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Topic: i hate this grrr..(for girls perferblly..)
poohbearface19's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:27 PM
Well ok iam 21 and I been eating super healthy and no snacks.only helathy ones. but I have a pysical fitness class twice a week..and i wlak wiht dog sometimes jog i basically do alot and well ok i have a friend that is so negative never does anyhting in pe class.. how is it that she lost.. 12 pounds .. but me and my other friend..who mdo work our buts off cnat loose a freakin pound in fast i gained three.. we checked today... does not getting my menstrual period normal .. have too do with anything... i really need too too loose weight i lost 21 pounds before btu not healthy and for the fast of it i been in pysical fitness since august and gained three pounds grrrr help

lilith401's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:29 PM
Spellcheck please... then I promise I will answer. But I can't read it like that.

itsmetina's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:30 PM
It's easy cut the calories simple as that

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:30 PM
maybe you're building muscle
it's not about the numbers
muscle weighs more than fat

everyone's body is different
some can eat crap every day and still stay thin
others can look at a potato chip and gain 5 pounds

tis life my dear.
i started eating all fruits and vegetables til dinner
small dinner
i've lost 6 pounds so far
and that's without exercise

franshade's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:33 PM
no 2 people will lose the exact amount of weight even if on identical programs

dont go by another's accomplishments nor by the scale. go by the fit of your clothing. good luck

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:34 PM
I'm pretty much doing the same thing eating fruit until dinner time and eating something small then and i've lost nearly 20 pounds and i've been doing it for about a month exercise at all

poohbearface19's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:36 PM
yep people tell me looks like u lost weight.. but the scale i dont like it.. oh well... and i eat vegetables... fruits every day... iam on hte go.... all day... grr...oh well....

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:36 PM
ohwell The same thing happened to me tooohwell

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:37 PM

I'm pretty much doing the same thing eating fruit until dinner time and eating something small then and i've lost nearly 20 pounds and i've been doing it for about a month exercise at all

yay! 20 pounds in a month? really? how many dress sizes?

poohbearface19's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:42 PM

ohwell The same thing happened to me tooohwell

doenst it totally suck... grr

Tommo's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:47 PM
Ok, firstly, I know I am probably out of place on this page... only women on it... But I believe the main thing is having a good breakfast. That sets your metabolism off for the rest of the day. I eat porridge in the morning (oats with milk) and all of a sudden I can eat what I like without putting weight on. Obviously, working out now and again, but not excessively.

franshade's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:50 PM
cannot go by the scale as you lose body fat and it's replaced with muscle which weighs more than the fat.

dont forget your proteins - good luck

No1sLove's photo
Mon 10/27/08 02:01 PM
Edited by No1sLove on Mon 10/27/08 02:05 PM
I have known soooo many people who loose without eating less or lower calories. It's simple all you want as long as it's low on the glycemic index.

The glycemic index of food tells the amount of sugar that is in it and how your body will burn it. The human body is designed to burn fat, not sugar, for everyday energy use.

Sugar in small amounts is stored in the liver for use during those rare times it must burn energy faster for short dodging that car that almost hit you in the street last week. Anything more than what the liver needs in reserve for this purpose is absorbed into the body, mostly the muscles, which requires insulin in order to accomplish. The main job of insulin is to take excess sugar and turn it to fat.

The endless cycle begins here, as the body is making fat from this sugar, then stores it away because the body has plenty of sugar to run on at the moment. As long as the body has sugar to run on, it will not burn the fat stores it is saving. Note that your body already stores plenty of fat from FAT you eat, so unless you plan on hibernating for the winter, your body does not need the excess fat that your body makes from all the carbs and sugars you eat. If there is no sugar for your body to will burn the fat...burn the fat and you will lose weight...even without exercising, and even faster WITH exercise.

The majority of what we eat nowadays contain carbs, which the body turns to to lose weight the natural way, go back to eating the way your body was designed to eat. If you can pick it off a tree or bush, pull it from the ground, catch, kill and cook it, then it's what your body was made to run on. Stop eating processed foods and start eating what nature intended, and your body will look fit, run better and have no reason to produce, cancer causing, free radicals since you are no longer introducing foreign substances into it.

It is also impossible to get Adult onset Diabetes from eating naturally, unless you eat nothing but fruits and nightshades for years. :thumbsup:

Roco's photo
Mon 10/27/08 02:14 PM

yep people tell me looks like u lost weight.. but the scale i dont like it.. oh well... and i eat vegetables... fruits every day... iam on hte go.... all day... grr...oh well....

hydrostatic body fat testing..perform this test, it will clear up any confusion as to whether or not your getting healthier..losing dry weight doesn't necessarily mean losing % body fat..


Mr_Music's photo
Mon 10/27/08 02:57 PM

Spellcheck please... then I promise I will answer. But I can't read it like that.


CoffeeSonata's photo
Mon 10/27/08 08:35 PM
I dont know what to tell you as ive lost weight by watching what i eat & power walking whenever i can.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:05 PM
I lost 80 pounds over the period of a couple of years.

I weighed 280 when I was 30. I looked at myself in the mirror one day and was absolutely disgusted with what I saw.

I decided to lose some weight. I didn't do anything drastic. Didn't go into a major " working out " mode.

I simply kept eating and drinking what I wanted, just in lower amounts.

I now weigh 200...still a bit heavy. But I eat and drink what I want, and I have kept the same weight for about 5 years now.

countrybelle6471's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:12 PM
hum well the weight gaincould be muscle?and I weigh about 108,at 4ft 9in and feel better when I'm at 100 or a little less just have to count my calories..what I eat & drink,but diet sodas or just water gives me a terible I'm tring to exercise more,mostly for health reasons though

usernamefayou's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:23 PM
Coffee and apples, coffee and apples, coffee and apples.

Then punch yer head through some drywall for good measure.

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 01:09 AM
Edited by GeniuSxBoY on Tue 10/28/08 01:09 AM

how is it that she lost.. 12 pounds .. but me and my other friend..who mdo work our buts off cnat loose a freakin pound in fast i gained three..

Same reason I have a penis and you have a vagina, really. We were born differently. All people are not created equal. The other person has a penis metabolism while you have a vagina metabolism.

On the good note, you don't see chunky bodybuilders or chunky marathon runners, so you know there is hope for you. You just have to start doing weight training and stepping up your workouts. Eat MORE, not less. Eat HEALTHIER, not poorer. Work out so you sweat longer.

My advice may be offensive to some,but please take the words at face value, leave the emotions at the door, thanks.

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