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Topic: Edgy Guys ..
Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:25 AM

There are a hundred threads out here on 'nice guys' and 'bad boys' ..

What about the guy that colors out side the lines, pushes the envelope, isn't a 'yes man' but is EDGY.

Where does HE fit? eh?

Hopefully he fits right next to me in bed. drool

you got that right eh?

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:26 AM

There are a hundred threads out here on 'nice guys' and 'bad boys' ..

What about the guy that colors out side the lines, pushes the envelope, isn't a 'yes man' but is EDGY.

Where does HE fit? eh?

I'm a rebel in my soul, so a Braveheart kinda guy is the HOTTEST to me .. but I wouldn't consider that BAD. Just EDGY :banana: A RISK TAKER - stands up for what he believes and won't back down.

((((((( NO FEAR ))))))) SEXY IS AS SEXY DOES!pitchfork


I always thought that women hated genius.

Not me. I think it's sexy & challenging :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:29 AM

This is where the irony steps in.

According to the definition most people have about edgy, it's someone who:

Takes risks regardless of the repercussions.
Takes a stand for what they believe in and doesn't back down.
Takes no sh!t from any man, woman, child, or small mammal.
Doesn't follow the mainstream.
Is not spineless.
Is not a conformist.

Strangely enough, all these qualities describe me to a T, yet I've never been called "edgy.
I've only been called an @sshole.

Well actually I am the same babe. But I don't get called an a-h. hmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder why we are seen differently :tongue:

Maybe it's in the delivery of it?

(btw .. I've MET Mr. Music and he's NOT an a-h) flowers

papersmile's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:41 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sun 11/02/08 05:43 AM
i just can't lump what i'm attracted to in a simple category; maybe the most interesting of all guys has a little bit of everything in him.

personally i definitely prefer stoical and dependable over rash and sporadic.

the guy that doesn't back down, on occasion (like maybe when he's right) is one that is confident and secure. but the one who won't ever back down seems a bit arrogant and ignorant.

i prefer to see a man bend, on occasion, and do or say something that he normally wouldn't, just to please his lady love. to me, that indicates a willingness to compromise and to be compassionate.

there must be a healthy mixture of the nice, and the bad, in order for my interest to be sustained for any lengthy period.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:46 AM
A little edgy is fantastic! That doesn't preclude "nice" either... Nice doesn't have to mean weak...and edgy doesn't have to mean bad. There is a happy blend that keeps me on my toes but is not threatening- throw in a touch of that thinker/genius people have talked about on this thread and THAT is sexy as all get out...

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:50 AM

There are a hundred threads out here on 'nice guys' and 'bad boys' ..

What about the guy that colors out side the lines, pushes the envelope, isn't a 'yes man' but is EDGY.

Where does HE fit? eh?

I'm a rebel in my soul, so a Braveheart kinda guy is the HOTTEST to me .. but I wouldn't consider that BAD. Just EDGY :banana: A RISK TAKER - stands up for what he believes and won't back down.

((((((( NO FEAR ))))))) SEXY IS AS SEXY DOES!pitchfork

....thoughts. Uh, um, yeah you just described me.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:50 AM
Edited by Fade2Black on Sun 11/02/08 05:54 AM

i just can't lump what i'm attracted to in a simple category; maybe the most interesting of all guys has a little bit of everything in him.

personally i definitely prefer stoical and dependable over rash and sporadic.

the guy that doesn't back down, on occasion (like maybe when he's right) is one that is confident and secure. but the one who won't ever back down seems a bit arrogant and ignorant.

i prefer to see a man bend, on occasion, and do or say something that he normally wouldn't, just to please his lady love. to me, that indicates a willingness to compromise and to be compassionate.

there must be a healthy mixture of the nice, and the bad, in order for my interest to be sustained for any lengthy period.

Thanks for the input Lisa. The definition above sounds like the man standing next to you in the picture :tongue:

Let me clarify. I don't think a man who knows what he wants in life and goes after it is a bad boy.

I do agree bending is almost required in any good relationship. One has to give preference to another's feelings, opinions and desires at times or they become an arrogant obnoxious pr*ck. Who needs that?

I mean a spontaneous, live life to the full kinda guy ..

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:53 AM
bring on edgy......I get it......not obnoxious......well I also happened to know what you mean....because I know you.

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:56 AM

i just can't lump what i'm attracted to in a simple category; maybe the most interesting of all guys has a little bit of everything in him.

personally i definitely prefer stoical and dependable over rash and sporadic.

the guy that doesn't back down, on occasion (like maybe when he's right) is one that is confident and secure. but the one who won't ever back down seems a bit arrogant and ignorant.

i prefer to see a man bend, on occasion, and do or say something that he normally wouldn't, just to please his lady love. to me, that indicates a willingness to compromise and to be compassionate.

there must be a healthy mixture of the nice, and the bad, in order for my interest to be sustained for any lengthy period.

Thanks for the input Lisa. The definition above sounds like the man standing next to you in the picture :tongue:

Let me clarify. I don't think a man who knows what he wants in life and goes after it is a bad boy.

I do agree bending is almost required in any good relationship. One has to give preference to another's feelings, opinions and desires at times or they become an arrogant obnoxious pr*ck. Who needs that?

I mean a spontaneous, live life to the full kinda guy ..
...as I said, you are describing me well.

papersmile's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:01 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sun 11/02/08 06:02 AM
i think what bothers me about these type topics is the blanket adjectives 'nice' and 'bad'

i guess what i'm trying to say is that along with a guy who knows what he wants and goes after it not being a bad guy, can't he also be a nice guy?

also, edgy can be a great quality in a man, but i think it's a better quality in a 'nice guy' than a 'bad guy' (otherwise it might mean criminal connotations, haha)

and that these categories can just be attributes that a guy happens to have, rather than his being labelled such?

cause surely there are nice, bad, and edgy guys who are capable of living life to the fullest, aren't there? who take risks? who push the envelope?

i'm not really sure if i'm making sense to anyone other than myself (heck, i'm not even sure if "I" understand what i'm trying to explain, haha)

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:02 AM
Just keep in mind that the spontaneous, live life to the fullest type of guy has a little bit more freedoms than other guys. He wouldn't be able to be spontaneous, adventure filled, live life to the fullest type by being the tied down, and committed to a dedicated relationship. He's not the committed type.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:06 AM

i think what bothers me about these type topics is the blanket adjectives 'nice' and 'bad'

i guess what i'm trying to say is that along with a guy who knows what he wants and goes after it not being a bad guy, can't he also be a nice guy?

also, edgy can be a great quality in a man, but i think it's a better quality in a 'nice guy' than a 'bad guy' (otherwise it might mean criminal connotations, haha)

and that these categories can just be attributes that a guy happens to have, rather than his being labelled such?

cause surely there are nice, bad, and edgy guys who are capable of living life to the fullest, aren't there? who take risks? who push the envelope?

i'm not really sure if i'm making sense to anyone other than myself (heck, i'm not even sure if "I" understand it, haha)

Well I did explain I am not talking nice or bad. I see edgy as just living life to the full, and takes risks. That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

I started this thread to counter the good and bad boy threads. They drive me crazy.

You can be a mix of all 3. That's what I want in my guy. If I ever stumble on 'my guy' ..

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:12 AM
I would not have been able to travel 27 countries, around the world twice, climbed 4- 14,000 foot mountains, and traveled 2.8 million miles in a truck, and 100,000 miles on motorcycle adventures, and 1.6 million miles in auto adventures, along with my musical adventures by being in a dedicated relationship. She would not have tolerated it. She would not have understood it. I'm organized and home more now. But as long distance relationships barely work, neither do spontaneous traveling relationships.

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:12 AM
Edited by longhairbiker on Sun 11/02/08 06:17 AM
Once again, be careful what you wish for. You may not be satisfied with what you seek once you find him.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:13 AM

I'm a reformed bad boy. Still doesn't always make me a nice guy. It's all about balance. Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Others can call it what they want. The label only matters if you wear it. Don't let others put a jacket on you, unless it's cold outside of course!

I used to date a guy like your description here. He was exciting and mind-provacative. We had the best talks.

But balance is key.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:14 AM
So nice, you said it twice! *snort!* laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:15 AM

Just keep in mind that the spontaneous, live life to the fullest type of guy has a little bit more freedoms than other guys. He wouldn't be able to be spontaneous, adventure filled, live life to the fullest type by being the tied down, and committed to a dedicated relationship. He's not the committed type.

Ahhhhh that's the key. I have the same issue with needing space. I do think there is a common plane to come to though.

It's balance. I love a balanced man and life.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:16 AM
I loved Ruffles......they have ridges.....yeah!...that is an "edgy" chip.laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:21 AM

A little edgy is fantastic! That doesn't preclude "nice" either... Nice doesn't have to mean weak...and edgy doesn't have to mean bad. There is a happy blend that keeps me on my toes but is not threatening- throw in a touch of that thinker/genius people have talked about on this thread and THAT is sexy as all get out...


longhairbiker's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:33 AM
I get some women who like the adventurous thing and want to join the adventure. But have no means to follow through into play. Then they get upset when they can't follow through and dump their guilt and aggressions on me. I'm planning a big adventure next summer. 51 days paid vacation. 10,000 miles on a motorcycle. 20 states. Numerous state and federal parks. And a few mountain climbs. Cost should be around 7 grand. And I have girl freinds who want to go but when they find out I'm not buying and that its a total self sufficiency adventure- I get the "F*ck yous" and the "You're mean because you won't take me alongs". We had an adventure disaster at sturgis this summer with someone unprepared who showed up unexpectedly and crashed our planned events and ruined a lot of plans and upset a lot of people with her "Needy behavior". Its better to keep your adventure plans mum until you're gone. Don't need gate crashers or needy tag alongs ruining your vacation adventure.

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