Topic: The New World Order.
catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 07:58 PM

And when you say colt 45, you could in fact be talking about Alcohol AND firearms!

Using force preemptively against the criminal aspects of the government is a bad idea, because that would give those scumbags the pretext they need to declare martial law.

The idea is to educate, participate and utilize well thought out activism.

My mission is education, when that becomes impossible then I'll go from there.

okay say I believe that the majority of the high ranking government officials of the WORLD are joined at the hip.

now what??

Belief is good, having the facts that support those beliefs are better. So what you do is: Research. Go read Brzezinski's grand chess board, where he predicts the final world war will be between Christians and Jews vs. Muslims and how the banking systems are fully planning on funding both sides of the conflict.
Go research the the origins of the CFR, what's come out of the Bilderberg group like the plans to pop the housing bubble.
They count on everyone NOT reading, so they openly write their intentions down, Whether it's Hitlers Mein Kompf or PNAC's "Rebuilding Americas Defenses".
Go watch Alex Jones documentaries, or others from Brave New Films, like Hacking democracy or American Drug War.

Go dig through what our Government openly admits they've done, like MKUltra, Montauk and other atrocities like that.

research is great, Ive done my share..not as much as you perhaps..but it truly makes my head hurt and I have other things going on inb my life.

I will say that I personally think the UN is a bad bad thing for us to be involved in. Its crooked to the core perhaps.

I think all these viruses, AIDs and everything is manmade....survival of the smartest and fittest is KEY.

The war on crime and drugs is bogus. generally u talk to a street cop...and they dont care. the court system is corrupt and about money..purely MONEY.

and the present day just kinda matter HOW much money their parents make

dicimus01's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:00 PM
Youtube: Debt is Money. It explains a lot in pretty simple tirms.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:01 PM
Actually, this election is the perfect chance to smash pandoras box. It provides the opportunity to show exactly how quick McCain and Obama worked together to make certain that the American people didn't get to hear any other voices during the debates. It shows how both sides are spouting rhetoric without any substance and thanks to Dr.Paul/Kucinich and a few others, we get to see what it could be like if we started voting with our minds/hearts and not accepting what the T.V. tells us.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:03 PM

Actually, this election is the perfect chance to smash pandoras box. It provides the opportunity to show exactly how quick McCain and Obama worked together to make certain that the American people didn't get to hear any other voices during the debates. It shows how both sides are spouting rhetoric without any substance and thanks to Dr.Paul/Kucinich and a few others, we get to see what it could be like if we started voting with our minds/hearts and not accepting what the T.V. tells us.

drinker drinker drinker drinker

More and more are becoming aware...

Unfortunately the majority are still brainwashed...

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:04 PM
it is unrealistic to think that somebody other than mccain or obama is gonna walk away next week with the presidency.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:13 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Tue 10/28/08 08:14 PM
most important position in the US.....the PRESIDENT

in your state...the governors.

they are less likely to be corrupt. i like my governor right now. My state is doing good and even prospering. building auto plants, new football stadiums, the downtown streets are mostly filled with college kids.

the ghetto...well its chaos... they live by the law of the streets there. Good luck changing that.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:13 PM
That's true, but only because the majority only started opening their eyes up after that criminal bailout.

If the bailout had happened during the Primaries, this would be a different situation. McCain would never have gotten past Nevada, it would have been a Romney/Paul battle for the Reps and it you wouldn't have seen the smooth Obama, it would have been between Richardson/Kucinich, because Edwards would have been done the minute that the affair came to light.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:16 PM
its all planned though. they control the bailout and the timing of it.

and i betcha anything SOME PEOPLE already truly know who the president will be....and what impact he will have on US.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:18 PM
You'd be correct, do you remember when the reporters were all pissed off during the Primaries, because they were lied to by Obama staffers and they got on a plane and flew off, but he disappeared for a day or so?


catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:22 PM
well WHOEVER wins.......does not have our best interests at heart.

I used to swear it was gonna be hillary...keep on this bush/clinton made sense...a DYNASTY of sorts... i was obviously wrong

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:24 PM

You'd be correct, do you remember when the reporters were all pissed off during the Primaries, because they were lied to by Obama staffers and they got on a plane and flew off, but he disappeared for a day or so?


no i dont...I didnt really think Obama stood a chance in primaries.. my bets were on clinton/romney
and what is bilderberg??? sounds suspiciouslly like my own last name, lol

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:26 PM
It became obvious that the American people were catching on, the switch was made, I think, to Obama, A:because he's slick, not unlike Bill Jeff. B: Because he's a minority, if anyone gets to loud in their criticisms of what he's doing, they can instantly be marginilized with one word:Rascist. I've seen some things awful dang close to that go on right here on this site, in fact, when someone brought up Obama's birth certificate, the Race card got played, Mrs.Obama certainly hasn't had any trouble playing that card herself either.

Don't rule out a JFK situation that seals the deal for the Martial Law either.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 10/28/08 08:31 PM
ooo Ive been called a rascist before. and I am so not a rascist its not even funny. it does irk me that some people really got it in their head..obama will save us now....BUT RALLY i THINK omg DO U REALLY WANT TO THINK THE PRESIDENT IS GONNA save YOU!!!!!!!

i see the jfk thing happenning..and when it does I see more division.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:00 PM
If Obama receives the JFK treatment from the Globalists, then division will be the least of this countries problems.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/29/08 12:03 PM

ooo Ive been called a rascist before. and I am so not a rascist its not even funny. it does irk me that some people really got it in their head..obama will save us now....BUT RALLY i THINK omg DO U REALLY WANT TO THINK THE PRESIDENT IS GONNA save YOU!!!!!!!

i see the jfk thing happenning..and when it does I see more division.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker


I think that's why i get so strung up about Obama. People see him as our "savior" or something to that effect. It seems many do not see past his charisma...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 10/29/08 12:06 PM
Edited by thePatriot on Wed 10/29/08 12:10 PM


I disagree, it will be televised, problem is they'll be calling all the patriots: Terrorists.

It certainly does not go better with coke, but it might go sweetly with Colt 45.

Or my Polish AK74 with 5.45x39's when rights and your family come under seige i believe it is perfectly reasonable to us erthe required force to protect your country,family ,beliefs and Rights.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/29/08 12:15 PM


I disagree, it will be televised, problem is they'll be calling all the patriots: Terrorists.

It certainly does not go better with coke, but it might go sweetly with Colt 45.

Or my Polish AK74 with 5.45x39's

They way i see it, is every law enforcement officer, every congressmen, and every soldier took a vow to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. This comes even before the need to follow orders from anybody, to include the president of the United States.

Hopefully, many would take their position amongst the people before following orders to carry out martial law, and instead turn it on washington...

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:06 PM

You'd be correct, do you remember when the reporters were all pissed off during the Primaries, because they were lied to by Obama staffers and they got on a plane and flew off, but he disappeared for a day or so?


no i dont...I didnt really think Obama stood a chance in primaries.. my bets were on clinton/romney
and what is bilderberg??? sounds suspiciouslly like my own last name, lol

This is the story on Obama's disappearing act, funny, because last I knew, when you lied to someone, got them in a vehicle based on those lies and took off, you were kidnapping people, but thats exactly what Obama's staffers did to the press.

First, this was the first article on the list, I assure you it isn't some Faux news conspiracy, it can also be found on CNN,MSNBC and others.
Second, The official story was that the Clintons met at someones house, to have a meeting... whatever, reporters who had Bilderberg staked out, reported those 2 went there.

Now on to What is Bilderberg.

Bilderberg is where the real rulers, the tyrants go to carve this planet up a little thinner amongst themselves.

The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg conference is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media, and politics.

The elite group meets annually at exclusive, four or five-star resorts throughout the world, normally in Europe, once every four years in the United States or Canada.
Guess what coincides with their every 4 years visit to N. America?

It started with Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, who was a noted Nazi ally and sympathizer. The name Bilderberg comes from the Luxury hotel in the Netherlands by the same name, where they held the first meeting.

Bilderberg: Its Long and Secret History

American Free Press | May 19 2004

The roots of Bilderberg go back centuries, when international moneychangers would secretly manipulate the economy to enrich themselves and enslave ordinary people.

The Rothchilds of Britain and Europe have met secretly with other financiers for centuries, as did the Rockefellers of America.

In the beginning, the Rothchilds were "Red Shields" because of the ornament on their door and the Rockefellers of Germany were "Rye Fields" because of their crops.

One of the most significant such meetings took place in the spring of 1908, led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller's given name. It was held on Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast.

The late B.C Forbes, editor of Forbes magazine, reported what transpired at this meeting of the world's wealthy. With Aldrich were Henry Davidson, of J.P. Morgan and Co.' Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank; Paul Warburg, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., and A. Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the treasury.

They emerged from this secret meeting with a plan for "a scientific currency system for the United States." They had the power to pressure Congress into establishing the Federal Reserve Board, a private group of bankers who meet to shape the money supply.

But in 1954, the international financiers decided that the world had become so small and their interests intersected so often, that they must have regular, annual meetings. That year they met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, and took the name "Bilderberg" for themselves.

They have met behind sealed-off walls and armed guards at plush resorts ever since. Secrecy prevailed briefly, until the late journalist, Westbrook Peglet, exposed Bilderberg in 1957. However, Chatham House rules have remained in effect, whereby meeting are held privately and attendees are prohibited from talking on the record about what transpired.

Pegler devoted two of his nationally syndicated columns to Bilderberg in April 1957, although he did not know the group's name.


Something very mysterious is going on when a strange assortment of 67 self-qualified, polyglot designers and arbiters of the economic and political fate of our western world go into a secret huddle on an island off Brunswick, Ga., and not a word gets into the popular press beyond a little, routine AP story," Pegler wrote.

Pegler reported that Ralph McGill, the late editor of The Atlanta Constitution and Arthur Hayes Sulzberget, publisher of The New York Times, had attended on their promise of secrecy. Since, the publisher and associate editor of The Washington Post, Donald Graham and Jimmy Lee Hoagland, respectively, have been regular participants. All network news channels have attended these meetings. All promise to abide by the rule of secrecy.

Bilderberg, which typically meets at a luxury resort near a small town - this year's meeting is in Stresa, a town in Italy of fewer than 5,000 population - provides a short "press release" to the local paper - preferably a weekly. It is designed to reassure natives as armed guards arrive, motorcades roar by, yachts dock and helicopters land, delivering unidentified people behind closed-off walls.

The "press release" is the same each year, only the site and dates are updated. It says individuals will meet privately to do nothing for three days. Otherwise, they try to impose a complete blackout.

The blackout is virtually complete in the United States. When giant newspapers and broadcast outlets say they do not want the word "Bilderberg" to appear, the pressure on Associated Press is obvious; they are the biggest customers, paying far more than a small-circulation local paper.

Small-city papers depend on AP for all out-of-town news, even for their state legislative coverage. They run hard to stay ahead of the city council and high school football team. Unless informed directly, they have no knowledge that Bilderberg exists.

While Bilderberg denies its meetings are significant, the record proves otherwise. The now defunct Spotlight wrote advance stories on the end of the Cold War, the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain and of President George Bush the Elder's breaking of his pledge to raise taxes based on what transpired among Bilderbergers.

More recently, while the mainstream media in 2002 was asserting that the invasion of Iraq would come by late summer or early fall, American Free Press reported that there would be no aggression until 2003. The war began in March 2003.

Learning what transpires at Bilderberg can provide a glimpse of what the future holds.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/30/08 08:46 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 10/30/08 08:48 AM
The Clinton's, the Bush's and the Rockefellers are proven to be members of this group... Not sure how many other members of Congress are in it...

This is the history channnel's story on the group...

warmachine's photo
Fri 10/31/08 06:26 PM

The Clinton's, the Bush's and the Rockefellers are proven to be members of this group... Not sure how many other members of Congress are in it...

This is the history channnel's story on the group...

Thats a pretty good history, even though it's kinda whitewashed. Jim Tucker has been following these folks for about 30 years, He's my source for the Bilderbergers and what they plan to do to us.