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Topic: The New World Order.
Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:57 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?
REX 84 and Operation Garden Plot... the top 2 government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom! It's already begun.

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:59 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:01 PM
goalltheway has a picture of a 2nd-cousin of mine

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:02 PM
Let's assume that there is a big conspiracy and there really are "government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom". They'll succeed. Why? Because people p!ss and moan about the government and do fkn nothing about it. The government is there to serve the people, not the other way around, rise up and rebel, overthrow the government and put people into power that will serve the people. This, of course, will never happen as people inherently like to moan and complain but are too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Act like sheep and you're going to be herded like them.

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:02 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

So you personally have gotten these files? Excellent, scan them in and upload them for the rest of us like a good boy!

JasmineInglewood's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:03 PM

Let's assume that there is a big conspiracy and there really are "government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom". They'll succeed. Why? Because people p!ss and moan about the government and do fkn nothing about it. The government is there to serve the people, not the other way around, rise up and rebel, overthrow the government and put people into power that will serve the people. This, of course, will never happen as people inherently like to moan and complain but are too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Act like sheep and you're going to be herded like them.

dude... isnt what u said borderline treason?laugh

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:04 PM

Let's assume that there is a big conspiracy and there really are "government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom". They'll succeed. Why? Because people p!ss and moan about the government and do fkn nothing about it. The government is there to serve the people, not the other way around, rise up and rebel, overthrow the government and put people into power that will serve the people. This, of course, will never happen as people inherently like to moan and complain but are too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Act like sheep and you're going to be herded like them.

dude... isnt what u said borderline treason?laugh

Isn't what "they" are planning to do borderline genocide and slavery?

Sat 10/25/08 08:05 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 08:16 PM

thank God I am not alone on this.
The wild thing is what plans have they made and already put into effect to carry out their plans of Depopulization!surprised

What plans would they be?

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It’s no more federal then Fed Ex is. Look it up and you will be flabbergasted by it.

Did you know that the Federal Government is supposed to create its own money?

Yes, it is in the Constitution of the United States. Guess what congress did back in 1908- I think it was.

They gave that power to a private bank called the Federal Reserve.

Guess what else?.... it’s freaking UN-CONSTITUTIONAL as hell to do that.

Why did this happen and why didn’t anyone say anything about it??? Read the History of what happened it will scare the crap out of you.

You know that thing called the National Debt. Well the Fed reserve charges our Government interest on all the money it borrows from them during the year. So the Government has free credit all year around from the Fed because they know us American citizens will be paying the bill come tax time. So our government is spending and we are paying the Debt and interest on the money they barrow from a private bank on crap we never even get to approve.

Right now not one cent you pay in federal income Tax is going to pay for any Government programs. It's all going to pay for just the interest of the Notional Debt. The Fed is Bankrupting our country and our government is helping them do it.

Creating massive Wars, creating viruses, creating financial collapses, Monitoring and corralling people’s movement through out society, creating energy crisis’s, food shortages etc.

All you need to do is to be able to control the creation of money in order to take over the world. All power structures in the world are based on money. If you control the money you control wars and famine and media and governments etc.

Now who owns all the wealth...well the major private banks do right.

And who just stole American tax dollars to bail themselves out of a mess that they created for themselves???

Banks right.

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:07 PM

Let's assume that there is a big conspiracy and there really are "government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom". They'll succeed. Why? Because people p!ss and moan about the government and do fkn nothing about it. The government is there to serve the people, not the other way around, rise up and rebel, overthrow the government and put people into power that will serve the people. This, of course, will never happen as people inherently like to moan and complain but are too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Act like sheep and you're going to be herded like them.
Exactly, but there are groups taking action. A Militia!

Thomas27's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:07 PM
scared scared scared scared scared scared scared scared scared scared scared

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:07 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

So you personally have gotten these files? Excellent, scan them in and upload them for the rest of us like a good boy!
Email address Big Boy?

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:09 PM

thank God I am not alone on this.
The wild thing is what plans have they made and already put into effect to carry out their plans of Depopulization!surprised

What plans would they be?

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It’s no more federal then Fed Ex is. Look it up and you will be flabbergasted by it.

Did you know that the Federal Government is supposed to create it’s own money?

Yes, it is in the Constitution of the United States. Guess what congress did back in 1908- I think it was. They gave that power to a private bank called the Federal Reserve.
Guess what else it’s freaking UN-CONSTITUTIONAL as hell to do that. Why did this happen and why didn’t anyone say anything about it???

Read the History of what happened it will scare the crap out of you.

Creating massive Wars, creating viruses, creating financial collapses, Monitoring and corralling people’s movement through out society, creating energy crisis’s, food shortages etc.

All you need to do is to be able to control the creation of money in order to take over the world. All power structures in the world are based on money. If you control the money you control wars and famine and media and governments etc.

Now who owns all the wealth...well the major private banks do right.

And who just stole American tax dollars to bail themselves out of a mess that they created for themselves???

Banks right.

Still not a plan.

And they stole money? Dude, the banks were handed the money on a platter.

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:10 PM

Let's assume that there is a big conspiracy and there really are "government plans to limit everyone the desire of their rights and freedom". They'll succeed. Why? Because people p!ss and moan about the government and do fkn nothing about it. The government is there to serve the people, not the other way around, rise up and rebel, overthrow the government and put people into power that will serve the people. This, of course, will never happen as people inherently like to moan and complain but are too lazy and complacent to do anything about it. Act like sheep and you're going to be herded like them.
Exactly, but there are groups taking action. A Militia!

Like the A-Team?

talldub's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:10 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

So you personally have gotten these files? Excellent, scan them in and upload them for the rest of us like a good boy!
Email address Big Boy?

Upload them so we can all look at them little boy!

Sat 10/25/08 08:17 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

So you personally have gotten these files? Excellent, scan them in and upload them for the rest of us like a good boy!
Email address Big Boy?

Upload them so we can all look at them little boy!

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It’s no more federal then Fed Ex is. Look it up and you will be flabbergasted by it.

Did you know that the Federal Government is supposed to create its own money?

Yes, it is in the Constitution of the United States. Guess what congress did back in 1908- I think it was.

They gave that power to a private bank called the Federal Reserve.

Guess what else?.... it’s freaking UN-CONSTITUTIONAL as hell to do that.

Why did this happen and why didn’t anyone say anything about it??? Read the History of what happened it will scare the crap out of you.

You know that thing called the National Debt. Well the Fed reserve charges our Government interest on all the money it borrows from them during the year. So the Government has free credit all year around from the Fed because they know us American citizens will be paying the bill come tax time. So our government is spending and we are paying the Debt and interest on the money they barrow from a private bank on crap we never even get to approve.

Right now not one cent you pay in federal income Tax is going to pay for any Government programs. It's all going to pay for just the interest of the Notional Debt. The Fed is Bankrupting our country and our government is helping them do it.

Creating massive Wars, creating viruses, creating financial collapses, Monitoring and corralling people’s movement through out society, creating energy crisis’s, food shortages etc.

All you need to do is to be able to control the creation of money in order to take over the world. All power structures in the world are based on money. If you control the money you control wars and famine and media and governments etc.

Now who owns all the wealth...well the major private banks do right.

And who just stole American tax dollars to bail themselves out of a mess that they created for themselves???

Banks right.

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:25 PM
Wake up or go back to sleep...see what happens...


...proof is out there everyday! All you have to do is open your eyes. There's more to the New World Order. The Elite is the Illuminati and Free Masons. See how many upside down stars, triangles, owls, all seeing eyes, and torches, you see in everyday life just walking about or driving. See how coincidental the number 13 and 33 pop up on the dollar bill. And how coincidental the dollar bill even says "NEW WORLD ORDER" on the back of it.

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:31 PM
The time of the 9 has begun..........

Thomas27's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:32 PM

The time of the 9 has begun..........


Sat 10/25/08 08:36 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 08:39 PM

thank God I am not alone on this.
The wild thing is what plans have they made and already put into effect to carry out their plans of Depopulization!surprised

What plans would they be?

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is a private bank? It’s no more federal then Fed Ex is. Look it up and you will be flabbergasted by it.

Did you know that the Federal Government is supposed to create it’s own money?

Yes, it is in the Constitution of the United States. Guess what congress did back in 1908- I think it was. They gave that power to a private bank called the Federal Reserve.
Guess what else it’s freaking UN-CONSTITUTIONAL as hell to do that. Why did this happen and why didn’t anyone say anything about it???

Read the History of what happened it will scare the crap out of you.

Creating massive Wars, creating viruses, creating financial collapses, Monitoring and corralling people’s movement through out society, creating energy crisis’s, food shortages etc.

All you need to do is to be able to control the creation of money in order to take over the world. All power structures in the world are based on money. If you control the money you control wars and famine and media and governments etc.

Now who owns all the wealth...well the major private banks do right.

And who just stole American tax dollars to bail themselves out of a mess that they created for themselves???

Banks right.

Still not a plan.

And they stole money? Dude, the banks were handed the money on a platter.

Who owns the Major Private Banks in the world my man? If you look deep enough you will see names of state and royalty and governments. Families that go back generations. Rockefeller Rothschild etc. Same players same robber barons just a new day is all.

You think the Kings and Queens, the elites of history were just people in high school history books. Do you think that these family just faded away through time?

Don’t fool yourself the Elites are still around and to them we are still just peasant mongrels.

Look at the Divisions that are created in our country. They don’t just happen …someone is always stoking the fire.

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:36 PM

What is the standard for research on this project?

You just have to be paranoid and be willing to believe every conspiracy theory
Actually, you can either do that or you can actually find proof by getting ahold of the files yourself to back everything up.

Or you can sit back and wait to see if it's true!:thumbsup:

So you personally have gotten these files? Excellent, scan them in and upload them for the rest of us like a good boy!
Email address Big Boy?

Upload them so we can all look at them little boy!
Hey, I straight up said you want the proof I have it. It ain't that easy to just upload all the information I have onthis site. LMAO, little boy? I actually send out this information to anyone that wants the information. I could care less what you think or whether or not you believe it or not. Am I a conspiracy buff, no. I found some sh!t by mistake, while working on a project for something else. Do I give a sh!t what you think...no. But, seeing I do believe there is more to this subject than what most people think because I actually found proof accidentily not even knowing anything about it or looking for it; I feel, like you every one is entitled to an opinion, whether it's real or not. I just think people may want to know some of the sh!t you are seeing drawn up in the conspiracy theories out there are true. Am I going to be ready when the sh!t hits the fan...yes. Do I care if you are...not really. So, like I said, you want the proof, send me your email address. You don't, I don't give a sh!t. Thanks for playing!

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