Topic: The New World Order.
Winx's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:01 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/27/08 09:46 PM

i don't care who it is or what it is exactly but, when things get bad i will be willing to fight for my rights, we cant let ourselves get side tracked with small details all that we need to know is that we all need to take our founders advice,

those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither and will loose both.~Ben Franklin

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
~Thomas Paine

all so as stated in George Washington's, First Inaugural Address, this govt. was meant to be a Republic not a democracy.

i truly believe that a Revolution could be coming sooner than later.

there is a national militia movement going on right now, actually a militia leader from Columbus Ohio just spoke in front of congress about the militias rapid growth and why its happening.

Why is it happening?

an overextending and intrusive government...

Yeah, it'll be great when Bush leaves.

haha it'll be the same. we'll just have Obama bashers instead of Bush bashers

It'll be interesting to see how the threads will look after the election.laugh

well...if Obama wins...then the boards will look and sound just like the more will be one party rule...which is close to what's happening on these boards now...any differing usually shouted down...or...dismissed as " lack of intelligence "... It is calm here right now.

There are Repubs., Dems., Independents, and Communists on these forums. Nobody has taken it over that I can see. There used to be terrible name calling. It is so much better now.

I haven't seen anybody dismissed for lack of intelligence. I take that back. You have made digs about my intelligence.

I have ?...I didn't realize that...are you sure you're not reading what I say...with the wrong intent ?...although...I will do take your shots at my posts...and...I may respond in kind...actually...I don't think you EVER agreed with anything I've ever posted...

You tell me that I'm confused...and then say this:
"ahhhhhhhhh....a horticulture degree too ? are one talented woman ! least thats the rumor going around...LOL"

and this, "winx how old of a woman are you ?...18...19...when you get a bit older...I can only hope your that your brain, as opposed to your heart...will have more input...gulp !!...LOL"

What else? "Read and take notes"; "Do I truly believe what I write"; "You're jealous of Palin, young lady".

Whoever said that I have to agree with things that you post?
I may disagree but I don't believe that I have ever made digs at you.

guitaedreams's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:03 PM

my theory:

great film zeitgeist was. too bad most people are brainwashed from the mainstream media to question all the vague explanations the 9/11 commission entailed

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:05 PM

i don't care who it is or what it is exactly but, when things get bad i will be willing to fight for my rights, we cant let ourselves get side tracked with small details all that we need to know is that we all need to take our founders advice,

those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither and will loose both.~Ben Franklin

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
~Thomas Paine

all so as stated in George Washington's, First Inaugural Address, this govt. was meant to be a Republic not a democracy.

i truly believe that a Revolution could be coming sooner than later.

there is a national militia movement going on right now, actually a militia leader from Columbus Ohio just spoke in front of congress about the militias rapid growth and why its happening.

Why is it happening?

an overextending and intrusive government...

Yeah, it'll be great when Bush leaves.

haha it'll be the same. we'll just have Obama bashers instead of Bush bashers

It'll be interesting to see how the threads will look after the election.laugh

well...if Obama wins...then the boards will look and sound just like the more will be one party rule...which is close to what's happening on these boards now...any differing usually shouted down...or...dismissed as " lack of intelligence "...

that never works on me. I'm too obnoxious

warmachine's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:46 PM

Who here thinks that an elite few in the world are slowly imprisoning us and destroying our country?

New World Order refers to a conspiracy in which a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In this theory, many significant occurrences are said to be caused by a powerful secret group or groups. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based.

Dude this has been the way of the earth for centuries. You just notice. Perhaps it was because the adopted or stole someone elses catch phrase 'new world order' that caused you to become aware.

earth goverenments have been manipulated for a long time. Perhaps as long as we have had governments?

It is a noted fact that those that constantly seek power have a certain mental tick, most usually a psychotic form of meglomania.

Giocamo's photo
Tue 10/28/08 05:17 AM

i don't care who it is or what it is exactly but, when things get bad i will be willing to fight for my rights, we cant let ourselves get side tracked with small details all that we need to know is that we all need to take our founders advice,

those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither and will loose both.~Ben Franklin

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
~Thomas Paine

all so as stated in George Washington's, First Inaugural Address, this govt. was meant to be a Republic not a democracy.

i truly believe that a Revolution could be coming sooner than later.

there is a national militia movement going on right now, actually a militia leader from Columbus Ohio just spoke in front of congress about the militias rapid growth and why its happening.

Why is it happening?

an overextending and intrusive government...

Yeah, it'll be great when Bush leaves.

haha it'll be the same. we'll just have Obama bashers instead of Bush bashers

It'll be interesting to see how the threads will look after the election.laugh

well...if Obama wins...then the boards will look and sound just like the more will be one party rule...which is close to what's happening on these boards now...any differing usually shouted down...or...dismissed as " lack of intelligence "... It is calm here right now.

There are Repubs., Dems., Independents, and Communists on these forums. Nobody has taken it over that I can see. There used to be terrible name calling. It is so much better now.

I haven't seen anybody dismissed for lack of intelligence. I take that back. You have made digs about my intelligence.

I have ?...I didn't realize that...are you sure you're not reading what I say...with the wrong intent ?...although...I will do take your shots at my posts...and...I may respond in kind...actually...I don't think you EVER agreed with anything I've ever posted...

You tell me that I'm confused...and then say this:
"ahhhhhhhhh....a horticulture degree too ? are one talented woman ! least thats the rumor going around...LOL"

and this, "winx how old of a woman are you ?...18...19...when you get a bit older...I can only hope your that your brain, as opposed to your heart...will have more input...gulp !!...LOL"

What else? "Read and take notes"; "Do I truly believe what I write"; "You're jealous of Palin, young lady".

Whoever said that I have to agree with things that you post?
I may disagree but I don't believe that I have ever made digs at you.

some pretty harmless and funny stuff...if I do say so was just trying to break up all the serious talk on here by having a little fun...I'm sorry that you took what I said the wrong way...I apologize...and...I won't happen again...cross my heart...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:42 AM

i don't care who it is or what it is exactly but, when things get bad i will be willing to fight for my rights, we cant let ourselves get side tracked with small details all that we need to know is that we all need to take our founders advice,

those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither and will loose both.~Ben Franklin

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
~Thomas Paine

all so as stated in George Washington's, First Inaugural Address, this govt. was meant to be a Republic not a democracy.

i truly believe that a Revolution could be coming sooner than later.

there is a national militia movement going on right now, actually a militia leader from Columbus Ohio just spoke in front of congress about the militias rapid growth and why its happening.

Why is it happening?

an overextending and intrusive government...

Yeah, it'll be great when Bush leaves.

haha it'll be the same. we'll just have Obama bashers instead of Bush bashers

Nah, the same people that believe in Obama right now will stand up for him even after things get worse. They'll say Bush caused it all. Bush is the reason we have a federal reserve you know... He is the reason congress voted for this bailout, he caused 9/11 and Katrina. He is the reason they voted to no longer support the gold standard for our dollar....whoa whoa

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:44 AM
they said the same thing about Reagan

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/28/08 10:05 AM
I would love to see a revolution. Not one of bloodshed, but one at the ballot box. Vote out these criminals. (Obama, McCain, 2/3 of congress) and vote in some people who actually care about our country. Hold an Article five convention as Adju mentioned several times before.

I'm happy to see the militia being built up. They will be the backbone of the resistence. (Meaning they will be there to fight for the people in the case martial law is declared.) Hell i'd probably join it, if they were more local...

I don't understand how anyone can support obama or mccain strongly at all. I just dont see the logic. They are criminals. They have both voted for illegal acts and bills. They both preach change, yet offer only policies that support the "status quo"...

Come on, a jail cell is a more appropriate place for these two than our presidency...

Tue 10/28/08 04:56 PM

I would love to see a revolution. Not one of bloodshed, but one at the ballot box. Vote out these criminals. (Obama, McCain, 2/3 of congress) and vote in some people who actually care about our country. Hold an Article five convention as Adju mentioned several times before.

I'm happy to see the militia being built up. They will be the backbone of the resistence. (Meaning they will be there to fight for the people in the case martial law is declared.) Hell i'd probably join it, if they were more local...

I don't understand how anyone can support obama or mccain strongly at all. I just dont see the logic. They are criminals. They have both voted for illegal acts and bills. They both preach change, yet offer only policies that support the "status quo"...

Come on, a jail cell is a more appropriate place for these two than our presidency...

"I would love to see a revolution. Not one of bloodshed, but one at the ballot box."

Cant wait until all voting is computer based ..geeeee the powers that be could never wipe out or change numbers on a computer.

I'm sure they have and will.

I am with you but they already have elections set.


Winx's photo
Tue 10/28/08 05:34 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 10/28/08 05:34 PM

i don't care who it is or what it is exactly but, when things get bad i will be willing to fight for my rights, we cant let ourselves get side tracked with small details all that we need to know is that we all need to take our founders advice,

those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary safety deserve neither and will loose both.~Ben Franklin

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
~Thomas Paine

all so as stated in George Washington's, First Inaugural Address, this govt. was meant to be a Republic not a democracy.

i truly believe that a Revolution could be coming sooner than later.

there is a national militia movement going on right now, actually a militia leader from Columbus Ohio just spoke in front of congress about the militias rapid growth and why its happening.

Why is it happening?

an overextending and intrusive government...

Yeah, it'll be great when Bush leaves.

haha it'll be the same. we'll just have Obama bashers instead of Bush bashers

It'll be interesting to see how the threads will look after the election.laugh

well...if Obama wins...then the boards will look and sound just like the more will be one party rule...which is close to what's happening on these boards now...any differing usually shouted down...or...dismissed as " lack of intelligence "... It is calm here right now.

There are Repubs., Dems., Independents, and Communists on these forums. Nobody has taken it over that I can see. There used to be terrible name calling. It is so much better now.

I haven't seen anybody dismissed for lack of intelligence. I take that back. You have made digs about my intelligence.

I have ?...I didn't realize that...are you sure you're not reading what I say...with the wrong intent ?...although...I will do take your shots at my posts...and...I may respond in kind...actually...I don't think you EVER agreed with anything I've ever posted...

You tell me that I'm confused...and then say this:
"ahhhhhhhhh....a horticulture degree too ? are one talented woman ! least thats the rumor going around...LOL"

and this, "winx how old of a woman are you ?...18...19...when you get a bit older...I can only hope your that your brain, as opposed to your heart...will have more input...gulp !!...LOL"

What else? "Read and take notes"; "Do I truly believe what I write"; "You're jealous of Palin, young lady".

Whoever said that I have to agree with things that you post?
I may disagree but I don't believe that I have ever made digs at you.

some pretty harmless and funny stuff...if I do say so was just trying to break up all the serious talk on here by having a little fun...I'm sorry that you took what I said the wrong way...I apologize...and...I won't happen again...cross my heart...

That's your sense of humor? Having fun at other's expense?

enderra's photo
Tue 10/28/08 05:37 PM

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:17 PM


I disagree, it will be televised, problem is they'll be calling all the patriots: Terrorists.

It certainly does not go better with coke, but it might go sweetly with Colt 45.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:31 PM
so whats the plan? take out the government with FORCE?
how is that gonna work? it would only serve the whole depopulation plan. the government has guns and nerve gas and all kinds of psht.

its one thing to take a gun to somebody if they come to YOUR door...different to create a plan of attack.

it wouldnt serve the cause at all

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:33 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Tue 10/28/08 07:33 PM
Dear Bureau of Alcohol, Tobbacco and Firearms,

I have nothing to do with this thread

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:36 PM
And when you say colt 45, you could in fact be talking about Alcohol AND firearms!

Using force preemptively against the criminal aspects of the government is a bad idea, because that would give those scumbags the pretext they need to declare martial law.

The idea is to educate, participate and utilize well thought out activism.

My mission is education, when that becomes impossible then I'll go from there.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:36 PM

Dear Bureau of Alcohol, Tobbacco and Firearms,

I have nothing to do with this thread

And that's the story that you're sticking to.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:39 PM

And when you say colt 45, you could in fact be talking about Alcohol AND firearms!

Using force preemptively against the criminal aspects of the government is a bad idea, because that would give those scumbags the pretext they need to declare martial law.

The idea is to educate, participate and utilize well thought out activism.

My mission is education, when that becomes impossible then I'll go from there.

okay say I believe that the majority of the high ranking government officials of the WORLD are joined at the hip.

now what??

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:46 PM
With education people will start to resist the two party system making this the U.S. harder to corrupt. Education may have people DEMANDING the government do what must be done. Education is key to keep the corrupt out of power.

If people keep blinding themselves we will find ourselves in a place we REALLy dont want to be....

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:53 PM

And when you say colt 45, you could in fact be talking about Alcohol AND firearms!

Using force preemptively against the criminal aspects of the government is a bad idea, because that would give those scumbags the pretext they need to declare martial law.

The idea is to educate, participate and utilize well thought out activism.

My mission is education, when that becomes impossible then I'll go from there.

okay say I believe that the majority of the high ranking government officials of the WORLD are joined at the hip.

now what??

Belief is good, having the facts that support those beliefs are better. So what you do is: Research. Go read Brzezinski's grand chess board, where he predicts the final world war will be between Christians and Jews vs. Muslims and how the banking systems are fully planning on funding both sides of the conflict.
Go research the the origins of the CFR, what's come out of the Bilderberg group like the plans to pop the housing bubble.
They count on everyone NOT reading, so they openly write their intentions down, Whether it's Hitlers Mein Kompf or PNAC's "Rebuilding Americas Defenses".
Go watch Alex Jones documentaries, or others from Brave New Films, like Hacking democracy or American Drug War.

Go dig through what our Government openly admits they've done, like MKUltra, Montauk and other atrocities like that.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:54 PM
well its not gonna get any better with this election. its gonna get worse.
and America is going to be even more divided than it already IS