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Topic: Wiccans - part 2
no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:23 AM
Was that fate carved in stone?

I guess you would have found out if you had tried to cheat fatelaugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:34 AM

Was that fate carved in stone?

I guess you would have found out if you had tried to cheat fatelaugh

I THOUGHT I was trying to cheat it!

Evidently I wasn't trying hard enough. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:36 AM
I dont believe in any pre-determined destiny. I think we pretty much create our own outcomes in this life. There might possibly be "slots" outlined for us and depending on where we go, a different result is entirely possible, although that gets kind of confusing and is subjective. JB has a better grasp on that as I have heard her explain it before I think.

Oh at the risk of sounding like Forest Gump, :tongue:

He said something that was really interesting at the very end of the film. I cant remember what it was but something to the effect that he felt that life was a mixture, that we are floating on the wind like a feather but in fact some of it is our doing.

That made sense at the time though I cant remember the exact quote. Its at the very end before the credits role.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:50 AM
Well, I think a big part of my problem was that I was raised as a Christian and people were always telling me to be patient and that God has things in store for me.

What they failed to tell me is that they were in cold storage in a deep freezer and if I want to get at them owl need to drag them into the pits of hellfire to thaw them out. laugh

Now if they would have given me that extra information I might have been alright. bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:58 AM

Well, I think a big part of my problem was that I was raised as a Christian and people were always telling me to be patient and that God has things in store for me.

What they failed to tell me is that they were in cold storage in a deep freezer and if I want to get at them owl need to drag them into the pits of hellfire to thaw them out. laugh

Now if they would have given me that extra information I might have been alright. bigsmile

You just failed that exam by not reading the instruction leafletrofl

Krimsa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:02 AM

Well, I think a big part of my problem was that I was raised as a Christian and people were always telling me to be patient and that God has things in store for me.

What they failed to tell me is that they were in cold storage in a deep freezer and if I want to get at them owl need to drag them into the pits of hellfire to thaw them out. laugh

Now if they would have given me that extra information I might have been alright. bigsmile

Uhhh, I really despise that particular indoctrination. They tell young people that God will provide a mate for them which implies its out of their hands. Its just wrong. grumble

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:31 AM

Uhhh, I really despise that particular indoctrination. They tell young people that God will provide a mate for them which implies its out of their hands. Its just wrong. grumble

It really does!

I'm not sure precisely where this might be in the Bible, or even if it's in the Bible at all, but it is most certainly is something that is often taught and believed by many Christians.

It has doubly bad affects because it not only makes a person believe that God is going to bring their soulmate into their life, but it has the added guilt trip that if you pursue someone on your own then you are actually rebelling against God's plan for you!

I certainly felt that way a lot of time. I was extremely attracted to certain women but felt that to pursue them would be to take matters into my own hands and basically be unwilling to WAIT for God to do his thing!!!

Yes, I BELIEVED that a God with a plan was REAL!!!

I know better now. There may be powers that be, but they aren't out to control our lives or decide who we should be with or any of that crap.

There is no such thing as a God who has plans for you!

The real powers that be aren't into planning out people's lives.

They're just there to help you do whatever YOU DECIDE you want to do!

I know that now. But I didn't know that when I was younger. I had been lied to and taught that God was like a friggin Santa Claus and that all I had to do was be GOOD and PATIENT and ACCEPT that God is in CONTROl and I'd be rewarded.

Well I was GOOD and PATIENT, and I ACCEPTED that God was in CONTROL.

But guess what?

He wasn't!!! grumble

People lied to me. There is no controlling Santa Claus God.

It was all a lie.

Had I been taught that I had to make my own choices in life I would have viewed life ENTIRELY DIFFERENTLY!

Yes, it was the religion I was raised into that screwed me up! I was taught that I should wait for God to CHOOSE for me, and that to CHOOSE for myself is to reject God's plan!

I was duped. ohwell

And I'm pissed! :angry:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:53 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 11/15/08 11:57 AM
Abra it might be based in the OT because people were betrothed back then and everything was arranged. Ya know, the bride's family would offer up some sheep and chickens or whatever else to the groom's family but they decided these things ahead of time.

It might be based in that and why they insist that "god will provide". huh Thats my guess but I dont know. Women are certainly expected to "accept" their husbands.but boys are also put under these constraints and I imagine amongst fundamentalist Christians, there is a number of expectations that the family has in mind for him to respect and adhere to so it becomes less about the woman he actually wants to marry but instead wrongly about whether or not shes a good Christian girl and is capable of bringing them honor and living up to their expectations. grumble

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:08 PM
My family wasn't strict fundamentalists, nor were they hard-core fanatics. They were just naive idiots. laugh

I just wanted to do the the right thing because I wanted to do the right thing. Not because I was being forced into it via any kind of fear factor.

It's just a very unproductive philosophy is all.

And I know a lot of Christian spinters who never married because they were waiting their entire lives for God to make their decisions for them.

Our chruch was full of such unfortunate people.

It's truly said. They've forfieted this life in the hopes of being rewarded in the next. Let's pray for their sake that they will be rewarded because otherwise they just wasted their friggin lives away. ohwell

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:22 PM
And I'm pissed! :angry:

But it doesn't' make sense to cry over spilt milk either, so just get on with your life and you will do fine:wink:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:24 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 11/15/08 12:26 PM
Yeah thats all pretty unfortunate seeing as we are animals. Smart ones, but animals none the less and some of us are not very smart. An appropriate mate is based solely on chemistry and ability to get together long enough to create offspring. Thats all biology really insists that we accomplish.

So that just means that YOU are in complete control of who you choose to settle down with, or have a brief encounter with or even marry. No one dictates this or outlines it for you unless you grew up in a very strict, regimented, fundamentalist religious sect which some people do unfortunately.

Or they are just dumb and brainwashed and dont know what they should do and rely on these people to tell them.

Its very sad but the best thing you can do is recognize it and move on. Now you have taken away its power and you hold the reins again where as you should have been holding the reins 20 years ago. grumble

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:46 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sat 11/15/08 12:49 PM

And I'm pissed! :angry:

But it doesn't' make sense to cry over spilt milk either, so just get on with your life and you will do fine:wink:

Yes I know.

But it's truly more of an intellectual 'pissed' than an emotional 'pissed'.


I'm not emotionally upset about it. I'm just intellectually pissed about.

What a wasted life! laugh

I'm not truly worried about that either in all honestly because I've always believed in reincarnation even before I knew what the word meant.

As a very young child I always knew that there was never a time when I was not, and there will never be a time when I will cease to exist.

I knew the gods innately at that time, long before I was ever brainwashed by any stupid religious cults.

So it's not all that big of a deal really. It's just one life that went askew, and it's not over yet. There's still time to salvage it and make that grand finale come true! :wink:

One thing that is true is that even though I'm 59 years in age I still feel like a young boy. So maybe this was indeed meant to be. I'm only just now starting out on a new voyage.

Now I'm studying witchcraft and shamanism. So this time I'm on the right path. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:07 PM
Getting back to the topic of witchcraft and shamanism though, it's a lot of work!

Truly it is.

It's going to require a lot of dedication, a lot of practice, exercises and workouts, both mental and physical.

It's not a lazy spirituality!

You don't just believe in some Santa Claus God. You actually need to PARTICIPATE in the production of miracles!

This is good though, beause that's the way it should be!

I would have been glad to have participated in creating miracles as a child.

All I needed was good mentors to teach me how to participate.

I am very grateful to men like Scott Cunningham for having written enlightening books and especially Christopher Penczak for putting together such a wonderful guru kit.

These books I bought by Penczak are going to keep me busy for months, if not all next year!

It's definitely a spirituality where you take the bull by the horns and participate in your spiritual development rather than just praying to some God to deal with all your problems for you.

It's very much a hands-on spirituality and I'm very grateful to you Ruth for having pointed me to these authors.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/15/08 02:53 PM
You're welcome James. I'm glad you are enjoying them. And you are right. It is a lot of work.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:34 PM
I believe each of us comes here with a purpose. To learn a new lesson, to grow, to evolve spiritually. In order to do that we have to have certain events happen in our lives. I think that those events or "general life path" are going to happen and are set in stone. There are certain experiences we were born to have in order to evolve. But, aside from that I don't think anything in our lives is unchangeable. It's the choices we make from moment to moment that determine the outcome. Divination can help you make better choices.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 11/15/08 06:48 PM

And I'm pissed! :angry:

But it doesn't' make sense to cry over spilt milk either, so just get on with your life and you will do fine:wink:

Yes I know.

But it's truly more of an intellectual 'pissed' than an emotional 'pissed'.


I'm not emotionally upset about it. I'm just intellectually pissed about.

What a wasted life! laugh

I'm not truly worried about that either in all honestly because I've always believed in reincarnation even before I knew what the word meant.

As a very young child I always knew that there was never a time when I was not, and there will never be a time when I will cease to exist.

I knew the gods innately at that time, long before I was ever brainwashed by any stupid religious cults.

So it's not all that big of a deal really. It's just one life that went askew, and it's not over yet. There's still time to salvage it and make that grand finale come true! :wink:

One thing that is true is that even though I'm 59 years in age I still feel like a young boy. So maybe this was indeed meant to be. I'm only just now starting out on a new voyage.

Now I'm studying witchcraft and shamanism. So this time I'm on the right path. bigsmile


Instead of placing focus on your so called "wasted" life, be grateful you finally woke up! :banana:

Be grateful you escaped the bonds of an oppressive belief system. So many people don't. So many people spend their entire lives in bondage and have to wait for the next life to figure it out.

Also, once you figure it out, have faith that if you incarnate again you WILL start out where you left off on your spiritual path. At least that is what I believe.

I must have learned my lesson in a past life because as a small child in Sunday school I saw the bullsh!t for what it was. I questioned those teachers to the point that they could not answer my questions. I also told my parents I did not want to go to Sunday school anymore. I was very lucky to have parents who listened to me and were wise enough let me make that decision, and they stopped making me go.


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:55 PM

It's the choices we make from moment to moment that determine the outcome. Divination can help you make better choices.

I truly do believe this Ruth.

However, one thing that also seems fairly obvious to me is that it's a hell of a lot simpler to seek the proper information and make those choices if you are raised and taught to seek divination and make choices.

If you are raised and taught to just be good and stay out of trouble and God will take care of you, then this is what you are going to believe.

Also, if you are taught to believe that God has a plan for you and you are not supposed to go running off doing your "own thing" then you're going to shy away from taking too much charge of your own destiny.

So even though we have our own choices, how we are brought up and taught by our parents, and social peers is going to have a huge affect on how we think.

I'm not trying to 'pin the blame' on someone else for my screwed up life.

But let's face it. I CHOSE to be good. But that choice was a farce because being 'good' in and of itself is not the same as taking CONTROL of your own destiny.

You can be the most goodie two-shoes around and go down the tubes of life.

Taking control is what's important. Not just being good.

Witchcraft and Shamanism teach a person how to take control!

And a religion like Christianity views that as being EVIL!

You're not supposed to take control! That's rejecting GOD!

You're supposed to let GOD take control of you life!

Taking control of your own life is the antithesis of Christianity.

That's the devil talking. Satan wants you to take control of your own life.

That's the Chrisitain VIEW!

Give yourself over to God, don't try to run the show on your own! You can't handle it on your own!

Well, I gave myself over to the Christian God and what did it get me?

A wasted life! :angry:

Don't take this as 'whining'

I'm not whining.

I'm WARNING others not to make the same stupid mistake!

It's a testimony against a godforsaken religion that claims to speak for God but in truth just destroys innocent lives.

It's not a complaint.

It's a testimony of what to AVOID.

Witchcraft and Shamanism are FAR SUPERIOR philosophies to live by.

I can see that clearly now. I don't even need to become proficient in using them.

In fact, witchcraft has already provided me with an answer to a spell that Christianity has denied me for decades!

The magick WORKS!

Pure and simple! flowers

And I'm just a tenderfoot shaman. :wink:

I'd be a witchdoctor by now if I had learned this stuff as a child.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:01 PM
Lets talk about purpose.

What is our individual purpose in this particular life?

I know my purpose for entering the game at large was to live many lives and experience being everything that I wanted to be in this reality, including the fish in the sea, a dolphin, a bird, a lion, a deer, etc. We even spent time as minerals and plants.

But human life is the top of the conscious chain in this reality. It is even above the galaxy aliens, who are on a very slow spiritual incarnation path and who will not advance to the next density when humans do.

My purpose for this life:

To discover your purpose you have to look closely at your life and the choices you have made. From an early age I knew I did not want to get married and spend my life with the distraction of raising a family in this life. I made the mistake of getting married twice but (I made sure) did not have any children. (Husbands are easier to walk away from than children.)

(Right now as I am typing this I am having a deja vu of typing this.. weird.)

Anyway, I believe my purpose for this life was to discover the secret of this reality and find the truth and learn the "magic" of the creative techniques.

This world was manifested for the purpose of learning how to use these creative processes. It is the training ground and it is the leading edge of an expanding universe. It is the place to find the joy of creating and it is the fantasy island of the galaxy.


inkraven86's photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:25 PM
I don't want to cheat fate tonight, I just want to cheat reality, LOL anyone for snacks and a well chosen crazy movie? LOL:banana: frustrated drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/15/08 08:02 PM
The Truth of Genesis

In the beginning the Goddess created Eve from the sparklingly starlight and the magic faerie dust. And Eve was perfect and brought forth children that were all feminine and the world was perfect Yin.

But then Eve discovered that she needed help in the garden of Eden and so she asked the Goddess for a helpmate. So the Goddess created Adumb from dust of the earth. And Yang was brought into the world.

Adumb became Eve's helpmate but he wasn't very productive. So the Goddess said to Eve, I will make Adumb horny for you in a sexual way. This will give him more incentive to please you and do work for you. So the Goddess made Adumb horny for Eve.

But then Adumb could only think of sex and was constantly after Eve to have sex with him. So the Goddess returned and told Adumb that he must ask Eve for permission and say "Yes Ma'am".

Adumb was a bit slow of learning and could only say,...

"Yes A'dam."

"Me name A'dam"

"A'dam wants sex."

But it came to pass that Adumb finally realized that if he would simply do what Eve asks she would bless him with the sex that he so desires.

Then Eve needed to clear out some new fields by her fruit tree orchard, but she was afraid because there were serpents in the fields. She asked the Goddess to remove the serpents, but the Goddess told her to simply send Adumb out in the fields ahead of Eve, to clear the way.

So Eve told Adumb that the Goddess said that he should go first out into the fields where there are serpents and that he should clear the way so that Eve may follow Adumb.

Adumb said, "Yes, A'dam goes first, and Eve follow behind A'dam. A'dam is always first".

Adumb puffed out his chest and bravely scared all the serpents away as he cleared the fields for Eve.

Then Eve asked Adumb if he would make her a crib from the limbs of the fruit trees so that when she creates new life she will have a bed for the newborn babies.

She yelled to Adumb, "Don't eat the fruit!"

Adumb tore the limbs from the fruit trees and ate the fruit thereof. Upon eating the fruit he became aware of the knowledge of good and evil. A knowledge that had always been known by Eve as Eve was the perfect creation of the Goddess and knew all. Eve had already chosen to reject evil as she was made of sparkling starlight and magic faerie dust and knew naught sin.

Adumb then used the limbs of the fruit trees to make a crib for Eve so that she could create new life.

It came to pass that a Adumb would finally learn to read and write from having been in the presence of all the intelligent daughters of Eve.

And thus he began to write his own autobiography.

Adumb wrote the following (under the pen name of Moses):

In the beginning God created A'dam from the dust of the earth, and Eve created with a crib from A'dam. Eve lead A'dam to the fruit trees of the knowledge of good and evil and there were serpents among them. Eve yelled out, "Eat the fruit!". And A'dam ate thereof and became lustful with sin. God came and said, "A'dam must always go first, and Eve always second". And so it shall be written as the word of God that society shall forever be patriarchal.

And thus the Holy Bible was born in its earliest unadulterated form.

flowerforyou bigsmile

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