from being alive to being dead or it can be a process by which an organism dies. That process could be due to events or to aging. All organisms age chronologically, if the organism wasn't aging, then it wouldn't exist within time. If the organism is aging, then it is approaching a death due to old age. So anything that is aging is in the process of dying. An organism starts aging the moment it is first conceived. Therefore an organism starts dying the moment it is first conceived.

You said some words that I didn't understand, so I had to look them up.

By "actuly" do you mean actually? You typed it a couple times, so I'm pretty sure that is what you meant to say. Is it an acronym?

dieing...hmmm...I'll look that up...

Found it!

dieing: A common misspelling of dying that that only dumbasses use.

Seamonster's photo
Fri 11/14/08 07:53 PM

And yet he did not die on the day he ate the friut.

Like god said he would.

Actually, God said Adam would start dying on that day and Adam did. From the moment we are conceived, we are dying. Death is the end of every life. Until Adam ate the fruit, Adam's life had no end, it would have been eternal. Once Adam's life had an end, even though it was 930 years in the future, Adam was dying.

Actuly that is not true.

We regenerate cells and our bodies are actuly living until around the age of 10 or 11 then we start our dieing cycle.
So you have actuly proven the bible false.

Thank You.

Did Adam die? Yes / No

If Yes, then didn't all of Adam's life precede his death? Yes / No

If Yes, then I'm right. As I've said already, I'm not talking about biological life, I'm talking about the fact that Adam's life, which had been eternal was now finite.

But if I was talking about Adam's life, I would have to point out that human cells are dying every day. Death can be used to describe the moment when an organism passing from being alive to being dead or it can be a process by which an organism dies. That process could be due to events or to aging. All organisms age chronologically, if the organism wasn't aging, then it wouldn't exist within time. If the organism is aging, then it is approaching a death due to old age. So anything that is aging is in the process of dying. An organism starts aging the moment it is first conceived. Therefore an organism starts dying the moment it is first conceived.

You said some words that I didn't understand, so I had to look them up.

By "actuly" do you mean actually? You typed it a couple times, so I'm pretty sure that is what you meant to say. Is it an acronym?

dieing...hmmm...I'll look that up...

Found it!

dieing: A common misspelling of dying that that only dumbasses use.

Yes, I apologize for my bad spelling sometimes.
I am a bit dyslexic. And I try to type faster than my typing skills allow.
But if your going to try and just make fun of my typing skills then I see who I'm talking too.
I did not once even try to make fun of you or put you down, this is not a personal thing.
But if thats what you are trying to turn it into then I'm done.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:08 PM

Yes, I apologize for my bad spelling sometimes.
I am a bit dyslexic. And I try to type faster than my typing skills allow.
But if your going to try and just make fun of my typing skills then I see who I'm talking too.
I did not once even try to make fun of you or put you down, this is not a personal thing.
But if thats what you are trying to turn it into then I'm done.

Actuly that is not true.

We regenerate cells and our bodies are actuly living until around the age of 10 or 11 then we start our dieing cycle. Citation?

So you have actuly proven the bible false. No, sorry. You can't make the gratuitous assertion above and then insist that the Bible is false because of it. No cells in the human body die until the age of 10? And what do you mean age, aging is a process that results in a death of old age. Any organism that is aging is in the process of dying of old age, from the moment of conception onwards.

Thank You. Were you really thanking me for a service I had provided or were you being sarcastic? And then I come back an embarrass you and suddenly you want to play softball again.

But you are right. I shouldn't have insulted your spelling, I'm actually a terrible speller myself, I use firefox for the spell correction functionality. I was wrong to do that and I do apologize. But if we were to be honest, you did make a sarcastic post, which provoked a sarcastic response.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:15 PM

1.) God says that if Adam eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then the day that he does so, he will die. But later Adam eats the forbidden fruit (3:6) and yet lives for another 930 years (5:5). 2:17

well if you really need interpretation what this means is not that Adam would immediately die . but had he not eaten from the tree he would have never died

Seamonster's photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:24 PM

Yes, I apologize for my bad spelling sometimes.
I am a bit dyslexic. And I try to type faster than my typing skills allow.
But if your going to try and just make fun of my typing skills then I see who I'm talking too.
I did not once even try to make fun of you or put you down, this is not a personal thing.
But if thats what you are trying to turn it into then I'm done.

Actuly that is not true.

We regenerate cells and our bodies are actuly living until around the age of 10 or 11 then we start our dieing cycle. Citation?

So you have actuly proven the bible false. No, sorry. You can't make the gratuitous assertion above and then insist that the Bible is false because of it. No cells in the human body die until the age of 10? And what do you mean age, aging is a process that results in a death of old age. Any organism that is aging is in the process of dying of old age, from the moment of conception onwards.

Thank You. Were you really thanking me for a service I had provided or were you being sarcastic? And then I come back an embarrass you and suddenly you want to play softball again.

But you are right. I shouldn't have insulted your spelling, I'm actually a terrible speller myself, I use firefox for the spell correction functionality. I was wrong to do that and I do apologize. But if we were to be honest, you did make a sarcastic post, which provoked a sarcastic response.

point taken.

I do find your posts intelligent and I enloy debateing with people that know what there talking about (even if I dissagree with them).

And what I was trying to get at. is if there is even one thing in the bible that is not true.
Then how can it be the word of god. There are many contradictions in the bible. So why would a god contradict himself?

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:58 PM

point taken.

I do find your posts intelligent and I enloy debateing with people that know what there talking about (even if I dissagree with them).

And what I was trying to get at. is if there is even one thing in the bible that is not true.
Then how can it be the word of god. There are many contradictions in the bible. So why would a god contradict himself?

Many people have made that point, but I don't agree with the contradictions. As I pointed out, the first one isn't a contradiction. I haven't seen anything that I consider to be an actual contradiction. There are transcriptional errors and mistranslations, but they are very rare considering the age of the documents. Some of the mistranslations actually confirm the authenticity of the Bible.

Genesis 1:21

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.

In this verse, the word "whales" was translated incorrectly. The text says "tanniyn" which basically means a reptile (literally it means Dragon or Sea Serpent, but can mean any reptile). For instance: when Moses threw down his staff, it turned into a "tanniyn".

So this verse actually says "And God created great reptiles...".

Seamonster's photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:46 PM

point taken.

I do find your posts intelligent and I enloy debateing with people that know what there talking about (even if I dissagree with them).

And what I was trying to get at. is if there is even one thing in the bible that is not true.
Then how can it be the word of god. There are many contradictions in the bible. So why would a god contradict himself?

Many people have made that point, but I don't agree with the contradictions. As I pointed out, the first one isn't a contradiction. I haven't seen anything that I consider to be an actual contradiction. There are transcriptional errors and mistranslations, but they are very rare considering the age of the documents. Some of the mistranslations actually confirm the authenticity of the Bible.

Genesis 1:21

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.

In this verse, the word "whales" was translated incorrectly. The text says "tanniyn" which basically means a reptile (literally it means Dragon or Sea Serpent, but can mean any reptile). For instance: when Moses threw down his staff, it turned into a "tanniyn".

So this verse actually says "And God created great reptiles...".

these are stark contadictions. Look them up and see for yourself.

Contradiction #1
Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24:1) (b) Satan did (1 Chronicles 21:1).

Contradiction #2
In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) One million, one hundred thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #3
How many fighting men were found in Judah? (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #4
God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13). (b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12).

Contradiction #5
How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? (a) Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26). (b) Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2).

Contradiction #6
How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem? (a) Eighteen (2 Kings 24:8). (b) Eight (2 Chronicles 36:9).

Contradiction #7
How long did he rule over Jerusalem? (a) Three months (2 Kings 24:8). (b) Three months and ten days (2 Chronicles 36:9).

Contradiction #8
The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time? (a) Eight hundred (2 Samuel 23:8). (b) Three hundred (1 Chronicles 11:11).

Contradiction #9
When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Before defeating the Philistines or after? (a) After (2 Samuel 5 and 6). (b) Before (1 Chronicles 13 and 14).

Contradiction #10
How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into the Ark? (a) Two (Genesis 6:19, 20). (b) Seven (Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark (Genesis 7:8, 9).

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:44 AM


1.) God says that if Adam eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then the day that he does so, he will die. But later Adam eats the forbidden fruit (3:6) and yet lives for another 930 years (5:5). 2:17

just one, just for the sake of killing time because i'm very bored, so I will give you one and only one minute of my time.

First of all, Adam it's not a real individual. He is a character.
Second of all, your assertion is not a prophecy in any way at all. Prophecies are of a total different nature.
Third of all, the only purpose of this allegorical passage is to ilustrate the doctrinal principle that sin brings dead.

Adam is NOT just a bible character...Adam was FIRST born MAN........we are the decendants of Adam.

Read your bible my friend.:heart:

I have done it. I have asked wiser people than me, priests included. And after all my research this still is my conclusion. Adam is an allegorical character used by the sacred author to illustrate a theological principle.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 08:02 AM

these are stark contadictions. Look them up and see for yourself.

Contradiction #1
Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24:1) (b) Satan did (1 Chronicles 21:1).

Contradiction #2
In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) One million, one hundred thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #3
How many fighting men were found in Judah? (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #4
God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13). (b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12).

Contradiction #5
How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? (a) Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26). (b) Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2).

I'm going to stop here, I have things to do. You can look the rest up at your leisure, if you want to.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:09 AM

these are stark contadictions. Look them up and see for yourself.

Contradiction #1
Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24:1) (b) Satan did (1 Chronicles 21:1).

Contradiction #2
In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) One million, one hundred thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #3
How many fighting men were found in Judah? (a) Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). (b) Four hundred and seventy thousand (1 Chronicles 21:5).

Contradiction #4
God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? (a) Seven (2 Samuel 24:13). (b) Three (1 Chronicles 21:12).

Contradiction #5
How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? (a) Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26). (b) Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2).

I'm going to stop here, I have things to do. You can look the rest up at your leisure, if you want to.

I went through and read all of the explanations.
And most of them are just possible reasons for the contradictions. The only one that made any sense was #2.
#1 was just way out there.
and #5 was saying it was a translation error.
which you could use that excuse for any of it.
And #4 said they were possibly only counting cerin types of men.
If that was the case, why would it not be mentioned in the bible to that fact. You have to add to what the bible actually says to come to that conclusion.
which seem to be the same with all of the excuses.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:07 PM

I went through and read all of the explanations.
And most of them are just possible reasons for the contradictions. The only one that made any sense was #2.
#1 was just way out there.
and #5 was saying it was a translation error.
which you could use that excuse for any of it.
And #4 said they were possibly only counting cerin types of men.
If that was the case, why would it not be mentioned in the bible to that fact. You have to add to what the bible actually says to come to that conclusion.
which seem to be the same with all of the excuses.

You wanted to point out contradictions and you thought you could take two verses that appear to be contradictory and settle back, job done?

Proving a contradiction is almost impossible.

Because if a plausible explanation exists to explain the apparently contradictory information, then the information cannot be considered a contradiction.

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:20 PM
spider just see biology from a greater no beginning or no ending perspective.....

for the span of time all things are looked thru, determine the how much ability the mind has to see into infinmity, so the distance actions are carried out mentally, from beginnign to end, is directly proportionate to the WIDTH and TOTAL SPECTRUM OF SIGHT, OR JUST THE MOST AWARENESS [POSSIBILE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT IN TIME DRAWN FROM ALL THINGS IN ONESX OWN SURROUNDINGS FIRST, THEN IN THE TOTAL SURROUNDING OF THE WORLD ON A LARGER SCALE EACH DAY?

what more is wisdom, more than seeing thru the MOST eyes possible?

a dragon that came for th having eyes all around?

the HUMAN mind.........

yea, prophecy be fullfilled each second and the move silently as a steathy dragon, breathing fire that is not felt, because it is not seen......

truth must be SEEN, before it can be known as part of the total awareness of conscioius self AT ALL TIMES, not as in sometimes and not sometimes?

the ways of energy, unleashed within the mind, tell the story of how to control matter, and what does each human MOST wish for other than the ability to CONTROL ALL MATTER, AS WHAT IS MATTER MORE THAN WHAT THE HANDS ALL AROUND US CREATE, whether it be something seen as GOOD created or bad created......

just ideas unto all ideas.....peace

Seamonster's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:49 PM

I went through and read all of the explanations.
And most of them are just possible reasons for the contradictions. The only one that made any sense was #2.
#1 was just way out there.
and #5 was saying it was a translation error.
which you could use that excuse for any of it.
And #4 said they were possibly only counting cerin types of men.
If that was the case, why would it not be mentioned in the bible to that fact. You have to add to what the bible actually says to come to that conclusion.
which seem to be the same with all of the excuses.

You wanted to point out contradictions and you thought you could take two verses that appear to be contradictory and settle back, job done?

Proving a contradiction is almost impossible.

Because if a plausible explanation exists to explain the apparently contradictory information, then the information cannot be considered a contradiction.

ok well I guess with any contradiction you can just say well god was not feeling well that day, or whatever, but if you have to say well what we think this means instead of takeing it for what it actually says, then the contradiction still stands.
Because you have to make up an excuse for the contradiction by saying, I know what it say but this is what it means.
So when god commanded people to stone disobedient hildren to death,you can just say well when he said children he meant fig trees.
So yes if you just make something up instead of reading what it actually says then any contradiction can be put to rest.

davidben1's photo
Sat 11/15/08 02:45 PM
if the whole "most truth" of any second in mortal time, as it grow as all things, so is ALWAYS BEING ADDED TO, NEVER TAKEN AWAY FROM, so nothing as wrong EVER, just added more truth to, then the truth could be seen to come from a pinpoint, of the purest, most potent truth, most power truth, then being in most concentrated form truth, which shine forth thru all the world, the wake then a light, being filtered thru each vessel as a crystal, each mortal crystal then shining forth the truth thru a certain COLOR, or SHADE, or aspect, or pespective, then the truth being seen then as spoken forth thru an many peoples perspective as reside on the planet at any moment.......

but as the original truth, was as concentrated, so powerful to be able to know HOW to create world, as to know the TRUE TOTAL WAY ANYTHING WAS CREATED, SHOW "HOW" TO MAKE IT AGAIN?

so if there be a god, and there was children, and all were as children, then the total sum of all things learned from all was IMPORTANT, as who believe in god, that create anythign mortal, could believe that each thing that happened to self, all things being effected from the creation of the universe, as what man must REACT TO in all ways, having no ability to control it, so man learning then from MOTHER NATURE ALL THINGS, AS NO ENVIRONEMENT CREATED or effected by man, could not have been ceated as a first action, but only as a second reaction to environment, even so from the very first human that walked the earth as mortal, so matter how many ideas are told of what and when this first occured?

so then mans limitations were first the EARTH?

man in early days thought the earth as a boggie man was trying to HARM HIM?

why.......because it made him to know PAIN in a few of the aspects possible?

so earth to some is of the devil, or controlled by god, to punish the earth, and all religion first believe that satan be the punisher sent from god?


of course, in what other way could it work?

certainly the aspect that some believe, when speaking of all things leanred theu cause and effect, but most of these still seeing effect if giving negaitve emotion as BAD, which hide the only door to seeing wisdom, as what is wisdom more than seeing what TWO opposite create?

night and day?

hot and cold?

good and bad actions?

which boil down in simple essence to good and bad emotion, as THERE IS ALWAYS ONE FELT FROM ALL ACTIONS?

so then there are two energies, as all feeling create thought, which provide "energy", used to propell body with POWER TO MOVE, and also to pwoer thigs around itself, as alll energy felt in one, is repeated in all other things that have energy, so in all other people met?

so then how MANY total energies are there AS ALIVE OR REAL TO HUMANS?

only TWO.....good and bad energy?

does BAD energy HAVE TO EXIST for GOOD energy to exist?

was the univer and all things created first from ENERRGY, NOT MATTER?

did not ENERGY first have to MOVE matter INTO PLACE?

so then energy be the focus of the pinpoint of truth?


indeed, what else is creating?

so if man seeks to know the answers of the universe, to understand for self gain most, naturally, these are kept in safe house, unitl such time anything has no HIDDEN agenda for self?

is self agenda bad?

nothing can live without it?

so then it is only HIDDEN aagenda that CONCIEVE all the potentialos for evil, that can grow with time into evil?



if my neighbor can offend me, i am not an adult, is the directive that teach children wisdom for a child, that is clam in any environement, that lead to solving any environement, so mankind is seen as a whole to be moving to CALMNESS, and calmness is LESS EMOTION, so less FIRGHT OR REACTION TO EVIL?

awh, if one becomes eradic about some evil, will the evil be able to be solved, as emotion cloud the judgment, and made premature assumptions always, drawing only from a limited perspective that the emotion triggered will allow, as the emotiomn is tied to all things that have been "felt" by self, and retained within the memory?

so this make for a SMALL POOLE of data to draw from to solve what appears as imperfection?


just rambling ideas unto the infinite poole of ideas that the subconscious mind can unlock to the conscious mind?

tell me god exists?


if the way YOU SAY DOES NOT WORK, then this prove you don't know him, does it not?

AS if you speak the truth of god, it must happen, and if i do just as you say, and leave nothing out, and do not deny any6thing you say as untruth, then what you say must produce the results you say it will?

but then, when i speak back, and tell you what MY GOD says in response, WILL YOU BELIEVE ME?

nay......nothing that say it KNOWS GOD, heard the words of any other neighbor that sayd it knows god, and sayds something different, lol.....


so then all these combinded, woudl paint a bigger portrait of what the pinpoint of truth created as it shined forth into all the world?

INDEED, WISDOM BE NOT ANYTHING THAT DELCINE ANY WORD AS TRUTH, AS ALL THINGS PSOKEN CAN BE PROVEN AS TRUE FROM MANY DIFFERENT ANGLES, but what cannot be disproven, show itself then to be of larger attraction to wisdom......

infinite possibilites was said to be the "mindframe" of god, so if anything think thru it's innner self, where MORE POSSIBILITIES ARE DRAWN FROM, then it draw from it's own greater self, or just what be god, as what be god to anything, more than the TOTAL SUM OF ALL IT BELIEVE ITSELF TO BE GOOD, no matter what name be attached to it.......

the time of collecting all data from all peopels has arrived, and the wisdom that flow forth from what man called as ignorance is overwhelming to the conscious mind, and create things that no man hath seen except in his imaginations......

perfection unveiled can be the only thing that an end is, if there is an end, and if there is a god, as if there is a perfect god, no matter what any say ti is, then perfection is all it can create, and anything in between, was just the methhods used to accomplish, and even a man cannot make a simply cake, without having to use both sweet and bitter to create it well......

unpeace to peace to unpeace to peace is the cobblestone path to wisdom, as peace was never meant to exist always......

ooh, just about 50% of the time while mortal, lol.......

sorry, no edits........peace from a devil in sheeps cloths......

bark at the moon....

shall fundementalism stare BLINDLY AT ONE POINT IN THE SAND HARDEST, THE LINE BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE, AND actually allow ozzy to believe in good and love before it can, lol......

awh, certainly what call itself first making itself as last, to total equality of mankind, which be total equality of peoples, which be total equality of actions, which be total equality of thoughts, which be total equality thinking, which be total equaltiy of origin of thoughts, which be the passing away of some things as from god, and some as from satan, as warm cannot and did never exist, until BOTH hot and cold became as one?

equaklity of thought is confidence in all things and ways, seeing that if there is conscious knowing of a self error, in thought or in deed, that THIS be the greatest sight in the world, as the more of this is seen, the more is pass away, and lead anything to more wisdom, to solve all unknowns that self has, as what more is an error, more than some data was not known or understood?

bad in the world lead mankind then to global peace, so the bad that exist be not anything more than a big ball of good, cannot EXPAND into MORE good, less it get hit with a BAD, to disturb it, to allow it to expand, therefore good now has the abiltiy to swallow up MORE bad?

ok......really stopping.....

hadn't been on much in a while, so totally wrote way to many things, lol....

peace again