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Topic: Wiccans - part 2
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 11:52 AM

That was an interesting over view of a spell, but I am more interested in the details of what you asked for and how it arrived, (and how you asked for it.) Here is an example.

Well this particular spell was somewhat private. So I hesitate to explain the details. The only thing I can tell you is that I asked for something extremely specific. It came to pass almost immediately. At first I didn't even realize that it was because of the spell, but then it dawned on me that this was precisely what I had requested. Specifically and to the point.

It was a bit more complex than just asking for a black cat. bigsmile

In fact, it was so complex that it couldn't possibly have been a mere coincidence. There were far too many intricate details that all had to match up, and they all did. Therefore, in order for it to have been a coincidence, it would have had to have been a myriad of coincidences all converging simultaneously.

It would have been like you asking for a black cat with white paws and a white tip on it's tail, and short fur, and a meow that sounds a certain way, and a personality that behaves a certain way, etc, etc, etc.

Mine was a very complex request. I didn't go into all the details. I didn't need to. I simply ask for compatiblity, and that alone is an extremely complex request. bigsmile

So there was no need to go into the details.

All I can tell you is that it worked.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 11:58 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 11/20/08 11:59 AM

Uh, I got it, thanks James. I thought I would post a photo of my ex-husband. He lives in Florida now. happy

Your ex-husband looks like a sloth

Krimsa's photo
Thu 11/20/08 12:16 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 11/20/08 12:49 PM
Yeah and he's quite slovenly which is one of the 7 sins I think? I dunno. Anyway, thanks for the tags.

Can you imagine a male and female sloth aboard the ark? laugh

Oh all you need to use is those tags? I thought you had to post the photo on a photo type website. Gosh, Im really lacking sophistication with this electronic stuff. I was making it far more complicated than it was. :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:39 PM
I just watched Deepak Chopra - The Way of the Wizard, and - Alchemy: The Art of Spiritual Tranformation

These are excellent lectures, both on a single DVD. I rented it from Netflix.

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 04:27 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 11/21/08 04:46 AM
Yeh, I'm up early this morning, but I have a good reason.

The energy of the tower keeps showing up in my life but I have not been doing any card readings. Hence the signs come via reality.

Last week one of my old haunts in Pueblo where I spent 10 years of my young adult life working (and playing) blew up and the building was totally demolished. The Branch Inn, had been owned by my friend and lover who was much older than me. He died last year.

Now this morning I got a rude awakening at 3:00 a.m.

For some reason my Dad, (who has Alzheimer's) had gotten up and put his clothes and shoes on. I tried to get him back to bed, but he just wanted to stay dressed and he laid back down on top of the covers.

When I got back over to my apartment I smelled smoke. It was a bit strong to be just my sister's fire place, so I went outside see what was going on. The building directly across from my house was burning. Our volunteer fire department had just arrived at the scene.

The fire eventually totally engulfed the old lumber yard which had been converted into an apartment and a Mexican restaurant. The wind was blowing my way.

The structure was completely destroyed. Firemen could only wet down the homes and yards of surrounding buildings to prevent them from catching on fire.

A propane tank was disconnected and dragged to a safe distance before it blew up the entire block.

The house to the south of the fire was right next to the burning building. If the wind had been blowing to the south there would have been no way to prevent the entire block from burning.

Our volunteer fire department does not have the best equipment. Their hoses were no match for this fire. I got some good pictures. Neighboring fire departments from Lamar and Walsh came to help but it took a little time for them to get here. By the time they arrived the building was history.

They don't know if everyone got out alive.

Wow as signs go, I would give these two signs the energy of The Tower. I better start doing do some card readings and see if I can learn anything from them.

I think 2009 is going to be very interesting.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 11/21/08 07:13 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 11/21/08 07:23 AM

Last week one of my old haunts in Pueblo where I spent 10 years of my young adult life working (and playing) blew up and the building was totally demolished. The Branch Inn, had been owned by my friend and lover who was much older than me. He died last year.

Weird? Do they know what caused either fire? They were in the two different locations correct? One at the Branch Inn and then the other local to you? Do they suspect arson? Its probably too soon to tell I guess and the Fire Marshall wont always go public with that if foul (I originally spelled foul like fowl) laugh play was suspected. huh

I think 2009 is going to be very interesting.

Yes I agree.

Great photo by the way.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 07:21 AM

That was an interesting over view of a spell, but I am more interested in the details of what you asked for and how it arrived, (and how you asked for it.) Here is an example.

Well this particular spell was somewhat private. So I hesitate to explain the details. The only thing I can tell you is that I asked for something extremely specific. It came to pass almost immediately. At first I didn't even realize that it was because of the spell, but then it dawned on me that this was precisely what I had requested. Specifically and to the point.

It was a bit more complex than just asking for a black cat. bigsmile

In fact, it was so complex that it couldn't possibly have been a mere coincidence. There were far too many intricate details that all had to match up, and they all did. Therefore, in order for it to have been a coincidence, it would have had to have been a myriad of coincidences all converging simultaneously.

It would have been like you asking for a black cat with white paws and a white tip on it's tail, and short fur, and a meow that sounds a certain way, and a personality that behaves a certain way, etc, etc, etc.

Mine was a very complex request. I didn't go into all the details. I didn't need to. I simply ask for compatiblity, and that alone is an extremely complex request. bigsmile

So there was no need to go into the details.

All I can tell you is that it worked.

It's also not a good idea to discuss your own personal spells. I have heard that it diperses the energy that you put into it and can weaken it. I don't know if that's true or not, but everytime I have told someone about a spell I did, it didn't work.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 07:24 AM
Interesting, JB. Very interesting. I'd like to hear what you card readings indicate.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 08:54 AM
Here's a good love spell:

Get an amulet with the 4th and 5th pentacles of Venus on either side. If you can't afford to buy one, you can draw the images onto a flat stone. Be very careful to draw them accurately.

Take your amulet to the beach on the night of the full or waxing moon. The best time to do this would be when you can also see Venus. If you can't do that, do it on a Friday during the waxing or full moon. If you don't have access to a beach I'm sure another body of water would suffice.

Offer the amulet to the goddess Venus and ask her to bring you whatever is best for you. Give up total control of what you think is best for you as far as love goes. Tell her you offer it all back to her knowing that she will take care of you. Throw the amulet into the ocean.

Stay if want for a while to meditate or relax. Then walk away and forget all about it.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 11/21/08 08:57 AM
Uhh, I coudnt part with an amulet like that. I would need to op for just painting the symbols on a flat stone. I hope the Goddess doesnt feel like Im a cheap skate. :tongue: Any time I buy amulets I just want to make jewelry out of them.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:02 AM

Uhh, I coudnt part with an amulet like that. I would need to op for just painting the symbols on a flat stone. I hope the Goddess doesnt feel like Im a cheap skate. :tongue: Any time I buy amulets I just want to make jewelry out of them.

I agree. It was a beautiful amulet I had and it pained me to throw it in the ocean. It was only about $25 and I could buy another one, I guess. But, the point is that it is a sacrifice to the goddess. It wouldn't be a sacrifice if it didn't hurt a little. The spell worked.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:09 AM

Uhh, I coudnt part with an amulet like that. I would need to op for just painting the symbols on a flat stone. I hope the Goddess doesnt feel like Im a cheap skate. :tongue: Any time I buy amulets I just want to make jewelry out of them.

I agree. It was a beautiful amulet I had and it pained me to throw it in the ocean. It was only about $25 and I could buy another one, I guess. But, the point is that it is a sacrifice to the goddess. It wouldn't be a sacrifice if it didn't hurt a little. The spell worked.

Yeah thats true. The rock would probably not create the same sense of loss or sacrifice that is necessary for the spell to come to frutiion. $25 is $25. It would definitely be just hard enough to do, especially if it was an attractive amulet that you were fond of. I imagine it might have been the same thought process that went into human sacrificial ritual. I know that probably occurred in Pagan cultures through out the world but it seems to be sensationalized and the Christians latch onto it and like to bring it up to make Pagans appear evil. Although they tend to ignore the historical evidence that there are several occurrences in the Old Testament where blood and animal sacrifice was requested by god.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:16 AM
Yes, sacrifice has always been required. On small and large scales. Anyway, the drawings are quite complicated and would take some time and effort to do. You might find it harder to part with something you worked on like that than something you bought.

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:31 AM

That was an interesting over view of a spell, but I am more interested in the details of what you asked for and how it arrived, (and how you asked for it.) Here is an example.

Well this particular spell was somewhat private. So I hesitate to explain the details. The only thing I can tell you is that I asked for something extremely specific. It came to pass almost immediately. At first I didn't even realize that it was because of the spell, but then it dawned on me that this was precisely what I had requested. Specifically and to the point.

It was a bit more complex than just asking for a black cat. bigsmile

In fact, it was so complex that it couldn't possibly have been a mere coincidence. There were far too many intricate details that all had to match up, and they all did. Therefore, in order for it to have been a coincidence, it would have had to have been a myriad of coincidences all converging simultaneously.

It would have been like you asking for a black cat with white paws and a white tip on it's tail, and short fur, and a meow that sounds a certain way, and a personality that behaves a certain way, etc, etc, etc.

Mine was a very complex request. I didn't go into all the details. I didn't need to. I simply ask for compatiblity, and that alone is an extremely complex request. bigsmile

So there was no need to go into the details.

All I can tell you is that it worked.

It's also not a good idea to discuss your own personal spells. I have heard that it diperses the energy that you put into it and can weaken it. I don't know if that's true or not, but everytime I have told someone about a spell I did, it didn't work.

I agree that you should not discuss your personal spells UNTIL they have come to fruition. It is like telling people your great ideas. It is like letting the air out of a balloon. It does weaken it because you have let go of the creative energy you should be putting towards the spell or idea.

But after the fact I think it is interesting to share your success.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:33 AM

I agree that you should not discuss your personal spells UNTIL they have come to fruition. It is like telling people your great ideas. It is like letting the air out of a balloon. It does weaken it because you have let go of the creative energy you should be putting towards the spell or idea.

But after the fact I think it is interesting to share your success.

I absolutely agree. In fact if you used something that worked in the past it is nice to give other people the chance to try it. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:40 AM
Weird? Do they know what caused either fire? They were in the two different locations correct? One at the Branch Inn and then the other local to you? Do they suspect arson?

The Branch in turns out to be a gas leak, but it was not the fault of the owners. The leak was the fault of a city connection that was leaking and it followed a crack underground and into the cellar of the Branch inn. The cellar is located under the horseshoe bar. The news reported the place had a basement, but it did not. It was just a very small cellar where all the freon and equipment for the beer on tap was kept.

The fire across the street may have started in the kitchen but that is just my guess. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is on their way to investigate. The unofficial report is that three people died, and fourth, the grandmother, escaped. I believe I saw her last night right after the fire department got there.

Now the fire is out and the building is leveled. There is nothing left.

The reason I think it is kind of strange is because as I have learned to read the Tarot, I have also learned that this reality sends us physical signs which are messages. These two events are similar in that they were both large buildings, they were both very close to me. One was 'close' in that I have a lot of memories there and the other was 'close' in that it was across the road and I had to wet down my house to keep it from catching fire.

So I am going to do some readings on the meanings of these signs.


Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:35 AM

Yes, sacrifice has always been required.

I find it quite interesting how everyone views things so differently. Not just random individuals, but even famous authors who have written many books on these subjects.

The very first thing I have decided when I first got into all of this (even before my interest in witchcraft), is that I will always do things that intuitively sit right with me.

"Sacrificing" to the Gods is not a concept that I personally believe in.

In the case of tossing the amulet into the ocean, I just wouldn't even think of that in terms of being a 'sacrifice'.

It would be a gift.

If you love someone and you spend time making something for them and then you give it to them. Was that a sacrifice?

I don't think so.

And that's the way I would view that amulet. I would definitely create it myself rather than purchase one. I would do the artwork with great love, like as if I was going to give it to my lover. It is a gift to the Goddess. And when I tossed it into the ocean I would toss it as a gift, not as a 'sacrifice'.

In other words, I'm not doing it as an appeasement, or to pay for the spell. But rather I'm doing it as an act of pure love and appreciation for the help.

You might say that this is trivial semantics, and perhaps it is. But it's just the way I think.

Here' another example.

When I first learned about Tree Magic and how to gain energy from a tree, the author (in this case Scott Cunningham) suggested leaving a token of appreciation (I suppose you could call that a sacrifice). I perfer to think of it as a gift of appreciation.

In any case, he suggested leaving a penny.

A penny! shocked

That's the worse thing you could leave a poor tree! Copper is poison to plants. laugh

That would be like a slap in the face to the poor tree.

It's sounds nice as a fairytale, but in a practical sense it makes no sense.

If you truly want to leave the tree something it can use leave it some fertilizer.

Yes, turds can be sacred to some living things. laugh

I'm not quite that crude though. So what I did was buy a box of plant fertilizer spikes. And everytime I ask a Tree for a favor I leave a fertilizer spike as my gift for the tree.

I already have several trees on my property that I'm partial to asking favors from. So they get lots of fertilizer spikes. :wink:

They cost more than a penny a piece too.

But again, I don't see this as a 'sacrifice'. In my mind it's entirely a gift of appreciation.

I guess I had enough of that sacrificial crap from the Mediterranean religions.

No more sacrificial crap for me.

Any offerings I make are gifts, not sacrifices. flowerforyou

I also think the best way to give a gift to the God or Goddess is to give the offering to a stranger.

I'm trying to focus on as much positive love as I can. Because that's what I want life to be.

Positive love. :heart:

Yewl get no sacrifices from me.

Only gifts of love and gratitude.

The only place I might 'sacrifice' will be in diet, and exercise. That type of thing. And that's just sacrificing gluttony and sloth for health. :wink:

That's a very pragmatic sacrifice there.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:42 AM
Perhaps it is again the difference in the meaning of words. I don't believe the gods need the sacrifice of things. For that matter, I don't believe the gods need our sacrifice at all. It is WE who need to make the sacrifice in order to grow and bring to us the things we want.

The gods demand sacrifice for our own good. The act of throwing the amulet into the ocean was symbolic of me letting go of control. The goddess does not care about the amulet and it's still floating around in the ocean. But, it was a physical act that created a massive shift inside of me which was necessary to bring me what I wanted/needed.

On another note: this is why blood sacrifices are not necessary, but did happen. Ancient people understood the need for major sacrifice on their part to make a change. What could be more major than a life? However, the idea behind sacrifice became distorted and warped as these things often do and people believed human sacrifice was necessary to somehow appease the gods. Which it is not.

no photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:44 AM
I think sacrificing something helps us to let go of something inside us.

Stripe's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:45 AM
1)the power of magic lies in the ability to visualize intended goal...not to plagurize john lennon, but "maybe someday" people will be able to visualize strongly enough that they no longer need tools, or physical representations

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