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Topic: Edgy Guys ..
TelephoneMan's photo
Tue 11/18/08 10:02 PM

That is a great goal and you sound like a visionary Jim.

I know this though .. it's a heart issue not a wallet issue from the start.

Don'tcha love it when a person says if they only had this much they'd start giving .. but God sees their heart that if they don't give when they have little they aren't changing when they're rich in fact they'd probably be more stingy. LOL

You know the principle .. shine as a candle where you are and he'll make you a lighthouse bigsmile

So shine baby shine :tongue:

Yup, even poor folks (like me) can give... it doesn't always have to be money. One time I stopped by a coffee stand and ordered a mug of java, while taking a few sips the lady behind the counter and I rolled into a conversation. I found out she didn't have the money to buy her children a computer. I'm not a rich guy, but I do know computers. And I have a friend that sells older Pemtium 4 machines for (sometimes) $50, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and computer and all... fifty bucks. Not something everybody knows how to find, I suppose (unless tey were looking.)

So it was impressed upon me from Above that I could help this lady get a computer.

I had just came from a garage sale where I had to sell about 100 DVDs in order to pay for my credit card bills that month. It was actually quite a bit more money than I needed, so I decided to get that lady a computer from my friend.

I really didn't have the money to spend. But that's where doing something from the heart is different than NOT doing something because you're stingy, Without even a second thought, I contacted my friend and told him I needed a computer. This time he just happened to have one, loaded with Microsoft Office and everything... for $40.

I bought it and took it to the lady at the coffee stand then asked her where I could leave it. She had me put it in her car, and she was able to take it home that night after work. I figured now her kids could have a computer to do their homework on at home.

She had explained to me that she had been working three jobs, and that she just couldn't afford a computer. It only took me like 2 seconds to decide that I was the one to get her a computer to use for her kids. I had never met her before, and I've never seen her since.

Just before I left, all I said was that the reason I got her the computer was because I was a Christian and that God had blessed my life with the ability to know where to get computers for really cheap, and I just wanted to bless her because he had blessed me. I just left it at that, and when I left there was a small amount of liquid in her eyes.

Sometimes when the poor give, it isn't ten percent. That 40 bucks was all the money I had until the beginning of the month. But I figured her kids could use a computer. I'd say the 40 bucks was more like about 78% or so of what I made that week. Sometimes part of having faith is indeed living on the edge, and believing God will provide. He does, and I am lacking for nothing.

And, yes I am amazed when people say "if I only made this much, I could start giving."

The only money I have is a few coins in a coffee can in the kitchen. But even somebody with nothing can take what they know and are blessed with and give it to God to make a blessing for somebody.


no photo
Tue 11/18/08 10:43 PM
Edited by ITALIANBYGOD on Tue 11/18/08 10:46 PM
Excellent posts everyone, It's been a great read. Just returned home from my weekly car club meeting. This is a great time of year to hear of others giving to the less fortunate. Lord knows that this year with our nervous and "Edgy" economy more and more are in need of help. Not that they are homeless or starving to death, but many families are "slipping" just enough to find hard times and empty pocket books. our club has already attended 2 food drives,a One Warm Coat drive, and a Toys for Tots drive. now till Christmas we have another 7 events listed we plan to support as a club. It's great to read stories about people just doing for others just because "Something" made them..or because They woke up feeling good that morning, or just felt that doing something for someone else would make their day. I'm a Firm believer in Karma and the whole "Pay It Forward" Theory myself. I Loved the quote about shining on, that is my favorite Sammy Hagar Song!

Shine on!

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 11/19/08 05:12 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 06:10 AM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I just love the dancing bananas... LOL

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 11/19/08 03:17 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just stopping in to say hi.....no work for the next 4 days....so...who knows what will happen...I don't plan on being here though....so...hello...goodbye...thank you and good night.....Elvis has left the building....

Peace....bigsmile drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: tongue2 winking :thumbsup: waving shades rofl rofl rofl rofl

not sure why I am rolling on the floor laughing...oh well....

TelephoneMan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 02:39 PM
<<<<<<< poor of the pocket, but rich of the Spirit = Edgy

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:15 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just stopping in to say hi.....no work for the next 4 days....so...who knows what will happen...I don't plan on being here though....so...hello...goodbye...thank you and good night.....Elvis has left the building....

Peace....bigsmile drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: tongue2 winking :thumbsup: waving shades rofl rofl rofl rofl

not sure why I am rolling on the floor laughing...oh well....

why? it was the Elvis line .. LMAO

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:16 PM

<<<<<<< poor of the pocket, but rich of the Spirit = Edgy

See now. A 1-liner IS doable for our Jim!!! smokin

Dan99's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:17 PM
<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:17 PM
smokin smokin

TelephoneMan's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:18 PM

<<<<<<< poor of the pocket, but rich of the Spirit = Edgy

See now. A 1-liner IS doable for our Jim!!! smokin

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:37 PM

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Just stopping in to say hi.....no work for the next 4 days....so...who knows what will happen...I don't plan on being here though....so...hello...goodbye...thank you and good night.....Elvis has left the building....

Peace....bigsmile drinker :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: tongue2 winking :thumbsup: waving shades rofl rofl rofl rofl

not sure why I am rolling on the floor laughing...oh well....

why? it was the Elvis line .. LMAO

LMAO.....local mental aide office?

I discovered something last night....but I don't know what it was ..so....it must not have been to important....or was it too much gin in my Mt. Dew?

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:37 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

Dan99's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:39 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

usernamefayou's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:43 PM
Edgy guys?

Do you mean like the alpiners or cliff-hangers?

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:44 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

Sir! put down the binoculars, and step away from the window....and pull your pants back up....lol...sorry....had to say something...lol

lnghntr's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:45 PM
do I make the EDGY cut ????

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:59 PM

Edgy guys?

Do you mean like the alpiners or cliff-hangers?

if you like .. sure :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:00 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

you were normal til you put the horns on darlin

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Thu 11/20/08 09:01 PM

<---Me being edgy in fade2blacks garden

Hey now .. that's an upgrade! before it was just a backyard :laughing:

How about

<---this is me when i was on Judy's land?

you were normal til you put the horns on darlin

which is why he needs to pull his pants back up, ma'am

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