Community > Posts By > lostannotfound

lostannotfound's photo
Thu 12/18/08 01:07 PM
My little brother was assaulted not to long ago in school. Another kid started hitting him with his belt buckle and left welts and bruises on my brother. When the school didn't do anything my mom went to the Superintendant of the school and eventually the child was suspended for 10 days or so and has to take anger management classes. Take it as high up in the school as you can. There is something you can do to try to make sure it doesnt happen again and have someone take responsibility. I'm so sorry to hear that happened and good luck with everything!

lostannotfound's photo
Fri 10/31/08 10:48 AM
I love photography! I'm doing it just as a hobby for now but I'm hoping to eventually start a business. I'll take pictures of anything really, I've mostly been doing animals though lately. I'm working on getting more equipment for it all too

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 10/27/08 01:34 PM
I'm pretty much doing the same thing eating fruit until dinner time and eating something small then and i've lost nearly 20 pounds and i've been doing it for about a month exercise at all

lostannotfound's photo
Wed 05/14/08 10:47 AM
mine actually change colors with my mood...right now they are hazel

lostannotfound's photo
Thu 05/08/08 01:45 PM
i dont think i could pick just one....its too hard!!

lostannotfound's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:26 PM
mmhhmmm i definitely would...not tellin who and i dont think i could settle for just one...

lostannotfound's photo
Fri 03/21/08 08:52 AM
My brothers used to say some funny stuff when they were younger...when my mom was pregnant with my youngest brother and her water broke she yelled for me to come help her..well my other brother was 4 at the time....ran into the kitchen turns on the water and yells back to my mom " the water isn't broke what are you talking about??" We still laugh about that to this day!!

lostannotfound's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:09 PM

My nephew has taught me quite a few things....lets just say if they dont want to eat something...the dog usually likes it...and the markers "that dont color anywhere else but on the paper" still make marks on the wall...and you can't get it off!!!
laugh laugh
rubbing alcohol:tongue: laugh

Tried it....didn't work grumble laugh

lostannotfound's photo
Thu 03/20/08 06:30 AM
My nephew has taught me quite a few things....lets just say if they dont want to eat something...the dog usually likes it...and the markers "that dont color anywhere else but on the paper" still make marks on the wall...and you can't get it off!!!

lostannotfound's photo
Fri 03/14/08 07:17 PM
My first...nope unfortunately not

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:06 PM
I personally think it works great as long as you can keep feelings out of it...

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 10:11 AM

Can someone please tell me why guys just stop talking to me after a while and I never hear from them explanation at all...things will be goin totally fine...getting along and everything...then boom they just stop talkin and totally disappear..and not a single word out of them after that...I just don't get it...It hasn't just been one person either..its been several...and none of them can give me an explanation...I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here...I hope someone can give me some insite as to why people do this...just doesn't make sense to me

are you talking about e-mails or on the phone or both?

both...i've only had one person do that on here..most of the guys that have done this i didn't even meet on here

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 07:26 AM
oh that definitely makes sense....that kind of situation is understandable to just stop talkin to someone...

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:42 AM
thanks...i'm just glad to hear its not only happening to me...makes me feel a little better...I try not to take it too personally but after a while its kinda hard not too

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:37 AM
oh I know women do it too unfortunately...and I really don't take it that personally when its online like I said its been 1 or 2 on here..the rest have been in person that I didn't even meet online..just doesn't make sense to walk away without saying anything...

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:29 AM
LOL yea sure...

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:24 AM
yea that's what I have been doing....

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:19 AM
I don't put any expectations on them at has been from on here but the rest have been IRL....and talking I mean just hanging out being friends...

lostannotfound's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:04 AM
Can someone please tell me why guys just stop talking to me after a while and I never hear from them explanation at all...things will be goin totally fine...getting along and everything...then boom they just stop talkin and totally disappear..and not a single word out of them after that...I just don't get it...It hasn't just been one person either..its been several...and none of them can give me an explanation...I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here...I hope someone can give me some insite as to why people do this...just doesn't make sense to me

lostannotfound's photo
Fri 12/07/07 10:21 AM
I recently just went through this with some of my cousins i was watching and we are getting my nephew into it now... We got them the beginners books they have in walmart that have to do with some of the cartoons they watch and that kind of got them interested. I also used flash cards and started with very easy small words... he didnt like it at first but i basically told him he wasnt going to do anything until he read for a little bit..i did it for about 15 mins twice a day...right now he's getting really good at reading..he also will want me to say the words for him and for the first 2 times i helped him sound them out and then when he came upon the same word again i told him i knew he knew it and he would eventually sound it out himself...he now gets mad at me for helping him sometimes :smile: ..this really really helped for me...hope it does for you too!!

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