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Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:14 AM


If a woman refers to you as ornery or cheeky...and is smiling when she says it...is that a compliment or not?

AND if a man calls you cheeky when he's looking at your butt...is it a compliment or an insult regardless of whether or not he's smiling?

No idea. I have never called anyone, male or female, cheeky....lol

star1972's photo
Wed 10/29/08 02:39 PM
hey u guy............
i cant think of a question so my question is....
whats my question?????

hope ur good hun :tongue:

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 10/29/08 04:07 PM

Will Hollywood ever come out with a live action feature of Mighty Mouse?

KymmieSue's photo
Wed 10/29/08 06:30 PM
just wanted to say hi, i've missed the bondage bear. ok so i missed everyone else too. hopefully i will be back soon.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 10/29/08 06:38 PM
Hi KymmieSue! Hope you are doing great! Miss you on this thread!

KymmieSue's photo
Wed 10/29/08 06:42 PM

Hi KymmieSue! Hope you are doing great! Miss you on this thread!

i'm at my daughters right now, hopefully i will be back in a couple days.

missed everyone here too.

dont let him flip without me.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 10/29/08 06:43 PM

Hi KymmieSue! Hope you are doing great! Miss you on this thread!

i'm at my daughters right now, hopefully i will be back in a couple days.

missed everyone here too.

dont let him flip without me.

Come up with some questions, babe! It's lonely trying to think of them without you!

KymmieSue's photo
Wed 10/29/08 06:45 PM

Hi KymmieSue! Hope you are doing great! Miss you on this thread!

i'm at my daughters right now, hopefully i will be back in a couple days.

missed everyone here too.

dont let him flip without me.

Come up with some questions, babe! It's lonely trying to think of them without you!

i will have a long list when i get back. i promise

galendgirl's photo
Wed 10/29/08 07:22 PM
Then I guess I have to post alone for now...SO:

Who do priests go to for confession?

Why do we water the grass to make it green and tall after we mow it because it's gotten too high?

What's they purpose of a urinal cake and how many calories does it have? (honest...I've just heard tell...never witnessed personally!)

Who records that scary standard voice that comes prerecorded on answering machines?

What is the purpose of a toe ring?

Why do Rocky Mountain Oysters SOUND like something that should be seafood & delicious?

Why don't SLIPpers make us fall down?

Why don't women's SLIPs make us fall down...(or is it about the lingere falling down? I'm so confused!)

Is gator-aide made of reptiles??? and really...who does it aide?

Clowns...funny faces or nightmare material? (I do have an opinion on this one...)

Do baby-back ribs come from babies??? from backs??? (ewwww.....)

When I cook with wine, do I have to actually put it in the food?

Why is the sky blue?

Why is a yogi not always a bear?

Who invented the stapler?

Why don't digital photos look like numbers?

Does a tisket a tasket mean the basket HAS to be green and yellow??? What do you sing if it's just rattan color?

Why does autumn have a second name (fall) and the rest of the seasons have just one name?

Do real mean eat quiche or was that a marketing ploy?

Why is it blue for boys/pink for girls...couldn't it have been the other way around and why those two colors?

Are rats just mice on growth hormones?

How much beer does it take to make a frat-boy try to swallow a goldfish?

Have fun, babe!laugh

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:35 PM

hey u guy............
i cant think of a question so my question is....
whats my question?????

hope ur good hun :tongue:

Why is it that " bollocks " is defined as bullsh*t....but yet...The Dog's Bollocks is a good thing???

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:36 PM


Will Hollywood ever come out with a live action feature of Mighty Mouse?

We can only hope and pray that they don't.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:36 PM

just wanted to say hi, i've missed the bondage bear. ok so i missed everyone else too. hopefully i will be back soon.


* this place definitely needs a hug smiley *

carolanne58's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:44 PM
Justaguy;If we call an orange, an orange, because they are orange then how come we don't call a banana yellow?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:53 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Wed 10/29/08 08:54 PM

Then I guess I have to post alone for now...SO:

Who do priests go to for confession?

Anton LeVey

Why do we water the grass to make it green and tall after we mow it because it's gotten too high?

It's one of those anal retentive things that humans are so good at. Wanna see a local Nazi?? Go find the president of the nearest Home Owner's Association.

What's they purpose of a urinal cake and how many calories does it have? (honest...I've just heard tell...never witnessed personally!)

They are for deodorizing and anti bacterial purposes. They taste too much like rice cakes to be edible....so I have heard.

Who records that scary standard voice that comes prerecorded on answering machines?

Oddly enough, it's the same woman that can be found on the other end of the phone sex line.

What is the purpose of a toe ring?

To give men one more piece of jewelry that they have to buy.

Why do Rocky Mountain Oysters SOUND like something that should be seafood & delicious?

To fool the unsuspecting gullible drunks.

Why don't SLIPpers make us fall down?

Ummmm....because if they were called STICKers...they wouldn't sell very many.

Why don't women's SLIPs make us fall down...(or is it about the lingere falling down? I'm so confused!)

Not sure about the slips. Not sure about the lingerie either for that matter. After all...it's not like it " linger "s for very long on the woman wearing it in most cases. : scratches head :

Is gator-aide made of reptiles??? and really...who does it aide?

Well...it sure isn't " aide "ing those poor gators.

Clowns...funny faces or nightmare material? (I do have an opinion on this one...)

Clowns....funny faces....but yet....kinda creepy.

Do baby-back ribs come from babies??? from backs??? (ewwww.....)

You say " ewww "....just think of all those babies walking around without ribs....

When I cook with wine, do I have to actually put it in the food?

Not necessarily. Red wine doesn't go with fish after all. :-)

Why is the sky blue?

Because God hadn't figured out Mauve when he made it.

Why is a yogi not always a bear?

For the same reason that a boo boo isn't.

Who invented the stapler?

Some dude with WAY too much time on his hands.

Why don't digital photos look like numbers?

Because ones and zeros just don't have the same effect as a nice set of.....ummm....never mind....lol

Does a tisket a tasket mean the basket HAS to be green and yellow??? What do you sing if it's just rattan color?

That would be " A tisket a tasket...a badly colored basket "

Why does autumn have a second name (fall) and the rest of the seasons have just one name?

Fall/Autumn is pretty dreary. They had to do something to spice things up a bit.

Do real mean eat quiche or was that a marketing ploy?


Why is it blue for boys/pink for girls...couldn't it have been the other way around and why those two colors?

A long time ago, blue and pink were the ONLY colors ( just go with me here ) and people just picked blue for boys because it looked more " manly ". How that made sense since I have yet to see a " manly " looking baby is beyond me.

Are rats just mice on growth hormones?

Nope. They are just freaks of nature. Kinda like the rodent version of NBA players.

How much beer does it take to make a frat-boy try to swallow a goldfish?

Depends on if he's just a pledge or a member of the frat.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:54 PM

Justaguy;If we call an orange, an orange, because they are orange then how come we don't call a banana yellow?

Because there are a couple of other yellow fruits. No other fruit is orange ( that I know of ). :-)

galendgirl's photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:01 PM
Well, given that I think I did my fair share of supporting my favorite thread tonight (and am SPENT)...I'm calling it a night.

Sweet dreams, folks!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:02 PM

Well, given that I think I did my fair share of supporting my favorite thread tonight (and am SPENT)...I'm calling it a night.

Sweet dreams, folks!

My fingers are EXHAUSTED from answering all that...lmao

Sleep well.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 10/30/08 12:25 AM
Ok folks. Time for me to head out.

As always, keep the questions coming. :)

As we always say...

Don't ask just any guy. Ask JustAGuy

Sleep well everyone. :-)

star1972's photo
Thu 10/30/08 01:39 PM
so guy.......................
will i have a good time saturday night????
what do u think will happen???????

lovin ur work blushing

galendgirl's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:21 PM
Okay...tonight's first offering :)

Why do cats purr?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop?

Why do we think owls are wise? (when we've got JustAGuy!)

Can you really freeze your face in funny expressions?

What is the favorite JustAGuy PC game?

Why are there so many styles of underwear?

Why are a donkey and an elephant the symbols of the two major political parties?

Why does the bread always land on the floor butter side down?

Is the wind really called Maria? By whom?

We talk about Murphy's Law..who WAS he?

Two...to...too.. why do we have homonyms?

How much wood CAN a woodchuck chuck?

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